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Interested in what others have tried


I suppose I started this thread for my benefit and others, Basically...

What products have you tried and found to NOT WORK in the slightest, and what have you tried that may have worked...but not enough for you? 

I feel like this is a possibility...for a natural remedy to work. Thank you! I am very interested. Also, is ChiyoMilk a scam?

I wasn't trying to grow my breasts initially but I started taking MSM to help calm my acne outbreaks and reduce my scars and it resulted in me growing about a little over a cup size. 

Also, when I became a vegan I ended up increasing my breast size by about 1 and a half cup sizes . 

So I went from being flat chested, to a 34A, then I lost weight and became a 32B, and now I'm a 32C.

I'm currently using noogleberry and have seen some great results so far but I haven't been using it long enough to know if the results are permanent.

Not gonna lie, I've wondered about Chiyomilk being a scam many many times. I'm a bit skeptical about her results but of course I don't know for sure whether she's legit or not.

I wouldnt see what benefit there would be to produce a scam like Chiyomilk..but it could just be a scam...though imo it is possible to grow that much...i think if you can grow 2 cupsizes(many nbe'ers did) you can grow more in a span of years..
But nbe isnt about one sole thing producing a miracle...NBE is about filling in the ''holes'' in your particular diet/body/lifestyle so they synergistecally might cause breast growth..for many of us it takes years...others find what they need sooner or are just quicker responders...but itt defenitely depends on your current and previous lifestyle...and you have to cover the full spectrum of dietary needs....bc if you miss one you might forget about your breasts growing. But this is just how it was/is for me...maybe it will be easier for you.

(14-03-2017, 21:30)hannah Wrote:  I wouldnt see what benefit there would be to produce a scam like Chiyomilk..but it could just be a scam...though imo it is possible to grow that much...i think if you can grow 2 cupsizes(many nbe'ers did) you can grow more in a span of years..
But nbe isnt about one sole thing producing a miracle...NBE is about filling in the ''holes'' in your particular diet/body/lifestyle so they synergistecally might cause breast growth..for many of us it takes years...others find what they need sooner or are just quicker responders...but itt defenitely depends on your current and previous lifestyle...and you have to cover the full spectrum of dietary needs....bc if you miss one you might forget about your breasts growing. But this is just how it was/is for me...maybe it will be easier for you.

Hi Hanna! :Smile 

Just wanted to say that I see a clear reason for why Chiyomilk could possibly be a scam (not saying she is) and that's for marketing reasons. You see, her website is linked directly to a lot of the products that she mentions which of course will drive up sells for any products that she suggests. And the thing with Japanese Marketing is that beauty products/cosmetics are some of their biggest revenue sells. There is a high demand for new and inventive beauty products (which is why if you ever visited Japan you will find some of the most creative and flat out weird beauty merchandise that you wouldn't even believe exists). Women also tend to invest more money and time in their beauty regimen there than most other places in the world, and are always looking for the next best thing, which makes it a highly competitive market. By Chiyomilk having such a successful and dramatic success story to push forward products on a culture that tend to have smaller average breast sizes, well... I'm sure you get the idea.

Not only that, but I've read many testimonies of people following Chiyomilk's program to the T (even buying the exact brands she used and following her fat transfer massages religiously) and not even getting half the results that she obtained (or any at all) even after they followed her program for twice as long. Which of course, can be attributed to everyone's body being different, but still you have to pause and wonder if she is legit or maybe if she's just trying to get you to buy the products. I also wanted to mention, that I have read a few testimonies of women increasing their breast size using fat transfer massage but I still don't know how convinced I am because having a degree in medical sciences, I know that fat cells are rooted. They can't simply be moved by massage. Even when you lose weight, you don't lose the number of fat cells that you have, but rather the fat cells shrink and expand during weight fluctuations. Fat cells are predetermined by genetics and you are born with all the fat cells that you will ever have. So once again, her method makes me highly skeptical that she got the results strictly by how she say she did and it becomes more and more convincing to me that perhaps this was some type of breast supplements marketing scheme. 

Me and my family visit Japan just about every year because I have family there, and you'd be surprised at how they market products to women. There are so many people who are famous there just because of their looks (like maybe they have fair skin and so they often do commercials for products that sell whitening products). Women in commercials tend to have a cult following just like celebrities in movies in the U.S. are household names. That's how big beauty is in Japan.

Once again, not saying she is a scam, but I'm just giving some thoughtful responses as to why I am dubious. 

Hope this all is informative and makes a little sense.


That was an interesting post ZaraAri! I have never considered chiyomilk to be a scam as I always thought it was genuine. I thought there were plenty of women who had success stories following her program. But reading your comment it makes me wonder and now I want to look more into it.

I don't believe in fat transfer massage as well, though I wish it was true. For the same reasons you say, if it was possible you could also spot reduce fat which cannot happen. Hormones are linked with where you store fat and that is what I believe in. 

But on the other hand how come some women their breast tissue is moved more towards their armpits or back because of wearing too small bras for a long period of time?

"Fat cells are predetermined by genetics and you are born with all the fat cells that you will ever have."

Fat cells can only shrink or increase but if they get too big, your body makes more fat cells which is in the case of obese individuals. You can never get rid of the fat cell naturally but it is possible to increase them.

(14-03-2017, 23:45)Octaviaaah Wrote:  That was an interesting post ZaraAri! I have never considered chiyomilk to be a scam as I always thought it was genuine. I thought there were plenty of women who had success stories following her program. But reading your comment it makes me wonder and now I want to look more into it.

I don't believe in fat transfer massage as well, though I wish it was true. For the same reasons you say, if it was possible you could also spot reduce fat which cannot happen. Hormones are linked with where you store fat and that is what I believe in. 

But on the other hand how come some women their breast tissue is moved more towards their armpits or back because of wearing too small bras for a long period of time?

"Fat cells are predetermined by genetics and you are born with all the fat cells that you will ever have."

Fat cells can only shrink or increase but if they get too big, your body makes more fat cells which is in the case of obese individuals. You can never get rid of the fat cell naturally but it is possible to increase them.

Hi Octaviaaah! 

I just want to be clear and repeat again that I'm not insinuating that Chiyomilk is a scam, and I don't want to lead people to believe that. I just was confessing my own suspicions and I tend to have a skeptic's viewpoint. But of course, how could any of us know for sure unless we could get ahold of her and sit down and talk to her (I wish, right! lol).

You make a good point that I failed to mention, and you're absolutely right that fat cells may increase but so far studies have not shown that you can decrease fat cells (other than cosmetic surgery of course), but as far as moving/transferring fat cells go, that seems to be more of a fable than fact. But perhaps people who have used chiyomilk's fat transfer massage have seen increased in their breast due to stimulation of the massage itself, who knows?

As far breast tissue in the armpit, it's rather tricky to explain but it's rather common and normal for women to experience this. But I found a good article that does a decent job of doing so: http://kellymom.com/bf/got-milk/extra-breast-tissue/

Again, I almost feel bad for stating I believe Chiyomilk could possibly be a scam or some type of marketing scheme because I don't want my words to be contorted and used to attack me (I feel like someone might try to do that) but I've always had my suspicions and I think a lot of times with supplementation it is so easy to become gullible and read something on the internet and take it as true. But I think it's important to question something and not take it immediately at face value upon first take. 

But hey, whatever works, works... and sometimes it's not the product or technique that is the cause, but rather a placebo effect. I've had my sister tell me that she grew her breasts simply by believing in the bottom of her heart that she could and meditating on it for weeks with gemstones and then BAM, it's almost like the universe heard her prayers. I tried it too, and the universe laughed at me, but I have to admit, I felt like an idiot the whole time I tried it so maybe I just didn't believe enough. lol

I want to add to this thread if anyone has gotten the gainbust or c cup code programs. They advertise in a way that seems like they have a secret that no one else has. That makes it very tempting to buy them but I'm going to feel like a fool if the programs are just the same information I found on here.

That was an interesting post!!!!!!


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