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New Program for DDs - Chiyomilk Alternatives

(04-08-2016, 00:06)missboobshirt Wrote:  *waves hand* that happened to me :/ When I first took PM, it made my period like-- non existent, it was awesome :p lol but then the 2nd cycle it came in light but it lasted like.. 5-6 days and my period usually only lasts for 3. I kind of felt like it was a result of me being E dom. But unless you're E dom too, now IDK.. hm!

hormones are scary Sad I would say try to drink more water for the scalp issue as well! <3

That's good to know Smile Yeah I think I just used too much of the pm cream and made myself a little e dom. Def cutting back this next cycle
and thank you Smile I didn't think about drinking more water! I normally drink a lot of water but the past few weeks haven't been drinking as much as usual.

(04-08-2016, 11:15)charrr Wrote:  Interesting thread! I feel you with the trying to balance NBE herbs that are said to be the most powerful. I tried several ways of taking PM, but my body doesn't like it. I could probably adjust it somehow, but I decided it was a sign. My last attempt was recently after taking a very long break. I soaked a bit in vodka for several weeks to make a topical. I thought I started it at the right time, but after just a couple two, three days of rubbing it on, breakouts and spotting happened and I became very tired- which I later found out were signs of estrogen sensitivity and I thought I already knew enough about e-dominance. I guess I didn't expect it to be that strong. There is always more one can learn, though.
My body has a been a most excellent teacher and since I appreciate all it's hard work, I immediately threw all my PM away. I have tried tincture, oils, micro-dosing, cycling, and so on. But it was niet- every time. One time, it delayed my period for almost 2 months, until I purposely stopped it. The next day, within less than 24 hours if I recall, Aunt Flo showed up heavily stayed on for over 3 weeks until I was quite run-down and a little sick. Giood thing I have a strong body. Thank the Heavens for my healing!
I also tried PC cream. But that was also non-negotiable. Being pear shaped and although I love my curvyness, it seems like it was being suddenly exagerrated by the PC and part of my NBE, is to balance my body. Again, thankful for my healing. Good luck y'all. Hope you find a healthy and effective balance.

Yeah lucky you can heal so quickly! I feel like it takes me ages to flush excess hormones from my body. But lately now I think I have been better. I think my stomach issues were really taking a toll on my body. I had a pretty shitty immune system too. Now I seem to be able to flush out hormones better and I rarely get sick Smile knock on wood! lol. I also try to add more fiber to my diet if I feel like my hormones are out of whack.

Hmm you make me wonder if PM just doesn't agree with me either..
I keep trying it because I feel like I need to get the right dosage down but it could be that it just doesn't work with my body. I'll give it one more go..

(05-08-2016, 11:57)hannah Wrote:  
(03-08-2016, 20:31)msnewboobies Wrote:  
(22-07-2016, 19:22)hannah Wrote:  
(20-07-2016, 23:28)msnewboobies Wrote:  Boobies:

I think it's day 3 of applying the PM cream and my boobies are loving it! They look swollen right now and I noticed today my nipples are starting to darken - usually a side effect of pm.
I read that the right dosage is just enough for your breasts to feel sore. They don't feel sore all day but they feel sore about 15 min after I apply the cream. I think I made it a little too diluted because I have been applying a couple of times a day and haven't had any major soreness.
I definitely need to make it more concentrated next month. I also absolutely HATE the smell of the lotion I bought! It smells chemically.... this is the one I got..
I cannot stand the smell but since I only have to apply it for 4 more days, I'm just going to keep using it. Such a waste though wish I could return it.

Next month, I want to try it with this lotion (similar ingredients but with more vitamin e)..

When I made the lotion, I thought I could just dissolve the powder from my pm capsules into water and then mix that into the lotion. Well, it didn't work quite as planned. Most of it dissolved but there are some pieces that didn't so the lotion is a little gritty.
Today, I put three capsules into a jar with distilled water. I am going to keep the jar in a dark place in my room and shake it every day until my next cycle when I need to use pm again - so about 4 weeks. This should help the powder release its main ingredients into the water. Then I can use a cheesecloth to filter out the gritty bits and then mix the water with the lotion. Last time I mixed it with 2 oz of lotion, but that was far too much. I'll probably mix it with just 1 ounce maybe even less. A little lotion really does go a long way.
Hopefully this will allow more pm to absorb into my skin too.

Height Update:
For anyone that is interested, I FEEL taller. And two people have told me I look taller recently that don't know I am trying to get taller Big Grin
But I am waiting to measure myself at the end of this week! I'll post updates on that soon. Really hoping I am actually getting taller.

Oooh interesting...dont get too tall though then you cant wear heels anymoreTongue And I am definetely going to try your PM recipe..especially dissolving the powder in water for a month is the tip I needed....I never attempted to make my own PM cream...afraid of the ''horror end product'' id made it too...but you're clever..ill try that tooBig Grin Only whatcha think about mixing it with coconutoil, would that work? lol...its summer here and the lotion attracts terrible ''cow bugs'' that bite ya and actually chase you..Dodgy

Hahaha had to laugh at getting too tall. I wish that was the case!

So my pm has been soaking for about 3 weeks now and I'm actually not too sure if I want to use it... I'm a little worried about mold or bacteria that couldve grown. I think that oil is actually the better way to go since it'll probably dissolve even better and won't go rancid.
omgosh cow bugs!? that sounds frightening lol

I actually came up with another idea Smile I am going to heat some rosehip oil on low/medium low and dissolve a few capsules into the oil and then let it cool and mix with my lotion!
Rosehip oil is a "dry" oil so it soaks into your skin really quickly. I was looking at which oils would soak in fastest so I don't have to walk around as a greasy mess or just letting the pm sit on top of my skin waiting for it to absorb.
Also, rosehip oil has a lot of nutrients that aid the skin in healing quickly and even fading stretch marks so I think it sounds like an especially great oil to tone up the breasts!

I read about rosehip, i think its an excellent oil full of vitamin C and minerals...Maybe only make little of it seeing the bacteria thing....I still havent tried making a good scared of using something gory and rancid on me...then making myself ill or something..sometimes NBE is just hilarious. I once had a very bad experience with accidentally throwing rancid FSO on me it smelled very growse..i jumped in the shower instantly.
Are you still using fennel oil btw?

I think youre doing good stopping the spearmint...I have been taking astaxanthine 4mg daily(an anti-androgen/antioxidant) and I eventually got the same itch-problem behind my ears and on my face and a bit on my scalp too...the skin felt very dry indeed especially behind my ears and at the same time a bit oily and some blackheads in my face. Now I take one in 3 days and things cleared up luckily.

Ooh how gross!!! and fso already has an odd smell to it too.

I stopped the fennel and sjw for now to try something different but I might add fennel oil back in sometime soon.
How is that going for you btw? and have you been doing the sjw?

And thank you! That's unfortunate but good to know I'm not alone with the spearmint androgen issue. I have been getting some pretty congested pores and a lot more blackheads right now too. I never have blackheads or clogged pores like this but I was thinking it was from using this new cleansing oil. It made me breakout so bad I thought I was still recovering from it! But I bought a new one that is not comedogenic so fingers crossed that it helps clear my skin a bit.


I felt like something was missing from my program last month. I got a little bit of soreness during follicular when I applied the pm cream but I didn't get much luteal swelling. I was also really busy this last month and found myself not staying true to my program. I rarely massaged, slowed down on eating vit c-rich foods and other foods that I have been incorporating into my program and I wasn't working out regularly Sad I hate feeling so off-track like this but I have some program tweaks for this next cycle and hopefully I see some results!

I should be starting my period today but I dont know if that will happen. I think my hormones were slightly imbalanced this cycle so we'll see when I start it.

Anyways, I came across a thread on here about this E-book that someone made. It's really not long so it's a good short read.
I found the info in it to be really helpful so I want to change my program a bit around it.

The book talks mostly about keeping your estrogen, progesterone, and prolactin receptors responsive and that by overloading with too much of one herb we are downregulating them. I feel like that's what always happens to me especially when I try to use PM.

So it talks about taking very very small amounts of certain herbs all throughout your cycle to keep those receptors awake and to upregulate hormones.

ALSO it mentioned (or maybe this was in the thread on BN directly) that spearmint raises LH and FSH which I already knew but didn't really take into account the effects of that. It says "Prolonged or heavy periods can be explained by low prolactin and abnormally high FSH" . This makes sense for me because my period was definitely prolonged and I guess it was the spearmint tea causing it and not the pm! Or possibly a combo of both..
And it says "Light or a delay in a period can be explained by high prolactin levels"
Hmm this is interesting because I did find my periods were lighter when I was on SJW which increases prolactin levels. But I never had a delay in my periods.

Program Tweaks:

The ebook gives you a list of herbs to take and purposely leaves out any LH or FSH increasing herbs although mentions it might be helpful to use once in a while to promote ovulation I think.
So I chose to add:
White Peony
Wild Yam
Milk thistle
and Maca

It says to take an adaptogen to keep hormones in check during the second half of luteal and during menstruation (day 21 to day 7 for me). So i'll be taking maca since I have it on hand.

I chose most of these because I already have them. I really really wanted to add goat's rue instead of the milk thistle but it was so hard to find and the ones available are expensive. I had no idea!

I'm not sure how to take these yet. the book says its best to take the whole plant so you reap the benefits of the fiber from them too which can help with excess hormones. I wanted to make a tea out of them but I have the powdered versions (which the book says is fine). But last night i tried to make a tea and it tasted so awful! Lol. I even put a bag of green tea in it in hopes that it would taste better. It was really bad. And also I shouldn't be even using the green tea since it can be estrogenic. So gonna have to figure out how to take these.
I'm taking less than 1/2 teaspoon of white peony, milk thistle, and wild yam COMBINED. Oh also I am not sure but I feel like the tea I made might have caused an upset stomach. Im still worried about taking things internally just because of my stomach :/ I didn't have a stomach ache per say but I did have some action going on.

I also want to keep the PM cream and PC in my program. So I think I will just use a lot less. I'm thinking of dissolving either 1 or 2 capsules of pm into the rosehip oil and putting that into just 1 tablespoon of the lotion. Last time I did 3 capsules in 2 tablespoons of lotion but I slathered that stuff on so much. I didn't even use it all but it seemed like it was too much so maybe I will do just 1 capsule of pm..

My breasts feel full right now probably because of my period or because I have been wearing my bras differently. I realized my breasts ARE high on my chest. Before when I would take my bra off, I would see the marks about a half inch-inch below the bottom line of my breasts and I think this is why I always have a weird gap in all my bras even if when I put them on I have quadboob! So I've been wearing my bras higher up and I tightened the straps. It's more comfortable and I feel like i keep more boobage in the cups.

Today is cycle day 3 for me and I want to add the PM cream in now.

BUT first, small update! My boobs have been feeling/looking fuller to me. The other day I stopped at Victorias secret just for fun. I haven't bought a bra from there in YEARS because 32 is way too big and they always stretch out even more.
But I tried on the 32C's and 32D's just to see how they fit and ALL THE 32D BRAS FIT ME PERFECTLY! No gapping! So i guess I know which style bra I need for my breasts. I have a 32D and 30DD (different brands - not vs) that don't fit me that well - they fit at first when I lift and scoop but they are too wide set for me and I can see lines extending past my actual breast line after taking them off. And they dig into my armpits terribly because they are made for wider set torsos/shoulders.

I need demi or balconette bras. No plunge bras or bras with thin/small gores.

Feeling good about the swelling or growth I have Tongue Maybe it's the herbs I added to my program?

I think I have been logging my periods wrong. I always get spotting at least 2 days, sometimes 3 days before my period. So usually the 3rd day is the first heavy flow day.
I thought that once you got any blood, that is the 1st day of your period, but online a few places say to start day 1 when you get red blood or your first heavy flow day. So I was logging Day 1 as the first day I got spotting - two days before my actual period.
This could explain why my periods are "really long" because I am counting them too early. I went into my period app and changed all the days to 2 days later and started this one on my first heavy flow day and it should be ending today or tomorrow - after 5 days!

so today is Day 4 and I just added PM cream today because my period is getting really light. It could end today possibly with a little spotting tomorrow.

I decided to melt 1 PM pill in about 1 teaspoon of rosehip seed oil. Then I mixed it into about 1 ounce of the vit e lotion I bought from CVS. It's a super thick and sticky lotion. I applied about 2 teaspoons of the lotion to my breasts and about the same amount to my butt. Let it soak for a minute and then put my clothes back on.

I am still taking maca. today will probably be the last day I take it. I am taking the receptor-awakening herb mixture. I think the best way for me to take it is just to swallow the pills. The tea is just too gross. I just orderd some empty pill capsules so I can split up the doses. 1 dose is too much for 1 day of each herb pill.

Breasts seem to be swelling a little bit -before the pm cream even. I have been massaging a little more too but not as much as I should be. I try to massage for 5 min each day - after taking my herbs.

Fingers crossed on big boobies for this month Tongue

Good thread and good progress! Yes, more massage, try to do 2 or more sessions every day.

Sorry i haven't been on to update in a while! I have been really busy. Lots of new transitions for me but I think I finally found a good program for myself.
I had a lot of ups and downs this cycle - felt really small at one point - but now I feel some swelling coming on and my breasts feel larger than ever.
This morning I measured - I dont like to measure in mornings usually because I'm always smaller.
My underbust measured 26 (usually I'm 27)
and over measured 34 still (but compared to my underbust, it's an 8" difference - compared to before it was 7" difference)

So I definetly have some swelling! My breasts looked larger in this bikini I wore this weekend.

But I did have some unusual spotting a few times in my cycle. Once I think was around ovulation so I guess that's normal. But i just had some spotting during luteal for two days with sharp cramps. I think it was because I was on vacation and didn't bring my progesterone cream.

What I did differently this month:

I took a few capsules of PM internally in addition to applying PM cream. Also, I think the two things that made a huge difference are:
I had a protein shake every morning
I added PM cream a few days during luteal

so i think that I needed to raise my e levels during luteal with the progesterone levels and that's what I have been missing. Also, I need to gain weight so I can "feed" my boobies. You can't expect to grow without giving them anything to grow with!

OH also, the ebook helped too! I have been taking half a capsule of white peony (bought empty capsules and split it), milk thistle, and wild yam all month. I skipped maybe 2 days of taking this if my hormones felt a little "off" and like I was over-doing it. Also, one day I drank some spearmint tea because I felt my t levels were a little high. I noticed now though my hair on my face and body have been growing SO slow and I have a lot less oil on my face. Also, my scalps issues are letting up (I started using a tea tree shampoo/conditioner from trader joes).

So my next cycle will look like this:

Maca during second half of luteal and menstruation (day 21-7).
Add PM cream around day 5/6 depending on when period ends or gets really light

Take 1 capsule pm (100mg) on day 8, 10, 12 or 1/2 capsule days 8-12

stop pm cream day 12

wait for ovulation to happen then start PC (sometimes I apply pc every other day depending on how my body feels)
Add PM cream just to breasts a few days during luteal (only between day 17 - 21)

Continue to take white peony, milk thistle, and wild yam blend (probably will take a break during period)

Eat lots of food and workout! Drink a protein shake every day. I just started drinking plant protein! It's way better than whey for me. My stomach would hurt and get bloated on that. I talked to a guy at whole foods and he said plant proteins are so much gentler on the stomach. So far I haven't had a single stomach issue on it. I'm still gluten free right now which is helping everything a lot too.

Hopefully I continue to see more growth this next cycle and I hope my swelling I have right now stays after my period!!

I'll try to post more updates this month.

Hi msnewboobies,
I'm glad that you found the ebook helpful. I also appreciate that you mentioned it. Thank you.

(27-07-2015, 21:43)msnewboobies Wrote:  Hi all Smile

So far I've grown from a small 32b/30c to a small 32d/30dd in the past two years.

I want to be a very full 30dd and maybe I'll want to be a little bigger than that after I reach my short term goal.

After TONS of research, here is my new program that will hopefully speed up the growing process. Bear with me on these long posts!
It is very similar to Chiyomilk's program but with cheaper alternatives.

Recommendations and suggestions are welcome. Wink


Day 1-4 nothing
Day 5-12 375mg PM (3/4 of an Ainterol 500mg pill)
Day 13-14 nothing
Day 15-24 pig placenta (4 pills of Marumen brand from Amazon), wild yam (425mg), Saw Palmetto (320mg), FG (500mg), vitex (400mg), red raspberry extract (liquid in water - 250mg ≈ 7 drops)
Day 25-28 milk thistle cleanse

EVERYDAY in Follicular:

-L-Arg (2g)
-2 multivitamin gummies
-Neocell collagen pills (the one w/vit C) (6g)
-IMPORTANT: 3/4cup of macadamia nuts (fat - this is about 125% of daily value)
-Maybe MSM 1g (for TMJ problems)

EVERYDAY in Luteal:
-L-Arg (2g) EXCEPT days 22-28 (breaks are good)
-2 multivitamin gummies
-Neocell collagen pills (6g every other day or 3g everyday)
-1 fish oil pill (1200mg)
-extra fats in food (i.e. nuts, healthy oils, etc.)
-dandelion root tea (found @ any grocery store) 1500mg drink every other day -- strong diuretic that will drain you of necessary sodium and potassium if drank in excess
-sex Blush (oxytocin) -- every day would be nice lol but as often as possible
-maybe MSM 1g

For all of the doses listed, I plan on splitting them up and taking 1/2 in the morning and 1/2 at night.

I am on bcp (Orth tri cyclen lo) and have been during my entire journey. It makes it a little harder to get results and I know there is a risk of decreased effectiveness of bcp from herb interactions, but everything with nbe is a risk. I try to use a second form of birth control ie condoms and suggest you do as well if you're on bcp!

I just did a month long cleanse and will be starting this program next week once my follicular period starts. So excited!

EDIT: Forgot to mention that I also pump for one hour each day
I use the Kangzhu large pump from amazon and I tape my nipples with surgical tape so they don't get bigger or much bigger at least!

And also, the Bradelis brand of bras is really good. Chiyomilk used this brand in her program and claimed she received about an inch of "growth." The Bradelis bras are correction bras that push the breast tissue from your back and sides towards your cleavage. Over time, this supposedly increases breast size by relocating the fat tissue.
I bought two Bradelis bras on sale (they are fairly pricey). Any good correction bra will do. Make sure the band size is tight enough and that you have some room in the cups for growth. If the cups are too small, this will actually hinder growth.
Hello! Smile

Super newbie here. So I looked through most of your programs, and I was just wondering if you would recommend starting with this one or your old program? (the one you used when you started). 
You have totally motivated me to start my NBE journey! Hopefully I am as successful as you. 
Just a few more questions...
Where do you buy your pills and oils? Also do you recommend starting off from small to large pumps or can I go straight to the large ones? My breasts are tiny though :Sad
Thank you!

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