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Ultimate Noogleberry Guide: Hacks, Tips, Tricks and More


(02-06-2017, 14:48)sweetorange Wrote:  
(31-05-2017, 15:51)Caliboobs Wrote:  Big Grin  OK... after thinking on this for a while, I suppose this is the best tip I have that I have not yet seen on the site.


Even if you don't want to tractor your boobies with pressure, a set of Noogleberry or other cups with the cheapo hand pump NB sells will allow you the very best method of applying estrogen or other compounds in a VERY targeted way. (PS do NOT use any other pump, than the plastic one like NB sells, the metal ones sold in America will require you to use the liquid reservoir trap because the pumps will get nuked if you pump water through them) If you view the one pic or so I have of the domes in use look at the tips, its all liquid. But in this liquid are all the things I use herbally. Combined with other ingredients that allow more rapid trans-dermal action Like a drop or two of isoproyl alcohol, or ... PEPPERMINT N CINNAMON. Which I think I double dosed in the right dome this morning as its currently singing in high pitch!!   (OMG I LOVE THIS STUFFF ... thank you ZaraAri!) Big Grin 

if you look at the shape you will notice that only the tip and top of the breast are soaking meaning it has to travel from there all the way through the breast and then chest to get to anything like an internal organ. NOW THAT IS LOCALIZATION.  So if you want to be able to do high doses of your fav substance, here is a way to do it right to the point without altering your emotional status by flooding your body through the normal channels. Bypass the liver completely and go right to the spot you want. Now before you do this and come back with, damn, thats a lot of work and gets messy here n there, just how bad do you want boobs? Are you willing to add some work to the mix...because its SOOOOOO worth it. Yes of course it still travels through your blood stream but it has to pass through the targeted area to get there and in an hour or less, there is not a whole lot that can FLOOD your system like taking it orally. 


I use a curvation bra in my size, mark the nipples and cut about a 3" hole, adjusting as need be to accommodate the cups in the correct positions Once this is done and fits correctly the rim on the cups should keep the domes from coming through, just like a hands free nursing setup. After learning just how much liquid I can use and hold the cups on with (usually just filling the domed part) I lube up with oil, put on the bra and bend forward a bit, the bra holds the cups so I can pour in the liquids and additives that I use for each dome.  Then Having spread a towel or two on the bed I simply lie back with my feet still on the floor and make sure the cups are in place so no liquid escapes. Then I pump each one till all air is removed, and keep that this way for anywhere from 15 mins to an hour after which I either loosen and then crank down or just crank down depending on how they feel/react. How far to crank down is something that you can only learn from experience. .... sorry. Also I would like to add that you should look at this like any other form of exercise  stretch a little first, warm up, then go for your goal, then cool down, then rest. So when I finally let the cups down, I don't just take them off.... Ill take off the nipples of the domes and let them settle when all pressure is back to normal I put them back. Now my breasts are at their largest  in the cups with no pressure and can soak up more nutrients.  try it ... see if you like it.

After thoughts ...


If I had it to do over again and were starting from square one .... I would start with a complete set of NB cups and about three pumps, one for air, one for water, and one spare.
I would use each cup set one day each and rotate, even if the biggest one required being used one at a time. I would also get some extra cupping items and that full set for Kangzu and cupping would be awesome. That way you can just hit under or over boob or fill in the gaps when you just dont have ability to go with the big set.


Grapesseed is best, no mess if you dont spill it, and does not go rancid and most closely resembles the components found in your body. Its rather easy clean up compared to others too. More to come, .... but I have to go crank down on the girls ... they have been soaking for an hour, now to MAKE MY TITTIES GREAT AGAIN!!!

Ok Caliboobs... YOU ARE A GENIOUS!!! Why I did not think about this before??!!!

PS: awesome quote "make my titties great again" can't stop laughing hahahahahha

Blush  thanks sweet!   teehee, presidential tata's  genius? well, more like good observer, but OK!!!  I have to admit though there can be alot of clean up, the pump will accumulate stuff and every now and then I need to run some weak bleach or Hydrogen peroxide through it. But .... so oooooo worth it. and it just plain feels good.

(02-06-2017, 15:45)ZaraAri Wrote:  Oh wow, AWESOME tips Caliboobs!! I have yet to try hydro-noogling because I'm nervous about making a mess, lol, but I'm definitely going to try out your method soon! Thanks for sharing that! Brilliant!!! 

Sweetorange, I know exactly what you mean about underboob scars. I would recommend trying arnica gel or one of my absolute favorites is tamanu oil. The reason I love tamanu oil is because it has been clinical study to regenerate skin, heal wounds, clear skin from acne, fade scars, and much more. It's pretty amazing. I started using it on my breasts and it did help with my underboob scars and also it makes my skin feel so soft and supple. Let me know if you decide to try it out and how it works for you!! 


Zara you are great!! I'm gonna order both (I have been using arnica for some many years , muscle ache you know, but it didn't know it is good for healing the skin!!)

Btw, new post up

I hope it works out for you sweetorange! When you purchase your tamanu oil, try to find oils that are greenish in color. Stay away from oils that are grey or black because they tend to be lower quality. Tamanu oil is wonderful for the skin, it's such a healing oil. You should look at some of the studies they have on it. It is even known to fade old marks and scars on the skin and not just new ones. 

PEPPERMINTPATTY!!! Eeeekkk! I just LOVE your new name!! Big Grin You are going to be the peppermint queen!!! <3


Big Grin

OK, that thing I PM'd you about has me so geared up I am adding the rest in thanks, besides all I can think of right now is boobs.. I don't have time for all this but I can only say I hope that what I think I c is what I think it is.... Big Grin


This crazy universe; and my crazy opinions

In my search for every little bit of information I could gather, I have seen some accounts where men grew breasts down through history
that have led me to a certain conclusion. Which I shall attempt to relay in an understandable fashion (it can be hard for me lol) - 

That conclusion is -  All stimulation counts.

A couple accounts from history;

The earliest one I have found, relates to breastfeeding and the signals that is sends (and I cannot seem to locate that story now that I want to cite it) was an account from the middle-east where a peasants wife died
and he was unable to feed his child in any meaningful way so he put it to his breast in at least an effort to comfort it. And ... where there was need,
the body provided, he grew ONE breast the one the child was suckling and was able to feed his child in time to keep it alive. The local Calif came to see, and he just blew it off, 
saying something like, "see brother, Allah did not see fit to change his station in life, he provided only what was just" or something like that.

There are accounts of physical impact and other stimulations that are believed to have caused breasts, I read about a heavy weapons rifle squad that grew breasts,
and after going through a lot of examinations they found that the repeated firing
of these guns during thier tours of duty was stimulating breast growth. 

I could go on, but I wont need too I bet there are a bunch of you that have more info on this kind of thing than me,
but I think you can see where I'm going from just these two examples, when I say that consistant and prolonged stimulation of that area will cause change.

So imagine if u use this knowledge to your benefit by targeting the breasts in other ways than chemical or with negative pressure varience (NB) 
maybe you have/have not thought of things like fat slapping/shaping, massage Rollers, tens, and anything else that will stimulate them 
with out hurting them. Massage, massage, massage.

To add on the first account of the man who grew one breast,  when I looked back at all the posts I read of people who missed how full they
were when they were breast feeding. After obeserving the matter and researching all I can say is there is NO better way (aside from actually goint through puberty) 
to send the right signals for breast growth to your body than to get milked, and I noted that some posts had asked new person questions
about would the milk pumps work like NB? To which the answer was no, the answer was both correct and incorrect. Yes it wont do it like NB but it WILL cause
sena chain reaction through your body if you signal NEED/DEMAND. And if you add a few minutes of hand pumping the nipples, you will have sent a request to your
body that says my boobs are needed, release the booby juice! Then imprison them in the boobtubes so they have no where to go and HAVE to take a dose from outside
the skin as well. OOOOooohhhh .... delicious! If you have a milk supply use it!!, Feed anyone who is thirsty, YOU will actually be doing THEM the favor.
All the studies indicate that breast milk increases IQ and well as being perfect human food, on a side note, Male milk when available, Does the same thing 10 fold better, or so I have read.

To add on for me the physical impact thing, I use movement while noogling, I usually try to adjust the cups every few minutes, 
(I know... this equates to playing with myself .... alot  -  Shhhhhhh)
but it really feels good to try and roll the cups around and see if I can get the rims to glide an inch or so around in an circle. Usually I will do this while hydro bathing time where I dont have them on at High pressure and I might....have seen ... someones hand, err...slapping them now and then but I always try to remember not to spill the bath OMG.  

With respect, I submit the best chance you have for rapid and successfull change in the desired area. IF AT ALL possible, bring your partner/significant other 
in on your journey, so many NB folk were not just in the closet while pumping I think there were even a few sub-basements in those closets.  HEH.
But really its a lot of work, and hopefully if your partner loves you, and (is fun) he or she would most likely love to play with your boobs all day and I think
secretly most boys/men would get a kick out of putting them in domes while you let him "PUMP you UP" ... (carefully, n show him/her how first). Imagine how much more effective
that would be to have your own full time fat slapper...=) I think these are two very valid areas that folks dont take seriously. 

If you need to figure out how to verbally approach the subject

just casually ask in a somewhat accusatory tone, "are you really happy with your penis size?" cuz most every guy has been programmed to fear that subject!
once you explain the real reason you said that (which is to enlist him in the program) you want help with
say ... my insecurity(use your own words here but imply this and he will absolutely bend over back wards to help you when he equates it next to his own if he is any kind of a decent guy)
he will most likely do two things, breath a sigh of relief because it really wasn't a dick question, or indication of dissatisfaction - and an ability to relate.
why your doing what your doing and then want to help, (if he's a regular/decent Joe)

Lastly the one thing that is most important to see sucsess  are the three D's If your a Harry Potter fan then you get this.
They are THE most important tool u have, THEY must remain resolute and consistant.
for those of you who are hogwarts challenged, 

Step One: Fix your mind firmly upon the desired destination.
Step Two: Focus your determination to occupy the visualized space in your bra. Let your yearning to enter it flood from your mind to every particle of your body.
Step Three: Adjust your domes, feeling your way into new cupsizes, moving with deliberation.

and finally if nothing esle works ... there is a spell, Engorgio Masticus! sorry, Rolleyes having too much fun. Yes, I had fun with that ... but in reality visualization is key.
so get a goal bra, and use it....close your eyes and see it that way, etc.

A last note,  and if you agree plz say so, nothing to do with growth, yes being serious, all kidding aside and this is of course just my opinion.
To the breast feeding mom, looking back I think it would have been much better if Mom, had baby and dad feeding at the same time. 
All kidding aside and being serious, it teaches baby to share, and keeps hubby in the loop.
(Yeah, I felt all kinds of left out watching all that love, and smiling and cooing damnit gimme some of that!!) and in hind sight
there were all kinds of problems when it came down to it. Which could all have been avoided if Dad had seriously applied himself
to getting her ready before hand and nursing her all through the last couple of months. (though with caution as it can induce labor whoooops) 

sorry if this is duplicate information, I didnt have time to go through the site much and really I did not have time for this but I did it anyway...LOL

OMG  my boobs would be so sore, how can you take that much stimulation she/he thinks after reading my post. Well, you see, your body starts releasing all this kool
stuff like endorphins and other feel good items....and if you take it past what mast people are used to ... you can see your own personal fireworks display all inside your head and just be pleasantly smiling from head to toe.   Big Grin
because that stuff in large quantitties will cause Euphoria.....mmmmmmmmm

OK.....thats most of the stuff thats kind of outside the normal thought process and seems to escape notice.

so, does that help?

(02-06-2017, 18:03)ZaraAri Wrote:  I hope it works out for you sweetorange! When you purchase your tamanu oil, try to find oils that are slightly greenish/yellowish in color but still light and not dark. Stay away from oils that are grey or black because they tend to be lower quality. Tamanu oil is wonderful for the skin, it's such a healing oil. You should look at some of the studies they have on it. It is even known to fade old marks and scars on the skin and not just new ones. 

PEPPERMINTPATTY!!! Eeeekkk! I just LOVE your new name!! Big Grin You are going to be the peppermint queen!!! <3


TY!! Tongue

wow....Tamanu gets some great reviews....cant wait to try some out, ty so much!  Smile

I think this might be the only other suggestion I can offer that I have not already run across on this site, make sure you glean everything you can from the Penis Enlargement sites with regard to vacuum technique and such. They have been at it longer and have a TREASURE trove of information on expanding soft tissue!  Big Grin

Arnica Allergic Reaction. Warning!

So I recently purchased some Arnica gel and I have developed a painfully itchy red bumpy rash where I rubbed it into my skin. I was really surprised by this because I have never had an allergic reaction to anything (or at least not anything I can remember). I did some research and found that this is pretty common for people who have ragweed allergies so I wanted to warn people about using this stuff if you do have ragweed allergies because I did recommend it in the original post of this thread. Also note, I don't have a ragweed allergy and I still had an allergic reaction to it (weird, eh?). I bought a really expensive arnica gel with pure ingredients, so I don't think it's because of cheap quality. Either way, this stuff doesn't suit my skin, so in the trash it goes. I think there are still other great and better alternatives to arnica gel/cream but of course, this may work for others. I just wanted to share my experience with you all!!


(31-07-2017, 02:59)ZaraAri Wrote:  Arnica Allergic Reaction. Warning!

So I recently purchased some Arnica gel and I have developed a painfully itchy red bumpy rash where I rubbed it into my skin. I was really surprised by this because I have never had an allergic reaction to anything (or at least not anything I can remember). I did some research and found that this is pretty common for people who have ragweed allergies so I wanted to warn people about using this stuff if you do have ragweed allergies because I did recommend it in the original post of this thread. Also note, I don't have a ragweed allergy and I still had an allergic reaction to it (weird, eh?). I bought a really expensive arnica gel with pure ingredients, so I don't think it's because of cheap quality. Either way, this stuff doesn't suit my skin, so in the trash it goes. I think there are still other great and better alternatives to arnica gel/cream but of course, this may work for others. I just wanted to share my experience with you all!!


Ughh I'm sorry dear! Arnica is best applied in drops in small areas, cause it can be too harsh for the skin.

By the way, I am trying a new experiment with noogling : it consists on stimulating nipples and other parts of your body Rolleyes lol to enhance blood flow over the body . I have been doing this for two weeks, and I must say it works combined with heat . I got +4cm of swelling doing 50 minutes everyday, and the swelling stayed as always, 2-3 hours sometimes 4.

All I've used :

Mini dildo or vibrator haha
Nipple-stimulating "pumps"
Heat pad
1L water

Stimulating body parts : nipples 5 minutes, vagina 10 minutes
Heat pad : 10 minutes
Pumping 50 minutes with 7:2 method.

I am going to work on this new experiment during autumn, but I think it works plus it's all natural and helps with my self-esteem at least!

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