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Itchy inflamed hair follicles?:(


I've been noogling for almost 2 weeks now on and off due to my schedule but usually every other day. I've noticed I've got itchy red inflamed hair follicles on only the outsides of my boobs. I'm using the medium foam rings and I use cocoa butter to lube them up. But I think I might be too sensitive to the cocoa butter since my pores clog easily. So I switched it to Vitamin E lotion.

What should I do to get rid of the ugly red dots?Sad also is it because my pores got clogged (I don't always have time to rinse my boobs after noogling) or because I'm pumping too hard?

Have you been covering up your breasts soon after noogling? If so are you using 100% cotton fabrics? I think your pores are getting clogged because I did that after massaging one day and I got little bumps on the sides, they were itchy as hell too.

Yeah usually I have to go somewhere after so I put on a bra but then it gets itchy and I get those bumps. Should I wash the lotion right off after?

you could try a sugar or baking soda scrub when you shower

yes do a gentle sugar scrub on your boobs . rise of with warm water dont burn your boobs just warm water . it will do your boobs good . It helps me alot . but if they are elevated bumps standing out the size of pimples dont do the sugar scrub you will just irritate them more and may leave a scar . rather dap them with surgical alcohol to dry them out . after they are away you can use sugar scrub twice a week to prevent it from happening again . Ooo and yes wipe leftover moisture of you boobs after you pumped wuth a wet wipe .

Hi Sweets,
I had this as well with the noogleberry, watch out because you are(ofcourse) stretching your skin. Also make sure that you do the ball trick, described in JenniferLove program by Charliegirl. Otherwise you'll have nipple and areola growth. And yes you might be pumping too hard or hold it too long.
If it was up too me I would say quit! They should make this thing illegal. Imo it just cant be healthy.. think of your delicate veins and ligaments skin collagen and think on and on.
If i would use the nb again i would do hot and cold showers right after it,to repair and oxygenate and whatever kind off wake-up shock the body needs after this torture device. But thats just my opinionShy

(19-03-2015, 16:36)karolina Wrote:  yes do a gentle sugar scrub on your boobs . rise of with warm water dont burn your boobs just warm water . it will do your boobs good . It helps me alot . but if they are elevated bumps standing out the size of pimples dont do the sugar scrub you will just irritate them more and may leave a scar . rather dap them with surgical alcohol to dry them out . after they are away you can use sugar scrub twice a week to prevent it from happening again . Ooo and yes wipe leftover moisture of you boobs after you pumped wuth a wet wipe .

Thank you I just bought a scrub and the dots are about as big as a pinpoint and sortof raised. They're kinda red but not as red as before...hopefully it wont get clogged again I'm taking more preventative measures Smile

(19-03-2015, 20:31)hannah14 Wrote:  Hi Sweets,
I had this as well with the noogleberry, watch out because you are(ofcourse) stretching your skin. Also make sure that you do the ball trick, described in JenniferLove program by Charliegirl. Otherwise you'll have nipple and areola growth. And yes you might be pumping too hard or hold it too long.
If it was up too me I would say quit! They should make this thing illegal. Imo it just cant be healthy.. think of your delicate veins and ligaments skin collagen and think on and on.
If i would use the nb again i would do hot and cold showers right after it,to repair and oxygenate and whatever kind off wake-up shock the body needs after this torture device. But thats just my opinionShy

Hi Hannah, yeah I'm gonna be lighter in pressure on noogling now. I don't mind getting my nipples or areola bigger since they're pretty small anyway. Hmm well I am gonna keep using it for now, after my clogged pores go away. I wouldn't say I want to quit so early when I bought it for so much lol. And Jenniferlove got such good results from just that!

What program do you do then if you don't noogle anymore?

Yeh well are you sure you want bigger nipples? You cant just buy new ones..and an operation could make them loose sense! With me the nipple change did not just come steadily, it was there after only 3 times off usage! Its not really bad probably because they were tiny before but it is like 5 times bigger as before.Sad So I've thrown it in the trash can and would never ever recommend it to somebody. At the moment my program exists off healthy food, fruit, vegetables, protein. Using healthy fats like sesame, flaxseed,pumpkin seed, olive oil.. djeesh well that was about it. And fso massage.

Yeah I don't mind mine are just pretty small so as long as my boobs get bigger too then I'm fine. I don't think I would go as far to say I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, I like the results I'm getting. Have you gotten good results from just healthy eating and massage?

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