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How safe is bosom beauty?


How safe is bosom beauty?
June 2 2008 at 11:13 AM
Tori (Login Tori365)


Hi everyone, I just wondered what peoples opinions were on the saftey of BB. I have considered using it, but my boyfriend has banned me as he is concerned of the safety of it due to the powerful level of suction. I am unsure myself. I know that brava has been tested alot and developed in the medical field, so I am happy knowing that. Also the suction is very gentle, which is why it has to be sustained for a long time. I understand that the principle of BB is that the strong suction means you wear it for a shorter length of time. But is it possible to damage tissue if very strong levels of suction are applied. Could it cause trauma to the tissues? I know that some people use BB to the point where it is painful, and it concerns me that this could be harmful.

Author Reply
(Login roseability86) Re: How safe is bosom beauty? June 2 2008, 12:11 PM

It can be painful if you use it on a high level of suction but I use it at the 10/11 o'clock position and it doesn't hurt at all, swelling isn't as big but I don't want to damage my breasts. I'd rather go slow and steady :-) I've been doing it for a month now and my breast looks different. It's not bigger if we're talking body to nipple but it looks bigger/fuller across and sits more towards the centre of my chest now.

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(Login kieyah)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: How safe is bosom beauty? June 3 2008, 2:42 AM

I don't think it has so much to do with the high level of suction at all. I think the reason BB does in one hour what it takes brava 10 hours to do is because BB varies the suction level. meaning it creates the suction, then releases it, back and forth, over and over tirelessly. Have you ever used an electric breastmilk pump? it is just like that, only around the whole breast. Personally I don't get why brava didn't catch onto this concept. It sure beats wearing some huge itchy sweaty device for 10+ hours! I never could stand to wear that thing. And I think this is also why NB doesn't work as well/permanent. Anyway yes it is safe if you don't go overboard. It does NOT need to hurt. Don't let anyone tell you that. Not true. However if you do go overboard and bruise yourself, it does not cause any permanent damage. Actually it only takes a couple days to clear (unlike those horrible brava blisters). Trust me. i was once the poster child for abusing suction!

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(Login Tori365)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: How safe is bosom beauty? June 3 2008, 11:11 AM

Thank you both. An interesting point Kieyah I had not thought about the way it varies the level of suction, more research shuld def go into that. I can understand why you found brava too much of a pain in the arse! It is not for everyone. I just about tolerate it!

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(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: How safe is bosom beauty? June 5 2008, 3:22 PM

I varied suction with Brava too and felt it helped. I used to suck as hard as could then after I couldn't stand it any longer would release some, wait a few mins then suck again.

I think BB works mailnly because of the strong suction + large dome size e.g. when I first got the XL domes I got more swelling in 30 mins than the day before with 60 mins with large. I also got maybe half a cup more recently by using it on almost full compared to 3/4 way round. Once you've used it a while you can stand it on much stronger.

Only problem is I think BB works best for people who've lost size due to pregnancy / weight loss, although not sure if prior use of Brava would make you respond better because your skin's already stretched.

Have stopped BB yesterday so will let you know if I got much out of it.

p.s. on the safety question, I've been using it 1 hour 2x daily for 16 weeks on as strong as a can stand and it's been uncomfortable and possibly slighly reduced my nipple sensation but I can do most of the session with it on full power now so I don't actually think it's dangerous - maybe this depends on each individual?

October 19 2007 at 8:15 PM leanne (no login)


Hello everyone.

This machine looks a little scary lol.

I am new to the site, i have just bought and recieved the bosom beauty system , but iam having trouble getting the domes to stay on .
I dont feel any suction when i put it in the first port , but when i put it in the second port it just sucks my boobs right out and just feels too uncomfortable and i have too take it off.
Its my first time trying to use it and iam having no luck.. i dont know which setting i should use and which port use..
Do i need to use any cream before i use so i get a good suction???
Or should i use any silicone sheeting or do both????
I just dont know what to do.
I feel a little sad about this too.

Any advice would be very much appreciated from any of you
thanks leanne

Author Reply
(no login) Re: NEED HELP NEW USER October 20 2007, 11:30 PM

Hi Leanne, I am a 3 week BB user and will give you what advice I can. First of all, stay away from the middle port! It is verrrrry painful. And, I think the one to the far right is for using water or tanning spray...? I would be afraid I'd get electrocuted!

Are you using the small or medium domes? First of all, attach your tubing to the port on the left, then connect to each dome. Make sure your tubing is not kinked or tangled up. I usually put the machine about level with me, i.e. bedside table. Try to keep the tubing in as straight a line as possible to you. Then try the firm setting with the control knob set at about 3:00. That works nicely for me. You'll have to hold the domes in place until you get firm suction. I usually try to scoop my boobs up from side and in toward the middle until the domes are just touching in the middle. Play with the cups until you are comfortable with how they should fit your body. It is frustrating and a bit scary, especially when you're plugged into that middle port. But, I have to say, once you get the hang of it and see how big you can be, it's worth it. Just keep trying. If you get frustrated, put it away and try again later. Alexia, another BB user, uses the Plump setting at 10:00. I've been trying that too as it does seem to have more pulling action. You'll find what works for you. Good luck!

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(no login) Re: NEED HELP NEW USER October 21 2007, 8:36 AM

Have any of these products been tested for safety? Or had any trials of any kind?

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(Login Louise1982)

Don't think BB has, noogleberry has a forum and people have been using for years without problems. Not heard of anyone getting worse than a rash or bruise from BB. Brava's had extensive testing, have heard of literally 2 cases of 'scarring' where there were marks left from blisters after a few months, but otherwise only heard of rashes / bruises. Anything you use for breast enlargement other than implants would cause growth of an existing cyst or tumour but won't cause these things to arise. People using Brava have had mamograms and the structure and mixture of fat and glandular tissue isn't changed. Some people have reported sagging and stretch marks where the skin has responded more than the tissue inside.

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(no login) Re: NEED HELP NEW USER October 23 2007, 8:52 AM

How extensive exactly is Brava's extensive testing?

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(Login Louise1982)

There's some info on their website but also if you use google you can find the scientific research papers they published - think I used "tissue expansion, breast" or "tissue expansion, Brava" in my search. Lots of women on forums have used for up to 4 cycles over several years and got up to 3-4 inches of growth from what I've read. What particularly are you worried about?

Bosom Beauty 2012
May 12 2008 at 8:28 PM
Janie (Login jpeters2)


Hi All, I am coming to the end of 6 months of herbs and want a break from them. I'm thinking about BB but I want to know how noisy it really is as I share a house with my parents,


Author Reply
(Login ladybee123) Don't recommend it ! May 12 2008, 9:16 PM

I bought the bosom beauty about 5 weeks ago and oh my god it feels like it is going to pull your breasts off.My breasts went bright purple and painful.This machine is so strong I was scared to use it in the end.The thing is very noisy and you have to sit attached to it.I have read many reviews on this product since buying it and most women seem to find it really painful.The mahine broke down once while I was using it and I had to get it repaired.I have read on this forum of other machines breaking down as well.I think the suction is far too strong.I would go for something a little more gentle on your breasts.Good luck x

(no login) Re: Bosom Beauty 2012 May 13 2008, 7:31 AM

Has any of this stuff been tested before it went on the market or are we acting as the guinea pigs?

(Login amy_m8427) Re: Bosom Beauty 2012 May 13 2008, 8:29 AM

It sounds like you've got the SESL knob on too high a reading, cos' it shouldn't be sucking ANYTHING off!... Do you have the tubing connected to the 1st port i.e. the one to the furthest left, cos' the middle port is for beauty treatments like sucking out blackheads. So turn down the knob, I use mine everydy & my breasts don't turn purple! Red, but that's it. It shouldn't hurt you when you're doing it, you should feel comfortable. My knob is at 9o'clock and I can't turn it any higher cos' then it'd hurt.

As for it being tested or not, well, yeah it has been, cos' they've been developing breast-suction devices since the 1970's, and if you read any of the journal papers that came out of the Brava studies, you can see for yourself what the results were. They started doing this kind of thing for women who had had their breasts removed due to cancer. They've used this kind of tension-induced tissue growth for growing new bone tissue as well, so people who have had to have parts of their limbs removed.

So yeah, it has been tested.


(no login) Re: Bosom Beauty 2012 May 13 2008, 6:31 PM

Brava has certainly been tested.

I am sceptical about whether the other products have had any testing.

BB update
December 6 2007 at 1:20 AM LucyB (no login)


Hi ladies, So sorry I've been absent for so long. We traveled for Thanksgiving and I haven't been able to settle back into a routine with my BB. I used it for right at seven weeks, stopping just before Thanksgiving. I did order the Noogleberry but have never used it. I got frustrated because I didn't have enough hands to pump the machine and keep the domes on.

By the seventh week with BB, my right breast had begun to ache 24/7. I really became concerned about whether this machine would do permanent damage. Its really scary to think that this thing sucks hard enough to cut your circulation off and turn your breasts purple. Wonder if it could cause a blood clot? Then, I just got mad at myself for putting myself through such nonsense for bigger boobs. I'm taking a break and don't know if I will start back. I still measure 1 inch larger than when I started. However, one inch when divided by two breasts is not a significant gain! It does seem that I maintained some of the fullness on the upper portion of the breasts. I think the BB probably does work, but my goodness, I don't know if its worth it!

I've been really busy with work too and haven't even visited this board since I stopped BB. I used to visit daily. But, I will keep you ladies posted if I start another cycle. My best to you all. Lucy

Author Reply
(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: BB update December 6 2007, 11:19 PM

Hi Lucy,

What were your actual hours over the 7 weeks? When you said you gained an inch do you mean in chest circumference at nipple level? I think that's pretty good going in such a short period! I've been using the BB a bit and it is STRONG...the appearance after can be alarming to say the least. Can't wait till Feb to see my results. Good lcuk with whatever you decide x

Will it harm my breasts if i use bosom machine more than 2 hours daily?
February 3 2009 at 12:41 PM dory (Login Dory505)


ok. so i learnt that keeping the breasts swelled is the point of using suction devices so since i only got bosom machien now (waiting for my brava) can i use it more than 2 hour daily to keep the breasts swelled as long as possible? is there anyone who used bosom beauty more than 2 hours?

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(no login) too long February 12 2009, 7:03 AM

Why would you do that for 2 hours? If you had a regular breast electric pump you could do 15 min each side daily and get good results. Don't waste your time!

(Login Dory505) Re: Will it harm my breasts if i use bosom machine more than 2 hours daily? February 12 2009, 7:12 AM

15 mins only? are u sure? i'm using bosom beauty 2012 and it said for best results i may use it for 1 hour twice daily and i want to do more to keep it swelled all the time. are u getting results with just using it 15 mins? how much did u grow? thank u for ur post Smile

BB Gave me red nipples - is this normal?
February 17 2008 at 8:06 PM Louise (no login)


Last night I was able to run the power up a bit higher as I had the silicone sheeting to cushion the ribs - it's great! So much more comfortable and once I finally get a seal they're better attached so I can lie back in a more comfortable position. I know other girls have said their nipples got sore - mine didn't hurt but they went a very bright purpley-red colour which lasted about 5 minutes until I bathed with warm water. This morning I noticed I had a few of the red broken capillary spots randomly scattered on the main boob area and then quite a lot of these spots in the creases on my nipples. Do other people get this? Am I just more aware of it because my skin is pale or because the boobs don't react much after Brava so I only get the purple at the nipple? I only went up to about 11 o'clock on the massage setting - some girls talk about going 3/4 way round! Must have boobs of steel!

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(Login silv1)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: BB Gave me red nipples - is this normal? February 17 2008, 8:51 PM

Louise, I only turned mine up to around 10 o'clock pos. and the suction is already very strong. I think it's o.k that the nipples are red and sometimes blue but if you see some broken capillaries then maybe you should lower the power a bit. I had that once or twice before and it took around 3 days to go away and it was painful.

(no login) Re: BB Gave me red nipples - is this normal? February 17 2008, 8:57 PM

Weird, I just did a session and they're not even pink! I'm sure I had it at 11 o'clock most of the time...maybe I'm becoming immune, I think I'm pretty tough after all the Brava self-abuse!

Silv, how long have you been BBing for? Any results?

I do seem to be getting slightly more swelling each time.

(Login silv1)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: BB Gave me red nipples - is this normal? February 17 2008, 9:31 PM

I originally did it a year ago and gained 1/2 inch but went away I think 2 or 3 months later. I'm not sure if it's the wt loss problem. so after a year I'm back to BB and after two weeks, I have at least 1/2 to 3/4 cup of swelling. I added massage this time. I used Tiger Lily's massage tecnique for two weeks before I start BB and I use Pansy's after each session now. I also only do one session each day instead of two. I'm not sure if the massage is a good idea but I just wanted to try something different this time as I can get more fullness just by massaging.

(no login) Re: BB Gave me red nipples - is this normal? February 18 2008, 5:10 AM

I would say that if you are doing massage you'd be better doing it before not after but not sure it's a good idea.

(no login) Re: BB Gave me red nipples - is this normal? February 18 2008, 6:35 PM

good advice louise, I'll massage before bb session and I'll massage before I go to sleep from this week on.

I'm back------ I think
May 17 2008 at 12:21 AM
Alcest (Login Alcest)


So I started doing BB the past like 3 days. Only 20 minutes each session. Skipped a day in between for breathing time etc.

My tits are now yellow---yes a lovely shade of yellowish orange. I know the BB is known to make them a darker shade-----but yellow?? Is it because I'm so pale? Basically I want to know if there's anything to do about this....Perhaps I jumped in too quickly? I figured since I've done the BB a few times previously as well as like 4 months of Brava previously I would be fine starting at 20 minutes. Bah. Will the discoloration (darker ring and breast color) continue to get darker as it is used and the longer I use it for? I need to know because I'm going to be posing in the nude for a painter in the near future and wonder if I should put this on hold or not...

Any advice would be helpful.

It just stinks that there's already a problem so early in this second round. =/

Author Reply
(Login dandelion1) Re: I'm back------ I think May 17 2008, 5:53 AM

i overpumped once on the noogleberry, and the next day my tits were yellow as well. It goes away - i overpump all the time and its only happened once. I get broken capillaries, and I would assume that to be common with the BB because its so much stronger. Well at least the yellow isnt permanent.

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(Login PrincessPearl) Re: I'm back------ I think May 17 2008, 7:37 AM

Do you like the BB besides the yellowing part, Alcest? have you gotten results?

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(Login Alcest) Re: I'm back------ I think May 17 2008, 1:16 PM

Well it's good to know the yellow will go away with time... But does this mean it is here while I continue to do BB? Or did I just overdo it? I've gotten broken capillaries before as well with Brava and those went away. I guess I'll just keep covering it with makeup for now and let you all know if it gets better or not.

Pearl: I like Brava with manual suction better than BB but this is all I have time for--or the privacy for right now. When I move out of where I am now I will probably try Brava again. I did get a lot of swelling from the 4 months of Brava and MAYBE a scant amount of growht but I may have been too skinny, or not eating enough protein and stuff for it to last. And then my life went down the ****ter and I had to stop everything and lost a ****load of weight(I was 93 pounds at the lowest) but now i'm gaining weight and taking control of my life so what the hell, i'll try and grow tits again.

Sorry for the roundabout answer--- BB is okay... I haven't used it enough to get results yet but even if it's just swelling that must be maintained i'm happy with that------ As long as my tits aren't yellow! =P

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(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: I'm back------ I think May 18 2008, 5:21 PM

Hi Alcest,

Welcome back. I'm not around much at the moment due to internet issues, still using BB and think boobs look bigger but not really measureable. I'm going to finish the 16 weeks I originally intended then speak to Brava about how long I need to wait before doing a mega cycle - probably about 9 months then may use BB in the evenings longterm.

Also suffering from yellow tits, I'm v pale too, we should look at the pics on the bosom buddeez yahoo group and count ourselves lucky they're not purple! Kieyah (who's pale too) said it wore off a few months after she stopped using so grow tits now and worry about it later. You may actually be glad of the yellowing as the summer rolls round becuase suction seems to take fake tan off your boobs so at least this will blend in better.

Hope you get big boobs + hope you fix everything else xxx

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(Login Alcest) Re: I'm back------ I think May 20 2008, 12:05 AM

Hey Louise thank you for the good wishes---

The yellow seems to have calmed down a little, but i stopped for like a day or two, and i'm going to just keep it at 20 min 1x a day and see if it balances out, keeps from getting too yellow... I really want to be able to wear my normal clothes, not have to wear t-shirts every day that are high cut. not that I wear low cut or sleezy tops or anything at all but I dohave a lot of tops that show off my collarbones because I love them.

If not...make up make up make up.
And if only I fake tanned! However I love my pale skin... I look horrible with a tan real or otherwise. =(Oh well.

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(Login kieyah)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: I'm back------ I think May 20 2008, 3:58 AM

yeah, the yellowing does fade as your body gets used to it. just don't go all wild on the suction or it will linger. and you can always stop for a day or two if you have a special occation. Or use a sunless-tanner all over for a nice summer glow Smile But in time it will fade anyway. If you need to increase suction later on do it very gradually to avoid this. This doesn't happen to most people. I guess it is from the increase in blood circulation to the breasts and the fact that we have see thru skin! Tongue

Louise the purple boobs are from directly after removing the domes when the breast are still engorged. If the color doesn't return to normal, too much suction is being used. They don't stay that color or noone would ever try it a second time!

brava breasts
July 6 2007 at 2:33 PM pieceapie (no login)


do u girls think i should buy the cheaper bravabreast or the brava system
what do you think works better? is the cheaper bravabreast safe?

Author Reply
(Login Diana1978)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: brava breasts July 6 2007, 8:45 PM

I would personally go with brava. they are the ones who did the research. and all. but that is only personal opinion. and would go with the sport and not the original.

Lost Sheep
(no login) Re: brava breasts July 13 2007, 6:45 AM

However..a few women on this message board have done WELL with the cheaper version.

(no login) I'm impressed... July 14 2007, 8:57 PM

I bought a used machine on eBay. I've only had it for a few days; so as for results, we'll see. The machine is enclosed in a substantial steel case. The pump runs smooth and even. The electronics control time and a pressure relief valve. There are four different programs. The differences are subtle. The program I've chosen is "Plump" DUH... It is two short "pull/release" segments followed by one longer one. A 30 minute session at 50% power produces swelling that lasts for 8 hours. I'm not sore but I do feel fuller. I realize that this is only temporary swelling. I'm willing to keep with it and find out if it lasts. I'll let you know.

Keep your fingers crossed for me.


Donna D
(no login) Re: brava breasts July 28 2007, 10:08 PM

Flat Fran...any success so far?
I've only been going for 2 weeks...and have gained 1/2 inch so far!

Flat Fran
(no login) How did it go? July 31 2007, 12:05 AM

I used it for a week and started developing blisters. Too much suction. So, for now I'm on "vacation". The blisters are gone. Some scabbing remains. There hasn't been any permanent damage but watch that suction control. I never turned it over halfway (manual reccomends halfway to start.) I may give it another go, but with much more caution and much less suction. Good luck!


(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: brava breasts July 31 2007, 7:13 AM

Some users recommend using a 4 or 6mm silicon sheet (you can get from ebay), you cut out two circles to poke your boobs through and then the machine sits against the sheet not your skin.

Black Sheep
(no login) The blisters August 1 2007, 12:00 AM

The blisters surrounded my nipples. A sheet of rubber wouldn't have helped there. They've healed though. A scab or two remains. I'm still thinking this over though.


(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: brava breasts August 1 2007, 9:09 AM

Was some part of the dome touching there? Could you maybe use a different size to start or try taping the area with micropore tape (Beware I am allergic to this but I think most people are ok with it)

Flat Fran
(no login) Dome contact August 2 2007, 12:03 AM

Oddly enough, the blistering occured in the area that the dome did not contact. The only explaination I have is too much suction. Some of the girls on the yahoo group seem to be using about 20% power. That might be a good place to start. Fifty percent sure wasn't!


(no login) Brava forum - read before buying. August 2 2007, 2:49 AM

Hundreds of women posted - After reading 65 posts, only a handful posted anything positive about brava - and they were currently using the system. All of the other posts I read were negative. They reported losing the growth, horrifying skin rashes, skin lesions, scarring, lactation, nipple issues, and more.

What a huge disappointment.

Miss Understanding
(no login) Re: brava breasts August 2 2007, 9:21 PM

Why do you post that same thing in several theads?

(no login) Re: brava breasts August 3 2007, 6:13 PM

You can go to the About pages and read it yourself. The fact is that the success rate of Brava is low. It's as simple as that. The majority of women who use is are not satisfied with the outcome.

(no login) Re: brava breasts August 3 2007, 6:59 PM

brava may have a low succes rate. but you don't have to be to smart to figure out that if applying suction 10+ hours a day doesn't work, applying it for 1 hour a day doesn't stand a chance.
i agree that it's everyone's right to express their point of view but it's quite obvious that this is not the case...

(no login) Re: brava breasts August 3 2007, 8:01 PM

I think the principle is sound it is whether we can put in enough hours to effect a noticeable change. When this principle is applied to other areas of plastic surgery the pressure is applied constantly for several months so surely the more hours the better. Also are people disappointed because they paid almost as much as for implants, spent months and gained 1-2 inches? Obviously the more the better and you get out what you put in but I think it's less hit and miss than herbs (which I take as well)

Kieyah - re BB XL
April 2 2008 at 8:28 PM Louise (Login Louise1982)


Hi Kieyah,

You're my fountain of BB knowledge - please advise yet again!

I am now using the BB XL, I would say they're far from ideal in width but if I do about 30 mins with the large to get swelling and use some hefty sheeting I can then do one boob at a time with the XL and after 20 mins of XL I am about a 32E!

The question is this:

Am I injuring myself by using too strong suction or is my machine getting old?

I remember you saying you could hardly feel it, and with this thick sheeting I don't feel much just a gentle pull even though I have the dial turned up pretty much full (only on massage setting though no on suck setting). I got the machine from Fullness second hand but it does still feel very strong with thinner or no sheeting. Should I just turn it up as strong as I can or do I need to be careful? My boobs go a bit pink but my nipples are really dark purple - this wears off in a few minutes and I get less nipple swelling than I did with Brava.

I'm really excited today because this morning I was having sheeting issues so I gave up after using for about 1-2 mins only and this evening I was still visibly (but not measureably) bigger than when I started 7 weeks ago. Hope I'm not getting fat!

Good luck with yours, any advice much appreciated x

(Login kieyah)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Kieyah - re BB XL April 6 2008, 3:58 AM

Sorry hun I didn't see this right away. I do visit here once in a while. Still debating about getting another BB machine. You are my inspiration to try using it while losing weight! Smile

Yeah for me most of the discomfort with the XL domes came from the rims digging into my flesh! So the cushion made a huge difference.

Have you tried using it without the sheeting? just for a little while to compare the pressure/discomfort? You may need to try with the L domes. If your machine is getting "old" you won't feel the pressure without the sheeting. And I don't think it would keep a seal at all with the sheeting. If it is just the cushion (doing a really good job) then you should be able to tell a big difference in the sensation of pressure/discomfort if you take the sheeting off. If it is loss of a seal you will know because it makes a lovely farting noise, LOL.

BTW, if you do find that it is the machine, you can take the cover off and tighten the set screw and then it should be fine. Also if it is making a VERY LOUD noise, it is probably because the set screw is loose. And if you bought it second hand then it probably is loose anyway from shipping. I believe someone on the bosom buddies a long time ago explained step by step how to do this. It is a brass hexagonal shaped screw near the fan, it sticks out quite a bit so is easy to find. you just need to tighten it (I think there is only one but might be 2). But hope this helps! Sounds like you are doing great and already having some success. I'm so excited for you!!!

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(Login kieyah)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Kieyah - re BB XL April 6 2008, 4:06 AM

Ok, I just re-read your post that you already tried thinner sheeting or no sheeting. Sorry I missed that part. Then yeah it is working fine, just shows how much of a relief that sheeting really is. and no don't be tempted to turn it up too high. I did that countless times and ended up with terrible bruising, broken capillaries (which I think those two pinhead sized red dots that are still there on my right side are from) and had to stop for a few days to let it heal. So overdoing it is not worth it. You'll end up wasting more time (and discomfort) by turning it too high and then have to stop and recoop and start all over again, then to just keep on going gradual without having to stop. Now after a week if you still feel like turning it up, then I'd say go a tiny bit higher. But gradually, PLEASE don't overdo it like I did. Don't go any higher (or at least not much higher) with the sheeting on than you can stand it when the sheeting is not on. Because it is still sucking that hard, it is just not digging into your skin.

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(no login) Re: Kieyah - re BB XL April 6 2008, 8:41 PM


Thanks for the advice I will have a look for that screw when I have some free time. I think you misunderstood what I meant! I can use the large with no sheeting but it hurts my ribs, I can only get the XL to stay on with 2 bits of thick sheeting (soft one next to skin and stiff one on top) and then I have it pretty much on full to hold it all together, I sometimes end up with it nearer 3/4 way round but still quite high but it really doesn't hurt and I've been doing it for maybe a week now with no ill effects. I get swelling similar to overnight Brava wear with a 45 minute session. I just was interested to see if you thought I was likely to injure myself by having it on high, but if I've done it about 10-15 sessions with no probs then am I ok to assume it's not a problem? I am beginning to get some sternum swelling but I had this with Brava too and it went away so I'll just ignore it. Really really hope that the big sheet I'm hoping to receive this week will allow me to do both at once, doing them separately is such a drag! Also the weight loss is beginning to fall behind as I'm so busy with other stuff and really stressed so I'm eating mashed potato nearly every day and pretty much whatever else I feel like. Hopefully when I have completed on the new house and made some final decisions on my kitchen and bathroom and sorted out my work schedule and finished with my driving lessons etc etc I'll be able to do some exercise.

Are your boobs bigger than they were originally now?

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(Login kieyah)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Kieyah - re BB XL April 7 2008, 3:31 AM

they are still not the size I had as a teenager, but they are getting close! They actually loss a bit of fullness this month. I've been drinking slimfast. Apparently they are the only place that wants to lose weight. Time to get another BB. Wish I still had my old one!

Oh you just wanted to know if you are doing damage. I'm definately no expert but it doesn't sound like it to me, especially if you've gone this long with it. For me when I overdid it I had no choice but to stop for at least a few days to let it heal. So if you were doing damage I think you'd know it. Just don't let it get to that point. Lots of ladies go to the 3/4 way around and don't do damage.

BB lumps
November 26 2007 at 5:52 AM Louise (Login Louise1982)


Ok been having a little go with the BB, about half hour before I put the Brava on. Using it on suck as I think that's most similar to Brava (only 10 o'clock position). First couple of times it didn't do much, just made them a bit red and pointy but the last two days I've come up in about 5 little white bumps about 0.5cm diameter and 1mm raised, in a line on either side down the cleavage area. They're hard not squishy like blisters and go away by the time I've had the Brava domes on for a couple of hours - any idea what they are? Will repeated use make them permanent?

Author Reply
(Login Alexia1981) Re: BB lumps November 30 2007, 6:56 AM

Louise, I don't know, I haven't experienced anything like that with the BB. Maybe it's a little bit to hard for your body, using both BB and Brava?

(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: BB lumps November 30 2007, 7:11 PM

Weird, I got those lumps the first two nights but have done half hour BB before each Brava session for 8 days now and haven't seen the lumps since the second night. Can also tolerate slightly more suction on the BB AND measured half inch more this evening than at any time last week (started my period on Weds so think boobs should be minimal)...I was initially put off using BB and Brava together because someone on the bosombuddeez group said all she got from it was a rash but I'm obviously well 'ard! (Sorry, if you're all American and don't get that!)
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