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Veggie/Vegan NBE-ers?


i would like to propose a thread for any vegetarian or vegan NBE-ers, or just people wanting to reduce their animal-product intake! I don't know if such people exist, so if you do please introduce yourself here!


My Story: I would like to attempt to go vegetarian , if not vegan, but have some boob anxiety (among many other anxieties!) as animal products have been the main way of keeping my weight up so far.

I've had some kinda anxiety-related compulsive vomiting thing in the past, so animal-products have been my go-to for calorie density when i can't manage eating much!

I've tried to go vegetarian before but didn't know how and ended up very fatigued and unstable. Also, I've been travelling and being hosted by people/living a my mum's place so I've gone back to eating meat as it's what I'm given!

When I get my own place again in January I hope to cultivate my cooking skills and dietetic knowledge and make a more successful second attempt!

I'm hoping I won't have to sacrifice what little boobage I have for this...or indeed my mental health, so I'd appreciate tips from anyone who has managed to make this work for them, and if there's interest i'll be sharing anything I learn with you guys!

Hi isobasic, I think you have a good idea here!

I am in a similar boat as you actually. I've been vegetarian or vegan off and on since I was about 16 (I'm 25 now.) It was so much easier when I lived by myself, I had no desire to buy or eat meat or any other animal stuff, and I was totally fine with it. Now that I live with my boyfriend, it's a lot harder to stick to, because he eats meat. I just graduated school and am still looking a a job in my field, and he is currently working on starting up his own business at home, so money is too tight to budget for two very different diets. I love veggies and he doesn't, he likes meat and I don't, so we compromise and meet somewhere in the middle.

I find myself skipping a lot of meals, for instance I almost never eat breakfast. I don't think I eat enough calories, which probably contributes negatively to my breast growing dreams. Since I don't have time (or money) for a lot of meals, I make a big pitcher of green smoothie for him and I, with different fruits, spinach/kale, and then I add maca powder to mine. For a while I was also adding a vegan protein powder, that you might be interested in, called Garden of Life Raw Protein, that was all veggie protein, but it was really expensive so I had to stop buying it.

I don't know what tips to give to an aspiring vegetarian, because I've fallen off the wagon many times because of the convenience and money factor of living with a meat eater. I guess my suggestion would be that if you are going to be a vegetarian, try not to be a junk food vegetarian. Avoid those processed meatless chicken fingers and soy stuff. What worked for me was keeping it as simple as possible with lots and lots of veggies (I love veggies anyway so that part was easy for me) and some carbs like quinoa and rice. Look up the "superfoods" and try to add those into as many meals and snacks as you can. And, I found that finding and talking to other vegans helped me stay on track a lot more. They kind of inspired me to keep going with it and remember what it was doing for my body and for the environment.

same here, on and off again vegan/vegetarian. seeing as I am 21 its almost impossible.. drunk, late, no money nights, nuggets and pizza are always the way to go. smh
today I actually told myself I wanted to finally stop and eat healthy again. went out and spent 80$ on groceries which I doubt will last over 4 days :/
My mom is so hard headed about not eating meat so its difficult too to have it around the house
Good luck to you!

Please check out my vegan thread Smile

Hi i am high carb vegan too like Peggy Smile

Her thread is awesome.

(13-12-2015, 01:28 PM)Vixy Wrote:  Hi i am high carb vegan too like Peggy Smile

Her thread is awesome.

Just curious, did you notice weight gain with a high carb diet? I'm getting mixed signals on whether high carb, high fat, or high protein is the way to go for NBE. seems like everyone says something different. I don't necessarily want to gain weight, well not anywhere except my boobs. I'm afraid if I go for high carb or high fat I will gain weight all over.

I would like to consume more healthy veggies and such. I have found, in my quest for nbe, a desire to make healthier food choices. I dont know if its psychosematic or my body craving more fruits and veggies....

I have tried going vegitarian before, but crave meats too much. Even replacing them with beans and other high protein substitutes, i still tend to crave the taste and texture of real meat. Sad

Well Alliecat,

when you've been starving for long like me, and then eat too many high fat low carb foods for months, you're more likely to gain weight. When you gain weight on a high carb vegan lifestyle, your body needed it in order to heal itself. I was 40kgs (BMI of 17, anorexic) before, and then I ate more, and went on this lifestyle, and i went 57kg. Now I am slowly losing weight, the healthy way, and I eat all I care for <3. Healing process. I am now at 54kg (BMI from 23 to 22), as I am constantly carbing up. Carbs = fat burner long term. Fat = fat you wear long term.
You can restrict or undereat carbs for some months, or years. But eventually you can't remain healthy this way.

Do you understand ? Smile There are many many testimonials on this lifestyle (try typing "Raw Till 4 before & after" on google) of people who succeeded and now have a fit body, a healthy mind, and they are happier than ever.
It's not a matter of days. It's not a matter of weeks. It's a matter of months, and for some people who's health habits were very bad in the past, in can be years. But the results are so worth it. Your skin clears up, depression will never come again, you lose fat, gain muscle, mental clarity, it's a recipe for success, as humans are designed to run on carbohydrates. Brain runs exclusively on carbs. Wink

Tanya, you were obviously undereating (on carbs) if you craved so hard meat, I'll tell you ! :p

(17-12-2015, 07:07 PM)Vixy Wrote:  Well Alliecat,

when you've been starving for long like me, and then eat too many high fat low carb foods for months, you're more likely to gain weight. When you gain weight on a high carb vegan lifestyle, your body needed it in order to heal itself. I was 40kgs (BMI of 17, anorexic) before, and then I ate more, and went on this lifestyle, and i went 57kg. Now I am slowly losing weight, the healthy way, and I eat all I care for <3. Healing process. I am now at 54kg (BMI from 23 to 22), as I am constantly carbing up. Carbs = fat burner long term. Fat = fat you wear long term.
You can restrict or undereat carbs for some months, or years. But eventually you can't remain healthy this way.

Do you understand ? Smile There are many many testimonials on this lifestyle (try typing "Raw Till 4 before & after" on google) of people who succeeded and now have a fit body, a healthy mind, and they are happier than ever.
It's not a matter of days. It's not a matter of weeks. It's a matter of months, and for some people who's health habits were very bad in the past, in can be years. But the results are so worth it. Your skin clears up, depression will never come again, you lose fat, gain muscle, mental clarity, it's a recipe for success, as humans are designed to run on carbohydrates. Brain runs exclusively on carbs. Wink

Tanya, you were obviously undereating (on carbs) if you craved so hard meat, I'll tell you ! :p

What are high carb foods?

I love answering this Smile

High carb foods include all ripe fruits such as bananas, mangos, dates (higher carb content in these 3), berries, strawberries, oranges, nectarines, grapefruit, kiwis, apples, pineapples, dragon fruits, and every other high fruit, potatoes, sweet potatoes, brown rice, white rice (which is fine), quinoa, millet, corn, gluten-free pastas like corn pastas or rice pastas, high carb low fat pizzas/fries (without oil, so delicious)/makis, etc.
As soon as it is at least 80% carbs, it's high carb. (

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