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My Program Condensed

(28-04-2017, 06:47)aimingforCcups Wrote:  You are gorgeous the way you are and I would honestly kill to have your body. Don't let what some douchebag said about your appearance affect you. I'm sure there are a lot of men out there who are attracted to you and think you are perfect just as you are. Your ex sounds like an abusive and manipulative jerk, you definitely dodged a bullet on that one. I'm sorry for how he treated you though. I hope you get over him super quick and move on to better things <3

Thank you guys.  I've had 6 months to let this all resonate and slowly fade away.  Without a doubt there is some damage that will linger, but I am focused on working on myself and it feels great.

(29-04-2017, 05:24)Jenniferlove Wrote:  
(28-04-2017, 06:47)aimingforCcups Wrote:  You are gorgeous the way you are and I would honestly kill to have your body. Don't let what some douchebag said about your appearance affect you. I'm sure there are a lot of men out there who are attracted to you and think you are perfect just as you are. Your ex sounds like an abusive and manipulative jerk, you definitely dodged a bullet on that one. I'm sorry for how he treated you though. I hope you get over him super quick and move on to better things <3

Thank you guys.  I've had 6 months to let this all resonate and slowly fade away.  Without a doubt there is some damage that will linger, but I am focused on working on myself and it feels great.
I'm new here, just joined two days ago and found your post to be very informative,  I want to thank you for that,  as a young mother I have found it very difficult to get my breasts perky again,  and was looking for ways to add more volume. I'm so glad I came across this board,  again,  I want to thank you Jennifer, as I skimmed through the pages I read about your ex and what a jerk he is! I know it hurts,  and it's going to bother you for a long time, but remember how far you have gotten with nbe, you are an inspiration to a lot of women here. I'm glad to hear you are taking a break and you are doing well. Best of luck to you, I'm sending good vibes your way!!

Some photos from tonight. I am mid month and will grow a decent amount still but felt like documenting because I had time. I noogle and massage maybe once a week these days and maybe for 30 minutes only. Wish I had more time but something is better than nothing.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

I do think I am still growing.  I am noticing certain bras filling out that I could never fill out so yay!  I still plan to grow much, much more.  Here is photo comparison. The photos are numbered to show what date the photo was taken: 
1. March 2014
2. August 2014
3. April 2016 
4. September 2017

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

(05-09-2017, 06:55)Jenniferlove Wrote:  I do think I am still growing.  I am noticing certain bras filling out that I could never fill out so yay!  I still plan to grow much, much more.  Here is photo comparison. The photos are numbered to show what date the photo was taken: 
1. March 2014
2. August 2014
3. April 2016 
4. September 2017

Hey Jen.
Yeh i reckon your bigger again!
So what massage technique are you using now for maintenance or growth? Chi or Deer or fat brushing etc?

(05-09-2017, 07:19)EllaC Wrote:  
(05-09-2017, 06:55)Jenniferlove Wrote:  I do think I am still growing.  I am noticing certain bras filling out that I could never fill out so yay!  I still plan to grow much, much more.  Here is photo comparison. The photos are numbered to show what date the photo was taken: 
1. March 2014
2. August 2014
3. April 2016 
4. September 2017

Hey Jen.
Yeh i reckon your bigger again!
So what massage technique are you using now for maintenance or growth? Chi or Deer or fat brushing etc?

I am not sure of the names of the massages.  Same ones I have always done.  I copied chiyomilk's massages at the beginning if I recall.

(20-03-2015, 18:16)Jenniferlove Wrote:  Wow, thank you!! ^^

Another very, very interesting fact:  I only noogle my left breast and I've been noogling it only for over a year now.  I DO massage both though.  It's amazing that the massage has helped my larger breast grow alongside my smaller one but at a slower pace.  What I have learned from this is to grow quicker you must noogle BUT you CAN grow from massage alone.  I mean, even my areolas have grown also.

Hey, I know this is something you said a while ago, but I just had to ask about it!! 

Your breasts are gorgeous and I can't believe how much they've grown. You're saying you always have only noogled your left breast? Or did you use to noogle your right as well? I ask because my left breast is smaller than my right, and for 2 months now I have been using Kangzhu on only my left. I get discouraged because I'm not giving my right any attention and I can't find much time to pump it (not to mention the large kangzhu doesn't really fit it, circumference-wise). BUT I have noticed it's STILL growing along with my left breast! I thought I was imagining it. Are you telling me you really got all that growth in your right breast with just massage? Smile

Hi Jennifer!

I just finished reading both your program threads, so don't worry about responding to my question! Smile

I have been doing very little noogling  on my right breast as well these days. Still, it's around 90% noogling on my left compared to 10% on my right. I forgot to mention that I now am practicing fat brushing regularly whenever I noogle.  Not sure if that is what is making the difference these days.  It's possible my metabolism is just finally slowing down. I am not sure.

(15-09-2017, 06:01)Jenniferlove Wrote:  I have been doing very little noogling  on my right breast as well these days. Still, it's around 90% noogling on my left compared to 10% on my right. I forgot to mention that I now am practicing fat brushing regularly whenever I noogle.  Not sure if that is what is making the difference these days.  It's possible my metabolism is just finally slowing down. I am not sure.

Hi Jenniferlove!

It's been so long since I have been on this site. A few years ago, I was obsessed with my appearance. Now, I am obsessed with my health, happiness, and appearance (haha). I looked in the mirror the past couple months and, as was to be expected of not doing ANYTHING for my busts in the past 3 years, they have gone back to square one. Although I do not define my happiness or sense of self-worth by it, I am firmly grounded in myself and in would love to give it another try but without being nearly as obsessive about it. You and Tibetan were the only two who memorably came back to mind when I thought of this forum. I was always impressed by the success you got from noogling. Messing with hormones to mimic puberty can be safe... if you are lucky OR have your PhD in it! And I usually not very lucky, nor do I have my PhD. And I have other things to research other than breast growth. I have been focusing on my health these days and managed to completely eliminate my menstrual cramps (this time without fenugreek), balance my emotions, heal from a nervous breakdown, lift my mental fog, and incredibly improve the skin on my face. I am on a beauty-wellness journey... eliminating toxins from my diet and home. When I reflected on my old breast journey, I decided with my new mentality that noogling would become my main method for growth this time around. That's when you came to mind Smile  So I popped back on here to see how in the long run your progress was going. I see the photos above and I am so proud of you! I am decided to go back to noogling, even if it is just for 5 minutes a day. I would love to chat with you over a PM if you are up for that Smile I just need to buy another noogle because I left mine in Australia!! Dodgy

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