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My BO routine, need advice


Well, I have 6 bottles of Swanson’s BO. 
I’m 26, bio female, causasian, 5,2” and 99,2 lbs. never got pregnant. Skinny but a bit pear-shaped with symptoms of testosterone dominance (a lot of acne under control, a lot of hair in weird places, thin lips and some wrinkles despite my young age)
I haven’t a PCOS disease anyway. 

I choose BO becuase I want big boobs but also because I want to improve my feminine apparence, I want wider hips and butt without gaining fat in my inner thights and seddlebags,I want to get rid of my body hair , I want softer skin. 
I feel undeveloped because my boobs are the same boobs of my teens (just a bit of fat, like man boobs, small areolas and inverted nipples) no matter how I gain weight, they always stay flat. 

My body t is 97,8, so... a bit low for BO.

How can I improve my body t? 
Should I add pituitary? 
How much proteins on BO regiment? 
What should I do to avoid acne improvement and the annoying weight gain?

(19-01-2019, 15:53)AimDcups Wrote:  Well, I have 6 bottles of Swanson’s BO. 
I’m 26, bio female, causasian, 5,2” and 99,2 lbs. never got pregnant. Skinny but a bit pear-shaped with symptoms of testosterone dominance (a lot of acne under control, a lot of hair in weird places, thin lips and some wrinkles despite my young age)
I haven’t a PCOS disease anyway. 

I choose BO becuase I want big boobs but also because I want to improve my feminine apparence, I want wider hips and butt without gaining fat in my inner thights and seddlebags,I want to get rid of my body hair , I want softer skin. 
I feel undeveloped because my boobs are the same boobs of my teens (just a bit of fat, like man boobs, small areolas and inverted nipples) no matter how I gain weight, they always stay flat. 

My body t is 97,8, so... a bit low for BO.

How can I improve my body t? 
Should I add pituitary? 
How much proteins on BO regiment? 
What should I do to avoid acne improvement and the annoying weight gain?

Hi AimDCups,

First, wishing you good luck in your journey! 

So, about your doubts:

Body temp: you can use kelp which is rich in iodine but it's also high in heavy metals, however is the most popular supplement for this purpose. In my personal experience, it didn't work for me, actually I didn't care care much about the temp when I started my routine like 2 years ago, no matter that, my boobs grew from 34B to D/DD even with my underperformance body temp. Now, that I'm starting my second round (maybe not easier growth like first one), after 1 year off, I'm planning taking wheather guggul or disecate thyroid plus adrenal glandular, those both are suggested when kelp doesn't work.

Pituitary: when I wanted to start my routine I always read that BO program should be stick with the pituitary supplement. Pituitary supports the production of growth hormone which is important to boost estrogen and progesterone, also pituitary produces hormone prolactin, this one could be important if you want to develop or improve your nips.

Protein: is adviced to increase protein ingestion. I read like 0.5 to 1 gr per pound. I also didn't worry about this, since I'm very good eating protein, sometimes I added a glass of whey protein.

Acne and weight: for acne you can add 2 cups of spearmint tea per day, it works to reduce the free testosterone and doesn't interfere with the BO program. For weight gain, pay attention to the belly, often affected with the breast programs, maybe is the excess of estrogens. Have a work out routine, not so intense in cardio cause it'll burn all the fat indistinctly, make abs, work legs, arms...

Great companies with the program, are noogleberry and massages, definitely they can give you a big difference. If you're not thinking about cupping at least make the deer massage twice per day, it can trigger the growing since your body focus in bring all the nutrients you're taking to the zone.

Sorry my English, it's not my native language.


Good luck and happy growing!

Thank u sweetie. 
I can’t noogle/massage becuase I have not enough time... 

This is my first round, wish me luck! 
You can try your second round with phytoestrogens despite of BO. I think you should use different programs for different rounds! 

Keep growing!

First week of BO done! 
No tingles, no pain... am I wrong?

(15-02-2019, 19:30)AimDcups Wrote:  First week of BO done! 
No tingles, no pain... am I wrong?

There are people who grow without any sensations. It’s also too early to tell/adjust in a week. Be patient and give it another 2-3 months. Girlfriday (I don’t remember the exact name) is flat like us and it took her 6 months for to notice growth on BO. Good luck!

6 months? A lot of time! 
I have a 3 months recipe, if nothing happens i’ll Try an other program. 
Girlfriday goes from AA to A and then never posted again am I right? 
But she had a lot of tingles and discomfort...

I’m using just 500mg of BO each day. 
According to Bonny girls flat like us have few recptors so...less is more!

I have a lot of water retention in my legs, 1 pounds of weight gain (just water I suppose) , no tingles, no pain... 
my t is too low (is Lower since I start BO, just 97,52) despite my 250mg of kelp each day
I need advices please!

(19-02-2019, 10:20)AimDcups Wrote:  I have a lot of water retention in my legs, 1 pounds of weight gain (just water I suppose) , no tingles, no pain... 
my t is too low (is Lower since I start BO, just 97,52) despite my 250mg of kelp each day
I need advices please!

This is a good thread about temperature

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