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NOOGLING 12 MONTHS : story, experience, advices, tips and progress so far!

Also, does any of you know anyone fom Noogleberry team? I found out a website that claims the exact thing as Noogleberry . I know that's not big deal but ha , they use pictures from Noogleberry's website, same advertisement, same things .... even the FaQ's . I mean, I am off from the office now (I'm trademark©right lawyer) but I can totally assume this is a infringement of Copyright...


(25-07-2018, 05:39)EllaC Wrote:  
(24-07-2018, 20:24)Happyme Wrote:  Yea Sweet Orange!
Please be careful when pumping.. but I guess you know that now.
I have been trying to be consistent and pump every day.
Its been raining all this week and it looks like it will rain through to the weekend.
Fortunately this means I cant go outside and play, So I start noogling in the morning and shoot for 1 hour.
At the 1/2 hour mark I reduce the pressure and then back up at 45 minutes.
Then I forget and next thing its going on 2 hours.
And then there is the afternoon too for another hour. I am becoming addicted to the wonderful feeling of having my breasts squeezed and comfy.
I guess I must be nearing the 100 hour mark of pumping because I notice I have more and more each day. I also have been using more lube, This allows more of the sides to get sucked into the domes.
Such silly fun!

How are you getting on with noogling Bobbi? Being a biological male, im intrigured. I wouldnt ask to see a pic as thats personal but hows your size? 
I definately dont overpump, i also never see swelling so wonder if its a wasted effort.. You might know SweetO?
Theres an older lady on here and im positive she said she wasnt terribly consistent but shes done well. Ie only a few times a week
Hi Ella,
I'd be happy to post my pics but I dont believe I'm allowed to on this side of Breast Nexus/Nexum.
Not much to show compared to all you lovely ladies though. Smile
I have been Noogling for 2 months, with a fair mount of consistency. I've only missed about 5 days. I have noticed that by using more lube, (coconut oil etc) a lot more of the surrounding skin gets pulled into the domes, and the sensation is wonderful. So instead of the domes trying to dig into your chest, they try to gather more flesh in the domes. I like it anyway and its much more comfortable.
What this does, when your done, makes the breasts kind of pour out of the domes and they are very soft and full feeling. Very giggly.
And they stay that way for about 6-8 hours or more, I just know that when I put a bra on late in the evening the cups are still full.

This is why I believe that for me, noogling is stretching the fat cells and they try to fill with water and other temporary stuff.
To get breast growth to be more firm and stick around (ie add inches/mm) one needs to add some supplements to encourage the breast tissue that your stretching, to grow.
Right now I am off most of my herbs so I can lose some weight, and I think this is why I am just getting a giggly growth. No sense of growth pains or the budding.

As for numbers, I am 38.5 band and 42.5 at the bust line. Which I seem to be at for at least a year.
But like I said, and you have mentioned, I fill the same bra cup much fuller than ever before.


Yeah, I was so right, it was swelling  Big Grin 86,6cm real growth, 87cm on luteal phase lol.

Quick reminder for myself :

*Marathon tonight, tomorrow and on friday (45' minutes cycle up to 3h)
* Break til 19th (off , holidays!)
* 19th-23rd August 2h daily
* 24th-31th Rocket's method again (wish me luck to not overpump! ugh)
* Protein intake up this month (15g more daily)
* Buy HMB
* Get back to BO program, readjust!

Hi girl <3

Do you put the BO cream on your areola as Well?

(04-08-2018, 22:04)Jules17 Wrote:  Hi girl <3

Do you put the BO cream on your areola as Well?

OMG Jules! So sorry to not answer you back sooner! I haven't read this til now! :[

Noppe, just on the nipple. You rub a bit of alcohol on the nipples, put a bit of mixture on both nipples and finally I add adhesive tape on em!

(24-08-2018, 18:04)sweetorange Wrote:  
(04-08-2018, 22:04)Jules17 Wrote:  Hi girl <3

Do you put the BO cream on your areola as Well?

OMG Jules! So sorry to not answer you back sooner! I haven't read this til now! :[

Noppe, just on the nipple. You rub a bit of alcohol on the nipples, put a bit of mixture on both nipples and finally I add adhesive tape on em!

Thank you!


Hello y'all! 

Sooo during June, July and a bit in August I've tried RocketMelon's method for pumping. What Rocket did was to pump more than 2h daily to get better and faster results. Sooo these are my personal thoughts :

1- Definitely it works. Yes, the more you pump the results get instantly . Makes sense since time is the best element for achieving results in noogling.
2- It hurts more than usual. No joke there, pumping up to 5 hours daily makes your breast area to be very sensitive so you have to use heat pads and massaging them more than two times a day to pain relief.
3- But you have to drink more water , so you pee 24/7 . And I'm not kidding. I have drunk water between 2.5L-3.5L daily , when usually I drink up to 3L .
4- It is exhausting - not just physically but it's so boring , even watching movies or tv or reading. 
5- The swelling lasts longer so it is beneficial for sure. It helps to build up breast tissue in a short period of time
6- Even though you separate the sessions, i.e 2h and 2h, and the swelling lasts longer, your skin may change in colour during the day. From normal to purple, then red, then normal again... so yes, very scary
7- Not suitable for people who have poor circulation - like me, I had to start in May to pump 45'-60' daily in order to do 2h in June and 4h in July, but even tho I started in May I have over pumped four times this summer. Not pleasant at all.
8- It is not a waste of time since you build up swelling and a bit of fullness , but definitely you must give up on other things to make it happen
9- Nipple starts growing up so fast : yup. I had to use tape and cans to prevent this since in three weeks I noticed a difference in size
10- Soreness lasts longer as swelling does, yeah, like little cramps around the breasts. Even though it is good sign, it's annoying!!
11- It is great if you are loosing weight meantime : if you wanna loose weight but not breast size, this methodology might work for you. I've lost 1,5kg of full fat (and 0.9 muscle) but I did not lose any inch. In fact I've grown up 0,3 in 4 weeks and 0,9 in 7 weeks!
12- You need to add more protein intake - so that means you have to invest more money in protein quality . Protein powder is a great addition to pumping but you need to EAT the protein through food basically. So yes, eggs, chicken, veg protein are your best friends. 
13- Finally,  and it's just my opinion, adding lavender oil to coconut oil as a carrier / lubrication is the best choice for long sessions. Lavender helps you to not break vessels and coconut is very hydrating, so with a minimum amount you can pump for a long time.

PS: Idk why I cannot log into my blog. If by next week I cannot make it, I guess I will create another one.

Happy growth!!

Hey everyone,

I was wondering if you could help me to balance my routine. Currently I have been off and on noogling, up to 30 minutes everyday, low - medium pressure.

Off and on, since my schedule gets annoying during this time of the year until January, so I try to keep on track but it is complicated.

My measurements haven't changed that much, 87cm except when I am on luteal phase which can be 88,5 - 89 cm.

I am realistic and I know doing 30 minutes everyday I won't grow that much in four months, but I hope to reach 88 cm by the end of the year or so. My plan is to keep doing 30 minutes October, November and December . Then 45 minutes on low pressure (using the BRAVA system pressure indicator) everyday just in January and see what happens.

I am aware of the consequences of noogling, but I also think it I take care of myself and be cautious I can reach realistic goals for the next coming year, which would be to be 93 cm for may 2019. 

Also, I think it is important to mention I am on BO nipple regime as well, but being very moderate with the dosage. This month doing 750mg twice daily , and see what happens, only on luteal phase as Ellen (MissMadScientist) suggested on her thread. I've been on BO since May but at it lowest dosage, and what I do is to increase dosage every two months, therefore I can see what happens in my body when I update the BO regime. As you may know, the limit is 1500mg , but I think doing this way (upgrading the dosage every two months) is better , even tho my results will not be noticeable in a large period of time (it takes around six months to see changes on BO). I will do 750 on October and November twice, then 1000mg January, February and March twice, and April + May+ June 1250 twice. Only luteal phase.

I'd like to know your opinion and suggestions, you know I am always opened to new things!

(14-03-2017, 18:55)sweetorange Wrote:  Hellooo darlings! So here I am finally writing all things I have learnt through noogling and NBE!

I am 23 years old, female, with no children . I started noogling in march 2016 due to loosing all my boobs when I lost lots of weight, almost 11 kgs. I was diagnosed with Anxiety Disorder when I was 13 and in 2016, with depression . It’s not been the easiest path for me, gaining weight and being in peace with myself : not just emotionally, also physically. 
When I lost weight I didn’t like my body, I was so so obsessed with IG girls and well, that made me feel even worse about my size. One day, after being looking for pills for Breast Enhacement I found out this forum and since that moment I decided to achieve my goal.

When I started noogling I had lots of doubts and even I asked around here so many times ( Thank you Ella, Solome, Shanashia, MissBoobshirt, Dynselli, Vixxy, Karren , Katana and Lotus as well!) but I still having some doubts so I thought maybe we all do have lots of questions and doubts about noogling so I should make an effort and write it down to help others in near future.

By the way, in 2016 march I was 32B
June 2016 I was 32C
I gained some weight last year so I had to change the band, 34B by october 2016

I have divided this big documentary in five areas lol : “What to expect” , “ Advices and tips”, “Progress” and “results”


When I started noogling I thought “if you noogle very hard, every day, and with any breaks you will achieve your goal faster”. I was VERY WRONG. 

This process takes time , at least 3 months for seeing results . Yes, 12 weeks to see results and I think this is something it should be clear . After 12 weeks being consistent you’ll notice an improvement. Of course, my body is different than yours and there are other factos to take into account : age, breastfeeding, hormonal imbalance, etc. In my opinion, my age is a plus due to I’m under 25 years old and after 25, your E levels begin to decrease year by year. Though you can increase your bust size with this method if you are older, JenniferLove is our best example and inspiration!  

Okay, so this chapter is going to be about what you should do and not do related to pumping. Also, I will mention what supplements I have taken in this process.

> You Should Do :
  • Make up a routine : you need to think if you are going to do 1h everyday , 2h everyday or 3h everyday. For me 4h everyday is the limit, I mean, I wouldn’t do more than 4h daily because it hurts!
  • Set a goal short term : When I began I was like okay I am 32B I just want a cup size… but after talking to other users they told me I would not be happy just with a + cup size , and they were right! But I focused on getting 32C first and I’ve made it in 5 months.
  • Set a goal long term : after achieving 32C I was like okay, I want 34C now! 
  • Make a budget : you are going to spend money in getting your noogleberry or kangzhu kit and you’ll need also oils and maybe other things such as cotton/ mini balls for avoiding nipple and areola growth. You need to know how much money would you like to spent on this.
  • You need to be a massage expert : I’d suggest you to look n Katana’s massage thread. She’s amazing , she has grown 4 cup sizes through massage! She explains you which method she uses and how to massage properly! This is essential because you have to massage your girls before and during the noogling session . Also, making a massage routine the first year , in my opinion, is great in order to know what works best and doing it right! (It takes time to do it well haha) 
  • Eat well : by eating well I mean not skipping meals and being conscious about what foods are good for NBE . Also, protein and healthy fats part in breast enhancement is interesting. There is a thread that Lotus made some time ago that it talks about food , I find it very interesting!
  • Take breaks : Yes, as you hear, you need to make breaks in order to gain inches! I don’t care if you do once a week , 3 weeks noogling 1 week off or which kind of method do you use but it’s very important!
- Improve your circulation : my blood circulation is super super poor so before noogling I always put heat around my girls between 5-15 minutes and I always massage before and during for improving it! Also , doing exercise works super well for circulation and it’s compatible to do some exercise before noogling, this is what I do in summer instead of using heat! 
  • Hold and release, always : 7:2 method, 10:5 method, 30’ on and 15 off… it’s up to you, but always release for some minutes and massage your boobies. Take breaks during the session !
- Split the hours : yes, for example if you are going to do 4hs everyday do 2h in the morning and 2 in the evening.

> You should not Do :
  • Don’t take breaks : As I said before, BREAKS ARE GOOD. Don’t think you’ll get faster results without breaks . The tissue and even more the skin needs time in order to grow!
  • Overpump : very common and super dangerous . It happened to me once and I swear I spent 2 days with lots of pain around my breasts. By overpump I mean putting lots of pressure , pressure you can’t stand and of course it’s painful. When you overpump your breasts turn very red or even purple, and you can see a little dots around your chest. These dots go away in some days and meanwhile I’d suggest not to pump and put plenty of mosturizer around them.
  • Sleep during the session : this is a big mistake. As I said before, you need to “hold and release” for swelling and massage during the pumping session. If you need to sleep, first take a nap and then pump. Also, if you fall asleep there is a higher risk of overpumping.
  • Massage after pumping : why I think it’s a bad idea? Well, I used to massage after pumping and my swelling didn’t last that much. But then, Shanasia and Solomé suggested me not to do it and they were right, the swelling lasts longer.
  • Using bad oils : by bad oils I mean refined or not organic at all . In my opinion it’s better to buy for example organic coconut oil a big jar and spent 30$ n it than buying a cheap lubricant. The main reason is for avoiding stretch marks and of course, taking care of your skin.


  1. Heat is always your friend : even you have a good circulation, put a bit of heat around your chest, it helps with circulation therefor with a good swelling
  2. Massage massage and massage : before the session you should noogle between 5-10 minutes but if you are going to do more than 2h pumping, I’d reccomend you to do 15’ at least.
  3. Drink Water : before, during and after. This is essential . The theory is if you drink water when you pump your water retention is higher. I always drink 500ml when I pump.
  4. Take your time : the first weeks of noogling are super weird, first because you don’t know how much pressure you can stand and second, you don’t even know if you are doing well. Be patient and listen to your body.
  5. Do exercise : why? Exercise has a lots of benefits as you know and it’s important for breast enhancement . If you wanna get a good swelling, do exercise before pumping! 
  6. Cupping: yes, they help for improving the circulation. I used to use them the first 5 months . Make sure you use lots of oils for cupping , because it can be painful . Use it for 5 minutes or maximum 10.
  7. Oils : coconut, avocado, macadamia and pure vitamin E oils are the ones that I have used and my favorite is coconut oil btw haha
  8. 20/20/20 method - I swear this helps a lot!
  • Foods + 
  • [size=undefined]Protein [/size]
  • [size=undefined]Carbs[/size]
  • [size=undefined]Veggies[/size]
[size=undefined]These three macros are essential for NBE in my opinion, but a + intake in protein , is what has worked most for me . After noogling or even during noogling I tried to drink a protein shake or eat something high in protein.[/size]

Also, if you are underweight considerate the idea of gaining weight . You may think it’s dumb to gain weight if you are heavy bottom or your fat goes to your tummy, but it’s necessary. On the other hand if you eat clean when gaining weight you should not have any problems in storaging fat in “unwanted areas”. Think about it! Wink 

Loosing weight + noogling? Yes, it’s compatible. I had to loose some weight cause I am petite and I gained 16kgs last year, so I decided to loose 4kgs. During that amount of time (it took me 4 months) I noogled 8hrs a week and I  lost 2cm . I got upset but I kept working on that ! It is possible but remember if you loose a considerable weight, you’ll notice it n your girls too a little bit. But I lost 2cm when I was -3kg less than I was before. However we all are different.

P.S : I try to eat as clean as I can but sometimes the chocolate looks at me …and well you might know all the story …

  • Supplements +
  1. Collagen : 7 months
  2. Vitamin C : in summer
  3. Multivitamins : twice a year
  4. Omega 3 : 5 months
  5. BCAA’S : during exercirse
  6. Glutamine : after exercise
  7. Protein Shakes : for gaining muscle
  8. Fenugreek : each day chopped, 1 tsbp
  9. Dandelion leaf tea: every two months after my period 1 week
  10. Chamomille : before and during my period
  11. Lavender : if im very stressed out
  12. ginger : for circulation
  13. probiotics : every three months, 1 month
  14. white peony leaf tea: luteal phase
  • Oils +
Apricot oil
Geranium essential oil
Lavender essential oil
Coconut oil
Avocado oil
Vitamin E oil
Macadamia Oil

All used for massage and noogling days . 

  • Creams +
Mamabio’s breast cream
Palmer’s breast cream

As I’ve mentioned before, you won’t see results the first month of noogling . It doesn’t work like that, your body needs time and results begin to appear in 12 weeks : of course, everyone is different but I think 12 weeks is the average time for everybody. It is true though you see differences the previous 12 weeks. Let’s see
  • [size=undefined]The first two months:[/size]
More perkiness
Your breast are lift up
  • After third month :
More perkiness
Your breast are lift up
Improvement in the below area, underbust : you may notice you have more “fat” in that area

* Between fitfth and sitxh month 

More perkiness
Your breast are lift up
Improvement in the below area, underbust
Your breast start growing outwards like armpit area
Your start noticing fluctuations
  • After a year :
More perkiness
Your breast are lift up
More fat in your underbust
Inwards = more cleavage
Nipple growth
Fluctuations more often

I'll post my results as soon as possible!!

xoxo Tongue

I don’t want my nipples to grow,,,
I even want them to shrink.
NB makes them longer and bigger but any changes for my breasts.

Pringles doesn’t work,I think.

Maybe, nipple growing is related to gene??
My mother’s nipple is very huge.
She said, “your nipples are growing! I think it Because of genetic expression, hahah”

My mother’s size is also tending to small.

Subliminal and binaural beat does really work???? Is it okay if I should rest listening?

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