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Men do not belong on this forum.


Okay, the more that I read Majestic's posts, the more I'm convinced that he/she is just a troll seeking attention. I doubt that this person actually believes in anything they are saying and are simply here to stir up trouble. Also, I doubt that he/she has actually received any PMs from people agreeing with her.

I would ask Eve to check Majestic's IP address and match it up to one from any other member and ban them both. I have a feeling I know who it is (and no, it's not Wahaika), because he/she has the same exact typing pattern of another member here. It might just be a coincidence, but I don't think so, and it seems like a very attention-seeking move of poor taste.

Hey honey, i agree that majestic is just trying to upset everyone on here, as she has no interest in NBE. I might be wrong but i also believe it is someone else with another log in but again i dont know, but if we ignore the posts she should get bored like last time and go away lol.
Hugs Cheryl xxxx

I stumbled upon this thread thinking it was the old one, perhaps "bumped" back into recognition, however I am very surprised that this content has once again presented itself. I don't want to feed the fire, but it is hard for me to wrap my head around someone who chooses to insult a group of people because they see no other right than their own.

Majestic, you are open to discussing your opinion but are less than open to letting us have ours. May I ask what else goes against this moral high ground you've paved for yourself? Porn? Drugs? Gay marriage? Stem cell research? Because all of these things are examples of disputed social issues that can not be easily resolved with ONE PERSON'S opinion. Because in society, or in this case a community, one person's OPINION, of which we are all entitled to, is only as strong as the democracy behind it. Let us all be heard but we can't always get what we want, and I may add you have no authority to tell Hazel that she has been "brain washed" because she fails to support your beliefs, which I myself find conservative and closed-minded, and there is very little I dislike more in a person.

With very little personal relevance to this conflict, besides being a female forum member and supporting our male members, you have left me very agitated. Although I doubt any of our replys have penetrated through your skull, I hope you can realize the life decisions of any stranger hardly affect your own, and it is not worth this upset.

Don't feed the Troll. It is not going to care what you say.

also, it's not spelled "discust" Majestic, that bugged me the entire time I read your post.

(26-06-2010, 18:44)Majestic Wrote:  Hello.

I believe that this site should be for women only. This is not a site for the transgender is it. So if these men have problems like that then they should go to a website with other troubled people and get there kicks there.
Men cannot develop breasts like women do and should not be here.
That is mine and many other peoples view.

Thank you.

As it seems you resurfaced in the suction forum, thought I'd do a quick check to see what gems you had posted beforehand. I'd rather come on here and read stories such as Cheryl's than a spiel of bigotted views. This website is an NBE forum. NBE stands for Natural Breast Enhancement. It doesn't state anywhere it's for women only. Tbh, the only thing I don't think fits into that category is breast implants, but I don't see you kicking up a fuss about the fact there's a subforum dedicated to that. If you don't want to read about men wanting to grow breasts, don't visit their subforum and don't read their programs/view their pictures. Yeesh!

Why not set up your own women only forum for all those women who PM you and feel the same? Although, quite how you can tell who is which sex online is beyond me.


(26-06-2010, 23:54)hourglasswannabe Wrote:  Wow Wahaika, I'm surprised at your views. :-/ I haven't been around for very long, but you seem to be one of the more respected members here and on other forums.

Me too. I actually feel quite disheartened although I know it's not my place. At least their view was put forward coherently.

Wahaika, am I getting my wires crossed? Originally I assumed you were a woman, but I swear I have seen people referring to you as a male?

Tbh, I don't have a problem with males being on the forum if they are contributing, but I think IF we were going to exclude any males (and I'm not saying that we actually should) it makes more sense for it to be the males that are NOT trying to grow breasts and post on behalf of females they know that we should try to discourage. Males growing breasts using herbs and suction is just as valid in my view as women growing them using the same methods. Hell, if a man can grow boobs naturally when genetically they were never supposed to, then what else can that do but give hope to women who do naturally begin to develop breasts without the aid of herbs and suction? It's just another testimonial to me. I really do not understand why it's alright for women to want to alter what nature intended (which is what we are doing, whether you want to accept that or not) but it's not alright for men?

Okay, I have limited time, that is why I haven't been on the forum lately, been busy with work. I only schemed through most of the posts here, but I will comment on what I gathered, then I am not going to talk to the jerk Majestic again as it is obvious she is just a negative person, not seeking advice or looking to give good advice, so she has no need to be here.

First of all saying transgenders have no right here sounds like some old person back from the 40's or 50's or something going into a "whites only" place and saying blacks have no right here. Being prejudice is not just with race! It can be with religion, culture, sexuality, gender, etc. And you my dear are prejudice! I'm bisexual, do I not belong here either? I'm sure there are some women who are lesbian on here, do they not belong because they enjoy a woman's body over a males? You cannot judge someone just because you don't agree with how they do things. I'm also Pagan, are you going to judge me even more? Come on I want you to! I'm a stronger person than Cheryl, so come on!

And Wahaika, I use to respect you, I first met you over on the BE Board when I first started to discover the NBE forums, and I respected that you learned so much for your wife and shared it with others. Now however I find you as well prejudice and if you do not like it here, that's fine, but I really feel sorry for you, living with such closed mindedness will only leave you to miss out on some very great people that can add to your life. And good job helping Majestic with your comment, she doesn't even want you here, hmmm... doesn't seem right now does it? And I also think stating your morals and beliefs as "facts" was just rubbish. Just because you think something is wrong does not make it fact. I think owning animal furs are wrong, I've seen how they torture the animals to get them, but am I going on fashion forums where people discuss liking furs and tell them they are wrong blah blah? No. I simply just don't wear them myself.

Now, my thoughts on males being here, I have no issue with it, they have their own section to discuss what works for them specifically, what works for born women is also here, so it's not like it's confusing anyone! The males all say they are born males to not confuse anyone! How can we judge? We are seeking natural alternatives to surgery, shouldn't they have the same right? Of course! And saying men don't develop breasts the same as women do is true, but after they take hormones, maybe get the op downstairs, their breasts can look EXACTLY like ours. Cheryl is not the only born male I seen this happen with!!! I feel the born males actually encourage the open minded women on here even more! Cause if a born male can do it, well heck so can us! So I vote for them to stay!

I just want to comment on one thing. Cheryl is a great inspiration for most of the ladies here. What she had done, is not only a huge inspiration about breast growth, but also shows that a person is capable of changing his/her body if he/she is determined to do it, and has a strong will and confidence. I love seeing her pictures, and what she has achieved motivates me a lot. She is a very beautiful person inside and out. Much more beautiful than you, Majestic, i'm sure about that. If you cannot see this, you are blind, and i pity you. Angry She is the greatest inspiration on this forum. Leave her alone.

I was born male. I'm fixing that mistake. When I first saw this post I was scard. This forum has been a great help to both myself and my wife;I would really hate to loose it. However after reading all of it I found it to be a blessing. I have been very discouraged latly, even more so when I saw majestics post. Then I read on and was very incouraged by ladies such as cheryl, anstasia and many others. To all of you I would just like to say THANK YOU! From the many people, both male and female that you have helped along lifes journey!!

Hello, I have never posted here before and am only a new member I am married to Tashaatlast. We have been married for 8 years and I completely support her journey from male to female. Tasha has found a lot of good advice from this forum and it is working she has gone form being flat to an a cup and we are both very pleased.
Now i would like to say to majestic, Grow Up. take a good long look at the world around you and maybe someday you will realize that men who become women are people too. You say men who become women are perverts. but what about people who are born hermaphrodites? Their parents choose at birth what they will live their lives as male or female but quite often they have the mind and sexual orrintation of the opposite. As for men who want be women that is who they are inside and who they want to be on the outside. Sites like this are what helps them get started and to feel more like who they want to be. which is why this site is here to help people feel and LOOK like they want to look. the people on here are changing their bodies it doesn't matter if that body started out with a flat chest or medium chest the important thing on this forum is results it doesn't matter who the results are for.

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