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New and revised program!!!!!


I got MSM! I have been reading so much about it, thought I would give it a go. Revised my program last night. I don't cycle. Instead I take two week long breaks every couple months where I just take my vitex. I still get tinges and growth during that time.

Am- 500 mg maca, 1000 mg MSM, 500 mg PM, 80 mg vitex, 500 mg vitamin c

Noon- collagen, MSM, maca, 450 mg SP

Evening/late afternoon- PM, maca, MSM, vitamin c

Before bed- MSM, SP, collagen

I will be seeing how this works for a couple weeks. I still have an unopened bottle of natures way PM. Once that's used up I am planning on taking a month break/cleanse, then I am going to try BO. Unless this is working really well. I'll see what happens. 

Thoughts? Suggestions?  

I am thinking of cutting out the maca at some point over the next month but not sure if it's keeping things balanced. I'll see how this goes and update in two weeks!!!

(31-01-2017, 17:19)helio-trope Wrote:  I got MSM! I have been reading so much about it, thought I would give it a go. Revised my program last night. I don't cycle. Instead I take two week long breaks every couple months where I just take my vitex. I still get tinges and growth during that time.

Am- 500 mg maca, 1000 mg MSM, 500 mg PM, 80 mg vitex, 500 mg vitamin c

Noon- collagen, MSM, maca, 450 mg SP

Evening/late afternoon- PM, maca, MSM, vitamin c

Before bed- MSM, SP, collagen

I will be seeing how this works for a couple weeks. I still have an unopened bottle of natures way PM. Once that's used up I am planning on taking a month break/cleanse, then I am going to try BO. Unless this is working really well. I'll see what happens. 

Thoughts? Suggestions?  

I am thinking of cutting out the maca at some point over the next month but not sure if it's keeping things balanced. I'll see how this goes and update in two weeks!!!

Hi! Have you noticed any progress since msm? Also, have you noticed any more roundness with maca?  I guess it's difficult to pinpoint since you're taking several things. I wanted to take Maca but am too worried about the side effects...

Hey Bettie! I found with maca I get great roundness in the first month and then I plateau and either ramp up or take a break from it completely. The MSM, I can't tell if it's helping my breasts directly but it's making everything else, especially my skin, amazing. I also started a new BO program and I've read that you should take MSM or collagen with it.

Also just an update, I have a new BO program that I started this week. This program worked but I definitely felt the estrogen dominance. 500 mg is too much at once

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