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March 6 2007 at 9:40 AM Anna (Login anna-a)
Is anyone trying shatavari? I have ordered it to use it together with vitex to balance my hormones.
When I quit bcp 2 years ago, I didn't get my periods for several months. Gyn did an echo and took blood and she said that I didn't have to worry, that I just had low hormone levels and that I would be OK if I took bcp again. So I did, but I would like to get pregnant over a few months, so I need another solution to balance my own hormones first (I don't like the idea of taking the chemical stuff the gyn would give me..). I stopped taking bcp a month ago and am taking vitex but I'm already a week late, it's so frustrating! Really hope the shatavari does something


(Login Alcest)
Re: Desperate-shatavari?
March 6 2007, 3:47 PM

I just started using Shatavari this month. It's too soon for me to say anything else.

(Login gingerD)
Re: Desperate-shatavari?
March 6 2007, 3:54 PM

Hi alcest how are you doing?is your routine going ok?

(Login Alcest)
Re: Desperate-shatavari?
March 7 2007, 12:51 AM

It's fine, I mean, I just started it a couple weeks ago so I don't really know what to say... I did skip a day and a half of herbs last Friday because of my thesis and the opening of my senior show and everything. But now I'm back at it and feeling positive and yadda yadda yadda. And the boyfriend and I have decided to give it one more go. I can't say anything about the shatavari at this time, but I'm giving it a go.

Trying shatavari
February 17 2007 at 7:22 PM
Alcest (Login Alcest)
Nothing else seems to be working for me. I still always get tingles on Saw Palmetto, but never any growth. I get sore nipples, sore breasts, tingles, everything but I WON'T ****ING GROW.

So anyway, I'm trying it again. Right now I'm taking some Wonderup along with Saw Palmetto and Shatavri. I'll cut out the Wonderup soon though since I know all it does is lower my blood sugar.

Please wish me luck, not that that will help me.

(Login faerycat)
Re: Trying shatavari
February 17 2007, 8:15 PM

Good luck Alcest!!!

Keep us posted on how things go with the shatavari. Will be really interested in this one.

Hey, and stop sounding sooooo negative!!! More positive thoughts and affrimations!! Let me hear you say - I will be successful. This new programme will work for me. I am going to have the body I always wanted.

Love and lots of growth!!

=^_^= x

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Trying shatavari
February 17 2007, 8:32 PM

Hi Alcest, may I ask what have you tried so far and have you ever had any sucess? Thanks and good luck!

(Login Alcest)
Re: Trying shatavari
February 17 2007, 10:43 PM

Hey Moon,

I've done the Greenbush thing for about 4 months, a year or so ago, then I did Wonderup for 4 months just recently. Neither really worked, though I did get tingles/sensations/etc, especially whenver I would incorporate saw palmetto into either of those routines.

I was also massaging with fenugreek and saw palmetto mixed into different things like cocoa butter, olive oil, flax seed oil..... Just recently (like two weeks ago) I found out massaging with SP is a big no-no. I suppose that could be why I never grew, who knows. I've now just been massaging with fenugreek.

Since fenugreek makes my blood sugar drop, do you think I should split it in half and take less fenugreek along with adding some fennel? I've been seeing hints around here that fenugreek and fennel are some sort of magic combination...

I need some help with dosages here!--- this is the first time I'll be doing my own seperate herb routine.

So after ramping up it would be 3 Shatavari pills in a day (morning, noon, night) BTW, the bottle doesn't say how many mg they are, just that it is "highest potency". I believe it; been so f-ing horny since taking them.

Right now I'm just taking one saw palmetto pill morning and night. They are Nature's Way capsules of 585 mg. How many can I take of these in a day??

And the fennel (when I get it) Should it add up to how much fenugreek I should take in a day (i.e. like 1500 mg?)

I've been doing some subliminal flash messages---- And I always was fairly positive about this in my past two routines. I always thought I would grow! I just intrinsicly thought I was a grower. So I did have a lot of positive thoughts, I'm not always this negative... I just have really been when it comes to this lately because I'm so utterly disappointed in myself for not growing.

(Login Myjourney)
February 17 2007, 10:50 PM

Huh! I have had just the opposite problem. I am usually really...amorous, but this NBE stuff has killed my sex drive. I added Maca.
Maybe I should look into this stuff.

(Login Corrie73)
Re: Trying shatavari
February 17 2007, 11:08 PM

Try damiana for libido...Seriously, its great. AND, its a phytoestrogen too, so its good for NBE. Yay!

(Login -Moon-)
February 18 2007, 7:15 PM

The FG + fennel is my hypothesis because I see so many sucessful routines contain them. But it makes sense - it's better to have small doses of several similar herbs, because it's more possible that one of them is 'your personal wonderherb' as well if you know you have a negative side effect, the power dose may not cause too big problems. I will be taking 1800 mg of each in my next routine.

I think one to two of those SP capsules would be ok, on you to decide. Also to note, some reported that nettle, though it's supposed to do the same as SP, worked much better for them.

BTW, are you per chance stressed? I too have been quite positive about growing (nothing so far) and I considered several factors that could have been preventing me to grow but I came to think that stress is hugely underrated. I mean, we are told everywhere how notable effects stress can have but we don't take it that seriously because we feel its influence mentally more than physically.
I haven't really been on a decent good routine so far due to inacessibility of herbs and money, but I realized that my head was just too messed up for anything to work at all. I'll seriously include some hypnosis/relaxation as a part of my routine when I start.

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Trying shatavari
February 18 2007, 7:20 PM

*I meant lower dose (grrr who ever thoguht of puting l so close to p on the keyboard, probably the same person who thoguht of puting u so close to i and then you wish someone good luck and something almost obsecene comes out, haha)

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Trying shatavari
February 18 2007, 9:22 PM

Hmmm, you know what? WU/FG lowering your blood shugar may indicate too active insulin, which may mean that your couterinsulinar hormones epinephrine and cortisol are underactive, eg. tired adrenals. If you are indeed stressed, this possibility is even greater.

(Login Alcest)
Re: Trying shatavari
February 18 2007, 11:01 PM

Hhahaha, I'm always stressed babe.

But yeah it's been sort of worse than usual this month. My senior thesis is due in 12 days, and I'm having very serious boyfriend troubles. We're thinking of taking a break, etc...

Ugh. I try to stay calm though I'm a natural worrywart. I keep lavendar essential oils with me always to calm me---do you have any other secrets? I guess I could try the hypnosis thing.

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Trying shatavari
February 18 2007, 11:30 PM

I didn't know about lavender essential oils, what do they do?

Well, I use all methods that I can think of. I'm doing relaxation/hyponosis, subliminal messages, I'm generally analyzing my issues and working on them. I am not doing NBE in particulary stresful times. Also ginseng is supposed to enhance the body's resistence to stress. All this + some herbs for relaxation would probably be a good idea. But stress is something that can more than anything else be helped by oneself.

(Login Corrie73)
Re: Trying shatavari
February 19 2007, 2:37 AM

I have a lavender spray that's great. You just spray in in your face and all over when you are stressed. I also like Bach Flower Essences, Rescue Remedy in particular, for stress. Another thing that really helped was quitting coffee, and that's good for NBE too.

Good luck!

(Login Myjourney)
February 19 2007, 3:53 AM

Thanks for being real. I don't mind your venting. I appreciate it. I don't know what to say but keep putting one foot in front of the other and keep trying and keep hope. But I really wanted to give you a big hug (maybe that is goony?)
and tell you I admire you for being real and have hurt and are hurting and this is a hard journey for you. I wish you blessings and the best...I wish I could do something to make your dreams come true...I will try to dream it for you.


(Login Myjourney)
February 19 2007, 4:24 AM


If that is a pic of you in your picture are very beautiful and alluring...every feature is what I had always wanted for myself...but I am not...I have blue eyes and dishwater hair...
And if it isn't you in the pic...I am sure there is something terrif about just you. Focus on that while you "improve" the other stuf....

(Login -Moon-)
PS -
February 19 2007, 12:26 PM

Doing a little research on ginseng - besides fortifying the body's resistence to stress, it's said to be regulator of blood sugar levels (maybe throuh the first mentioned action).

(Login Alcest)
Re: Trying shatavari
February 20 2007, 3:47 PM

Okay I'm going to go to the HFS sometime in the next couple days,will get ginseng, fennel, and perhaps fennel essential oil if they have it. Thank you guys for your help. =)

(Login lilmama40)
Re: Trying shatavari
February 20 2007, 4:48 PM

I've had success with the individual herbs, just taking fennel and fennugreek and nettle root and wild yam and red clover. My doses are not super high either, probably just about in the middle (check my program page). I massage in the morning with wild yam cream and in the evening with PM cream. I also take flax oil. I am a coffee junkee so I switched to decaf and I only have a soda once in a while. I'm stressed with juggling a full time job and life at home with my hubby and my 3 little ones, and just the normal general stuff.
I want you to have success! You've certainly put in lots of time and effort with NBE. Good luck and don't give up!

(Login Alcest)
Re: Trying shatavari
February 21 2007, 3:37 PM

Oh god damnit. I just realized, looking at the ingredients of my wonderup bottle here, that the first two ingredients are fenugreek and fennel! That means I've been taking fenugreek/fennel all along.

Is it still worth it to take them as individual herbs? Do you think I should try them again, without all the other stuff wonderup has?


(Login lilmama40)
Re: Trying shatavari
February 21 2007, 4:51 PM

Well, I'd say that for some reason, even though wonderup has some of the same things in it as you'd use on an individual program, lots of people have had success with wonderup alone or in combination with just a few other things. Maybe you should give it a go? Maybe it has just the right doses that will be effective? This whole NBE thing can be such a crap shoot! I'm sure you're frustrated. I think it would be helpful for the ladies who have had success with wonderup to tell you what they used with it and maybe you could give one of their programs a go? I can't remember, have you used pm cream? That's very effective too. What do you think?

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Trying shatavari
February 21 2007, 5:15 PM

Alcest I think it's a very likely possibility that you hadn't had sucess because of stress. And WU is a product that worked for many people, so there must be something about it. If we look at this fact and the ingredients we can deduct a few things - it contain both FG and fennel, so this might be a beneficial combination. It contains ginko biloba, which suggests that poor circulation is a likely obstacle to NBE. And it also contains ginseng, which suggests that stress is a very likely obstacle for NBE. But the ginseng dose in WU might not be high enoguh for a very stressed person and ginseng alone probably isn't enough for a very stressed person in the first place. But with working with all accesible methods particulary on the mind and stress release, if you achieve that, it's very likely that the same herbs that didn't work for you before will then work, probably more likely than finding one herb that will work even when stressed.
I use WU for a reference to my routine a lot, for doses and ingredients. I got myself a good quality ginseng today and as soon as some damn stressful events are over, I'll start my new routine.

(no login)
Re: Trying shatavari
February 21 2007, 11:46 PM

Shatavari is also known as wild asparagus.

Anyone know about or use Shatavari?
March 22 2009 at 11:09 PM nymph (Login SaggyNymph)
I have seen it in stores. It always says "Ayurvedic Phytoestrogen" or "Female Miracle Tonic" or something. Has anyone used it?

(Login roakie)
Re: Anyone know about or use Shatavari?
March 23 2009, 4:32 AM

I haven't used it but I found this on a website a while back and this herb intrigues me.

Shatavari (B)

o Also known as “hundred husbands”
o Found in Africa, India, Australia, Asia
o Considered “the strongest” herb for female issues, is used for infertility,prevent miscarriage, increase milk supply, increase breast tissue
o Diuretic, nutritive, laxative. Mucilaginous.
o Considered “anti-oxytocic” for uterine contractions during pregnancy

(no login)
Re: Anyone know about or use Shatavari?
March 24 2009, 1:43 AM

I've seen shatavari being sold as a remedy for sagging breasts.

Has Anyone Tried Shatavari? Please read.....
February 13 2007 at 6:38 PM
faerycat (Login faerycat)
Shatavari, or shatawari, comes from the Ayurvedic tradition of healing. Also known as “hundred husbands” for its beneficial effects in women and reproductive function, shatavari is also very popular as a galactogogue in India and China. Shatavari is considered to rejuvenate female function and is used for infertility. One older study found that shatavari “increased the weight of mammary tissue and milk yield in estrogen-primed rats” while inhibiting involution of glandular tissue and maintaining milk secretion,(1) while another found shatavari to increase milk production in buffaloes.(2) In contrast, a more recent human study reached the conclusion that it had no real effect (baseline prolactin levels in both groups declined at the same postpartum rate) even though the mothers using shatavari had a greater decrease in necessary supplemental milk for their babies at the end of the study than did mothers who took a placebo.

Shatavari has also been used for gastric problems and has even been tested against metoclopramide, where it was found to have a comparable ability to accelerate gastric emptying.(3) Another study using an alcoholic extract of shatavari found that it caused an increase in serum prolactin levels.(4) The mechanism for increasing milk production seems to parallel that of metoclopramide. Shatavari can be purchased in capsule form and is also an ingredient in Lactare, a galactogogue product, which also contains licorice, fenugreek, ashwaganda and other ingredients.

One rather perplexing fact is that shatavari is also reputed to be able to block oxytocin receptors in the uterus,(5) which may be why it is considered useful for preventing miscarriage or premature labor in the Ayurvedic tradition. This raises the question as to whether it could possibly interfere with oxytocin and milk ejection during lactation. Nevertheless, multiple anecdotal reports have attributed milk production increase to shatavari.


=^_^= x

(Login Corrie73)
Re: Has Anyone Tried Shatavari? Please read.....
February 14 2007, 3:26 AM

I have heard this herb is great as an aphrodisiac. I'd love to try it, but I'm already taking so many herbs! Please let us know if you try it and what the effect are.

Good luck!

(Login gingerD)
Re: Has Anyone Tried Shatavari? Please read.....
February 14 2007, 12:39 PM

Hey feary-R u going to add this herb?
Sounds very good from what you have found out particualy the heavier mamory tissue in the rats ,sounds promising.

Iv had alook into this as well, here are afew different bits and peices:

Grown throughout India, this member of the Asparagus family is considered to be the supreme women's tonic and is used as a natural regulator
((((if its asparagus i asume it should be ok to combine with other herbs?))))

Main Indications:

* Main tonic to rejuvenative womens health, helps restore hormonal balance
* Helps alleviate menstrual irregularities
* Useful in both male and female for healthy reproductive organs and urinary tract
* Useful for menopausal and lactating women
* Promotes breastmilk after childbirth

Other Indications:

* Enhances the bile and liver functioning
* Has an aphrodisiac effect
* In women it improves the weight of mammary glands
* Enhances the production of semen
* Keeps blood pressure with in normal limits
* Soothes stomach and peptic ulcers
* Effective against excessive menstrual bleeding
* Effective in curing weak eyes

Sounds like alot of benefits-Iv found it in the uk for£7.80 and the dose says:

1 capsule twice a day after meals with milk or water. Please maintain an hour's gap between intake of our products and other allopathic drugs.

Shatavari is 100% safe and an all natural herb. It will not interfere with any prescription medication you may be taking

Hope this helps u out i may add this but i just buy pills every week-i look like a walking rattlimng pharmacy-Lol
Good luck

(no login)
Re: Has Anyone Tried Shatavari? Please read.....
February 14 2007, 12:46 PM

ooo I like the sound of this one. think I'll do some searching for more info.

(no login)
Re: Has Anyone Tried Shatavari? Please read.....
February 14 2007, 12:53 PM

Just read that this herb aids with digestion too mmmmmm do you think it would help with bloating? I wonder if it could be taken with vitex as they both seem to regulate the cycle and hormones. Might look into this one and take it when i run out of vitex

(Login faerycat)
Re: Has Anyone Tried Shatavari? Please read.....
February 14 2007, 1:00 PM

Thanks for the extra info. Wow, it does sound good hey :-D

Where have you found it for sale? Do Holland & Barratt stock it do you know?

Yes, might just give it a whirl in my next programme. Lol, am rattling like a can of beans too with all the pills.

If it improved the weight of mammary glands in women, then that sounds good enough for me ;-)


(no login)
Re: Has Anyone Tried Shatavari? Please read.....
February 14 2007, 1:08 PM

sorry girls for posting again about this. I just found a product at which is "Shatavari plus" (Pukka brand) Its shatavari with other herbs including vitex its £14.95 for 90 caps. I've searched Holland and Barrett they dont stock it.

(Login faerycat)
Re: Has Anyone Tried Shatavari? Please read.....
February 14 2007, 1:28 PM can be found on ebay. Heh heh, now there's a surprise ;-P~

Just found more info -

Asparagus racemosus


Shatavari is considered to be the best general tonic for women in Ayurveda, clinically proven to promote fertility, strengthen the uterus, regulate menstruation, promote the flow of breast milk, assist in recovery from childbirth and alleviate many symptoms of the menopause. The natural alternative to HRT.

It can be safely used through all stages of a women's life, and has been in use for over a 1000 years. It is the supreme woman's tonic.

It contains phytoestrogens, a natural substance that rebalances oestrogen levels in women. These hormones play an important role in a woman's long term health, preventing breast cancer, heart disease and osteoporosis. It is also known to eliminate the Candida bacteria, so it can be a helpful remedy for thrush, if used regularly and consistently, it is a slow acting plant remedy so it should be used over a period of time for full effect.

In Men studies show it to be an excellent Aphrodisiac when combined with Ashwagandha. It promotes size, strength and stiffness of the penis.

It has been shown to help the body detox from cancer treatment drugs, as it helps to stimulate the immune system and helps the body to eliminate toxins.


"It promotes size, strength and stiffness of the penis". Guess what hubby is gonna be getting as a prezzy soon? Lolz

Oh wowsers too!! it eliminates Candida :-D


(Login hunnybunx)
Re: Has Anyone Tried Shatavari? Please read.....
February 15 2007, 2:39 PM

I've tried for a month...finished a bottle and no nothing.. Maybe its jus me. But I'm having better success now with Saw palmetto...

Next trying ST herbs and adding in the ST Nano serum..

(no login)
Re: Has Anyone Tried Shatavari? Please read.....
March 4 2007, 3:03 PM

I think it would be great for those using vitex only, to balance hormones!


Ayurvedic Beautiful Breast Butter
July 13 2007 at 6:43 AM dunny (Login lil_dunny)
Has anyone tried Ayurvedic Beautiful Breast Butter with shatavari?

(Login Fujiapple)
* * me, too... * *
July 14 2007, 3:00 AM

I'm very interested in this Breast Butter which ingredients seem helpful for NBE.

Happy Boobie Growing

(Login mousee09)
Ayurvedic Beautiful Breast Butter
July 14 2007, 7:08 PM

well does it work? had anybody used it and worked?

(Login Alcest)
Re: Ayurvedic Beautiful Breast Butter
July 15 2007, 7:47 PM

I guess we'll find out!

I ordered it too, the ingredients look good.

(Login Fujiapple)
* * here is the ingredients...* *
July 16 2007, 6:13 PM

Hi, mousee:

Here is the ingredients of this Breast Butter:

Shatarvri, vidari and ashwganda, (mostly) organic ghee, coconut butter, virgin olive oil, beeswax. licorice, passion flower and Love.

I'll keep you posted when I try it. lol

(Login Davi-lee)
about the herbs....
July 19 2007, 10:38 AM

**It ought to do SOMETHING for sure....
It has the shatavari which is an Indian (orient) asparagus root (Asparagus racemosus),it is the major herb used in that medicine tradition for gynecological purposes and to promote and strengthen female hormones.
It promotes fertility,promotes and increases milk production,generally strengthens the reproductive system and relieves menstrual pain.
Its spiritual abilities it is said to increase love ,devotion and compassion.
The Ashwangandha,is the primary strengthening tonic used in Ayurveda.
It is usually used for male libido,think of it as in the place of Ginseng.
(ginseng has adaptogens,they boost both sexes
Ashwang. energizes the nervous system and helps stress related disorders.
The Vidari Im not so sure about,I cant find it in my Ayurveda book,and its not in any of my other books either.
Licorice has several major isoflavones,it has estrogenic and progesteronic compounds.It is a really great herb,it does a lot more than just this.
Passionflower(Passiflora incarnata) is native to US.It has several different estrogenics that may stimulate the uterus.

(Login Fujiapple)
* * WOW... great infos!!! * *
July 19 2007, 4:59 PM

Hi, Davi-lee:

Thanks for great infos!

I received my order Monday and tried 2 days already, I add heating pad after massage @ night immediately I feel lots of tingle sensations! :-)

I'll keep you posted after more uses.

Happy Boobie Growing

(Login Alcest)
Re: Ayurvedic Beautiful Breast Butter
July 21 2007, 1:11 AM

I got this two days ago as well and have been using it. My breasts are sore and a little swollen, but that could be because I hadn't massaged for a month up until this point and now they're reacting to stimulation again. Either way it seems like a good product so far. No tingles, but I'm not much of a tingler anyway.

I constantly smell like sour milk AKA a baby but that's okay I suppose. =P

Will try and keep you all updated.

(Login Fujiapple)
* * it makes my skin so smoooooth...* *
July 23 2007, 3:19 AM

Hi, Alcest:

That's a good start! :-) Actually I'm not fond of that "milky" smell but I REALLY enjoy what it makes my skin so peachy and smoothily.

I only use it @ nite, coz daytime I still continue my St. Herb PM cream which won't stain my clothes, either.

First of all I like it and it's very good for massaging :I'm planning to order more since the promo is on.

Happy Boobie Growing!

(no login)
Re: Ayurvedic Beautiful Breast Butter
July 24 2007, 7:44 PM

I bought some of this, waiting for it to come. For the ladies who already bought it and are using it...did the tingles keep going? Or was that just the first night? Any growth yet?

(Login Fujiapple)
* * ummm...not a growth yet...:-)* *
July 24 2007, 9:19 PM

Hi, E:

If you read carefully and in details the story from the breast butter website then you will know, it takes at least 6 months to increase breast size. But we can tell if this product works for you by receiving tingles, firmness, fullness....sensations!!!

Happy Boobie Growing

(Login Fujiapple)
* * more details...* *
September 27 2007, 4:59 PM

Hi, Lost Sheep:

I've been using this product since mid July, I like it which is easy to do massage. The only problem I have is after massage, it's kind of greasy.

Can you describe more details the problem you had to see anyone can help?!

Happy Boobie Growing

(Login Goatwoman)
Re: Ayurvedic Beautiful Breast Butter
September 27 2007, 8:42 PM

For those using this do you think it would be ok to add some other NBE herbs extracts to this before using. Like FG, SP, WY and Fennel?

(Login Fujiapple)
* * using a clean cloth will help...* *
September 27 2007, 9:46 PM

Hi, goatwoman:

You mean adding phytoestrogenic herbs extract to this Boobie Butter? It isn't necessary coz it contains lots of Ayurvedic herbs when promote boobie growth if you read the content:

Ayurvedic Beautiful Breast Butter: Ingredients: Shatarvri, vidari and ashwganda, (mostly)organic ghee, coconut butter, virgin olive oil, beeswax. licorice, passion flower and love. Every single ingredient in this product is 100% organic...

Happy Boobie Growing

P.S. I'm only doing massage for now, no pills, and what amazing is: even more shooting pain and tingles in boobies. ^___^

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