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Fatty suggestions please for a plant/egg eater


If i was to label myself i eat vegan but i include eggs and honey (i hate labels but best way to explain it i guess).  I am really struggling with the whole putting on weight thing i need to i want to but i eat very clean and i guess i've got to that point where i just need to indulge in naughtie stuff to get some kilos on!  Any suggestions?  
So far ive - started hemp protein smoothies with fruits, coconut milk & oil.  Constant eating (my goal is never to feel hungry - this is very hard lol).  3 meals plus snacks and of late i've started with naughtie stuff (potato chips, sweets and spreads).  Nuts, seeds and avocado.  I guess it just takes time? 

Am almost at that point where i think is NBE even going to work if weight is too low and common sense says no but it's not a lack of trying and i can see if i only could put on 5kg i'd actually have boobies and they want to grow because i have seen some come on please give me some fast fat packing suggestions (hhhmm not sure if that sounds quite right lol)....

You cheat a little.. so based on that and me being in the same boat...

Naturade Whey weight gain protein powder. Really works...
Nuts and avocados!
Lactose free GREEK yoghurt...
Pea protein shakes with peanut butter..
Cheeses non dairy... But you eat eggs.... So some organic cheese....
Starches like potatoes, sweet potatoe.... Rice .....
Quinoa -just heard it's high in fatty acids and protein source.
Moringa - google youl be amazed
Bee pollen... has every nutrient you need.
Gut health- make sure that's A ok. Malabsoprtion = weight loss
COCONUT YOGHURT - amazing. Saturated fat. Be mindful.

Theres some really good meal replacement protein powders by "garden of life"...  And they are full of pure ingredients.. Can always have one with a meal....

Essential fatty acids like hemp, borage, seabuckthorne - always remember there is a formula of omega 3:6 and if you supplement you want to keep that in balance.

FWIW... i am slim and fast metabolizer and the BEST results i had with NBE was when i ate good fatty foods and i gained some weight. So much so the guys at work were asking if id had an enlargement. So i cant reccomended gaining healthy weight enough.  But always remember balance and moderation. Everything in moderation Smile

Thanks Ella
Thats really helpful. Ill have a look into other protein powders again i do have 2 heaped tablespoons hemp protein daily. Id love to take whey powder especially something with name 'weight gainer' but dairy and i dont get along (i read its derivered of milk? Unless its a non issue in whey form?). 
I too have high metabolism which doesn't help....i guess just more more more. Am not really into eating junk but my frustration has got the better of me this week and i keep thinking eat crap equals fat but wrong type of fat. 
Maybe upping it to 2 protein drinks a day?

(03-05-2017, 09:54)Chrissygwy Wrote:  Thanks Ella
Thats really helpful. Ill have a look into other protein powders again i do have 2 heaped tablespoons hemp protein daily. Id love to take whey powder especially something with name 'weight gainer' but dairy and i dont get along (i read its derivered of milk? Unless its a non issue in whey form?). 
I too have high metabolism which doesn't help....i guess just more more more. Am not really into eating junk but my frustration has got the better of me this week and i keep thinking eat crap equals fat but wrong type of fat. 
Maybe upping it to 2 protein drinks a day?

No i wouldnt push it with the protein powder. Theres alot of people opposed to protein powders, reckon they put a strain on the kidneys. 
Id be looking more at getting a good meal replacment one and taking as directed but having with a meal perhaps so double dose of nutrition.  I thought protein powders equalled weight gain but turns out can be the opposite depending on how you consume them. Mixing with milk etc cocnut, almond, macadamia (awesome)  is better. Adding in a little fat of some sort, strawberries etc etc oh BANANA! Tell you what id be suprised if you didnt gain by having a couple of smoothies a day, like with a banana, some yoghurt - coconut or lactose free. Wouldnt be going overboard with soy youghurt. But while you doing it work out the areas you dont wana gain, ie butt tummy etc with relevant exercises and I'd massage your breasts, hopefully get the nutrition up there.
They whey shouldnt by rights upset you with the lactose content if thats a concern, i know theres some really good (expensive) ones out there that micronize or something like that and make them super tolerable and effective. A friends whos hihgly underweight has been put on that one. 

I looked real good when i started having baked potatoes, cheese, organic sour cream on a more regular basis and greek yoghurt!
Cut down on sugar even too much fruit potentially, stresses the body. I think for us is whats behind our fast metabolisms etc. Something stressfull or stressing in our bodies that makes us run fast or too fast.

(03-05-2017, 06:11)Chrissygwy Wrote:  If i was to label myself i eat vegan but i include eggs and honey (i hate labels but best way to explain it i guess).  I am really struggling with the whole putting on weight thing i need to i want to but i eat very clean and i guess i've got to that point where i just need to indulge in naughtie stuff to get some kilos on!  Any suggestions?  
So far ive - started hemp protein smoothies with fruits, coconut milk & oil.  Constant eating (my goal is never to feel hungry - this is very hard lol).  3 meals plus snacks and of late i've started with naughtie stuff (potato chips, sweets and spreads).  Nuts, seeds and avocado.  I guess it just takes time? 

Am almost at that point where i think is NBE even going to work if weight is too low and common sense says no but it's not a lack of trying and i can see if i only could put on 5kg i'd actually have boobies and they want to grow because i have seen some come on please give me some fast fat packing suggestions (hhhmm not sure if that sounds quite right lol)....

3 meals 3 snacks. Allow yourself another meal, preferably after dinner, therefor that amount of food will be stored as fat.
Also reduce the cardio exercise, you need to do it of course for your well being but let's say if you do 3h everyweek just do it 1h and a half a week. Instead do more anaerobic exercise, 1-3h per week.

Eat 3-4 hours and try to not drink water before or after meals, therefor you have more space for food.
add protein shakes , hemp protein shakes is really great cause it contains fat too

it takes time, in my case it took me 4 months to gain 6 kilos, but it's possible.

Thanks Ladies. I guess patience isnt just for NBE its for weight gain too. But your both right - underlining theme is good food, good fat, eat plenty and regularly!

Eat lots of nuts.   Rolleyes

I am a vegan and when I am trying to gain weight, I eat a lot of nuts. Mainly I eat pecans. I eat 1/4 cup to half a cup a day, depending on how many calories I am trying to eat in a day. You can fry them with vanilla extract and brown sugar to make them into candied pecans. This is what I do and then I snack on them throughout the day. Plus, it is really yummy lol. 

Also peanut butter is a really good option. Try having 2 peanut butter or peanut butter and jelly sandwiches a day. It is a cheap way to get more calories in. Also, fruits like bananas really add up in calories. 

Good luck. Smile

If you want a good way to add fat to your diet (which healthy fat is very important), I recommend a high quality MCT oil. It's an extra of coconut oil (also very good for you but the flavor can be hard to work with) that only has the most efficient burning fatty acid chains in it. A good quality one (I like Bulletproof) will have little to no coconut flavor and is easy to sdd to anything and to cook with. It also is stable at much higher temperatures than other cooking oils.

I have a hard time gaining weight too as I have to keep gluten (read wheat) out of my diet. Before taking gluten out, maintaining a healthy weight wasn't difficult. My guess is for most people wheat is a good way to put on weight.

Hope this helps!

(06-05-2017, 14:26)Pink.Chiffon6 If you want a good way to add fat to your diet (which healthy fat is very important), I recommend a high quality MCT oil. It\s an extra of coconut oil (also very good for you but the flavor can be hard to work with) that only has the most efficient burning fatty acid chains in it. A good quality one (I like Bulletproof) will have little to no coconut flavor and is easy to sdd to anything and to cook with. It also is stable at much higher temperatures than other cooking oils. Wrote:  I have a hard time gaining weight too as I have to keep gluten (read wheat) out of my diet. Before taking gluten out, maintaining a healthy weight wasn't difficult. My guess is for most people wheat is a good way to put on weight.

Hope this helps!

Im really struggling lately with this too. Wheat is hidden in everything!!!!
The Drs want me to do a celiac antibodies test but i have to consume gluten for 6 weeks THEN follow it up with a biopsy! No thanks. Id rather just avoid it.  But in the same breath is concerning not having a definitive answer cause you dont know if a little cheating will have a major impact.

I found the coconut oil amazing to put on weight BUT most are made from coconut cream out of cans..... (BPA endocrine disruptors) and then the coconut cream - most have emulsifiers in them! Big microbiome disruptor - leaky gut. How all this stuff creeps into our food is horrrifying. I need to start making my own again.

(06-05-2017, 19:13)EllaC Wrote:  
(06-05-2017, 14:26)Pink.Chiffon6 If you want a good way to add fat to your diet (which healthy fat is very important), I recommend a high quality MCT oil. It\s an extra of coconut oil (also very good for you but the flavor can be hard to work with) that only has the most efficient burning fatty acid chains in it. A good quality one (I like Bulletproof) will have little to no coconut flavor and is easy to sdd to anything and to cook with. It also is stable at much higher temperatures than other cooking oils. Wrote:  I have a hard time gaining weight too as I have to keep gluten (read wheat) out of my diet. Before taking gluten out, maintaining a healthy weight wasn't difficult. My guess is for most people wheat is a good way to put on weight.

Hope this helps!

Im really struggling lately with this too. Wheat is hidden in everything!!!!
The Drs want me to do a celiac antibodies test but i have to consume gluten for 6 weeks THEN follow it up with a biopsy! No thanks. Id rather just avoid it.  But in the same breath is concerning not having a definitive answer cause you dont know if a little cheating will have a major impact.

I found the coconut oil amazing to put on weight BUT most are made from coconut cream out of cans..... (BPA endocrine disruptors) and then the coconut cream - most have emulsifiers in them! Big microbiome disruptor - leaky gut. How all this stuff creeps into our food is horrrifying. I need to start making my own again.

I feel fortunate that I just have Hashimoto's disease and not celiac's. Cheating here and there doesn't bother me much, but I still can't cheat enough to help put weight on using wheat.

I am with you though. It would be better to know for sure if you have celiac's, as even the 6 weeks of eating gluten would be temporary. I'm a little surprised how long you need gluten exposure to do the test though!

Ah, I wish I liked coconut more. I can't stand strong coconut flavor so coconut oil holds absolutely no appeal for me. :/  I consume a ton of MCT oil though. I also feel like the US has a very good selection of non-GMO and BPA free and healthy options when it comes to food. But at the same time, if you optimize your health, you don't have to worry about avoiding 100% of the bad stuff and can rest assured that your body can handle a certain amount. At the end of the day there is only so much we can do right? And stressing out about avoiding all of it all the time is probably worse for you than letting your body be exposed to a small amount that may be unavoidable and not stressing over it.

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