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Help me go from an AA to a B cup!!!

ooh date ehh.... let us know how it goes Wink
dont noogle too hard for a while, you had the broken blood vessel too rite? be really careful

lol crystalelle, we have to, there are only a few of us that are regular on the program pages now..... hopefully all of us bloom in these next couple of months and beat the stats (the one that says people grow most in spring and summer) Blush

Hey Searching, if it's true that you grow best in spring and summer, then GirlFriday here is entering her prime time! Big Grin

GF, try not to get too discouraged by your latest measurement (easier said than done, believe me!). Is it possible you didn't measure in EXACTLY the same way you did before? I find if my tape is even 1/4" higher or lower on my back, that totally cuts a good 1/2" off my measurement. It's gotten to the point that I don't take stock in anything my tape says anymore, cuz it varies wildly each time I measure. It is no longer my "friend." Dodgy And I've been measuring like 3 times a day for the past few months; so I've gotten pretty good at it (or so I thought!). Now I'm like, screw it. If my breasts feel the same, and look the same in my bra, then they must be the same. Don't let the stupid tape discourage you! It LIES!!! Angry Only believe what you see and feel for yourself. Do you personally feel like they've gotten smaller? Cuz from your pictures, they don't look any smaller to me at all. Smile

I really think this is the month you'll start seeing some awesome changes with NB. Just don't overdo it! Wink (Haha, this is the pot calling the kettle black here, LOL!) I hope your date went well!!!

thanks Crystalelle. But the problem will be that (if I am to assume we can't get it through customs), then I won't be able to carry it through the airport with me as they won't allow the product to enter the country.

But that is also a good point, I could always travel through Asia, Thailand, or Malaysia etc and use it while I am there. Although in saying that, I generally get diarhorrea when I am in Thailand so that would probably stop the effectiveness of the pills!!!

my broken blood vessel, you can't really see it now. But I am being careful because I'm finding that I get lots of red dots when I noogle.

I find that my breasts sometimes feel bigger on some days than others. One thing that I am getting quite good at, is looking at my breasts and then working out what the measurement is likely to be. Sometimes I look at them and think yeah, they look about 31.5". And so they are. I think its from all the noogling then measuring, you start to get a sense of what your breasts look like when they are at various measurements. But yeah, I should be well due to have some blimmen growth soon!!!

That is why I am painstakingly writing down each day how much I noogle, because at the end of 6 months I want to show, ok, this is how much I noogled... I gave it a good go, and NADA. Or WALLAH. (pending on whether I get any growth!)

hehee TM I like the advice, and I'll probably give the same advice to you!

Oh, and my date went exceedingly well. And he seems like a really nice guy. He said something to me how he is looking for a partner that is nuturing as opposed to someone who is competitive with their partner. So I thought that was sweet... as long as it doesn' t mean he is looking for a mother!!!! lol

Also, here is a good tip for all you noogle users.... if you noogle then use candlelight (maximum 1 candle!!), then you can't see the ring marks etc.... so that is one way of appearing to have much larger breasts!!! hehehhe I like all the tricks we can use on these men.

Cycle 8 - Day 1

AM - noogle 30 minutes.
PM - 35 mins.

Ok, so this cycle I am taking no supplements at all. I am only noogling. I have been noogling for about 4 months now. My BO has not arrived, and I don't think it will be. So that leaves me with noogle, and taking supplements again. I am still doing a mild detox that my naturopath put me on, so I figure there is not much point taking the herbs etc when I am on that.

In saying that, I may change my mind, and start taking some herbs again.... lol I don't know yet! I still have a bottle of liquid herbs that my naturopath made up, so maybe I should take that.... hmmmm. Its FG, SP and WY.

I'll sleep on it.

If you are really serious about getting the pills 'if' you come to Malaysia. I have a suggestion that might be able to help you bring the pills back and pass through custom. Transfer the pills into another bottle perhaps that say collagen or EPA on the label.

If all fails I am thinking have you give PM+Fenegreek a thought. Through my investigation it could work wonders too.

lol crystalelle! you must watch alot of spy movies!! hehe

Fenugreek and PM you reakon! I haven't tried PM yet.... hmmmm. I did have a look at it right back when I first started. Maybe I could try that.

I am thinking that I have collagen capsules, so I'll take those and MSM this month. See how that goes. My rationale for that, is that the MSM I think should help with the swelling for noogle, and collagen is meant to help with building cells right.... which should also help with the noogle.

What my new theory with noogle is - is that I am going to try and retain swelling ALWAYS. So what that means, is that I am going to noogle in the morning, and maybe a little bit during the day, and then in the evening, to try and keep some swelling, however little all day long. I'm not going to noogle too long each time, as that will make my breasts too tired.

I'm also going to alternate each day with the Large noogle cups, for two reasons. One, I keep getting lots of bruising from the cup rings, and two, because I can only noogle one cup and at time and it takes too long!!!

So that is my noogle mission... if I choose to accept it.

Sounds like a good plan, using NB more frequently to maintain more swelling. It makes sense. I hope you'll see better results that way! I wish I could do it twice a day.

And Crystalelle, I was just gonna suggest PM too!!! We share a brain!!! Wink

I've read lots of success stories from people who've used PM. I'm still hoping your BO arrives, cuz I think you'd respond really well to it; but PM is definitely what I would try, before doing the other herbs. Did you ever hear back from Swanson's?

LOL Twister_Mama! I know PM results won't last forever though. A maintenance dosage is required every now and then else the babies will wave you goodbye. I have ask a lot of sellers, users and read enough of research to know that this is true.

I don't know if PM would make it through customs either!!

Cycle 8 Day 2

AM 30 minutes noogle - really awesome swelling.
PM noogled 30 mins with the large, one cup at a time.

I'm taking MSM 2 teaspoons per day (1 in morning 1 in evening)
1 collagen neocell pill am and 1 pm

fennel tea and spearmint tea.

Just as an update - I woke up this morning and my breasts look like they have retained swelling, and yep measuring tape confirms, somewhere between 31.75" and 32". But more interestingly, is that I used the large cups last night, and this morning my breasts look really different in that they are 'raised' in the middle part of my chest... if that makes sense? so its not just the breast on the outer part, but in between my breasts... kindof like mini cleavage. That will be because the large cup is much wider than the medium, so it covers more of my breast, so it will be 'pulling out' that middle part more. YAY. Had some bruising though, so putting on the arnica.

I think it works well. And I think just noogling for 30 mins at a time is helping with that too.

Also should mention that yesterday had a little random tingling, and had a really weird feeling in my breasts that lasted only a few seconds but was quite intense about 4/10.

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