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Been Around The Block!... Now Trying Out MissMadScientist’s Flaxseed & Soy method!


(13-12-2019, 22:38)Happyme Wrote:  
(13-12-2019, 17:12)StormyAngel Wrote:  I forgot to attach my current progress pics.
It's very obvious (at least to me) that my left is not responding as well as the right, but then again my left has always been 'looser'/saggier, (it also kinda points OUT!).  Sad

That really unusual Stormy.
Your right breast looks amazing, but the left looks like it didnt get the grow message!
Maybe it just needs more love and attention. In your older pictures there doesnt seem to be that big a difference.

Maybe more massage?
I'm stumped.
However, massage is also supposed to get the lymphatic ducts pumping, so maybe more massage around the outer edge of your breast and from your armpit down would open things up??.

Right?! Hello? wake up!!!! It actually looks smaller than it did in the older pictures. Sad

Yes, I will definitely try to give that side more love!!!

For the most part my left side of my body has all the issues/injuries/pains.

Though no official diagnosis I'm pretty sure I have circulation issues that are worse on my left side (besides tingling I'm always cold, I even sit with a blanket on in the summer when it's 80 degrees!!, but if I'm moving around I get too hot very easily!). The last time I was in to the Dr for a checkup we discussed a few episodes of Raynaud's Syndrome I've had and some other issues with tingling & numbness in my left hand & foot, I have issues with nerve tingling in my left pinky toe that has now migrated to the middle of my foot when I go down the stairs barefoot, (weird, I know, Dr just blew it off!) Said it could be vascular, or autoimmune related but because I am not over weight, or have other obvious reasons for vascular problems he just did the autoimmune test and send me on my way, the test came back negative with no follow up for the vascular. 

My mom had similar issues with being cold, blue toes, etc., that left undiagnosed led her to loose a kidney (they found it had just shriveled up & died from lack of blood supply during a routine exam!) in her latter years she had many issue that could have been caused by poor circulation, (stroke, heart attack, memory loss, balance, and many more  Sad )

During a Google search on issues with my fingernails that wont grow (no matter what supplement I take, or care I perform they are just thin (like my skin Sad  ), so much that if there is any length they just bend over and tear, or if bumped tear where they meet the skin, split at the vertical ridges, or flake off in layers at the tip). I came across another nail characteristic I have (Beau's lines-horizontal indent across the middle of the nail) and this may be related to several things but the thing that I think most fits is PVD (Peripheral Vascular Disease- )! So it got the wheels turning again on this again, could be somewhat hereditary, but I have also had a car accident and a snowmobile accident that are definitely the cause of much pain and inflammation in many parts of my left side.

I think I'm going to start taking L-Arginine and see if it helps with the circulation issues and hopefully will give a little boost to the system, enough to wake up the Left side.

Trial & error,... One day at a time!

(16-12-2019, 19:35)StormyAngel Wrote:  
(13-12-2019, 22:38)Happyme Wrote:  
(13-12-2019, 17:12)StormyAngel Wrote:  I forgot to attach my current progress pics.
It's very obvious (at least to me) that my left is not responding as well as the right, but then again my left has always been 'looser'/saggier, (it also kinda points OUT!).  Sad

That really unusual Stormy.
Your right breast looks amazing, but the left looks like it didnt get the grow message!
Maybe it just needs more love and attention. In your older pictures there doesnt seem to be that big a difference.

Maybe more massage?
I'm stumped.
However, massage is also supposed to get the lymphatic ducts pumping, so maybe more massage around the outer edge of your breast and from your armpit down would open things up??.

Right?! Hello? wake up!!!! It actually looks smaller than it did in the older pictures. Sad

Yes, I will definitely try to give that side more love!!!

For the most part my left side of my body has all the issues/injuries/pains.

Though no official diagnosis I'm pretty sure I have circulation issues that are worse on my left side (besides tingling I'm always cold, I even sit with a blanket on in the summer when it's 80 degrees!!, but if I'm moving around I get too hot very easily!). The last time I was in to the Dr for a checkup we discussed a few episodes of Raynaud's Syndrome I've had and some other issues with tingling & numbness in my left hand & foot, I have issues with nerve tingling in my left pinky toe that has now migrated to the middle of my foot when I go down the stairs barefoot, (weird, I know, Dr just blew it off!) Said it could be vascular, or autoimmune related but because I am not over weight, or have other obvious reasons for vascular problems he just did the autoimmune test and send me on my way, the test came back negative with no follow up for the vascular. 

My mom had similar issues with being cold, blue toes, etc., that left undiagnosed led her to loose a kidney (they found it had just shriveled up & died from lack of blood supply during a routine exam!) in her latter years she had many issue that could have been caused by poor circulation, (stroke, heart attack, memory loss, balance, and many more  Sad )

During a Google search on issues with my fingernails that wont grow (no matter what supplement I take, or care I perform they are just thin (like my skin Sad  ), so much that if there is any length they just bend over and tear, or if bumped tear where they meet the skin, split at the vertical ridges, or flake off in layers at the tip). I came across another nail characteristic I have (Beau's lines-horizontal indent across the middle of the nail) and this may be related to several things but the thing that I think most fits is PVD (Peripheral Vascular Disease- )! So it got the wheels turning again on this again, could be somewhat hereditary, but I have also had a car accident and a snowmobile accident that are definitely the cause of much pain and inflammation in many parts of my left side.

I think I'm going to start taking L-Arginine and see if it helps with the circulation issues and hopefully will give a little boost to the system, enough to wake up the Left side.

Trial & error,... One day at a time!

So reading this post and the circulation issues you think arginine is sufficient to help with circulation?
I have many same symptoms as you. Plus always heavily congested.
I did a nitric oxide spit test which showed very poor circulation. I might another one off amazon. Your right can lead to stroke etc that’s scary

(17-12-2019, 18:41)EllaC Wrote:  Though no official diagnosis I'm pretty sure I have circulation issues that are worse on my left side (besides tingling I'm always cold, I even sit with a blanket on in the summer when it's 80 degrees!!, but if I'm moving around I get too hot very easily!). The last time I was in to the Dr for a checkup we discussed a few episodes of Raynaud's Syndrome I've had and some other issues with tingling & numbness in my left hand & foot, I have issues with nerve tingling in my left pinky toe that has now migrated to the middle of my foot when I go down the stairs barefoot, (weird, I know, Dr just blew it off!) Said it could be vascular, or autoimmune related but because I am not over weight, or have other obvious reasons for vascular problems he just did the autoimmune test and send me on my way, the test came back negative with no follow up for the vascular. 

My mom had similar issues with being cold, blue toes, etc., that left undiagnosed led her to loose a kidney (they found it had just shriveled up & died from lack of blood supply during a routine exam!) in her latter years she had many issue that could have been caused by poor circulation, (stroke, heart attack, memory loss, balance, and many more  Sad )

During a Google search on issues with my fingernails that wont grow (no matter what supplement I take, or care I perform they are just thin (like my skin Sad  ), so much that if there is any length they just bend over and tear, or if bumped tear where they meet the skin, split at the vertical ridges, or flake off in layers at the tip). I came across another nail characteristic I have (Beau's lines-horizontal indent across the middle of the nail) and this may be related to several things but the thing that I think most fits is PVD (Peripheral Vascular Disease- )! So it got the wheels turning again on this again, could be somewhat hereditary, but I have also had a car accident and a snowmobile accident that are definitely the cause of much pain and inflammation in many parts of my left side.

I think I'm going to start taking L-Arginine and see if it helps with the circulation issues and hopefully will give a little boost to the system, enough to wake up the Left side.

Trial & error,... One day at a time!
So reading this post and the circulation issues you think arginine is sufficient to help with circulation?
I have many same symptoms as you. Plus always heavily congested.
I did a nitric oxide spit test which showed very poor circulation. I might another one off amazon. Your right can lead to stroke etc that’s scary
I'm really not sure. I already take Niacin, lift weights 3x p/wk, walk/run 40 min 2x p/wk, I dont know what else TO DO.

A friend of my had some of those NO spit test strips and gave me one, I also tested very low.

I used to have ALOT of congestion (especially during long or intense exertion!) but it has gotten SO MUCH better since restricting gluten in my diet (I would love to say eliminating but I'm not as strict as I would like, I may have something small with gluten as a 'treat' 2-3x a week - but I shouldn't, I know better! I can definitely tell in my digestion and headaches (like sinus pressure even though my nose isn't full! it's weird but I know it's from the inflamation brought on by the gluten!)

I was reading about the PVD and one of the natural/DIY things that was listed as "possibly helpful' was the L-Arninine so I think I'll give it a try, but it wont be for a few weeks, I'm gone to have to wait until after Christmas.

Guess what I got for Christmas???...

A 1/4 inch on the tape!!!

Measured yesterday and I'm at 36.25, yay!!! (I'm at day 22 in my cycle.)

I added PC cream the day after Ovulation (12/18) but I think it's too soon to have any affect other than the acne that popped up 3 days after starting it. I do usually get just 1 or 2 the last week of my cycle just before I start menses, but I got 1 deep one on my forehead and about 4-5 whiteheads along my jawline on the right side of my face only (weird!) 

I might have started with a little too much PC (hard to measure accurately), I cut back to about 1/8th tsp and I haven't gotten anymore and the ones I got are starting to go away.

Or it might be my body adjusting to a lower amount of estrogen in general. I believe at the beginning of the thread I mentioned I was on 1500-2000mg PM daily, and that I had discontinued in October and took nothing until November 1st when I started the Flax & Soy just before my November cycle (11/4) the 1st & 2nd cycle I did not stop taking during my cycle,... I didn't see mention of stopping until recently. I will try stopping during my cycle next week. 

Side note-I'm a little paranoid with messing with my hormones bc I've been in/out of menopause twice in the last 5 years, mostly stress related but I was playing with BO for a while during one of the times I had issues. (something for another thread). That was one reason I took the PM, and took it continuously as I thought it was aiding in keeping my cycles regular. I know it was a tremendous help with hot flashes, that was one of the most obvious benefits to me when I stopped it,... they came back. The hair on my legs also seems to be growing alot faster, and I have a little BO (before stopping it I didnt really need to wear deo unless I was working out, even in the hot summer).

Anyway that's all for now.

So, the Christmas surprise obviously was just a little luteal swelling (I kinda figured but one can hope!).

However I did have to step back and re-evaluate what I was doing, I had gained nearly 15 pounds and the scale was still climbing. 

On the start of my last cycle 1/1/20 
I stopped taking the soy but continue to take 30mg of flax 2x per day and drink at least 8 oz of whole milk per day, although I am adding my collagen powder to the milk instead (and I drink this after my workout in the early afternoon).

I am holding at 36" so I've kept the 1/2" of growth I did get even though I have lost about half of the weight I had gained with the soy.

At my age I know I need to supplement to get the estrogen I need to stay out of menopause so I've dissected SurgerJoe's posts on nutrition and the supplementing he's suggested, combining what I already do for general health, and (at least for now) I will be doing this;
Upon waking B-4 rushing off to work...
I try to get in 200-300 rotation of massage (been trying to focus more on the left than the right to even them out).

AM (empty stomach)...
3 ProbioticsAmerican Health Chewable Acidophilus & Bifidum

In a small jar (like 6oz sized) I mix;
Ground Flax [b]30 mg [/b]
3 Tbsp Premixed Nutritional Blend (SurferJoe's)
     Equal amounts of;
        Rice Bran
        Brewers Yeast
Water - Add enough water to drink (about 4oz) 

1 Multi-VitaminRainbow Light 50+ Mini-Tablet
Niacin 400mg 
Fish Oil 1290mg
CLA 1600mg

Snack on PreMixed Seed & Nut Blend (SurferJoe's) during the day, although I have a hard time consuming this so I dont eat nearly as much as I should (I'm not ususally too hungry in the mornings and once I get busy at work I dont really have time to eat/snack), one days supply ends up lasting me all week.
     1/4 Cup Sunflower Seeds
     1/4 Cup Pumpkin Seeds
     1/4 Cup Chopped Almonds
     I have since added 1/4 cup Rice & Oats Granola, & 1/8 cup dried blueberries to try to make it more appealing to my taste buds which helps. But of course I cant soak them like this, and I have a harder time getting myself to eat them it they are soaked anyway so I figure at least I must be getting some nutritional value out of it, it's better than eating many other things that are easily available and more appealing to my taste buds (like chocolate!!!).

Sometimes (not often) I'll have one of the following;
Greek Yogurt 
Protein Bar (Perfect or Adkins)

I Workout (weights 3x p/wk, run 2x p/wk) every weekday at about 1pm, then I drink;
Whole Milk 8oz - Kemps Organic Grass Fed
Collagen Protein 20g - Bulletproof Unflavored (added to milk with Hershey's Simply 5 Chocolate)

3-4 Probiotics (see above)

Shower then Apply;
     PM Oil - Wowbust with a few drops of Rice Bran Oil & Circular Breast Massage 300x
     PC 1/8tsp - Smoky Mountain Naturals 
                      (sometimes I put this on my breast, sometimes on my arms or back)
     Flax & Rice Bran Oil & Circular Breast Massage 300x 
                      (I add a few drops of Nerolli EO to this to mask the oily smell)
      PC 1/4tsp (working my way up to 3/4 at menes)

I also have a homemade body butter I often use after just because it gives my skin a more 'plumped' feeling & appearance. I use this all over my body & I love it...
          Mix in a Magic Bullet or similar;
           3Tbsp Shea Butter
           1Tbsp Coco Butter
           3Tbsp Emu Oil
           1Tbsp Kigelia (Kigeline) Extract 
                    I get mine from

Dinner I eat a normal 600-900 calorie meal trying to stay healthy with my choices,... grass fed beef, chicken, salmon. paired with a steamed vegetable, or brown rice, sometimes I'll have a gluten free pizza (oh yeah, I don't eat gluten), a salad from Culver's, Wendy's, etc, sometimes it's just something out of the fresh food deli at the local store. 

PM Just B-4 Bed (see AM above for details)
3-4 Probiotics 
Ground Flax 30mg
3 Tbsp Premixed Nutritional Blend
1 Multi-Vitamin 
Niacin 400mg 
Fish Oil 1290mg
CLA 1600mg

     PM 500mg - Ainterol
     Shatavari 1200mg - Roar to Life
     Saw Palmento 480mg - Natures Bounty (I'm trying to find a smaller dose!!!)

     PM 100mg - Still trying to find a good powder source, the stuff I ordered was RED!!!! So at this time 
     I am just taking my 500mg cap and trying to fill my 100mg capsules with the powder but this is NOT IDEAL!!!
     Shatavari 1200mg
     Saw Palmento 480mg

Every once in a while (maybe a cpl times a day) I feel a 'heaviness' on the top side of my breast (almost like someone stacked quarters there and taped them in place, IDK, LOL!)
To me I dont feel any 'fuller' right now, like if I touch them they still feel deflated (especially if I bend over, just feels like the old joke goes, a "bunch of coins in a loose sock!")

Side Note;
I think the Saw Palmento is messin' with my libido, however the "O" is stronger than ever!!! BONUS!!!

So today's stats;
Height - 5'6"
Weight - 139
Bust - 36"
UB - 31"

2020 January 1st -  Discontinued FS & Soy Method.  I was having digestive issues and also gained about 15lbs.
Unfortunately getting back to a comfortable weight under 135# (and ridding myself of my fat ass, hips, & thighs) is a higher priority to me than having larger/fuller breasts. The skin takes a toll with these ups & downs,…   Nice tight skin and firm boobies is my ultimate goal!!! (I don't necessarily desire larger, just FULLER/FIRMER!!!)
I've been doing what I can with what I have... I massage 2x p/day, eat as clean as I can and I workout 5 days a week, weightlifting 3x/p week, and running the other 2.
Weight Gained 15lbs
Bust Gained .5”
Hair Grew 3”
My fingernails have also grown for the first time in a several years!!!

Sadly, I am officially ending this thread and will no longer be updating here.

If you are interested in following my journey I have comprised a 'Program' thread in the Personal Program area.

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