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Hannah14's Diary

(20-10-2015, 21:49)Lotus Wrote:  
(20-10-2015, 21:31)ellacraig Wrote:  What's negative feedback?

(25-06-2014, 04:04)Lotus Wrote:  I think this relates to some stalled growth, DHT is a great barometer to a current plan. (i.e. out of control facial, funky junk body hair growth, zits, aggression, etc).
(09-06-2014, 20:16)Lotus Wrote:  
Why increasing the dosage doesn't always work

Negative feedback occurs when the result of a process influences the operation of the process itself in such a way as to reduce changes. Feedback can produce stability and reduce the effect of fluctuations. Negative feedback loops in which just the right amount of correction is applied in the most timely manner can be very stable, accurate, and responsive.

Negative feedback loops have been compared to a thermostatically controlled temperature in a house, where the internal temperature is monitored by a temperature-sensitive gauge in the thermostat. If it is cold outside, eventually the internal temperature of the house drops, as cold air seeps in through the walls. When the temperature drops below the point at which the thermostat is set, the thermostat turns on the furnace. As the temperature within the house rises, the thermostat again senses this change and turns off the furnace when the internal temperature reaches the pre-set point.

Negative feedback loops require a receptor, a control center, and an effector. A receptor is the structure that monitors internal conditions. For instance, the human body has receptors in the blood vessels that monitor the pH of the blood. The blood vessels contain receptors that measure the resistance of blood flow against the vessel walls, thus monitoring blood pressure. Receptors sense changes in function and initiate the body's homeostatic response.

Read more: Homeostasis - Negative feedback - Body, Blood, Internal, and Conditions - JRank Articles


Cycling is important when taking supplements, failure to do so will result with tolerance, and the supplements will stop working.

Once your body makes the adjustments to get back to homeostasis is the time to cycle, (ie. in a 7 day plan, try 5 days on and 2 days off).

Tolerance occurs when the person no longer responds to the drug in the way that person initially responded. Stated another way, it takes a higher dose of the drug to achieve the same level of response achieved initially.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=10504]

Ah got ya. I'm done with buggering around with herbs. Thanks for the info Smile

(20-10-2015, 22:03)Lotus Wrote:  Ok, I have another version of a feedback loop, I get a laugh when it comes to mind, Big Grin

"Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.”
Mark Twain


“Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.”
George Carlin

My favorite Big Grin

Increased T can influence the need to argue........ I think of it as "runaway T".

Thanks Lotus I love the George Carlin saying..thats really a good one!!

I dont have the need to argue actually, I did got a chin hair recently which is quite odd for me. No zits further only some irritation zits on the inside of my elbow. But quite impatient and a short temper..I think these are signs of T too.

Anyhow your negative loop explanation explains it all. I was afraid of it.. you cant just raise one hormone thats very clear to me now..
So I'm on the green tea since yesterday evening and I already feel a lot better. Dont know if its the tea or just coincidence. Though i still get annoyed about criticism, I dont feel the need to argue but it just pisses me of..

I was actually thinking about this mood thing the other day. I had gotten pretty stressed out several big ways in the past few months. Well, I wasn't taking herbs. Recently I have started back on an almost microscopic dose of pm and 1 SP, some days (because I have some to get rid of). I also have a green drink and throw in other herbs like ground sage, cinnamon, cayenne, etc (as I take these anyway for health, sometimes I do smoothies). Well, I was doing well taking it every day for a couple of weeks, but as I wasn't too committed, I got lazy and skipped a day. Goodness! I almost kicked a whole in the wall. I suddenly got upset and just raged and seethed. Then, I had to consider that maybe my tiny dose of missed herbs had something to do with it. I think PM helps me be calmer and I generally feel good when I drink my green drink (has stuff like alfalfa, etc).

(22-10-2015, 07:42)char Wrote:  I was actually thinking about this mood thing the other day. I had gotten pretty stressed out several big ways in the past few months. Well, I wasn't taking herbs. Recently I have started back on an almost microscopic dose of pm and 1 SP, some days (because I have some to get rid of). I also have a green drink and throw in other herbs like ground sage, cinnamon, cayenne, etc (as I take these anyway for health, sometimes I do smoothies). Well, I was doing well taking it every day for a couple of weeks, but as I wasn't too committed, I got lazy and skipped a day. Goodness! I almost kicked a whole in the wall. I suddenly got upset and just raged and seethed. Then, I had to consider that maybe my tiny dose of missed herbs had something to do with it. I think PM helps me be calmer and I generally feel good when I drink my green drink (has stuff like alfalfa, etc).

Yeeh thats exactly what I mean lol a whole in the wall, at least its not as bad as thinking about strangling your dog. and then just even think about just walking to the kitchen to just hit your fist on a plate and then straight afterwards feel totally under control and just calmly clear up the broken plate almostly singing and feeling totally happy again:S
As much as I love the good effect of pm one you stop you get some kind off frisbee effect you get back the bad stuff only then a 10fold worse.

I totally get the negative loop now as I went trough it. And one of the signs your body is trying to get that loop mechanism to work is to get you craving for sugar...Ive experienced this a couple of times now..You up your estrogen-->body says no thanks, eat some sugar so I can get these andro's to work again --> and there ya go..

That's makes sence yeh.
I guess you gotta ask yourself Hannah and Char did you have these crazy mood anger swings before... taking the pm etc?
I know when I took the stronger herbal blends I got very aggressive and over emotional, moreso than I had ever experienced. I just don't see how its good for you .

Part of that doco I was telling you about there was this woman who suffered depression and health problems, she got suisidal and took all the pharmecutical anti depressants under the sun then after years of her hubby researching he tried food, like greens and good food, supplied her with all the nutrients her body needed and she got well.
Crazy huh. Sorry abit off topic to a degree. But I WONDER IF the fact we just aren't getting all we need from food now is depeleting our body systems. Ie why so much of us have small boobs because of hormone abnormalities BECAUSE we aint getting all the nutrients that make our bodies function at their peak in the first place.

Is the answer getting a wholefood multi that covers every vitamin and mineral we need on a daily basis and build ourselves back up and get all our body fucntions right and then we will have balanced hormones and maybe boob growth? is popping herbs doing a damned thing for us?

(23-10-2015, 18:34)ellacraig Wrote:  That's makes sence yeh.
I guess you gotta ask yourself Hannah and Char did you have these crazy mood anger swings before... taking the pm etc?
I know when I took the stronger herbal blends I got very aggressive and over emotional, moreso than I had ever experienced. I just don't see how its good for you .

Part of that doco I was telling you about there was this woman who suffered depression and health problems, she got suisidal and took all the pharmecutical anti depressants under the sun then after years of her hubby researching he tried food, like greens and good food, supplied her with all the nutrients her body needed and she got well.
Crazy huh. Sorry abit off topic to a degree. But I WONDER IF the fact we just aren't getting all we need from food now is depeleting our body systems. Ie why so much of us have small boobs because of hormone abnormalities BECAUSE we aint getting all the nutrients that make our bodies function at their peak in the first place.

Is the answer getting a wholefood multi that covers every vitamin and mineral we need on a daily basis and build ourselves back up and get all our body fucntions right and then we will have balanced hormones and maybe boob growth? is popping herbs doing a damned thing for us?

No before I had just normal agitations as evyrone experience once in a while then I started PM and as I said before it ''upped'' my mood. But once you skip or the cycle period is over its giving me these exact over emotional reaction as you describe and those are not really me...Never experienced that uncontrolable feeling before..

I feed myself with the most healthiest foods in the world...but we dont know if they contain enough indeedDodgy Therefore indeed supplementing..

I do think popping herbs are just that extra push to encourage your body to grow in your breasts..Because I first started out with only foods and much protein shakes...But I only got bigger upper legs...the proteins made my hamstrings grow. Then I got a dip because it didnt went to quit...and my legs were gone. Then restarted with herbs and also massage I think did do some good to my breasts....
But the thing is how do we balance these herbs...if we can Im sure they can be at least a bit good for us..

(23-10-2015, 18:52)Hannah14 Wrote:  
(23-10-2015, 18:34)ellacraig Wrote:  That's makes sence yeh.
I guess you gotta ask yourself Hannah and Char did you have these crazy mood anger swings before... taking the pm etc?
I know when I took the stronger herbal blends I got very aggressive and over emotional, moreso than I had ever experienced. I just don't see how its good for you .

Part of that doco I was telling you about there was this woman who suffered depression and health problems, she got suisidal and took all the pharmecutical anti depressants under the sun then after years of her hubby researching he tried food, like greens and good food, supplied her with all the nutrients her body needed and she got well.
Crazy huh. Sorry abit off topic to a degree. But I WONDER IF the fact we just aren't getting all we need from food now is depeleting our body systems. Ie why so much of us have small boobs because of hormone abnormalities BECAUSE we aint getting all the nutrients that make our bodies function at their peak in the first place.

Is the answer getting a wholefood multi that covers every vitamin and mineral we need on a daily basis and build ourselves back up and get all our body fucntions right and then we will have balanced hormones and maybe boob growth? is popping herbs doing a damned thing for us?

No before I had just normal agitations as evyrone experience once in a while then I started PM and as I said before it ''upped'' my mood. But once you skip or the cycle period is over its giving me these exact over emotional reaction as you describe and those are not really me...Never experienced that uncontrolable feeling before..

I feed myself with the most healthiest foods in the world...but we dont know if they contain enough indeedDodgy Therefore indeed supplementing..

I do think popping herbs are just that extra push to encourage your body to grow in your breasts..Because I first started out with only foods and much protein shakes...But I only got bigger upper legs...the proteins made my hamstrings grow. Then I got a dip because it didnt went to quit...and my legs were gone. Then restarted with herbs and also massage I think did do some good to my breasts....
But the thing is how do we balance these herbs...if we can Im sure they can be at least a bit good for us..

Honestly, I think the only real safe way to take the herbs is after a full hormone work up is done and under the guidance of a good natural practitioner etc. BUT there aren't any who would prescribe herbs for breast enlargement? They'd only prescribe to help the underlying hormonal condition if one existed :s

Id love to do a full nutritional test to see what if anything is lacking alongside a full hormone workup BUT they are soo effing expensive!

Us ladies have to remember anytime we're dealing with hormones it is going to effect us mentally and even physically. We're adding to our body to amplify things that already are natural to us in our body.. it's like taking BC, if youre upping your estrogen chances are you're going to get more moody. :/

Try to take more vitamin C to lower cortisol levels, do things that release stress, draw, watch a show, something that is fun for *you* to lower cortisol and to help the stress.

I agree with lotus to cut back a bit, cleanse-- a lemon, mint water drink could help Smile along with the green tea / spearmint. Taking a lower dose of PM should help if you decide to start up again. Maybe Fenugreek might be less potent for you, I hear they're essentially the same thing just PM is a little more intense.

From my understanding it seems your issues more lie in other breast hormones than estrogen..

I am not sure of your full plan but there are other hormones to consider in the growth of breast tissue:
of course there are even more than those (protein, collagen, etc) but chances are if you're noticing negative changes in your body when you're introducing it to a specific hormone, imo you have enough of that hormone..

Ie. I took PM and my breast shrunk/did more damage than good because I had enough estrogen in my body-- I took PC and my breast grew and it aided in my NBE because I was lacking P.

(26-10-2015, 15:29)missboobshirt Wrote:  Us ladies have to remember anytime we're dealing with hormones it is going to effect us mentally and even physically. We're adding to our body to amplify things that already are natural to us in our body.. it's like taking BC, if youre upping your estrogen chances are you're going to get more moody. :/

Try to take more vitamin C to lower cortisol levels, do things that release stress, draw, watch a show, something that is fun for *you* to lower cortisol and to help the stress.

I agree with lotus to cut back a bit, cleanse-- a lemon, mint water drink could help Smile along with the green tea / spearmint. Taking a lower dose of PM should help if you decide to start up again. Maybe Fenugreek might be less potent for you, I hear they're essentially the same thing just PM is a little more intense.

From my understanding it seems your issues more lie in other breast hormones than estrogen..

I am not sure of your full plan but there are other hormones to consider in the growth of breast tissue:
of course there are even more than those (protein, collagen, etc) but chances are if you're noticing negative changes in your body when you're introducing it to a specific hormone, imo you have enough of that hormone..

Ie. I took PM and my breast shrunk/did more damage than good because I had enough estrogen in my body-- I took PC and my breast grew and it aided in my NBE because I was lacking P.

Well I think it was a premenstrual moodswing. I should have known! Anyhow my cycle was 36 days long this time(previous 38) and I did not used pc and about 3 capsules of pm spread in follic. And still such a long cycle while my previous cycles before this program were about 26 days average.
My breasts size is not a lot of different they only look rounder and my skin feels nicer.
Well I picked up green tea but I am confused when to use it as its also hormonal and my cycle is already so messed up!! It is actually quite hilarious at times I feel so dumb but its not fun at all.

(27-10-2015, 00:08)Hannah14 Wrote:  
(26-10-2015, 15:29)missboobshirt Wrote:  Us ladies have to remember anytime we're dealing with hormones it is going to effect us mentally and even physically. We're adding to our body to amplify things that already are natural to us in our body.. it's like taking BC, if youre upping your estrogen chances are you're going to get more moody. :/

Try to take more vitamin C to lower cortisol levels, do things that release stress, draw, watch a show, something that is fun for *you* to lower cortisol and to help the stress.

I agree with lotus to cut back a bit, cleanse-- a lemon, mint water drink could help Smile along with the green tea / spearmint. Taking a lower dose of PM should help if you decide to start up again. Maybe Fenugreek might be less potent for you, I hear they're essentially the same thing just PM is a little more intense.

From my understanding it seems your issues more lie in other breast hormones than estrogen..

I am not sure of your full plan but there are other hormones to consider in the growth of breast tissue:
of course there are even more than those (protein, collagen, etc) but chances are if you're noticing negative changes in your body when you're introducing it to a specific hormone, imo you have enough of that hormone..

Ie. I took PM and my breast shrunk/did more damage than good because I had enough estrogen in my body-- I took PC and my breast grew and it aided in my NBE because I was lacking P.

Well I think it was a premenstrual moodswing. I should have known! Anyhow my cycle was 36 days long this time(previous 38) and I did not used pc and about 3 capsules of pm spread in follic. And still such a long cycle while my previous cycles before this program were about 26 days average.
My breasts size is not a lot of different they only look rounder and my skin feels nicer.
Well I picked up green tea but I am confused when to use it as its also hormonal and my cycle is already so messed up!! It is actually quite hilarious at times I feel so dumb but its not fun at all.

That's long cycles.. I've started up on vitex this time around.
I just have one green tea a day for its detox properties. Make sure your green tea is organic. Read a horror story of a girl who went onto liver failure after drinking multiple green teas a day for weight loss and it was contaminated with heavy metals. Not to scare you as this was a "slightly" isolated case , even organic you never really know do ya. I was gonna up my green tea till I read that shit.

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