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Help me go from an AA to a B cup!!!

Do you do anything while noogling? Usually I just sit down and surf the net or watch a movie and I get no sounds, but when I'm moving around and using my arms a lot I tend to get a lot of farting noises.
You're using the medium cups right? I think I might have to stop using my smalls because I get so little swelling and no difference.
BTW are you doing anything for your nipples to prevent them from getting any bigger?

Hi Imtrying,

Last night I sat up (not leaning back), and I was able to put both cups on and get suction. Then I stood up and walked around my room for 30 minutes! Didn't get any sounds. Seems to be a bit hit and miss. I think sometimes it may be the way I am sitting when I am starting to noogle, as I was leaning back into the cushions. So I'll try it again, without leaning back and see what happens.

I generally read a book or watch a DVD, or just look out the window and think, why I am doing this.... lol

Yep, I am using the medium cups. I'm not sure what the size difference is with the small cups because I never used them. But I am somewhat filling up the medium cups these days.

I haven't been doing anything to prevent nipples from getting bigger. Actually, it wasn't until last night (when I was walking around), with the noogle on, when I looked in the mirror, and thought, woah, they really suck out your nipples. So maybe in a few weeks, I will need to think about taping my nipples or something. But actually, at this stage, I am just happy that my nipples look bigger! They are so tiny anyhow, so alittle bit of growth would be great. And hey, if a guy ever makes me mad, I can poke his eye with my nipple. lol

This morning when I looked at my breasts, my nipples were small again.... so who knows.

What are your measurements? Why did you decide to start with the small cups?

When I first started with the medium cups (seems like years, but I think its only been about 14 days.... hmmmm), I could barely see my breasts over the foam rings! But they seem to swell alot now. Perhaps like you say it may be useful to go up to medium cups.

I was thinking more about noogle last night, and I was thinking that I might purchase another hand-pump so I can pump on both breasts with different pumps. I find that on the days that I can't get suction from both breasts at the same time, when I do it on one breast at a time, I usually get better swelling etc, I think just because its easier to pump properly. And I was also thinking (perhaps very optimistically so), that if I ever fill the medium cups (ok, then we are really going to have to have a party to celebrate), then I will need the large cups, and I read that alot of women find it really difficult to keep the large cups on their chests. So I thought if I had two hand pumps, then I would find it easier.

Omg LOL, when I read the part about you poking a guy's eye out with your nipple I probably would have spit my food out.
I can walk around without farting Tongue too, but if I reach over with my arm or something the farting happens.
I ordered the smalls and mediums because I was worried the mediums would be too big for me. Judging from your pics I think I am a tad bit fuller than you, maybe we are the same now after all your NB and herbs. After all these years of being too small for everything I couldn't imagine the small cups being too small for me lol. But they kind of are! I bought soft rings for both the small and medium cups, have not used the small ones at all yet. the pressure is not that bad at all, kinda wish I never ordered the rings but oh well.
Instead of ordering two hand pumps maybe you should just get a clamp if you don't have one? I don't try to get suction both cups at the same time. What I do is clamp one tube and get suction on one cup. Once I pump that cup I unclamp the other tube and then pump the other cup.

Cycle 3 - Day 21

Morning: 1 FG 610mg, 1 EPO 1000mg, 1 SP 160mg, 1 Flaxseed oil
Afternoon: 1 FG, and 1 SP, 1 fennel tea
Evening: EPO 1000mg, 1 Flaxseed Oil capsule 1000mg, 1 fennel tea

Other: Arghhh have massive stomach bug, horrible diarrhea all day grrrrrrrrrrr. Must have eaten something dodgy. Basically just feel tired.

Went to the physio today, because I fell down the stairs in my house the other day. Apparently I've got a bruised tail-bone which will take about 3 weeks to heal properly. Lucky I can walk fine, just no extreme sports! Wonder if Noogleberry qualifies as an extreme sport?

Massages: Did no massage in the morning as had to leave house really early. Might try and massage tonight but just want to curl up and sleep.

Breast sensations: I think absolutely NOTHING today. 1/10. I've been noticing from my records, that I have had way less "Highs" particularly, and "Mediums" this time. Maybe I have gotten too used to my current dosage level. OH, I lie, I forgot that I did get a rather intense pain in my LH breast this morning (about a 9/10, it only lasted for less than 1 minute. Interestingly, this exact cycle day, last cycle, I woke up from a really intense breast pain. Interesting! I wonder whats going on on this cycle day for me!).

Noogleberry: Haven't done any today. Might try and do some tonight. Will see.

IMTRYING - yes, I was thinking the exact thing. That I can try pumping up one breast first, then clamping that one, then pump up the other one. I think the problem may be that my "clamps" let a bit of air out, so then it loses suction. But I will try it next time.

What I do now is I put the LH breast cup on first, pump it up over a few minutes (pump it up then let it down, pump it up etc), then I grab the RH breast cup and place that on my chest. Thats when it sometimes all starts to go horribly wrong. And it doesn't get enough suction because its sucking from the LH breast too, then they both fall off.

Have you tried using the medium cups yet? See how those feel. There is no way I could use them without the foam rings. (Actually saying that, I am going to try it next time for a few minutes to see how it feels).

Cycle 3 - Day 22

Firstly, last night I did 20 minutes of massaging and 25 minutes of noogling.

Morning: 1 FG 610mg, 1 EPO 1000mg, 1 SP 160mg, 1 Flaxseed oil
Afternoon: 1 FG, and 1 SP, 1 fennel tea
Evening: EPO 1000mg, 1 Flaxseed Oil capsule 1000mg, 1 fennel tea

I finished my first bottle of fenugreek capsules today, so I have taken 100 capsules. Bit of a random milestone! hehe

Other: Stomach feels pretty much back to normal! So that is good. Although I do feel pretty tired today still.

Massages: Massaged for 30 minutes this morning as I thought I better do a longer one. I will massage for 15 minutes tonight. I have just been using hot towels afterwards, as I'm keeping my wheat pack in the freezer for a few days as it was getting really stinky with all the fenugreek smell. I wanted to think of a new solution for putting something on my breasts after I massage that doesn't absorb the fenugreek...... but I don't want to put plastic. Any ideas of any other non-absorbant material? That way, the fenugreek won't get absorbed from my breast, but I can still put the heat on it.

Breast sensations: hmmmm interestingly, had a few tingles here and there, but only lasted maybe 30 seconds at longest. So pretty much NOTHING again!! 1/10 LOW. HMMMMMMMMM. I am thinking that my body has perhaps gotten used to the dosage. Thoughts? Another reason could be that at this time of my cycle, I understand that generally people will feel less sensations. Can't remember the reason! But I read it off one of waihaka's threads I think.

Ok so looking at my records from Cycle day 14 onwards (because cycle day 1-13 is the follicular phase, I will count the Luteal?, I think the name is, phase from cycle day 14-today). (Directly below shows reporting from cycle 2, then cycle 3).

Day 14: L, L ( no change)
Day 15: H, H (no change)
Day 16: L, H (increase) Smile
Day 17: M, M/H (increase) Smile
Day 18: H, M (decrease)
Day 19: H, L (decrease)
Day 20: L, L (no change)
Day 21: M, L (decrease)
Day 22: L, L (no change)

Cycle 1

High: 4
Medium: 2
Low: 1
N/A: 2

Cycle 2

High: 3
Medium: 2
Low: 4

Cycle 3

High: 2
Low: 5

Ok so you can see from the above that I seem to be decreasing in what I record as 'HIGHS'. For 'MEDIUMS' I seem to be tracking about the same. And I am increasing the 'LOWS' (which also means, nothing), that I am getting.

Comparing Cycle 2 and 3, there is only 1 more LOW in cycle 3, and one less HIGH in cycle 3 that in cycle 2. So I guess that isn't THAT BAD. So maybe I am overreacting thinking that I may be stalling.


But in Cycle day 1-13 which is the follicular stage, just comparing cycle 2 and cycle 3 (I've put the cycle 2 result first then the cycle 3 result next to it):

Day 1: H, M (decrease)
Day 2: H, M (decrease)
Day 3: H, M/H (decrease)
Day 4: M, H (increase) Smile
Day 5: H, M (decrease)
Day 6: H, H (no change)
Day 7: M, H (increase) Smile
Day 8: H, M (decrease)
Day 9: L, L (no change)
Day 10: L, H (increase) Smile
Day 11: H, L (decrease)
Day 12: H, L (decrease)
Day 13: M, L (decrease)

In cycle 2 I had:

High: 8
Medium: 3
Low: 2

In cycle 3 I had:

High: 4
Medium: 4
Low: 4:

Hmmm so that doesn't look too flash. I have halved the number of HIGHS, and doubled the number of LOWS. So maybe that means I have gotten to used to my dosage. Any ideas?

Measurements: Seems that my non-noogle measurement, is pretty much 31". The following days I provided a measurement:

- I have reported being 31" (day 4, 9, 10, 12, 13, 22 (nb: I just measured myself again and this time got a full 31.5"!!!, and just 30 minutes ago I measured and I was only 31"....!!!! hahahaa) to
- 31", 31.25", 31.5" (day 18 - I measured 3 results at the same time, so - pick the middle on 31.25") .
- 31.5" (day 22, as above, I got two different measurements. Seriously its hilarious how inaccurate measurement is! oh dear). (I also just measured my underbust, and first I got 27.5", then 15 seconds later I got 28"....!! )
- 31.75" ( day 19) Once I measured 31.75" but that was probably just from swelling still from noogleberry, even though it was more than 12 hours since noogling.

After noogling my measurements have been:

- 31.5" (Day 8, 9, 10, 11)
- 31.75" (Day 12 - and after 5 hours measured 31.25")
- 32" (Day 13, Day 19 morning)
- 32.25" (Day 18, Day 19 evening)

Noogleberry: 45-50 minutes this morning. Found that the noogle was pinching my skin, pulling a nerve or something in my arm which made my arm uncomfortable when I was noogling. Will try and noogle tonight for 40 minutes. And IMTRYING, that did work, by pumping up one breast and then clamping it, then pumping up the next breast, then unclamping the other breast. Woo hoo.

Cycle 3 - Day 23

Massaged for 20 minutes last night, hot towels for 5 minutes afterwards. Only noogled for 25 minutes.

Morning: 1 FG 610mg, 1 EPO 1000mg, 1 SP 160mg, 1 Flaxseed oil fennel tea
Afternoon: 1 FG, and 1 SP, fennel tea
Evening: EPO 1000mg, 1 Flaxseed Oil capsule 1000mg

Other: Felt pretty good today. Got a massage today which was soooo relaxing. Nearly fell asleep. Had marks on my forehead afterwards from the towel, looked quite funny. The guy who massages me is really great and makes me feel very comfortable. My stomach was gurgling away, as I had the massage after lunch, and we were both laughing at the noises it was making.

Massages: Massaged for 30 minutes this morning again. 5 minutes of heated towels. Took my heatpack out of the freezer this evening, think it smells better! Will see when I heat it up. Will try and massage for 15 mins tonight.

Breast sensations: had a few sensations today, definitely more than yesterday. And a persistent slight achy feeling in breasts. Still LOW though, 3 or 4/10.

Noogleberry: OK so for some reason, I just couldn't noogle at all this morning. It was ridiculous. Even getting suction on one breast seemed impossible. And getting suction on two WAS impossible. I spent a good 15 minutes stuffing around with it, and eventually just got so mad that I put it away, and thought I'd try for a 1hour session tonight. (Now I feel tired, but who knows, maybe I'll do it, if I'm able to!!!!!). Even tried wiping off oil, then tried putting oil on breasts.... nothing worked. grrrrrrrrrr. Will see how it works tonight. Makes me mad because I set aside time to do it, and then most of the time is spent trying to get it to work and it doesn't.

Measurements: Measured myself this morning and I was 31.75". Interesting as I seem to get larger at this time of the cycle. Will probably end up decreasing to 31" again in a few days once my period starts. But lets see. ok, just an update. measured myself this evening and I am back to 31" again. Also breasts have felt quite hard last few days, now they feel soft and deflated. There goes the 0.75 inches.... Feel like I am going to get period, which would be annoying because its not scheduled for a few more days.

Also, I think, (haven't tested this properly), but I think that when I noogle at night, and then go straight to sleep, that I retain more swelling than when I noogle during the day and then am doing stuff all day long. No idea if thats actually right, I should try and keep better measurement results, 5 hours or 10 hours after noogling to determine. But I just get the feeling that that is what is happening. Maybe because as you jiggle about during the day the swelling goes away? No idea.

Right, better go try my mis-behaving nooglebuddy again

Cycle 3 - Day 23

Massaged for 20 minutes last night, hot towels for 5 minutes afterwards. Only noogled for 25 minutes.

Morning: 1 FG 610mg, 1 EPO 1000mg, 1 SP 160mg, 1 Flaxseed oil, fennel tea
Afternoon: 1 FG, and 1 SP
Evening: EPO 1000mg, 1 Flaxseed Oil capsule 1000mg, 1 fennel tea

Other health issues: Stomach felt a bit unsettled today.

Massages: Massaged for 15 minutes this morning then heat pack. Will massage for 15 minutes tonight.

Breast sensations: pretty much NOTHING again. LOW. 1/10. Dodgy
Breasts feel much smaller (31"), and soft and spongy. Not heavy and dense.

Noogleberry: Noogled last night for 25 minutes. Noogled this morning for 25 minutes. Amazing how little my breast seemed this morning. Hardly swelled at all the noogle, only to about the 1inch mark on the noogle cup. Generally my breasts have swelled to the 2 inch mark. They feel much smaller. Will noogle again tonight for about 30 minutes. Its pretty hard to noogle when my breasts feel this small. Its like starting from the beginning again. do'h. Dodgy

Other: got my hair cut today and eyebrows plucked. The lady even used scissors on my eyebrows. I thought she was going to cut them all off. She said "you haven't been in awhile"..... hehe yep, bit bushy eyebrows. Oh well.

Just popping in to say hi. Sorry to hear you're frustrated with NB, if you think I can help you with your noogling feel free to ask any questions! I have had NO problems so far, I love it!
I've been really obsessed with nipples lately. The perfect thing about my breasts are my nipples, I love them and want them to stay exactly as they are! I do find now that I have been noogling for a week or so when my breasts seem extra swollen so do my nipples, it's not huge but bigger than normal and puffier. My nipples are usually really unpuffy. lol? I'm super afraid they will get bigger if I noogle more... it's pretty much my worst nightmare.
Anyways, I was just looking at the first pics you posted compared to the most recent ones and I have to say... your nipples look great! Big Grin lol. It looks more proportionate to your size, at least to me anyways, so keep on noogling.

Cycle 3 Day 25 and start of Cycle 4 Day 1 (got period this evening)

(nb: I made a mistake yesterday and said it was cycle day 23, but it was actually cycle day 24).

Thanks imtrying for your comments. I may find more time in my life for noogle. Read on!

Morning: 1 FG, 1SP, 1 EPO, 1 flaxseed
Lunch: 1 EPO
Afternoon tea: 1 FG, 1 SP
Dinner: 1 EPO, 1 Flaxseed

Massage: 15 minutes in morning. 5 minutes heat. No evening massage

Noogleberry: NONE

Breast sensations: A few, but hardly any compared to what I would usually get before my period. LOW. 3/10.

Got period this evening. Which brings me to Cycle 4. I wasn't expecting my period until tomorrow or the day after, so I now need to make a decision what to do with NBE. After 3 cycles on NBE (well really its only been 2.5 as I didn't start taking pills and massaging etc until nearly half-way through the first cycle), I am due for a break. So as of tomorrow, I will not be:

- taking fenugreek
- taking SP
- massaging with fenugreek oil etc
- no fennel teas


I will continue to take EPO (3x) and flaxseed oil (2x), as these are good for your health anyhow. I will continue to take spearmint tea during days 1-15 of my cycle twice daily. Although I may reassess this when I visit the naturopath next time pending on her advice. I will noogle, and try like I have said I will, to noogle at least 30 minutes twice daily. Preferably with 1 session at 45 minutes. I will do this for the entire cycle. I will continue with my diet.

The benefits of taking a break from NBE I think are that:

- it will give my body a break
- it might cleanse my body so when I start up again it reacts better - I haven't felt hardly any sensations recently so maybe I was getting too used to my dosages
- it will be interesting to see if I retain any of the growth, or whether I go back to 30.5" (please no!)
- I will stop smelling of fenugreek (I saw this guy today who asked me if I had been baking, and I had to make up a story about how one of the guys I live with cooked bacon and eggs and maple syrup this morning he said to me "yeah, thats what it is, maple syrup, smells good")!!! lol
- I will be able to continue taking what my naturopath has given me without other things affecting it
- I will have more time to noogle! as I won't be spending 30-40 minutes on massage every day, plus 40 minutes of heat.
- hmmmm can't, think of any other benefits.


- might lose all growth (noooooooooooooooooooooo)
- might not have been enough time for my body to be on NBE to see proper changes, and I might be set-back a month

So folks, that brings me to the end of the first 3 cycles of NBE. A big thank you Heart to all who have provided advice, comments, good wishes, and compliments to me! I have really appreciated the support.

I won't be updating my program page over the next cycle. I will however keep records myself of how often I am noogling, just to make sure I am doing it!, and I will keep measuring every week, just to keep track of measurements. If anything drastic happens, like I lose all my growth, or I suddenly find I am growing more, I will report in, otherwise I'll be back in about 1 month's time.

If anyone has any comments on my program so far, or advice on what I should do next, then feel free to post or send me a private message.

I wish everyone best of luck in refining your programs, and successfully growing and retaining bigger breasts!


Hi all,

So its been a whole cycle (nearly due for cycle 5 any day now), of DOING NOTHING! And I must say, what a welcome relief!!!

The following are my reported breast sensations.


Cycle day 1-13 which is the follicular stage – I experienced barely any sensations apart from on day 8 where my breasts were tingly for hours.

Day 1: H, M, L
Day 2: H, M, N/A
Day 3: H, M/H, L
Day 4: M, H, N/A
Day 5: H, M, L
Day 6: H, H, L
Day 7: M, H, L
Day 8: H, M, H (breast tingly for hours)
Day 9: L, L, N/A
Day 10:M, L, H, L
Day 11: M, H, L, L
Day 12: H, H, L, L
Day 13: H, M, L, N/A

In cycle 2 I had:

High: 8
Medium: 3
Low: 2

In cycle 3 I had:

High: 4
Medium: 4
Low: 4

In cycle 4:

High: 1 (Day 8)
Medium: NONE
Low: 8
Nothing at all: 4

Luteal Stage

I experienced more sensations than ever before during this phase! This is interesting as mostly I experienced sensations in the past in the follicular stage, not in the luteal stage.

Day 14: H, L, L, N/A
Day 15: H, H, H, M
Day 16: N/A, L, H, H (achy, itchy feeling behind nipple)
Day 17: L, M, M/H, H (itchy all day, particularly LH behind nipple
Day 18: M, H, M, H (achy and itchy, intense)
Day 19: H, H, L, H (itch/achy)
Day 20: H, L, L, L
Day 21: N/A, M, L, L
Day 22: N/A, L, L, M (shooting pain)
Day 23: L, M L, H (really itchy, achy, both morning and evening)
Day 24: L, H, L, M (intense pains for a couple of minutes in evening)
Day 25: L, L, L
Day 26:

Cycle 1

High: 4
Medium: 2
Low: 1
N/A: 2

Cycle 2

High: 3
Medium: 2
Low: 4

Cycle 3

High: 2
Low: 5

Cycle 4

High: 5
Medium: 3
Low: 3


I can only assume that I must have stalled during cycle 3. This could be due to a combination of taking lots of small dosages of too many things. For example, I was taking 3 EPO per day, 2 FG, 2 SP, 2 Flaxseed oil, plus massage etc. I read that the longer it takes you to feel the sensations again, the more you have stalled.


During cycle 4, I continued to take EPO for the first few days (unfortunately I didn’t take a record of when I stopped taking them), and I haven’t taken them since. I take 1 flaxseed oil per day, but only every other day. I have taken no other herbs, no fennel tea.

The only things I have taken over this past cycle is magnesium powder (for my muscles), the potion that the naturopath gave me which is made up of different herbs, and the odd flaxseed oil capsule here and there. I take spearmint tea twice daily during the follicular phase, but that is all.


I was doing about 30 minutes of noogleberry and tried to do this twice daily, but only managed the first 5 days or so of the cycle. I then just did 30 minutes per day for a few more days. Then I stopped doing it altogether. I do 30 minutes sporadically maybe once every 3 days for the rest of the cycle. I just felt like I needed a bit of a break from all the breast stuff!!!


I measured
Day 12: 31"
Day 19: 31.75"
Day 25: 31"

I will measure myself on day 4 of my new cycle.


Ok, so I talked to my naturopath, and she has made me up a little potion which I will take of SP, Fenugreek and Wild Yam. She says it won’t adversely affect the other stuff I am taking for my hormones so that is good. I’m not sure of the dosages yet, but I should find out tomorrow.

I will take that and get back into massaging and noogling on a regular basis.


This past cycle I have felt much better. I didn’t get a rash which I usually get before my period. And my period barely hurt at all! It was great! My aches and pains are pretty much non-existent, no headaches, and I feel pretty good!

I’ve been 98% strict with my diet still. I am seeing the dietician early next week. I keep cutting out sugars etc.

I am doing a hair test where they cut bits of your hair and send it for analysis to see what you are allergic too. They can test for over 100 different types of food, so I can’t wait to know the results of that. I know that I will be “allergic” at certain levels to various foods, like dairy products, possibly apples.

I’m still hovering around the 52-53kg mark. I seriously feel like I am way too thin. I can feel my ribs!!! Luckily my breasts haven’t decreased in size. Woohoo. So I still need to concentrate on putting on weight slowly.


My room has FINALLY stopped stinking of fenugreek! Seriously it was quite funny as I left the house for a couple of days, and when I came back I thought WOAH it stinks so much. Its a smell you just get used to I guess!

I have made up 5 different bottles of massage oil which have been sitting for 3 weeks or so now, I shake them up every now and again. They are ground fenugreek, bit of ground fennel, avocado oil, olive oil, and borage oil.


I’m going to need to monitor this closely. Theoretically, since I have had a break, I should feel quite a few sensations particularly in the follicular stage. If I don’t, then I have taken too much again. So will go slow. I may just massage for 5-10 minutes per time as opposed to 15-20 minutes. And I think its good to take a break every few days from noogling as it seems to let your breasts have a rest. Then I find I tend to respond better.

Any advice/comments greatly appreciated!

I’ll take measurements on day 4 of my cycle and photos then too. Will be interesting to see whats happening. I think I have come to the realization that because I’m so very skinny, that its going to take quite awhile before I can retain any growth! This is because I pretty much have no fat on me, so whatever breast there is, is mainly muscle or ducts, whatever else the breast is made up of! etc.

I would like to get tested to find out my fat content in my body.

I would very much like to see a bit more progress over the next two months growth wise. Its all very well for my breasts to go tingly/aching mad for hours on end, but I want something to show for it!!!! :-/

Ok, wish me luck! Smile

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