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how important is protein?
December 3 2006 at 2:54 PM cutevelvet (Login cutevelvet)

hi all, does protein really have such an impact when it comes to boobs? erm.. i dont have a high protein intake and all though i try and eat nuts its not enuff(only a hand ful) i read somewhere that wonder up recommends 83g of protein!! thats alot isnt it. dont fancy protein shakes either. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw why is this so difficult!!! why are some people naturally gifted with breasts and we have to struggle struggle struggle. bummer!!

(Login waxingmoon)
Re: how important is protein?
December 3 2006, 3:31 PM

Think of it this way, you can't build something out of nothing. Protein is necessary for many things in our body; collagen, chemical messengers, muscles - just to name a few.

If NBE was just about building body fat, then all of us would get bigger breasts just by gaining weight. You must convince your body that it needs to put fat into the breast area. Our hormones will tell the body to do this. Hormones are chemical messengers and protein is needed to create them.

The more protein you have available, the easier it is for your body to build what it needs.

Best wishes,

(Login -Moon-)
Re: how important is protein?
December 3 2006, 3:35 PM

Yes, protein intake is very important to NBE, I remember reading that no vegetarian was ever sucessful with NBE. Not all nuts have very much protein in them, in fact most don't, but I think soy beans do and are also a good boobie food. No, 83 g of protein a day is not a lot, it's normal. Why is it a problem to you to eat proteins? Well, it is sort of difficult to grow boobs, takes lots of research and in the end also luck, but it can be done and considering the goal you achieve it's not that difficult. But if one only cries about it and is not willing to do what it takes, then yes it's very difficult.

(Login cutevelvet)
Re: how important is protein?
December 3 2006, 3:40 PM

ok point taken...i have to make an effort if i wana achieve something. thanks guys!!!(sorry for maoning!)

(Login Alcest)
Re: how important is protein?
December 3 2006, 4:15 PM

I woudln't let people frighten you by saying vegetarians can't grow breasts. There's no scientific basis behind it. Vegetarians get a lot more protein than meat-eaters even know.

Nuts do have a lot of protein. So do beans like soybeans, black beans, etc. Also, quinoa has a very good amount of protein in it.

I also want to make a point of saying that I hope people are not taking the whole protein thing too far. You have to remember--- everything in moderation. Too much of anthing is bad and this certainly includes protein, especially when coming from animal sources due to our growing knowledge of heart disease, osteoperosis,diabetes and their links to animal foods.

Good luck and don't go too crazy on the protein! I would try adding a protein shake to your diet, or eat more foods with protein like almond milk or quinoa, but keep in perspective we are women, most of us our skinny little things, we really don't need the massive amounts of protein we might think we do.

(Login waxingmoon)
Re: how important is protein?
December 3 2006, 4:35 PM

Proteins come in complete and incomplete forms.

Complete proteins are those that have all of the essential amino acids (essential amino acids are what we cannot make ourselves and must get from our foods).

Incomplete proteins are missing one or more of the essential amino acids and these proteins must be combined with others to make a complete protein.

Animal sources of protein are complete. So is soy although it has about half the amount of essential amino acids per gram compared to whey protein. Egg white protein is considered the best protein and all proteins are compared to it.

Almost all plant proteins are incomplete. They can be used to create complete proteins if combined together with those forms that have the essential amino acid they are missing. For example combining rice with beans, or corn with beans. Basically, if you combine something from the grain family with something from the bean or nut family, you have a complete protein. However, keep in mind you will take in more calories in using plants to get the equivalent amount of protein as from meat sources.

Yes, vegetarians can get the protein they need if they combine their proteins. Don't just have nuts alone, have some grain with them.

As far as amounts it depends on your total calorie intake as to what you need per day. Most nutritionists agree that protein amounts between 15 and 30% of the total diet are healthy. Never drop below 10% protein - even the WHO (world health organization) agrees this will lead to malnourishment.

What does that mean in real terms? If you eat 2000 calories per day, you need between 75 and 150 grams of protein per day. How much is a gram of protein? One egg white has about 4 grams of complete protein. One cup of milk has about 10 grams of complete protein. Three ounces of meat has about 25 grams of protein.

There are several online nutrition sites that allow you to input your foods and it will tell you the amounts of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and calories as well as vitamins you are getting. If I can locate one I will post the link.

Remember, the better your overall nutrition, the better your breast growth will be - and the healthier you will be.

Best wishes,

(Login Alcest)
Re: how important is protein?
December 3 2006, 4:54 PM

I believe quinoa is also a complete protein. If I am wrong correct me but I believe I've read that it is.

(Login emmiedee)
shake found
December 3 2006, 5:19 PM

now foods has a protein shake that has protein isolate... what we need... and it is supplemented with all these amino acids... like about 1500mg of l-tyrosine (for those with low temperature). it has a lot of protein per shake. i make a whole shake, then i drink half, then i put it in the fridge and drink the other half later. this way i know my body can process all the protein in the shake cause there are limits...

i found it on it was pretty cheap, too, about 16 us dollars. i had it today... its pretty good though very rich. and my boobies were a-tingling after i drank it, so i think im doing something right!

hugs and good boobie wishes!

(Login sunnyMark)
Re: how important is protein?
December 3 2006, 9:01 PM

thank you alcest and waxinmoon for the info. i think quinoa is supposed to be one of the best plant sources of protein, i will start using it more regularly.
i just wanted to say that people shouldn't just say that because someone is vegetarian they can't be successful with NBE. personally i find it very discouraging. i am vegetarian and after 2.5 months of NBE i can notice some progres, it is small, i admit, i can't compare with people like emmie or others who grown two inches in a couple of month, but i think it's working for's like saying that vegetarian people can't have healthy and normal sized babies, which is of course not true. i know a lot of meat eaters who probably get plenty of protein but not many other important nutrients and i know a few younger than me with serious health problems which i believe are connected to their diet.

(Login bonnette)
Re: how important is protein?
December 4 2006, 5:44 PM

can somebody explain me what is quinoa? as i'm not nativespeaker can't find it in dictionary either.

(Login sunnyMark)
Re: how important is protein?
December 4 2006, 7:21 PM

hi bonnette,

here is a link to wikipedia where you can find the latin name and a picture, hopefully with the latin name you will be able to find a name in your language or it might even be translated at wikipedia


(Login bonnette)
Re: how important is protein?
December 4 2006, 8:05 PM

oh my god Smile)))

thanks Mark

i have this on my kitchen shelf untouched for several months cos i thought it's typical carbohydrates like rice and pasta. My mum always praises it saying that it makes your hair and nails grow faster and nicer. Ok i will start using it from now on.

lanky lou
(Login lankylou)
how much protein can body digest at once?
December 4 2006, 8:46 PM

this is an interesting thread about protein, thanks!
i think that 83g of protein is from the wonderup tips about how much to consume based on your weight. so does anyone know how much protein the body can absorb at once? so, i know not to eat a ton of boiled eggs + protein shake in the morning for no good reason Smile
thank you! lanky lou

(Login waxingmoon)
how much protein can body digest at once?
December 4 2006, 9:00 PM

It varies based on body size, but somewhere between 25 to 40 grams of protein in a meal. Some proteins are faster in absorption than others. Whey protein is the fastest.

It takes about 2 hours for food in your stomach to pass into the small intestine. Therefore you would want to have at least that long between protein servings to increase absorption.

WU and proteins
August 22 2006 at 3:57 PM Liz (no login)

At vortexhealth they say that a diet rich in proteins helps grow. Do you think I should add protein suplement to my rotine such as milkshakes or other stuff?

(Login Epiphany.)
Re: WU and proteins
August 22 2006, 8:08 PM

I am taking Wonderup and have made sure I have a high protein diet, but I'm not taking a protein supplement.

Wild Flower
(Login wild.flower)
Re: WU and proteins
August 23 2006, 10:11 AM

I am the same. I take in more than the daily amount of protein I'm said to need, but I don't take a protein supplement.

(no login)
Re: WU and proteins
August 23 2006, 11:06 AM

Can you help me with your diet rich in proteins? What can I eat to hepl growing?

(Login anailz)
Re: WU and proteins
August 29 2006, 5:35 PM

I've been on wonderup for the past 2 mths now and i've seen some growth but not much. I know its most likely because I dont get enough proten in my daily diet. Are there any suggestions to what herbs and supplements I should take??

(no login)
August 30 2006, 3:05 AM

Eggs are a great source of protein also nuts and seeds, fish chicken, meat...
Here is an extract i found on microfiltered whey.
"One form of protein, still known only to an elite group of atheletes and health seekers, is heads above the rest. It's called micro-filtered or ion-exchange whey. There's nothing like micro-filtered or ion-exchange whey to build muscle fast and bring about cell renewal. It improves skin, stregthens arteries and reshapes the whole body. MFW does wonderful things for your immune system too, thanks to it's active ingredients called subfractions. It's one of the few processed foods where technology has been used to enhance the health creating powers of nature"

(no login)
Re: WU and proteins
August 30 2006, 11:45 AM

I have high colesterol so I can not eat mutch eggs and I dont eat lot of meat. Shall I buy a Whey suplement?

(Login Helen_N)
August 30 2006, 1:20 PM

Hi girls, hope everyone is doing very well. Thought I would pass the following to you, things I've read and found interesting, regarding protein and how much of it we need, as well as where we can find it, hope you'll find it helpful Smile
In fact, it might be a good idea to include the following info in the General Ref. Page or Foods Page, I guess I could copy-paste it there a bit later anyway:


Everyone's protein requirements differ, depending on a variety of factors including health, age, and size. Actually, the larger and younger you are, the more you need. To estimate your own personal daily recommended allowance, see chart below (info extracted from some nutrition books of mine):

age: 1-3 4-6 7-10 11-14 15-18 19-&over
key 0.82 0.68 0.55 0.45 0.40 0.36

Find the pound key under your age group.
Multiply that number by your weight in pounds.
The result will be your daily protein requirements in grams.

E.g. You weigh 100 pounds and are 33 years old.
Your pound key is 0.36
0.36 x 100 = 36 g. -your daily protein requirement

An average minimum protein requirement is around 45 g. a day. That's 15 g. or about half an ounce per meal. Make sure you get enough at breakfast.


1. COMPLETE PROTEIN: provides the proper balance of 8 necessary amino acids that build tissues, and is found in foods of animal origin such as MEATS, POULTRY, SEAFOOD, EGGS, MILK, and CHEESE.

2. INCOMPLETE PROTEIN: lacks certain essential amino acids, and is not used efficiently when eaten alone. However, when it is combined with small amounts of animal-source protein, it becomes complete. It is found in SEEDS, NUTS, PEAS, GRAINS, and BEANS.

Mixing complete and incomplete proteins can give you better nutrition than either one alone. A good rice and beans dish with some cheese can be just as nourishing, less expensive, and lower in fat than a steak.


A lot of people seem to think that protein in non-fattening. This misconception has frustrated the determined dieter who forgoes bread but eats healthy portions of steak and wonders where the weight is coming from. The fact is:

1 g. protein = 4 calories
1 g. carbohydrate = 4 calories
1 g. fat = 9 calories

It is also thought that protein can burn up fat. This is another erroneous assumption that leaves dieters staring incomprehensibly at their scales. It just is not true that the more protein you eat the thinner you'll get. And, believe it or not, a slice of cheese pizza will give you more protein than 2 eggs or four slices of bacon or even a whole cup of milk. [Of course, if the taco or pizza are made with all sorts of additives, you're better off taking a cut in protein and sticking with the eggs.]


A good start toward healthy, glowing skin is a daily drink. It can be taken in place of any meal, but it makes an especially good breakfast:

6 oz. raw nonfat milk
1 tbsp nutritional yeast powder [lots of B vitamins]
3 tbsp acidophilus [promotes friendly bacteria]
1 tbsp granulated lecithin [breaks down bumps or cholesterol under skin]
2 tbsp protein powder
1/2-1 tbsp blackstrap molasses or honey
Carob powder, bananas, strawberries, or any fresh fruit flavouring
Mix in blender. [Add 3-4 ice cubes, if desired.]

~*~ Best Growing Boobie Wishes to everyone! ~*~

Helen xx

(Login Epiphany.)
Re: WU and proteins
August 30 2006, 8:06 PM

That's very interesting info Helen, thanks for that it's useful (where have you been, I noticed your absence for some time).

(Login MyKids3)
August 31 2006, 12:25 AM

I thought this was interesting to read.
Thanks for passing this along!

Take Care! Smile

(Login Helen_N)
: )
August 31 2006, 3:11 PM

MK3 & Epiphany, pleasure to help if I can girls Smile

Epiphany, sweet of you to ask Smile I am still around, even though I haven't checked-in for quite a while. Things unfortunately are very hectic and stressful for me at the moment (phd finishing troubles), not much happening with my NBE for the last month, but I am still trying to hang in there Wink

I know NBE and high levels of stress just don't go together, so -as I've already written to Snowflake on another thread- I might consider a break until life settles...not sure yet, as I don't want to risk my progress so far, on the other hand I just know my stress is sabotaging my progress anyway...Either way, I am definitely going to be around whenever I can anyway! Wink

Hope you're doing very well on WU Epiphany Smile
Best Growing Boobie Wishes,
Helen xx

(Login js89)
Re: WU and proteins
August 31 2006, 4:33 PM

Helen - Thanks for the info! Very interesting. I thought the myths were interesting. I always thought that too. I always asumed the the best protein came from a steak - good to know there are other things that are equivolent.

Take care!

(Login Helen_N)
Re: WU and proteins
August 31 2006, 6:15 PM

Yes Jennie, I know what you mean, same here Smile
Especially this differentiation between complete/incomplete protein was new to me...

H. xx

Protein Question
December 18 2008 at 3:49 AM Boobyadventure (Login Boobyadventure)

How many grams of protein should i consume a day while on NBE?

(Login Lillypilly)
Re: Protein Question
December 18 2008, 4:37 AM

Hey boobyadventure,
I was wondering the same thing, I try to get about 90grams a day, I think Beth - who has had fantastic results was getting about that. Also I think I read somewhere wonderup rec 80grams a day????? Not sure if I've got that 100% though.
Will keep an eye on this one to see what people have to say..

(Login waxingmoon)
Re: Protein Question
December 18 2008, 2:22 PM

Hi Boobyadventure and Lillypilly,

The answer depends on how tall and how active you are. It also somewhat depends on how many calories you consume. You want your protein amount to be approaching 30% of your diet. For example, if you consume 2000 calories a day you are shooting for 150 grams of protein a day.

It can be a pain to figure out all the math of this, so the best idea is to shoot for somewhere between 90 - 150 grams of protein per day.

Protein has the same calories per gram as carbohydrates so order to keep your weight from increasing, when you bring up the amount of protein you eat, don't forget to lower the amount of carbohydrates you eat.

One more thing - all proteins are not equal. Animal source proteins (fish, chicken, red meats, milk products) are more usable by the body than plant source proteins. You have to eat almost twice the amount of plant source proteins to get what your body can use from an animal source protein. Also if you use a plant source protein you must combine it with other plant source proteins to get all the amino acids your body needs to build body stuff. For example, you combine your beans and your rice. Legumes, nuts and seeds should be combined with grains. Some plant source proteins like tofu claim to be complete, but with only half the value of the same amount of animal source protein.

Best wishes,

(Login MariahsDs)
Re: Protein Question
December 18 2008, 4:30 PM

If you are taking protein shakes, as I am, then how much protein should be from shakes and how much should be from food? Which one is best for NBE?

I take about 72 grams of protein shake daily. I probably eat on average 75 grams of protein daily. I usually workout 2-3 times a week. I have not been working out for the past 2 weeks and only focusing on my exams, but I have still been taking the same amount of protein. My boobs have been growing but I am probably also gaining a few pounds which I guess I don't mind (I'm 118 pounds,5'2, and I can always work it off!).

It seems to me though that the whey isolate protein shake works best for me, as opposed to other shakes.

(Login Lillypilly)
Re: Protein Question
December 18 2008, 9:03 PM

Ooooh forgot to mention the protein shake which is 40g per serve. So I guess I aim for 90grams from food and 40grams from shake.

Thanks for that info waxingmoon - you always share such excellent information, I really need to try to count up how many calories I get a day - which I have never done, so it seems a little daunting, but Im sure I will work it out Wink

To Waxingmoon or anyone, RE: Protein powders
September 13 2007 at 12:17 PM Louise (no login)
Hi Waxingmoon, I just read your post on the BO forum quite a while ago about the absorption of different proteins. I mainly get mine from the soy and whey in slim fast, eggs and beans. I couldn't drink a shake but could I mix these powders in yoghurt or with egg mayonaise / peanut butter in a sandwich? Would these be a good source of veggie protein that will actually be used for boobs not backside building?!

(Login waxingmoon)
Re: To Waxingmoon or anyone, RE: Protein powders
September 13 2007, 1:47 PM

Hi Louise,
You are using two protein sources that are considered very high in biological value (meaning they are used very efficiently by the body). Those are the egg and whey. The whey protein is also very quickly absorbed by your body.

The soy and beans are not high in biological value compared to the other two, in fact they are used about half as efficiently as the others. That would mean in order to get the same value of absorption in your body you would have to consume twice as much of these proteins. An added problem with soy is that it has toxins that actually interfere with protein absorption. The added problem with beans is that they are not a complete protein and must be combined with a grain source to give you all the amino acids you need.

So your better choice would be the whey and egg as far as what will give you the most protein value. Consuming a sufficient amount of protein is important. I would say increasing protein by 25 - 50 grams in the powder/shake form is important for NBE for most. Those who already have high protein intake (above 100 grams per day) may not need to supplement protein.

As far as building body fat, that is just the calories in versus calories out issue. Where your fat is distributed is determined by your body, not by what foods you eat. Over-consumption of any food will cause your body to build body fat -protein is no exception.

Hope this has been some help,

(Login Louise1982)
Re: To Waxingmoon or anyone, RE: Protein powders
September 13 2007, 2:08 PM

Thanks, that's great, I was mainly concerned that eating protein that is not readily used as protein means you use it as fuel so I'm just eating calories that could have been enjoyed better in other foods.

Have you had any experience with these powders? Will I be able to mix it into yoghurt instead of making a shake? These particular brands you only seem to need a small quantity. I'm getting about 50-60g protein from 1300 cal diet. I'm 5'1 and 109 lbs.

Do you know how much of an effect metformin has on how much you can eat?

(Login Goatwoman)
protein powders
September 13 2007, 2:30 PM

Louise you and I are the same EXACT height and weight. I started doing the powders in shakes. I use either soy milk or carb countdown in mine. I also add about 1-2 ounces of cream cheese, some sugar free flavoring, about a tablespoon of coconut oil and ice cubes and blend. It is very tasty. I was doing 2 of these a day but noticed my weight going up. I cut back to one and I dropped a pound or two. I wasn't sure if it was the herbs or the drinks. I was probably getting too much protein if that is possible. I suppose it is. Do you mind also telling me your age, I am 45. I have gained one inch so far on my program, but I am also a few pounds heavier.

(Login Louise1982)
Re: To Waxingmoon or anyone, RE: Protein powders
September 13 2007, 2:44 PM

I'm 25, have lost 27 lbs, about 18 of that jan-april and the rest since. I'm not really trying to get lower and lower as my BMI is 20.6 so if I go much lower I'll below the NBE threshold (not that you'd say I was thin as I have big thighs). Really want to work on toning and I think it may be having some effect even though I'm really lazy with it but just want to be careful that I add boobs to my body not just get fatter all over. I'm very pear shaped at the moment but hopefully when the meds kick in and I get my hormones fixed I can actually see some good results. Have you got kids? Have you done a program page? I have got a program page but wrote it with only me in mind so it's very detailed and very boring I'm afraid.

(Login Goatwoman)
Re: To Waxingmoon or anyone, RE: Protein powders
September 13 2007, 3:09 PM

I haven't done a program page yet. Yes I do have one little girl. I got pregnant late in life at 37. I have been thin most all my life but I did have to diet to lose those last stubborn pounds after being pregnant. I weighed 90 pounds most my life, but now I am 107-109. I did get down to 105 but when I started the NBE I have gained a few pounds. I do try to walk 2 miles at least 3 times a week. I am actually a 34C BUT at my age and after breastfeeding gravity is setting in and they are starting to sag some. Not terribly but enough to bother me. I want them fuller not larger but if larger comes I won't complain. I just started a couple of weeks ago so I have a long journey ahead. I will be trying some progesterone soon once I can get on an even plain with my cycle. I am doing the herbal route for now and I did add the Blossom S soap this week.

whey protein or soy protein 4 NBE
August 3 2007 at 9:09 AM anna33 (Login anna33)

hi ladies,

Can i take soy protein instead of whey protein 4 NBE.....i got most of my stuff fr GNC n i don like the taste of their WHEY.

the reason i ask coz i read something fr WU message board.."tips for skinny gal"....n it say it must be Whey...why so????

could it b coz soy protein give more too muuh estrogen 4 nbe...????

sorry 4 all my stupid question....reading the posts sometimes confused my theory...

so wat's better 4 me???....u gals advice...

now i'm on WU, just added SP yesterday( really low dose though, 160mg extract x 2), gingko, fish oil, multi vit, ester c n oil vit(borage, epo, vitE, rosehip...all in one cap).

thank you

(Login tinky_winky_18)
Re: whey protein or soy protein 4 NBE
August 3 2007, 6:18 PM

Hello Smile Im the one who posted all those messages on the WU board.

I should not have put that it has to be whey. That is just my current theory on what works best for me.

Ive read alot that soy is not useful and might actually hinder results. But then Ive read alot that says it may HELP NBE !

Im leaning more towards that it doesnt help for now and im trying just using whey. Whey seems to be a much better type and quality of protein to gain weight.

please try the soy if u like Smile it may work best for u ! You dont know till you try both right ? GOOD LUCK !

(Login annie87)
Re: whey protein or soy protein 4 NBE
August 3 2007, 7:39 PM

Sorry really silly question but here goes!!
Iv heard about whey and soy protein a bit but dont know where to get them!!
Is it a capsule or is it added to things such as protien drinks?
Sorry again for the daft questions but you dont know if you dont ask!!

Wild Flower
(Login wild.flower)
Re: whey protein or soy protein 4 NBE
August 3 2007, 9:11 PM

Whey protein is the more complete protein of the two. In answer to Annie's question, I think we're talking here about protein powders here (if they were in capsule form you'd sure need to take a lot of capsules).

annie 87
(Login annie87)
Re: whey protein or soy protein 4 NBE
August 3 2007, 9:17 PM

LOL oh my god!! it wsa a silly question!
I have done some research on it and its like that shake that body builders drink! doh!!
thanks love xx

(Login anna33)
Re: whey protein or soy protein 4 NBE
August 4 2007, 2:47 AM


so which is better 4 NBE?


(Login Halome)
Re: whey protein or soy protein 4 NBE
August 4 2007, 10:32 AM

Neither are really "better for NBE" Most of the ladies here are taking protein shakes to help replace some of the nutrients and vitamins they are lacking in their daily diet.

Some people choose soy because it has been associated with breast health. The people that choose Whey over Soy usually do so because most Soy shakes taste like crap, haha, that's why I choose whey!

Either way it's mainly about getting the protein in the diet and eating right more so than the actual "Whey" or "soy"

(Login becky1984)
Re: whey protein or soy protein 4 NBE
December 14 2007, 8:38 AM

I know that this post is a bit old ... I just switched from a whey protein drink to a soy one, because finding soy isoflavone (spelling?),is nearly impossible over here, only in some menopause capsule mixed with some other herbs. I've been reading that taking too much soy can be harmful to your health and digestion, so I might switch to one drink a day - or one soy and one whey. Does anyone have a preference for which type of protein they prefer or find more helpful? I've really liked the whey one of been taking and I think it's been helping with gaining a bit of wieght too.

(Login MollyH)
Re: whey protein or soy protein 4 NBE
December 14 2007, 9:26 AM

I'm not sure if soy protein supplements have any soy isoflavones in them. Maybe you could check that.

(Login nnifnnif)
Re: whey protein or soy protein 4 NBE
December 16 2007, 7:01 PM

i dont know where you live, but from holland and barrett in the uk i have a soy protein powder drink which is a massive source of soy isoflavones. I dont even know what that is, but its meant to be good Smile tastes a bit rank tho :-S

(Login becky1984)
Re: whey protein or soy protein 4 NBE
December 17 2007, 3:42 AM

Thanks, the drink has no indication if it has isoflavones in it - it just says 'isolated soy protein', and it has heaps of amino acids in it. I'm from New Zealand - it's weird the types of stuff we get here, it seems like if it's a rare product then you can find it here. The things which I absolutely can't find are - soy isoflaones in capsules, hops, and oats in capsules. The only hops I can find are used to making home made beer!! It's weird. But I know that the soy that I drink has isoflaones in it so that will have to do for now. Thanks for all you help!!

Importance of Protein During NBE
November 16 2007 at 2:01 PM Dogfreak (Login dogfreak)

Dear All,

Izzit really important for one to consume lotsa protein during NBE program? I do not add in protein in my daily diet, only consume 2 x 500 MG Borage Oil & 2 x 1000 MG FLax seed Oil, is it considrebably sufficient?

I have grown a little from Natureday but is not accelerating further. I am thinking of consuming more protein daily. How much protein is sufficient for daily intake in order to help boost NBE?

Can anyone suggest good protein in vegetable form or in any other form?

ANyone experienced enhanced growth only after increasing protein intake?


(Login lil_dunny)
Re: Importance of Protein During NBE
November 17 2007, 1:25 AM

protein is important, i'd say.

good vegan sources of protein include: tofu, seitan, soy milk, soy yogurt, beans/lentils/peas/etc, nuts, seeds, spinach, broccoli (shocking, i know), hemp - they sell isolated hemp protein in my health food store (well, perhaps, only in california), grains such as barley, wild rice, quinoa, etc

of course, if you're vegetarian, rather than vegan (depending on what kind) then your options might also include dairy protein and eggs

(Login KittyCharlette)
Re: Importance of Protein During NBE
November 17 2007, 3:42 AM

check out Spirulina. its a blue-green algea that contains a good source of protien and other nutrients. here is some good info on in from Wikipedia


Black Sheep
(no login)
How about Whey?
November 17 2007, 3:42 AM


My boyfriend does a lot of weight lifting and drinks a lot of whey protein, would a whey protein shake be a suitable method of supplementing protein for breast development? It can be fairly cheap.
He said different kinds of proteins vary in digestion speeds and that whey is very quickly digested, there are others that digest more slowly to give a constant release of protein throughout the day, or at night time (your body goes the longest period without protein when you are sleeping). He only bothers with Whey but doesn't know which would be best to aid breast development. Any ideas?


(Login Louise1982)
Re: Importance of Protein During NBE
November 17 2007, 5:09 AM

For anyone thinking of loose powdered spirulina, it's a lovely rich dark green colour but it really smells - wasn't brave enough to taste it!

(no login)
November 17 2007, 10:11 AM

Spirulina can be taken in capsule form too, though i guess it may be a case of too many pills to swallowSmile Spirulina boasts all sorts of wonderful features - highest source of organic iron and lots of micronutrients. It has given me a boost throughout my last pregnancy and breastfeeding - when i stop taking it i notice the difference and the fatigue hits in. Don't know if a big increase in protein (other than a healthy amount/ per weight/ lifestyle etc) would be a health benefit or increase bust size. My breasts have unfortunately shrunk dramatically from DD at the start of breast feeding to a small B and they have all the usual marks of shrinkage - ie stretchmarked... wish they'd firm up. Started massages since reading things on this site and other forums and just with fenugreek, but back to protein have had a strong protein intake - whey powder (1-2 times per day), fish, nuts, legumes all daily too. Doing the low GI zone style diet for some years now.


(Login lil_dunny)
Re: Importance of Protein During NBE
November 18 2007, 2:39 AM

NB whey is dairy - if you're lactose intolerant or allergic to dairy you shouldn't have it. but sounds like there are plenty of other options!
i have seen the spirulina protein as well - excellent option!

(Login frostedmint06)
Re: Importance of Protein During NBE
November 18 2007, 10:47 PM

I made the mistake one time of chewing my spirulina tablets and I ended up with green teeth for THREE DAYS. Needless to say I never did that again. They now just get added to my already huge pile of pills and if you mix the powder in water drink it with a straw!

This message has been edited by frostedmint06 on Dec 21, 2007 4:50 PM

(Login SugarQ)
Re: Importance of Protein During NBE
November 18 2007, 11:11 PM

you can get lactose free whey protein. but its not a vegan product.

(Login frostedmint06)
Re: Importance of Protein During NBE
November 21 2007, 6:17 PM

Another good reason increase your protein intake is body temperature. Ever since I started adding protein shakes to my diet I feel a lot warmer and I don't have cold hands and feet anymore. This is amazing to me because I'm usually cold year round. The brand that I'm currently using is from Naturade. It's suitable for vegetatrians, has no carbs or sugar and is lactose free.

This message has been edited by frostedmint06 on Dec 21, 2007 4:51 PM

(Login Louise1982)
Re: Importance of Protein During NBE
November 21 2007, 7:00 PM

That sounds good - what country is it from, have you got a link?

(Login frostedmint06)
Re: Importance of Protein During NBE
November 21 2007, 7:32 PM

The company is in California. Their website is I buy mine at the local Wal-mart (I'm in Canada) It's not bad tasting. I usually just mix it in water.

(Login frostedmint06)
Re: Importance of Protein During NBE
November 21 2007, 11:37 PM

Naturade products are also available at Whole Foods markets. They have stores in North America and the U.K.

Soy Protein Shake
October 11 2008 at 3:49 AM Jojo (Login PrincessJojo)

I've bought a container of soy protein powder and the directions say to add 2 tablespoons to 250ml of milk. I've done this for a few days but find it difficult to drink! I'm thinking I might be better off making it into say a banana smoothie. Anyone else have some ideas? Wink

(Login Artemist)
Re: Soy Protein Shake
October 11 2008, 4:50 AM

I'm a big fan of strawberries, but banana smoothies are also very good.

(Login ssunflower)
Re: Soy Protein Shake
October 13 2008, 4:49 PM

The best thing to do is put a bananna in it. It's so much better.

(Login Marylu84)
Soy Protein Shake
October 13 2008, 7:40 PM

yeah, the taste itself isn't so good ! This morning I put in the blender with banana, apple , carrot and flax seed it was very nice I'll make it again !

(Login CousinRose)
Re: Soy Protein Shake
October 13 2008, 8:33 PM

I agree, it is great with smoothies Smile blueberries are great in it. I also sometimes mix soy protein with my oatmeal porridge and I can't taste it through it. I also put flax seed with it. Worth a try Smile

(Login frostedmint06)
Re: Soy Protein Shake
October 13 2008, 10:18 PM

I used to mix up my protein shakes with ripe papaya and a dash of cinnamon. You could also add some vanilla extract to help disguise the taste. Cheers.

(Login PrincessJojo)
October 14 2008, 1:31 AM

Thanks everyone, great ideas and I sure need them if I am going to keep up with this stuff!

will protein shakes make me fat?
January 20 2009 at 4:05 PM
Ashley (Login ashleyjt)

I dont want to gain weight everywhere...just my chest. so how will protein affect my body all over?

(Login -Moon-)
Re: will protein shakes make me fat?
January 20 2009, 4:11 PM

Ash, if I remember correctly from your first topic, you were too skinny to begin with. NBE is much much harder if you're too skinny, most often doesn't work.

It's impossible to say that protein shakes just make you gain / lose / don't affect weight, it depends on your size, your whole diet and eating habbits you had so far.

I wrote more diet tips in your other topic.

This message has been edited by -Moon- on Jan 20, 2009 4:29 PM

(Login ashleyjt)
Re: will protein shakes make me fat?
January 20 2009, 4:23 PM

but im real healthy. it still wont work if im healthy and eat good?
this was my last hope in looking like a woman too Sad

(Login ashleyjt)
Re: will protein shakes make me fat?
January 20 2009, 4:25 PM

ive been takin wonderup for 8 months and theyve grown about an inch. it probly just works really slowly for the real skinny ppl right?

(Login -Moon-)
Re: will protein shakes make me fat?
January 20 2009, 4:32 PM

Edited my first post above.

I do think that it works slower if you're skinny, even if you are healthy. But at least you know it's working (I thoguth you were just starting), so that's a good sign! But you should know there's a lot more to NBE than popping pills, there are other things that affect it, diet being one of them, which you must learn all about.

(Login ashleyjt)
Re: will protein shakes make me fat?
January 20 2009, 5:33 PM

93 lbs is just a number. i look like i weigh more. i have plenty of fat on legs as u can see in the pic but its just my upper half...its too skinny and little. I'm hoping my weight really wont affect the progress of wonderup Sad Ive been working too hard for it to not work.

(Login Dory505)
Re: will protein shakes make me fat?
January 20 2009, 6:28 PM

Ash, u have awesome bod. bless u. but i still think u r too skinny in upper body. u need to gain juz a lil bit enough to help u grow breasts. and no. protien shakes wont make u fat unless it contains too much sugar.

(Login ashleyjt)
Re: will protein shakes make me fat?
January 20 2009, 7:14 PM

i know im too skinny up top. i hate it so much. ill look into protein shakes today when i go to the store.

(Login -Moon-)
Re: will protein shakes make me fat?
January 20 2009, 8:39 PM

You're so pretty Ashley! I agree you look healthily slim, about the body type as me actually, only that I'm tall so weight more. I think you should do fine with a high protein healthy diet. Well, but NBE is also a lottery, there are lots of stuff that can affect it. I assume you've been massaging? That's an absolute must.

(Login ashleyjt)
Re: will protein shakes make me fat?
January 20 2009, 10:13 PM

yea i massage 15 mins on each twice a day. I did it in the beginning but I got lazy and quit during the middle months but I've started it back up. and thank you for your compliment Smile thats nice of you.

March 14 2006 at 2:27 AM Bekka (Login Bekka.)

Hi, I've been reading that I need to cut back on the carbs, because it releases insulin which increases testosterone levels etc. But at the same time, I am supposed to take in at least 60 grams of protein per day. Man....I cannot find food that has protein without a lot of carbs. Did you all cut back on the carbs? I'm concerned I will lose wieght if I cut down, I'm already below my BMI. I guess I could just eat boiled eggs all the time, (but probably wont get much company after a while of that) Any thoughts?


(Login Surf.)
Re: Carbs
March 14 2006, 2:37 AM

1 6oz can of tuna has approx. 33 grams of protein and 0 carbs. I will eat it right out of the can for lunch sometimes. Just food for thought. Smile

(no login)
Re: Carbs
March 14 2006, 3:25 AM

Thanks a lot, checking the labels on everything is about driving me nuts. Hope it will get easier after time, or no?????

(no login)
Re: Carbs
March 14 2006, 4:02 AM

Any lean protein (fish, chicken, turkey, lean red meat) is an excellent source of protein with zero carbs.

(Login Epiphany.)
Re: Carbs
March 14 2006, 9:07 AM

What about cottage cheese? That is very high in protein and no carbs I suppose and not many calories.

(Login catwoman.)
Re: Carbs
March 14 2006, 10:34 AM

i have a protein shake if i haven`t eaten enough protein foods during the day. they are low carb and low fat.

(Login Lisa121)
Re: Carbs
March 14 2006, 11:03 AM

If you are already below your BMI and taking SP to keep your testosterone levels down then I would not worry about it so much.
The more you stress about it the less likely you are going to eat, and that combince with the stress doesn't help with BE either.
Being below your BMI might also not be too good for growing so I would maybe try to up your weight a bit as well if you can. I know how hard that can be, eating bananas and maybe drinking lots of smoothies etc. might help a bit?
Just try not to worry about these things too much, I pretty much eat what I want and have grown fine with that, the only thing that seems to affect my growth is stress. As long as you stay away from the caffeine and too much booze you should really be fine, try and eat healthy if anything, no refined carbohidrates, lots of veggies and fish etc. and lots of water, that is a good basis for doing BE.
Take care of yourself and good luck growing!

(no login)
March 14 2006, 10:38 PM

Wow, thanks a lot to everyone that replied, I will consider all of them, and yes, I was starting to stress over it. I had looked at Ensure yesterday, but man it's spendy so didn't buy any of it. Have to warn you guys are going to get sick of my pestering in the near future. I just purchased my herbs last night and will add them to the BGP pills, (that seem to be doing nothing)

Thanks again.

high metabolism
November 11 2005 at 6:34 PM sweetpea (no login)

i have a high metabolism..its like impossible for me to gain weight. i weigh 100 lbs 18 yo and 5'2''. would this make it harder to grow any since my metabolism is high and i am skinny?

i try to get a good diet, but is it impossible to gain any fat to store in the breasts?

(no login)
Re: high metabolism
November 11 2005, 8:39 PM

Yes, it would make it harder for you to grow but not impossible. Try loading up on protein.

(no login)
Re: high metabolism
November 11 2005, 9:07 PM

Also try to gain a bit of weight. Eat nutrient dense things like whole fat milk, cheese, dried fruits, and nuts. Lots of nuts. Oh, and eat lots of carbs before sleep.

(no login)
Re: high metabolism
November 11 2005, 11:09 PM

You sound really similar to myself when I was 18 except I am 5'5". I was a bean pole and I ate all the time, I was always hungry. I only weighed about 100 lbs, had no curves what so ever.
I started drinking protein shakes, carnation instant breakfast, ensure and I ate everytime I was hungry. I also drank slim fast but it didnt have the slimming effect because I believe it is meant to be drank in place of a meal. I drank it because it is high in vitamins and I think protein, and I drank it with meals.
I did gain weight after that. And when I started gaining weight I was also exercising so I would stay in shape(no cardo though) and my boobs did get bigger. A few months later I started Ortho-tri-cyclen and I went from barely an A cup to a B cup. I do have curves now, so there is hope for you.

(Login IslandgirlLisa)
Re: high metabolism
November 12 2005, 12:23 AM

Considering your age and your size (you may still grow until you are 21) I would suggest you incorporate foods that have phytoestrogens in them. Also, eat tons of protein!!! Here is a list of foods that contain phytoestogens:

Alfalfa sprouts.
Bok choy.
Brussel sprouts.
Pumpkin seeds.
Sunflower seeds.
Brown rice.
Wheat germ.
Brewer’s Yeast.
Black-eye peas.
Mung bean sprouts.
Navy beans.
Red beans.
Split peas.
Spices; cloves, ginger, hops, oregano, red raspberry, sage tea, thyme, turmeric.

Good luck

(no login)
Re: high metabolism
November 12 2005, 2:35 AM

some fruit and Vegatables that contain phytoestrogens are good for you and its ok to consume them normally while on NBE but if you take too much along with the high dosage capsules for your routine then several bad things can happen:
1) you can over load on estrogen (blocking regular estrogen in your body with the weak phytoestrogens) which can send your hormone levels astray. its not too healthy.
2)too much estrogen can prevent you from growing just as much as having too little.
3)most phytoestrogens wont do anything for breast enlargement. so you would be wasting time and money.
as for your diet. try to gain some weight. get your BMI over 21. cause without fat storage NBE will be hard. you maynot have any problems getting your glands to enlarge but to keep the results you need to have fat.
the skinner you are the less estrogen you have in your body( the fat and estrogen pretty much go hand and hand). eating lots of fruits, veggies, and protein but consuming any and all foods with phytoestrogens may not be the answer. there are some warning against that so you may want to do some research.
also, have you ever been on a BCP? or consider talking with your doctor about getting your hormone levels tested? Your doctor can put you on a hormonal combination that may help you get normal levels and as an added bonas, enlarge your breast. and your doctor can best advice you on solutions to slow down your metabolism and gain weight.
do a google for sites that give you some tips and suggestions for healthy weight gain.

hope i was of some help
good luck

(no login)
Re: high metabolism
November 17 2005, 1:50 AM

yes this helps thank you : ) i probly will start drinking protein shakes..but as of what i eat i am a picky eater and i dont really like veggies so that makes it harder.

(no login)
Re: high metabolism
November 17 2005, 2:37 AM

sweetpea, you can still grow without weight gain just fine. you can start a routine for a few months with what ever method you want to try and see if the growth stays on its own. It can happen for some women without any weight gain what so ever. some girls get lucky like that. if your routine doesnt work or if you loose the growth then you can try some weight gain.

good luck with your routine

(no login)
Re: high metabolism
December 6 2005, 6:24 AM

I have seen skinny girls with perfect breasts to match.

(no login)
Re: high metabolism
December 7 2005, 6:10 PM

well lucky for them they were born like that.

(no login)
Re: high metabolism
December 16 2005, 7:48 AM

Are you guys saying that if a person has high metabolism and is skinny, they shouldn't try using the BE routines? Aw, if so, then I am sad.

(no login)
Re: high metabolism
December 16 2005, 3:01 PM

Jasmine, thats not true. its worth a shot. look at Lucilles pics for instance she was so skinny and almost completly flat before she started. the only problem is weither you have enough tissue and fat already there to help stimulate futher growth. there is a member at the beboard called lilsx, she was pretty small before she started NBE. she also has some pictures. if you are smaller and flater then these women then NBE may be more difficult fo you but not impossible. give it a try without any special diet. if nothing. you may want to try a wieght gain diet then try the herb again. the problem with skinny girls is that breasts are 80+% fat. if you have a hard time with weight gain then fat deposition will be even more difficult in the breast.

(no login)
Don't get discouraged, skinny girls!
December 16 2005, 8:31 PM

I'm 19, 4'11.75" (doctor refuses to credit me with that last 1/4 inch!), and 95 pounds. I lost 7 pounds in 3 days at the beginning of the semester (emotional stress), but then my roommate and friends staged an intervention, and I gained it back in two weeks. After that whole fiasco, I was the same weight as I was before, but I looked skinnier. That was when I started my fenugreek-saw palmetto regimen. I have always been a small (some say medium) A. After the first month, there wasn't any measureable growth, but they got wider. Then I hit a plateau the second month. Now it's the third month, and I've changed my regimen a little bit after reading around the board a bit. I'm now taking 2 fenugreek tablets twice a day and 2 saw palmetto a day. I only started this two weeks ago, and my breasts are definitely swelling. I've been told that my breasts simply look bigger because I'm skinnier now, but trust me, it's not true. From feeling them, holding them, etc., it is obvious to me that they're fuller, if not bigger. So don't worry if you have high metabolism or are skinny. As long as your weight and body fat content stays constant, NBE should work just as well for you. But if you're as small as I was when I started (not completely flat but pretty flat), I would do what many people have been saying and ramp down your fenugreek dosage and ramp up your saw palmetto. Also, fenugreek is making me, my bed, and my room smell like syrup, so I might replace half of my fenugreek usage with fennel (also fennel neutralizes bad breath, as a side plus).

Phew. Sorry for the long-windedness... now time to go back to studying for finals! Good luck everyone (with NBE, that is)!

(no login)
Re: Don't get discouraged, skinny girls!
December 17 2005, 1:16 PM

On the subject of protein, some people trying to gain weight prefer to gain muscle mass instead of fat. Consuming plenty of protein is key to help lean muscle mass gains, but won't do anything to increase body fat.

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