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Is it really possible?


I have been gone from this forum for a while. I have sunk into deep depression about my body and breast size.

At first I felt confident that I was seeing changes but I have now lost all hope. I don't think it is possible for me to achieve the body that I would like to have. I would like to have breasts SIGNIFICANTLY larger than what I have now, I can't even make cleavage right now and I would like to have large breasts. 

I am also trying to gain weight, which I hoped would be a bit of a cheat to large breasts since I know a girl who used to be my size and gained weight and ended up with breasts almost around my goal size. Her body post-weight gain is my ideal goal but I am just feeling like we are too different so it would never happen to me. My binge attempts to gain weight are fruitless and I feel like my body is not going to let any of this happen. I can't even gain weight because of my metabolism.

Can I get some words of encouragement? Will I really be able to see SIGNIFICANT changes and get large breasts with NBE techniques and weight gain?

(27-06-2018, 11:55)SadGirl2 Wrote:  I have been gone from this forum for a while. I have sunk into deep depression about my body and breast size.

At first I felt confident that I was seeing changes but I have now lost all hope. I don't think it is possible for me to achieve the body that I would like to have. I would like to have breasts SIGNIFICANTLY larger than what I have now, I can't even make cleavage right now and I would like to have large breasts. 

I am also trying to gain weight, which I hoped would be a bit of a cheat to large breasts since I know a girl who used to be my size and gained weight and ended up with breasts almost around my goal size. Her body post-weight gain is my ideal goal but I am just feeling like we are too different so it would never happen to me. My binge attempts to gain weight are fruitless and I feel like my body is not going to let any of this happen. I can't even gain weight because of my metabolism.

Can I get some words of encouragement? Will I really be able to see SIGNIFICANT changes and get large breasts with NBE techniques and weight gain?

Not significant no, only if you are as lucky as Lotus or Rocketmelon or Bonitadds idk of anybody is though very realistic to get atleast one cup of groeth or 1,5 at some peak moments. Because breasts are very sensitive for weight gain and loss due to disease or not maintaining a frequent helthy eat pattern.

(27-06-2018, 11:55)SadGirl2 Wrote:  I have been gone from this forum for a while. I have sunk into deep depression about my body and breast size.

At first I felt confident that I was seeing changes but I have now lost all hope. I don't think it is possible for me to achieve the body that I would like to have. I would like to have breasts SIGNIFICANTLY larger than what I have now, I can't even make cleavage right now and I would like to have large breasts. 

I am also trying to gain weight, which I hoped would be a bit of a cheat to large breasts since I know a girl who used to be my size and gained weight and ended up with breasts almost around my goal size. Her body post-weight gain is my ideal goal but I am just feeling like we are too different so it would never happen to me. My binge attempts to gain weight are fruitless and I feel like my body is not going to let any of this happen. I can't even gain weight because of my metabolism.

Can I get some words of encouragement? Will I really be able to see SIGNIFICANT changes and get large breasts with NBE techniques and weight gain?

Not significant no, only if you are as lucky as Lotus or Rocketmelon or Bonitadds idk of anybody is though very realistic to get atleast one cup of groeth or 1,5 at some peak moments. Because breasts are very sensitive for weight gain and loss due to disease or not maintaining a frequent helthy eat pattern. With enough quantity of foods and carbs, which might be a lot more then you think or can handle atm.Goodluck with the depression!!l

I think you can but you need the right equipment for your body. 

I started using NoogleBerry and it has helped me grow a cup size to a small C. Great growth considering I was an A cup. I got to a B cup after 6 months of using NoogleBerry but I was pretty extreme with it. Using it for 4 hours straight once (While using Bovine Ovary which was a horrible mistake)...Now I use it about an hour a day, doing the ump and release method. Again I'm a 36C that noogles,  I don't expect to see me getting DDs anytime soon, but I do expect to grow pretty well within a couple of more months and probably better results without the Bovine Ovary (I'm using brewers yeast and rice bran +fiber with healthy fats/diet ). 

Noogling is probably the best way to go if you don't want to get into herbs. It's work but if you really wanna get better anything you have to put in the time and effort. 

Good luck! Become HappyGirl! I know it's a battle. I still feel really bad about my size but once you get started and keep going you'll reach your goal. There are plenty of people here who have gotten great results and advice. Study their programs but more importantly pay attention to your body and keep your body safe from unwanted effects! Once your body reacts severely to it, you have to stop. I learned that the hard way. Keep away from hormonal stuff unless you know what you're doing.

I also think it’s possivle but you will take a long time and require many different methods like TibetanPrincess.

I have problem with my weight as well and is currently trying the supplements surferjoe recommended in his signature thread (nuts mix, rice bran, spirulina). I had only been on it for a few weeks and so far no weight or boob gain. I plan to try this protein weight gain in the future if this supplement mix doesn’t work for me. It have such rave reviews and people’s before and after picture is clear.

Eatings not cheating  Smile
And be confident whether you FEEL it or not, act sexy with the body you have, your boyfriend is with  you for you no matter how you look! Some men prefer butts like mine!
If you ACT sexy in your own skin he will find that alluring and it will. Give you confidence until you make the changes.
Wear some push up bras while you try nbe, it might give you a boost if that’s how or what you need. 
I recentlypurchased kindle books with nbe natural methods from around the world , also google “ancient breast enlargement methods” it’s amazing how much not herbal methods are out there used for centuries, there’s no one size fits all but something will resonate with you. 
The thing with nbe is it doesn’t take much to loose it for all your efforts, ie sickness, weight loss. Seen it done it wrote the book on it. 
Find a way you can do it for the long haul if that makes sense. 
A collection of lifestyle changes, good boobie foods, massage technique , pectoral exercises, acupressure points, fat brushing, a good adaptogen to try balanc all the hormones. Make sure your guts healthy, your hormones rely on that too.
Just my thoughts and suggestions, hope it helps

Thanks for the replies everyone. I am still suffering from depression and severe self esteem issues due to my breast size and have not been seeing much progress as I have struggled to keep up my routine through the depression that makes everything feel hopeless.

I appreciate the encouragement and will try to go even harder again at the NBE techniques. I just don't know what I will do with myself if I'm not able to get any more progress than this, my body makes me want to end my life on a daily basis and I'm surrounded by busty women who tell me all of the time about how much it ""sucks"" to have large breasts and how they want theirs removed or downsized and it just makes me hate myself more. Why did they get lucky just to hate it? Why couldn't it have been me?

Anyway, thanks. I'll become more active again here if I am seeing progress.

(15-08-2018, 13:44)SadGirl2 Wrote:  Thanks for the replies everyone. I am still suffering from depression and severe self esteem issues due to my breast size and have not been seeing much progress as I have struggled to keep up my routine through the depression that makes everything feel hopeless.

I appreciate the encouragement and will try to go even harder again at the NBE techniques. I just don't know what I will do with myself if I'm not able to get any more progress than this, my body makes me want to end my life on a daily basis and I'm surrounded by busty women who tell me all of the time about how much it ""sucks"" to have large breasts and how they want theirs removed or downsized and it just makes me hate myself more. Why did they get lucky just to hate it? Why couldn't it have been me?

Anyway, thanks. I'll become more active again here if I am seeing progress.
HEy gurl Smile 

I was just reading your post and the whole "want to end my life..." kinda really hit the spot for me. I actually get you there. I am not gonna tell you that you are being dramatic or something because I have been in a place where I have hated myself/my body too. Overtime I started to feel better about myself. YEah I would still like bigger breasts and still feel self-conscious about them. But I don't let myself go into this negative place over it and no way in hell that I would ever be around someone who treated me badly just my breasts are small. I am trying to increase my breasts and would like for it to work but it won't be the end of the world if it didn't. 

I was gonna give you advice on nbe but instead I think you should take a break and focus on your mental health. Forget nbe for a bit. Hang out with your friends, go to the mall, to the beach, work on a hobby or something, look after your diet and work out, don't focus on how you look just aim to be healthy. Exercise and diet can help heaps when it comes to depression. There is so much more to life then breasts. 

Yeah it's only normal to have insecurities in today's world I guess but not to this extent. The size of your breasts doesn't change how freaking awesome you are. Would you make your close friend feel this bad because of how they look? I am guessing not, then why treat yourself like this? You deserve better, even from yourself xx

Here is a small article by --- I think you and anyone feeling upset over their body should read this. I found it relatable and I am assuming that you will too.

NBE is possible but its a long term thing and your gains could be minimal, your program extensive and requires commitment. Many come and go on this forum because they are after the quick fix and i guess its possible if you know what your doing and find that magic combination.

I spent many years hating my breast but hey that really doesnt change much except for increase negativity. Do you know there was a time in our recent history that women bound their breast as it was the fashion trend of the day to be flat. Nowadays its big boobs and big bums, i have neither and well i still have my wish to have a handful i dont want huge ones like my mum, omg she has so much trouble with her back, sagging, bras all the time, you see am surrounded by big boobies too. Ive simply learnt to focus on what i do have to boost my confidence, long legs and a gorgeous mop of dark wavey/curly hair and just being a good honest person, i walk tall, shoulders back and smile as much as i can, and ill sound up myself for a second but heads turn its how you see yourself that determines your attractiveness not your boobs, trust me, when i get sexual attention their not thinking her tits are small i want no part of that, their thinking theres something about her thats attractive/sexy and i use that to counter balance any of my insecurities about my breast. Be your best self, worship your body give extra love to your breast, massage them and think about how much you love them, apologies for being negative to them, if you continue to hate on them youll get nothing if you shower them with love and affection they respond and be patience. Find the bits you adore about yourself and use them to your advantage and stop beating yourself up over something you had/have little control over. Its like thinking you are responsible for your height, its all mapped out nothing to do with your needs or wants. Only difference is we maybe able to manipulate our breast size 'may' but if you cant the only person that really cares about it is you. I often tell myself if i get insecure about boobs when being intimate '...its all about the hips not the tits...' 
So give yourself a break and start loving yourself 

Hi beautiful, first off, i feel you,  I've been there before, i used to hate everything about my body not just my breasts, but over time i learned that self hate is not a way to live. I started to love my body exactly how it is, it's a long tough journey but it's worth it. Seek therapy if you can't do it on your own. You know, you don't wanna look back at your life when you're 70 and 80 and regret not loving the body you used to have when you were younger. Regret is not a fun feeling! Anyway, NBE is possible, and in my opinion, the results you get depend a lot on your beliefs than anything else, i too have an extreme goal when it comes to nbe lol but i believe i can get there. You have to be consistent with your program. I've been on nbe for a little over 6 months now and I've gained 2 cup sizes so far( went from a  A cup to a C) , and still grwoing .. And prior to nbe i was actually a AA because i was so underweight, i gained 10 kg in 8 months ( that took me from an AA to an A ), so you see it's not an easy fast process. If you want those boobs bad enough then you'll find a way to stick to it. Mind you i too was depressed when i first started nbe and thought of quitting more times than i could ever care to count. Check out my thread for inspiration. Good luck, and remember, you're beautiful just the way you are, and you're worth it, much love.

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