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Help me go from an AA to a B cup!!!

Hey Girlfriday,

I hope your new program works well on you I can't wait to start mine.

I am curious though how many inches have you grown from herbs minus out the swelling from noogleberry? I did herbs twice close to 1 1/2 year each time but it didn't exactly do any good to me though only maybe very little but once I have stop and as time goes by the swelling from herbs will just disappear like 'hocus pocus'. Did I mention the side effects that comes with it, not pleasant at all.


Hi crystallelle,

well I started out at 30.5" bust measurement... although that was a very generous measurement, and in hindsight it was probably more like 30". (see my photos how flat I am).

When I measured myself this cycle on day 5 of my cycle, I was 31". This is without noogleberry or massage swelling. So probably about 1" all up. However, I also have to take into account that I have lost so much weight (approx 6-9 kilos) which would have impacted on my breast size.

SO, I am unsure really. If I hadn't lost any weight.... I wonder if I would actually be quite alot bigger than I am now......? Hard to tell.

I think I am flatter than you before my NBE program.

Bust Measurement Around = 29 3/4" (now I am 32", bra size officially 32AA)
Bust Measurement Ribcage = 28 1/4"

I will really encourage you to think about switching to BO. Cause from all the studies I have done and making myself a guinea pig for so many years I can almost confirm with you that BO is definitely the thing to go if you are very thin. I am very thin too when I start but back in my puberty years I was not as thin. When I did BB pills I manage to get back the weight I use to be when I was in my puberty years. LOL!

Else you need to take more protein with herbs. Do you drink protein on a daily basis? I hope you do. It gives the push for the breasts to grow.


Cycle 6 Day 28-29

Noogled for 1 hour yesterday. 32" afterwards.

Noogled for 1 hour today. 32" afterwards. Not much swelling as I am doing it really really lightly.

Before noogling today I measured 31.75". This is the same as what I measured in previous cycles and is swelling before my period starts.

Crystalelle - I am taking 1 protein drink per day, and I eat lots of protein every meal. In terms of BO. How long were you on it to go from 29 3/4" to 32"?

And, how much weight did you put on? Did this include weight in other areas than just your breasts? e.g. waist, hips etc.

Its one thing to only gain on your breasts... but if you are gaining weight in other places too then it stands to reason you gain on your breasts too. For me, I do need to put on weight in other places, so that would be a positive thing for me anyhow.. But there is a limit, I don't want to put on lots of weight on my waist for example, just to get bigger breasts.. I'd rather have a small waist and smaller breasts.

One thing I find quite difficult to work out, is whether I would have been bigger now already by the herbs IF I hadn't lost weight... Now of course there is no way for me to test this.... HOWEVER, what I do find interesting is that I lost so much weight.... but my breast size actually increased.. That tells me that the herbs must be doing something right.

Otherwise I would have lost more breast tissue.... I'm pretty much skin and bones everywhere else, and normally my breasts are the first things to go smaller....

SO, I really don't know how well the herbs are working or not. That is why I think I will give it another 2 cycles (as I seem to be very very slowly putting on weight again), to see if there is any change in measurement. If there is, then that is good. If there is not, then yeah, I feel like I've given the herbs are pretty good go, and then it may be time to change to BO.

What do you think?

Taking BO is not a decision I would make lightly, as it is very different than taking herbs, and I'm unclear of the safety issues around it.

I am noogling of course so that should help.

I roughly put on between 1-2 kilos since the 6 months I started, if I measure in the morning it will be 1 kilo but when I measure in the evening it will be 2 kilos. There are no measurement difference in my overall except for my breasts. The breasts gland behind my nipple use to be the size of a coke bottle cap and now it grew to the size of my palm.

I was on BO for 6 months before I took this 2 months long break. I average 0.5 inch a month growth. I didn't manage to keep my growth the 1st few months though cause I was playing with the pills increasing it and decreasing it.

I was raise in a society where I was taught to eat animals' part. I am a Chinese so you can imagine the diet influence I have from my surroundings. Chinese is known to eat all kinds of stuff. Don't let me go there. But I kept my diet civil on mainly fish and chicken and sometimes I take beef and pork. I threw anything related to lambs and goats out. Soon I will be throwing beef and pork too. Tongue

Crystalelle - interesting, I just felt my breasts and I'm assuming you are talking about that part in the middle kindof under the nipple area, well mine is about 1 inch in length. Given that I have now been on NBE for 6 cycles, with a one month break in cycle 4..... so that is nearly for 6 months duration. And I have only grown (well lets wait until the 5th day of this new cycle, but basically 1".

I see from your stats that you have retained 29 3/4" to 32" = 2" and 1/4 for pretty much the same amount of time.

So obviously you have grown more than I have during 6 months. 1" and 1/4 more. And you increased by 1-2kgs.

Interestingly, and I know I keep harping on about this, but I have not put on weight, but rather lost it. When I started back in April or May whenever it was, I was around 55-57kgs.. and I got down to 49kgs, and now I am sitting on about 51kgs. So that still makes me think that I would have grown even more had it not been for that. But its just hard to know how much. Would it have been an extra inch.... bringing me pretty much up to what you have grown..... ? I don't know.

I don't want to unnecessarily do BO when I don't need to... but, on the other hand, I do want to grow, and if Herbs aren't really working for me then I need to know when to say when, and give up.

Another thing to throw into the mix, is maybe it hasn't been the herbs at all that have helped me to grow.... maybe it has been the noogleberry!!!! haha so, its actually really difficult for me to know. hmmmmmmmmmm

Well I've got my herbs here for the new cycle so I'll give another cycle a go on herbs and then reassess next cycle. In the interim I will do some serious research on BO. I wasn't very impressed with the Bountiful Breast website, and I see from some of the threads around here that Ultra breast doesn't appear to be getting many recommendations from anyone.... so Bountiful Breast seems the only viable option really? Any comments on that?

Right, moving on to CYCLE 7!!!!! (sometimes I feel that some people must be reading these posts thinking its a bit of a comedy show...."when will this girl give up....." lol)


New program


Spearmint tea


Fennel tea


Spearmint tea



Before bed


Breast sensations

Very minor tingling at one stage, but basically nothing. Some more tingling this evening 1-2/10


AM - 50 minutes 32.5" (I measured 31" this morning)
PM - 45 minutes 32.5" (I measured 31.5" before noogling this evening)


I am trying to do the CHI massages where you basically put your hands pretty much flat on your breasts so your fingers cover them and then rotate in circles inwards. I can only do about 30 at a time and then need a break. Apparently its meant to help, but it feels like I am flattening my breasts! I prefer making rotations inwards with my knuckles lightly, its much easier. I did 100 rotations tonight. At least I'll get toned arms doing it!

DIET and other stuff

This cycle I am going to be REALLY careful about not eating any chocolate. Last cycle I went a bit crazy on the chocolate and just ate and ate it. Also, I will try to eat smaller meals and more often, so I don't get a huge sugar boost then sugar low because of eating a big meal. I'm going to try and do a good brisk walk for 20 minutes minimum each day, and maybe start some yoga.

I'm going to try to noogle for 40 minutes morning and evening every day this cycle!

I understand what you mean on BB and UB. But if I were to be able to turn round the clock back to December 2009 I will wait until swansonvitamins come up with their range of glandular. I would prefer to do generic instead of BB of course. Aside of rude Julie and the company 'attitude', I would do generic simply because I can control the dosage that enters my body and I know what exactly is going in. With BB you would never know because they don't state their dosage on the bottle.

But I hope you can come to your term on what to do. Smile

thats interesting Crystalelle. When I went on the bountiful breast website I couldn't find reference to what the actual ingredients and dosage is... that seems a bit strange they don't put it on the bottle? Is that even legal?

I saw swanson's glandular range.... do you know anyone that is using that?

I need to do some more reading, but from what I gather so far if you take BO you have to take addition things to ensure a correct temperature?, and you need to keep consuming protein.

Anything else?

In any NBE protein is a must but with BO you must do whey protein. Most of us here choose to do whey protein isolate because the higher absorption to our body. I was in Europe for 1 month and I did BO with limited protein because I didn't bring mine there so for that month my growth just disappear. You can really feel the difference when you are on protein, it tingles and sore more. You must limit yourself from soy protein because you might risk it canceling out each other because soy consist of phyto-estrogen and it is different from the estrogen build by your body through BO.

For body temperature you can look into L-tyrosine (amino-acid), kelp or raw thyroid it help to bring back sleeping thyroid. If you have high level of stress it will also be bad too for NBE. You could look into Vitamin B supplements or do like my take raw adrenal.

I know there are some girls here who actually does the raw glandular generic like Super Boob, she seldom swing by here this days. We started almost the same time, though she did generic and I did very expensive BB but we came to the same 2 inches result after 6 months. She being AA cup to B cup and me being AAAA cup to AA cup. If you get what I mean. There are few more gals can't remember the name though. LOL!

thanks Crystalelle. I can't take Whey protein because I am allergic to dairy products. But I do take a rice protein powder, so I'd be able to use that.

I am just in the process of going through everyone's programs to see who has taken Bovine Ovary and then I'll compile their progress. From what I see so far, alot of people haven't posted their progress for about 6 months now.... and some people never said they progressed on it.

The more I read about it though, the more I think I may have a better chance on it, just for the fact that it seems everyone that takes it puts on weight.... and I really need to put on weight!

From what I gather so far it seems that a program may be


T-lyrosine 500mg
Kelp 150mg
1 BB pill
1 protein shake


1 protein shake
T-lyrosine 500mg
Kelp 150mg
1 BB pill

(and then increase that to 4 BB pills per day).


- 1000mg Bovine Ovary per day, and then up it to 1500mg.
- Kelp
- t-lyrosine
- protein shake

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