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BE with a broken heart?


Just wondering if people continue their journey when their partners leave them. Mine just suddenly said to me yesterday that he's done, he has nothing left to give and he's moving out. I'm devastated and my heart is broken. I really thought we would spend our lives together. I'm under so much stress that its hard to eat and sleep and I dont know how This will affect my hormones

(08-01-2017, 17:51)Thematrix Wrote:  Just wondering if people continue their journey when their partners leave them. Mine just suddenly said to me yesterday that he's done, he has nothing left to give and he's moving out. I'm devastated and my heart is broken. I really thought we would spend our lives together. I'm under so much stress that its hard to eat and sleep and I dont know how This will affect my hormones

Sorry to hear that. I cant imagine what you are going through. Take one day at a time.

Thanks Ella
I have read your posts about your struggles with your husband as well. How are things for you now?

Very sorry to hear this love! Continuing your journey is all on why you started. Was it for you to be happy or for him to be happy...If it's for you, I say press ahead, life is full of struggles such as this and you can not let them steal away the dedication you have to your goals. NBE or anything else. 

Like Ella said, life is taken one day at a time. No need to make a decision on this now. Maybe give yourself some me time to deal with your new situation and see how you feel later on about things.

Thanks. It was definitely for me, he didn't even know about it. At least I'll have lots of time to noogle now

Life has bumps in the road.  My x wife left me to be with her gf.  Then she left her gf.  I found a new wife.

Thank you. When you're stuck in the middle of the pain of being disposed of it helps to know other people get through similar things

For me it was the opposite I'm now 1,5 months single haven't been single for over 3 years so I had to adjust again. 
For me being single I'm more motivated to look the best as possible. I try to focus and try to be the better person I can be in so many ways which is for me a self esteem boost. And a good way for coping too as I'm busy with other things. 
I probably wouldn't have started NBE and butt quest if I was still in a relationship. :/

hey matrix girl. i just now saw this post of yours and was surprised because you’ve mentioned your relationship before and i thought things were going so well for you two. i think i remember you mentioned your son, also. i’ve been so busy lately and time seems to take these big leaps forward when you get real busy ..and then gone it was never there. i am well acquainted with that feeling you have. i bet most of us know it, more or less. it hurts all over ..out of your emotions and into your body, your muscles, your joints. it does soften it a little, though, when your friends put their arm around you. there are so many ways to look at it. some of those ways cause you to look inward too much and hurt more. some of those ways make you a little stronger. i’ve rolled around in my agony and then sat up and thought, ‘ok, well, that relationship was good practice. now, for something with some real freakin value’. anyway, sorry, don’t mean to make light of it. we hurt. as far as your question ..try to reduce stress ….keep using your progesterone cream, stress causes your adrenals to make cortisol and they can seize your available progesterone to make the stuff when they have a need  …like under stress. you might want to think about getting some gaba for growth hormone to help your boobies grow. here’s a study where they tested gaba for growth hormone. if i could put my arm around you ms matrix, i certainly would.

Thank you solome. Your words really helped me. And yes it was really sudden and I was in shock. He moved out today so your post is very timely. Yes I do have a son (so did he) who is pretty upset about it. What you said about finding a relationship of real value is so true. First I will value myself and heal and noogle. It's kind of addictive

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