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How a plant based diet can improve your health!


Ps my country is at the top of the list too. Probably because we farm the best beef and lamb and export it worldwide. Ok I'm getting convinced.

And here is a chart about "Female colon cancer incidence and daily meat consumption"

New Zealand being the worst here. :-/

PS: Sorry to hear about your grandma Ella.

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(28-07-2015, 22:33)peggy Wrote:  And here is a chart about "Female colon cancer incidence and daily meat consumption"

New Zealand being the worst here. :-/

PS: Sorry to hear about your grandma Ella.

That's correct. I'm feeling sick about the whole thing. As you can imagine my gut and ibs issues I'm terrified of colon cancer. I can say you have me sold Peggy. Right now eating me has me very scared indeed.

(28-07-2015, 22:20)peggy Wrote:  
(28-07-2015, 20:47)hannah14 Wrote:  Oh really, that sounds bad that my country is on top of the chart.
A lot of people eat fat meat here ie like pork or the typical dutch fried meat-snacks you might know.(with ragout)
Only in my family there are already 2 cases of breastcancer..Another year ago a neigbour of me. And then I'm not talking about the other cancers.. in my environment cancer occurs a lot indeed!Sad
You think its the meat?
What about the pesticides on our vegetables? I think they play a big role in it too..Sad

It's insane that almost everybody has cancer nowadays! Sorry to hear that 2 of your family members have breast cancer. My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer 5 years ago. After that I started to do a lot of research about diets and cancer. My mom was eating meat and dairy too (she is almost vegan now). The father of my boyfriend has cancer as well. He eats meat, dairy products and a lot of eggs.

I am 100% sure it's the animal protein and animal fat which causes all the diseases! I have read so many studies within the last 5 years which confirm it. Animal products are simply not suited for humans, that's why we get ill. I will make a picture of that chart for you and upload it.

Pesticides are definitely bad for the health but meat, dairy and eggs are so much worse in my opinion. I wash all my veggies with soapy water because they don't label the foods as organic or non organic where I live and I read that most pesticides can be washed off with soap or vinegar. So better be safe than sorry. :-/

PS: I like your new avatar! Smile

Thank you! It became about time I got one:p Hmm this subject is very interesting., Indeed the cancer is bad, but could i be only searched in food? I think not for 100% as with anything. Ofcourse our water and food is full of hormones and other not so good stuff. But we also have a lot of stress nowadays and what about wifi everywhere?:p Phones, signals. I wonder if that a could play a role often.
But one question, in the past(like 30-50 years ago) we also ate meat. Still cancer is/was in the past decenia a bit of a rising disease, is it then the way we ''produce'' the meat that made meat more bad and nowadays a bit of a dirty product?(massproduction ie)

(28-07-2015, 22:42)hannah14 Wrote:  
(28-07-2015, 22:20)peggy Wrote:  
(28-07-2015, 20:47)hannah14 Wrote:  Oh really, that sounds bad that my country is on top of the chart.
A lot of people eat fat meat here ie like pork or the typical dutch fried meat-snacks you might know.(with ragout)
Only in my family there are already 2 cases of breastcancer..Another year ago a neigbour of me. And then I'm not talking about the other cancers.. in my environment cancer occurs a lot indeed!Sad
You think its the meat?
What about the pesticides on our vegetables? I think they play a big role in it too..Sad

It's insane that almost everybody has cancer nowadays! Sorry to hear that 2 of your family members have breast cancer. My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer 5 years ago. After that I started to do a lot of research about diets and cancer. My mom was eating meat and dairy too (she is almost vegan now). The father of my boyfriend has cancer as well. He eats meat, dairy products and a lot of eggs.

I am 100% sure it's the animal protein and animal fat which causes all the diseases! I have read so many studies within the last 5 years which confirm it. Animal products are simply not suited for humans, that's why we get ill. I will make a picture of that chart for you and upload it.

Pesticides are definitely bad for the health but meat, dairy and eggs are so much worse in my opinion. I wash all my veggies with soapy water because they don't label the foods as organic or non organic where I live and I read that most pesticides can be washed off with soap or vinegar. So better be safe than sorry. :-/

PS: I like your new avatar! Smile

Thank you! It became about time I got one:p
But one question, in the past(like 30-50 years ago) we also ate meat. Still cancer is/was in the past decenia a bit of a rising disease, is it then the way we ''produce'' the meat that made meat more bad and nowadays a bit of a dirty product?(massproduction ie)

Good question Hannah. Just my two cents worth my grandma's era. They grew up in the depression and had little access to rich foods like meat and dairy so maybe as time progressed and food became more available coupled with the introduction of antibiotics in meats as well as chemicals in the foods/grains animals are fed then not only do we in turn consume these poisons in our meat but all subsequent dairy products too. Cancer incidence growing alongside the above mentioned?...

It follows suit with little cancer incidence in our grandparents but high incidence now. Lets not forget global radiation contamination and wireless exposure too. My kids school is fully wireless. Modems in every classrooms. Tablets and wireless computers a part of their daily studies. She's only 8!

(28-07-2015, 22:52)ELLACRAIG Wrote:  It follows suit with little cancer incidence in our grandparents but high incidence now. Lets not forget global radiation contamination and wireless exposure too. My kids school is fully wireless. Modems in every classrooms. Tablets and wireless computers a part of their daily studies. She's only 8!

Seriously? I dont really know how its here on the schools actually, but dont like to hear that..I really wouldnt like it when my kid(s) would sit behind the screens all day long, certainly not at that age. Its like creating an international generation of glasses wearing, unsocial kids. And ofcourse the radiation part, where people dont talk about a lot, because its part of life now ofcourse..

(28-07-2015, 22:40)ELLACRAIG Wrote:  That's correct. I'm feeling sick about the whole thing. As you can imagine my gut and ibs issues I'm terrified of colon cancer. I can say you have me sold Peggy. Right now eating me has me very scared indeed.

I know it's scary Ella. I recommend you to do more research and simply eat less/no meat/dairy/eggs and increase the amount of plant foods during the next 30 days or so, just to try it out. You should notice that you feel much better soon. Smile

Can you order books from the US or do you have a Kindle? If yes I would recommend this one: Detox-Miracle-Sourcebook and also the China study (note the positive comments): (Kindle version costs only $7.99 US).

If you don't like to read you can watch a documentary on YouTube, which is very good in my opinion:

It explains how bad animal products are for the health, for the environment and of course for the animals. Take the time to watch it, it's really good. Smile

(28-07-2015, 22:49)ELLACRAIG Wrote:  Good question Hannah. Just my two cents worth my grandma's era. They grew up in the depression and had little access to rich foods like meat and dairy so maybe as time progressed and food became more available coupled with the introduction of antibiotics in meats as well as chemicals in the foods/grains animals are fed then not only do we in turn consume these poisons in our meat but all subsequent dairy products too. Cancer incidence growing alongside the above mentioned?...

I agree 100%. Smile

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