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Some things to worry about


Hi all,
As suggested by Hazel, I'm posting my questions here, because you girls would know...
Influenced by your progress, I've started taking herbs a week ago but I'm experiencing some effects already and I don't like at all! Since I started taking 3 x saw palmetto, 3 x fenugreek and 3 x red clover blossoms and doing 2 x massages with herbal "tea" (contains Star Anise Fruit; Anethi Fruit, Foenu graeci (fenugreek seeds);Foeniculi fruit) pimples appeared on my face and chest, my hair started falling more, I have slight headaches at afternoons. Also, I my whole skin is itchy and irritated-this is very disturbing. What might be causing this and do you think I should stop the herbs on by one to see which one is the problem?
If anybody tells me that those side effects are normal and would go away, I would listen and wait, but I feel something is wrong and that's why I'm posting this.
Thanks for your help

I don't know what to tell you about your other reactions, but the itchy skin happened to me when massaging with fenugreek. You might be allergic or just sensitive to it. I could not put it on my skin at all.

Anastasia said once that while she was on herbs she experienced some hair lost, and i believe that was one of the reasons why she switched to BO, besides that she wasn´t getting the results she wanted with herbs.

It's very common that a food allergy can cause a skin rash or an itchy skin. A friend of mine is allergic to berries, like strawberries, and it brings her out in itchy pimples. To be honest I'd never heard of someone being allergic to strawberries before, but apparently any plant stuff is a possible allergen for some people.

Yeah, I know what food allergy is, because I have reactions to eggs. This is the reason I posted my question-it seemed like allergy, though the falling hair. So, if the fenugreek is the reason of this, I should stop taking it oral as well... On the other hand, isn't it too early for any reactions? I mean, I've read that with herbs you have wait for a while before they start working...

I got pimples on my chest from rubbing fenugreek on my chest as well. As for the other symptoms sorry can't help you there, but it sounds serious so I thunk you should stop all your herbs just to prevent further damage. Maybe if someone else posts and they had similar symptoms you can pinpoint the specific herb but until then it's prob best to stop all of them.

Hello poison,

May I ask what kind of dosage are you taking for these herbs, because you only mention how many times you are taking it.

If your dosage is too high I would recommend that you low it down perhaps starting with once a day instead of many times a day. Phyto-estrogen from herbs are not like your existing estrogen. Most women need some time to get adjusted and getting use to.

The next question is have you do a liver cleanse or detox before you start? The symptoms you are giving me sounds like your liver is heavy with toxin and need cleaning. People who develop skin problem like pimples and allergies can normally point their problem back to 2 source, liver or nasal (nose) congestion.

Last questions have you consume enough water while on herbs. Based on my prior experience with herbs, the body needs to have at least 3 litters of water per day lesser than that gave me pimples and migraine.

Hope this help~

Crystalelle, hi!
I'm taking 3 tablets of each fenugreek, saw palmetto and red clover - total 9 tablets a day. About the cleanse of the liver, I 'm not sure. I read the "From Flat to Fab" program where is recommended to apply milk thistle twice a day on your inner thighs for two-tree weeks before starting the herb intake. As far as I recall, this was needed for the cleanse of the body, but was it enough, I don't know. As for the water, I'm used to drinking a lot of water, so I definitely drink more than 3 liters a day.
PS: I think I'm getting well or at least I do not see the symptoms evolving. Even though, I still have those tiny pimples on my breast, but they are not itchy. I guess the fenugreek is the most likely reason for them, so I'm stopping the massage first-if they do not go away, I'll stop the oral intake of fenugreek as well.

Hi Poison,

I hope there is just an accidental typing error on the milk thistle being apply on your inner thigh. As far as I know milk thistle are being taken orally for liver detox and the only thing we apply on our thigh and inner arms are PROGESTERONE cream. I have read flat 2 fab book too clearly don't recall any instruction about applying milk thistle on our inner thigh. Anything you applied topically on skin is going to by-pass the liver I don't see the logic behind applying milk thistle (cream or lotion form) on the thigh cause it won't get the liver clean cause it will by pass it anyway.

Anyway if your bad symptoms persist I would seriously suggest you to lower the dosage from 3 pills to 1 pill. No point making your body suffer while trying to grow those gals. You have yet to mention to me the milligram Big Grin that you are taking. By the way remember to put in soy milk too into your your program. You need some form of protein to get them growing. No point of taking the pills without soy. It works side by side together.


(04-07-2010, 03:53 PM)poison Wrote:  On the other hand, isn't it too early for any reactions? I mean, I've read that with herbs you have wait for a while before they start working...

It's never too early for an allergic reaction. They can happen immediately.

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