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Help me go from an AA to a B cup!!!

thanks twister-mama. Yeah, its funny how when you go to break-up with a guy, he suddenly seems to want to act in a better way for you. But to me, thats too little too late.

I really like fall, but like you say, once its being going for like 2 weeks, and then all the leaves disappear and you know you have about 6 months of cold and dark in front of you..... it does get depressing! Lately the days are getting lighter here and its definitely warmer, so I'm happy about that! I also hope that given its spring I should start getting better growth. They do say NBE works better if you start in spring.....

Anyhow, in terms of 'tired' breasts.... I'm sitting here with my noogle-buddy on at the moment thinking how to describe it. Probably its like that sensation where you've been for a long run (ok I can barely run for more than 2 minutes.... so that is 'long' for me), and your muscles are tired, and you just don't feel like doing any more. Thats how it feels with noogle sometimes. And it is interesting that I can sometimes get quite good swelling after only awhile... but then I guess thats only half of the picture... because it also matters how long you retain the swelling for too. They are definitely not 'saggy', they basically stick out like rocks afterwards!!!

Thats why I am 'trying' to take measurements a few hours after noogling (although I've only managed to do this sporadically so far!), to see how much swelling I'm retaining. I want to build up a picture over the next couple of months to see if there is any pattern, progress, etc. Of course as its coming into spring, and then summer here, I'm thinking about how I'm going to noogle in summer when I am wearing lower cut tops, as I don't want to show my noogle ring marks!!! or if I'm in a swim suit etc. I guess I'll just have to noogle more at nighttime rather than in the day time.

I'm getting kindof interested as I have done noogle for 3 months or so now, so I reakon in another 3 months time I should see some results.... if not, well, I hope no one can say that I didn't try!

Just to show how much energy I am trying to dedicate to NBE... even my subconscious is working it for me! Last night I had this dream about how my breasts were growing and then I had to find a top to wear, and I found one of my tops and looked at myself in the mirror and thought WOAH, I have cleavage! Then I held my breasts and they were huge, but then I realised they didn't feel very sturdy.... and as I pulled at them two big 'chicken fillets' (you know those things you stuff in your bra and are made of silicone type gel) fell out onto the floor (really big ones!), and then I realised that, that is why I was getting such great cleavage.....

ok so maybe that dream is telling me other things than dedication?! haha

Cycle 6 - Day 23


AM - 35 minutes - 33" swelling. My breasts felt tired after this, and looks like I over did it (see photos!) woops! So I won't noogle tonight, or tomorrow morning.


- 1 fennel tea
- 3 FG 510mg
- 3 SP 510mg


AM - 15 minutes

Breast sensations

Nothing much today, some intermittent aching 1/10.

Breasts feel really dense today.

I am posting (taken approx 10 hours after noogling) these photos (I know they look terrible!!!!), to show others how if you noogle too hard you can get bruising!!! This doesn't usually happen, sometimes I just get a few red dots, but I must have over-noogled! Eek! Lucky I don't have a boyfriend at the moment!!! lol I'm putting vitamin E oil on them so hopefully they'll stop bruising soon. Thats a shame as I was on a noogle-a-thon.... maybe thats why.... do'h. I'd like to say that the flash of the camera makes it look worse than it is... but no, it actually looks that bad!!!

I have put the photos of me braless in with a top on just to show how my breasts actually stick out (A LITTLE BIT!), which is quite remarkable given I am pretty much skin and bones at the moment! I'm hovering around the 50kg mark sometimes 51 after a huge meal! then down again to 50 or 49kgs...... I eat quite alot each day now so I'm kindof like ERMMMMM when am I putting on weight!?! I have always joked I need to sell my body to some diet institution! This is a daily run-down on what I have been eating.

breakfast - big bowl of prawns, sweet potato, cashew nuts, lemon juice or bowl of puffed quinoa, amaranth, LSA, walnuts and one piece of fruit with rice milk AND
- glass of rice milk fortified with calcium

Snacks - buckwheat flour crackers or rice flour crackers
- mussels
-cashew nuts

Lunch - meat - e.g. one of lamb, beef, chicken, salmon, fish plus spinach/silverbeet, rice (ocassionally), capsicum

Snacks - similar to above, or plate of smoked salmon

Dinner - meat e.g. lamb, beef, chicken, salmon, fish, either rice or sweet potato, spinach, cashew nuts (nb: I eat everything like the skin of the chicken, fat on the lamb, skin on the salmon).

1 glass of calcium fortified rice milk

1 rice protein shake per day with rice milk

I'm hoping I can put on weight again and get up to 53 or 54 kgs would be nice! I prefer 57kgs but I have low expectations these days!!!

Anyhow, getting back to the photos, what is quite amazing is that since I have started this NBE business I have actually gained on my breast area and not lost anything despite such a weight loss, and despite that the weight basically goes from my torso first before I lose it elsewhere. So that is kindof positive from an NBE perspective.

Note that in one of the photos where I am in the black top you can see my 'angel wings' sticking out the back. I am not kidding, but at times of my life, these angel wings have been larger than my breasts!!! At least in this photo my breasts however small actually look bigger than them!

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Wow, good for you! Big Grin Nicely rounded, and full. It's great you were able to gain some growth in your breasts, despite losing weight elsewhere.

You are about the size I am now. I started out COMPLETELY FLAT. The three inches I gained got me to where you are now. My across bust measurement was only 1" larger than my under bust measurement only because my rib cage was wider up there. My breasts did not stick out AT ALL.

And thanks for posting the NB bruising pic. I accidentally did the EXACT SAME THING a few days ago. D'oh!!!!! That's the last time I attempt to NB at bedtime in the dark. I was trying to go by the pulling sensation, as to how strong I was pumping (it never hurts, even at high suction); but lo and behold, I had like a million little red dots covering my whole boob! Blush It's just now starting to fade. I have an order for some Arnica gel on the way. Wink

Keep it up! It's definitely working for you!!! Smile

Oh girlfriday29! So sorry about your break up. But if he is not a good influence then a girl got to do what a girl got to do. So goes the saying the old must go so the new can come...I am just saying!

I am so envious with you guys having to live in a 4 season countries. Mine is raining and hot throughout the year. Sometimes the heat can really crack open some head. Last month the Chinese here celebrated the Ghost festival (Chinese calendar) and the Malay celebrated their fasting and Ramadhan New Year (Islamic Calendar). It was all about raining and pouring over here right until couple of days ago when both the month of the calendar come to an end and now is very very very hot. I can't use the word warm cause the humidity is crazy.


twister-mama - thats interesting that you were 1" above your underbust measurement. What were you before you got pregnant? Its amazing how tiny we are eh! I was walking down the street today and saw a girl with a similar rounded neck top that I had on... difference being she had massive cleavage... oh to have breasts! one day!

Its weird how sometimes I get those little red dots, but only very seldom, and I wasn't even noogling very hard! Sometimes I do noogle a bit hard and my breasts turn a purply colour when I look at them through the cups and I think eek, better let pressure go, so I do, but I don't usually get those red dots. Also, I forgot to add yesterday I also had funny 'barnacle' like dots about 4 of them where the foam rings sit on my breasts. I had read on the noogle forum about some people saying they get them, I've never had them before yesterday.

Crystalelle - thanks for your comments. Its sometimes hard with guys to work out which things you can change about them, and which things you can't.... or shouldn't. So I was in that dilemma, and decided I'd go with the non-changing things about him, and just getting out of the situation. I actually wish he'd just change a bit, but then its kindof rude to point things out to someone and say, hey, please do this instead of that, and don't do that, and etc !!!

Interesting about your seasons issue, I wonder if that affects your breast growth? Maybe that means you get even better growth because its hotter all year round? I could never really work out why it mattered about the whole spring thing... maybe its sunshine hours? So maybe its not heat at all....

Cycle 6 - Day 24




- 1 fennel tea
- 3 FG 510mg
- 3 SP 510mg



Breast sensations

Breasts have been sort of twinging, aching, itching all day long at a low level, but high enough that I can notice it, but not that I am like WOAH. After I took my FG and SP this arvo I got some random twinges and aches which were intense and then they stopped after 30 seconds.

So probably about a 5 or 6/10 today due to the constant sensations.

I will trust a pig to climb up a tree than to trust a man to change. LOL! I honestly don't think we can change people and I do think accepting them as they are is easier than to change them. Sometimes I wish life can be like those series that we watch. Learn a lesson then become a better person. Big Grin

About the temperature thing and why most of the people grow easier when the surrounding area are warm? My logic mind tell me this, perhaps in warmer countries our body don't burn so much energy to try to keep the body warm. Because during the cold season when the body is cold the body utilize more of our energy and less fat go to the boobies. And most of the warmer countries you don't get a lot of people with body temperature lower than what it should.

Another example when I was on the Europe trip because the environment is cool and cold I can take many DIM and it does not cause my body to overheat. When I come back to my country the same dosage of DIM cause my body to overheat and my nose start to bleed. It is bad!


hahaha so you are saying if I bought a pig home then maybe he could have chased my boyfriend up the tree too! yes, its good to accept people how they are, or just to say seeyalater to them.

what is DIM? I think I need it as I am CONSTANTLY cold! Although in saying that, when it does get warm in summer I get TOO hot! And everyone else is like WHAT?!! I have really cold feet and hands! When I go to bed in winter I put on two electric blankets on the highest setting, and I have a woollen under-blanket, then sheets, then a massive duvet (dooner), and another woollen blanket on top! I also have to wear full pyjamas and thermal underwear! (very sexy). I can't believe that some of my friends sleep naked! I think they've gotta be kidding!

Ah! You are one of those who gets hot easily and cold easily. WOW! Electric blanket...something new to me. LOL! I am like you also hot and cold easily. I can step out from my house complaining very hot then 5 minutes after getting into the car I will direct the air-cond away from me. Well no wonder we are in the thin category.

Well DIM is actually a supplement to help metabolize bad estrogen away from our body. I do think it is something essential that every NBE person must take especially those who are on the BO. BO boost our body to create more estrogen receptors and estrogen that is why our breasts will enlarge. You will never know when the estrogen receptors will actually catch some bad estrogen. Bad estrogen can lead to estrogen dominance and even cancer! DIM will keep burning off the bad ones so the good ones could stick sounds save and good. PMS reduce and even menstrual pain. Overall you will be able to enjoy life if you have bad PMS like me. LOL!

Even man bodybuilders took DIM to help them metabolize estrogen. Of course estrogen level for a man is rather low so it will burn all good and bad then their body will develop more testosterone instead.

Add me to the "always cold" crowd! My hands and feet will turn bluish/purplish sometimes, too. Especially my nails. I think it was worse before I had my kids, though. I still get EXTREMELY cold when I'm over tired. I also get hot flashes now, too, at like random times. I'm like all over the place, temperature-wise! Tongue

I never measured myself before I got pregnant the first time; but IF I was any bigger than I was before starting my program in June, it was only an inch. I've had an "ironing board" chest my whole life, darn it. Sad

And yes, it is true you cannot change anyone else, no matter how badly they NEED to change. They totally have to WANT to change, and do it on their own; otherwise, they'll just be acting like they've changed to make you happy, even though they haven't changed one bit. Nope, life is too short to "settle" for anyone less than worthy of you. (Unfortunately, I found this out the hard way in the past). Dodgy

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