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Help me go from an AA to a B cup!!!

thanks ladies.

I just hope I am taking the right amount of each item so as to maximise my growth!

Very very excited!!!

And yes, I will be patient and do this program for a good couple of months before assessing whether its working or not!

I look forward to random pains, aches, tingles, and twinges!!! hehe

Thanks twister mama! Ill check out the link Smile

I'm so happy that you finally received your package from swansons Smile
What I think about your program...
I think that it is not good to combine SP with BO....So I think you should check that out first...or if I am wrong I would love to know. Smile
Second, I think that you should start with a low dosage of BO like 1500mg and only after you see that it is not enough then ramp it up to 1750mg...and so on...there are some girls on this forum that 2000mg made them not grow...they staled and so they ramped back down again to 1500mg.(I don't remember who exactly that was...sorry )
you are taking 8000mg of MSM!!! WOW!!! I think that's too much....but again...I don't know for sure....I take about 1500mg a day.
I know how bad you want to grow your breasts...but you should do it slowly with the don't want to overload your body with all the new supplements.
I wish you all the best with your new program!!!
Good Luck,

hi eva,

if you take 1 teaspoon of MSM its 4,000mg. Maybe I'll cut it down to half, so half a teaspoon in morning half at night. Or just half a teaspoon.

I'll have to read up about the SP and BO dosages. In terms of SP, I am not sure why it would affect BO because it just lowers your adrogen levels right..

I remember reading about someone talking about BO dosages, and someone replied that it wasn't like herbs, that you just start on your dosage.

I wonder how much BO is in BB capsules? I've read most people take somewhere between 1,500-2,000mg per day.

Anyone got any comments on this?

I took 6 pills yesterday. Last night I woke up and had aches in my breasts. And now this morning my breasts are aching as well.

Still haven't noogled, just putting on the arnica. Think I'll give it a break for a whole week or more.

ok, I found a few people saying that you should start out with 1,500mg for BO and then you can ramp it up if needed.

So I'll amend my program so I am only taking 2 capsules at breakfast, 2 at lunch, and 2 in evening.. That would give me a grand total of 500mg per sitting so 1,500mg per day. What do you reakon?

I read that some people take about 6,000mg of MSM per day.

I think the 1500mg of BO a day is a good place to start. I remember reading about others who tried extra pills, but lost all their aches; as soon as they went back down to the lower does, the aches came back. I had tried that a few times myself. Last week, I tried taking 2 BB pills in the morning and evening, instead of 1; and then I took 2 in the evening only for a couple more days; and I really had no pains during that time. As soon as I just backed off to my usual 1 pill twice a day, I started feeling pinches and aches again. Also, a few months ago, I bought some BO from Swanson's to add to my BB pills (one extra BO pill twice a day) to see if that made any difference, and I lost pains during that time. And again, just sticking to the original 2 pills a day brought the pains back. So your 1500mg is a good place to start. If you don't feel anything going on after a few weeks, try ramping it up to 2000mg. Or try taking it down to 1000mg. Eventually you'll find a dose that works for you! Since you're already having pains, the 1500mg will probably work just fine for you.

I personally only take 4000mg of MSM cuz I can't stand the thought of swallowing another MSM pill! They're HUGE!!! Sad The label on the bottle says to take three to five pills a day (each one is 1000mg), so I choke down four. I'm not sure what effects 8000mg would have ... ??? Huh I don't know a lot about MSM long-term.

Sounds to me like you're off to a great start! Smile

Oh, and Periwinkle - You're welcome! Smile

yeah its interesting about the aches. When I started taking the neocell I got lots. Then I increased it to 3 pills at a time and I didn't get them. But then sometimes its hard to work out what to attribute the aches to really... because it could be hormonal etc.

ok, I'll lower the MSM dosage too.

Oh, and yesterday I threw away all my fenugreek oil supply.... I thought - I'm not going back there!!! It still makes my room smell! We had a party at my house and my friend came into my room and said - wow your room smells like India!!! hahahah

Thanks for the advice!

India!!!!! LMAO!!!!! Tongue

It IS hard to know what exactly is contributing to aches. Like, how long DOES it take for a pill or drink to cause pains? Is it within an hour of taking it? Later that same day?? Or does it actually take a few days to circulate through your system enough to have an effect??? I've always wondered about that. Cuz I could start taking a new supplement, and for the next few days have some good pains; but how do I KNOW that the new supplement caused those pains, and that it wasn't just my other supplements building up to a high enough level? I doubt there's even a really good way to know for sure WHICH supplements are truly "helping," cuz there's so many other factors; like hormones, as you said. All I know, is that as long as I'm feeling some sort of pains and seeing results, I'm gonna keep up whatever I'm doing! It's too confusing trying to guess what's going on. Tongue

Now you can get some air cleaners and scented candles to erase the fenugreek smell from your room. Wink

I don't know. That is a good point about how to determine which supplement it is. hmmm. The only noticeable correlation I can remember is when I would eat, and then after eating I would get tingles etc. But I don't remember any correlation after taking capsules.

Today for example, my breasts have felt really tight all day, and have had a slight but noticeable ache to them. Nothing major, like a 2/10.

So yeah, who knows, maybe its hormones, maybe its having a break from noogling etc.

I'm just keeping the windows open every day in the hope the smell of fenugreek will finally float away! hehe

just weird aches today, like deep in the breast... or under the breast?!

Quite different to the tingles I have had before.

Not sore aches, only a 2/10 but aches none the less. Also felt a bit achy around underarm kind of area.

temp 36.9 yesterday, and only 36.1 today... So will be interesting to keep a track of it over the next few days to see where I am sitting. I'm hoping all these side pills like kelp, pituitary, adrenal etc will help it.

Interestingly, (I have no idea if this is just coincidental), but I feel like I have tonnes of energy both yesterday and today.

Ok, an update. Now I am 36.5 this morning which is 97.7F.

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