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Stormy's Journey - Programs,... Thru The Years & Now.


The Quest for Breast Never Ends!!!

1983 Age 17 - 1st Child/Breastfed 3mos
1989 Age 23 - 2nd Child/Breastfed 6mos
1993(?) - Self-Hypnosis = Minimal growth from small A to small B  - Breasts still felt ‘loose/empty’
     Did the Hypnosis whenever I could find the time, daily for a few weeks, then just every now and then I tried to do the visualizations for about a year.
     Age 27
     Height 5’7”
     Weight 125#
     Cup B
Break for Many Years
2005 (ish?) Tried a cream that was sold at Walgreens and it seemed to work REALLY good, got nice firmness and maybe a little growth. I think it contained SP, WY, and some other stuff like that. They discontinued it and I couldn’t find it anywhere. (don’t remember the name, the logo was like a breast silhouette, and it was called something like Natural Curve (but it’s NOT the one currently on the market).
2013 PM (500mg gradually working up to 2000 mg per day) for about 2 years
     Decent results (small B to a full C cup) I was NOT cycling PM at this time, but had a lot of cramping.
     Age 47
     Height 5’6”
     Weight 140#
     Cup C (small)
2013 - BC (NuvaRing) - Discontinued due to financial and relationship issues
2014 JanuaryCycle stopped (Stress/C-PTSD Trauma Trigger put me in Menopause for 11 mos)
2014 January - PM Discontinued because I was satisfied where I was at with a nice firm C.
2014 Summer - Breast deflated to a saggy C, but still ‘fell’ out of B cups, no fullness – just extra loose tissue, I also lost about 10lbs. (130#)
2014 NovemberCycle returned (due to emotional and physical stress)
2015 January - Dx Low Thyroid = Armor 60mg
     Temp 95-97.7 upon wake and 98.0-6 PM
2015 January - Back on BC (NuvaRing) Cycles were consistent and I was again sexually active (same relationship, 22 years!)
2015 FebruaryBack on PM (500>>2000mg p/day)
     This time no results, same brand, same does, same schedule, nothing, not even a tingle, but I continued as I had had results with this in the past. 
2015 May - Flow lasted for about 6 weeks, decided I needed to let my body get back into its ‘natural balance’ so I discontinued the PM as well as the NuvaRing. Continued "spotting".
2015 November – Cycle 10days, continued to spot through December
2016 January – Vacuum System started – Purchased off brand, too small.
2016 January – Vacuum System = Large Kangzhu (Loved it!) But it was too small, within 4 weeks I was pumping to the tips.
2016 February – Vacuum System = XL Noogleberry Contoured (LOVED IT!!!)
     My Pumping Routine;
     Massage with cream containing Volufiline am/pm & pre/post pump
     Pump 1-2 hr 4-5x p/wk (Snoogle for an hour early am, and again during lunch)
     Was having issues getting good suction (XL cups a bit big on the chest, 
but when I did get them in a good position then I had a problem with my airlocks leaking)

I have somewhat tubular (& very dense,... Doctors words!) glandular breast (when my weight 
is down they look like flat, soft, sad puppies, ...except when I was pregnant/breast feeding!).

Suction seemed like the best system I had used so far, I was getting pretty good swelling, between 1-1.5", and it lasted for several hours! Although the tape measure showed no increase after swelling goes down, they felt fuller, rounder, and heavier.

Unfortunately this system had it’s own flaws/defects that consumed too much time and left me frustrated (suction and airlock leaking & I ended up over pumping to compensate many times) I could not keep up with it. I did not do it long enough to achieve permanent results. I used it for a few months at the beginning of 2016, a few weeks on and off during that year and purchased a new one back in October of 2016 (because of leaking issues, and I had cracked one of them and used epoxy to repair), but still could not find a time frame to use that my schedule would allow consistency. I still use it but only for a “quick boost” for a special occasion. I found that it seems to stretch out my skin so much that I feel my skin is too thin after the swelling goes back down and in (IMO), my stretchmarks are exuberated, and I just look “older”, no matter how much lube & moisturizer I use. I do drink between 32-70oz of water per day.

2016 March - Menopause again? No cycle 5 mos.
     Age 49
     Height 5’6”
     Weight 130lb
     Cup D/DD Depending on the bra (VERY Loose/empty - but loose boobs/skin 'fell' out of a C)
2016 December – BO = I did a detox and started BO the 2nd week of December with 500 mg of BO (250am/250pm) and worked up to splitting 2000 ttl 1 week at a time.

I also started taking a quite few other sups that had been recommended by others that have had success with the BO. Unfortunately I believe my issues with poor circulation, low body temp, and low thyroid kept me from achieving any results at all with this method and I discontinued after 6 months and no growth.

2017 November – PM = I gave PM another shot at the end of 2017, again nothing in terms of boob enhancement. However I did notice it stopped me from having night sweats, hot flashes and kept me from getting the monthly acne. So I continued to take it at 1500 mg per day for the boost in hormones I felt I needed as I AM still having my periods and they ARE regular (I also still use the NuvaRing which I think helps keep me regular now that I’m older).
2019 October – Discontinue all but BC. Detox.
     Age 53
     Height 5’6”
     Weight 133lb
     Bust 35.5”
     UB 31”
     Cup D/DD Depending on the bra (Empty/Loose!)
2019 November 01 – FS & Soy = At this time I started MissMadScientist’s Flaxseed & Soy method. And I also started circular massage with FSO 2x per day.
     Mild headaches in 1st few days.
     Nov 3 - feeling something “weird” going on in my right (bigger) breast, like a sore nipple.
     The next few days I also started to feel something different in the rest of my right breast as well as my smaller left. It was a strange tingle feeling, but the best I can describe it is like when your milk starts coming in when pregnant, or when you start leaking/become engorged but not as strong. I also found what I thought was a sore nipple turned out to be a small tender spot behind the nipple (like the bud when your in puberty!). These feelings came and went and I didn’t have them every day.
2019 November 14 - I stopped having any ‘tingles’ whatsoever, and the tender ‘bud’ went away.
2019 December 05 FS & Soy 30 Day Update = I never got the 'feelings' back although they still itched a bit from time to time. There was a bit of a 'pillowy' feel to them but the tape measure indicated no change.

1 positive side effect, hair has grown 2 inches in the last 30 days! Been trying to grow my very fine hair forever and all I get is split ends that have to be cut off, but now my hair looks pretty healthy (for winter & all the static!) and when I measured it in a ponytail it grew from 13" to 15"!!! May be worth continuing the soy & flax a while longer.

Also started listening to the Sapien and Rockmelon tones.

2019 December 12 –
Weight 137
Update: Put the tape back on and to my surprise I am up .5" New measurement 36"!

2019 December 26 –
Bust 36.25 (Luteal Swelling)
Weight 142
2020 January 1st -  Discontinued FS & Soy Method.  I was having digestive issues and also gained about 15lbs.
Unfortunately getting rid of my fat ass, hips, & thighs is a higher priority to me than having larger/fuller breasts. The skin takes a toll with these ups & downs,…   
My skin is one of my biggest enemies, I have tried many things (nutrition, supplements, creams, wraps, etc) to improve without success. I have even tried more drastic options like Derma pen treatment, Endermologie (roller/suction for circulation & cellulite), Forma (a laser and heat treatment to rejuvenate cells), and M'liss niacin wraps (for circulation), all of my skin is lumpy, saggy & LOOSE   Angry 
Even in my 20's I had a belly pooch, saddlebags, and droopy boobs.

Nice tight skin and firm boobies is my ultimate goal!!!
I've been doing what I can with what I have... I eat as clean as I can and 
I workout 5 days a week, weightlifting 3x/p week, and running the other 2.
Weight Gained 15lbs
Bust Gained .5”
Hair Grew 3”
I now have to clean my fingernails daily because they have also grown for the first time in a several years!!!
On the start of my last cycle 1/1/20 
I stopped taking the soy but continue to take 30mg of flax 2x per day and drink at least 8 oz of whole milk per day, although I am adding my collagen powder to the milk instead (and I drink this after my workout in the early afternoon).

I am holding at 36" so I've kept the 1/2" of growth I did get even though I have lost not quite half of the weight I had gained with the soy.

At my age I know I need to supplement to get the estrogen I need to stay out of menopause so I've dissected SurgerJoe's posts on nutrition and the supplementing he's suggested, combining what I already do for general health, and (at least for now) I will be doing this;
Upon waking B-4 rushing off to work...
I try to get in 200-300 rotation of massage (been trying to focus more on the left than the right to even them out).

AM (empty stomach)...
3 Probiotics - American Health Chewable Acidophilus & Bifidum

In a small jar (like 6oz sized) I mix;
Ground Flax 30mg

3 Tsp Premixed Nutritional Blend (SurferJoe's)
     Equal amounts of;
        Rice Bran
        Brewers Yeast
Water - Add enough water to drink (about 4oz) 

1 Multi-Vitamin - Rainbow Light 50+ Mini-Tablet
Niacin 400mg 
Fish Oil 1290mg
CLA 1600mg

Snack on PreMixed Seed & Nut Blend (SurferJoe's) during the day, although I have a hard time consuming this so I dont eat nearly as much as I should (I'm not ususally too hungry in the mornings and once I get busy at work I dont really have time to eat/snack), one days supply ends up lasting me all week.
     1/4 Cup Sunflower Seeds
     1/4 Cup Pumpkin Seeds
     1/4 Cup Chopped Almonds
     I have since added 1/4 cup Rice & Oats Granola, & 1/8 cup dried blueberries to try to make it more appealing to my taste buds which helps. But of course I cant soak them like this, and I have a harder time getting myself to eat them it they are soaked anyway so I figure at least I must be getting some nutritional value out of it, it's better than eating many other things that are easily available and more appealing to my taste buds (like chocolate!!!).

Sometimes (not often) I'll have one of the following;
Greek Yogurt 
Protein Bar (Perfect or Adkins)

I Workout (weights 3x p/wk, run 2x p/wk) every weekday at about 1pm, then I drink;
Whole Milk 8oz - Kemps Organic Grass Fed
Collagen Protein 20g - Bulletproof Unflavored (added to milk with Hershey's Simply 5 Chocolate)

3-4 Probiotics (see above)

Shower then Apply;
     PM Oil - Wowbust with a few drops of Rice Bran Oil & Volufiline, and Circular Massage 300x
     PC 1/8tsp - Smoky Mountain Naturals 
                      (sometimes I put this on my breast, sometimes on my arms or back)

                     I’m still not sure about this I started getting more acne when I first started using this, and even more when I increased at luteal!
     Flax & Rice Bran Oil & Circular Breast Massage 300x 
                      (I add a few drops of Nerolli EO to this to mask the oily smell)

                      Thinking of switching this to a FG, Fennel, & Black Seed in Almond & Olive Oil for next cycle.
      PC 1/4tsp (working my way up to 3/4 at menes)
                     Again, still not sure about this I’m thinking of just using a very small amount until I get a handle on my acne & weight gain.

I also have a homemade body butter I often use after, just because it gives my skin a more 'plumped' feeling & appearance. I use this all over my body & I love it...
          Mix in a Magic Bullet or similar;
           3Tbsp Shea Butter
           1Tbsp Coco Butter (shaved or it's too hard)
           3Tbsp Emu Oil
           1Tbsp Kigelia (Kigeline) Extract 

          1Tsp Volufiline
              I get my Kigeline & Volufiline from

Dinner I eat a normal 600-900 calorie meal trying to stay healthy with my choices,... grass fed beef, chicken, salmon. paired with a steamed vegetable, or brown rice, sometimes I'll have a gluten free pizza (oh yeah, I don't eat gluten), a salad from Culver's, Wendy's, etc, sometimes it's just something out of the fresh food deli at the local store. 

PM Just B-4 Bed (see AM above for details)
3-4 Probiotics 
Ground Flax 30mg
3 Tsp Premixed Nutritional Blend
1 Multi-Vitamin 
Niacin 400mg 
Fish Oil 1290mg
CLA 1600mg


     PM 500mg - Ainterol
     Shatavari 1200mg - Roar to Life
     Saw Palmento 480mg - Natures Bounty (I'm trying to find a smaller dose, but may eliminate due to acne and weight issues)

     PM 100mg - Still trying to find a good powder source, the stuff I ordered was RED!!!! So at this time I am just taking my 500mg cap and trying to fill my 100mg capsules with the powder but this is NOT IDEAL!!!
     Shatavari 1200mg
     Saw Palmento 480mg (May eliminate?...  (acne & weight/cellulite issues?)...thoughts???)

So today's stats;
Height - 5'6"
Weight - 139
Bust - 36"
UB - 31"

1993 (After Hypnosis)

2016 (Noogling Program)

2019/10 - 2019/12 (Flax Seed & Soy) & Present

Between 16-19 there’s a huge jump in size isn’t there and yes you def grew outwards with the flax/soy milk. 
Too scared to try it personally but would love my hair to grow ! Your Looking great

Thanks Ella!

16-19? Yes, I notice a bit of a difference, but to me it is not real drastic.

The only thing I really did with consistency in 2016, 2018, & 2019 was taking the PM (500am/1000pm), I only started "Cycling" it in the last year though. 
I detoxed at the end of 2016 and tried BO for 6 mos but didn't feel any growth pains or any sign of success. I believe I wasn't a good candidate with the other health issues I have (circulation, body temp, thyroid, etc).

I had also been doing the noogling but after March 2016 it was VERY inconsistent, like I'd pump nearly every day for a week for 20min-1hr a day, then not touch it for a few weeks/months, then maybe 15 minutes one day, maybe 45 min in the tub another. Just whenever it was 'convenient' which was not ideal for growth. 

I have over pumped and have blister scars within my stretchmarks on the bottom side and 1 on my right areola (I can see it bc I know where it is). You can also see the much talked about 'ring marks' the indents that run from my armpits to the center. Sad

The Flax & Soy definitely works (I grew .5" in 3 months!), but for me I had too many digestive issues (gas, bloating, excessive weight gain) so I had to quit. If you do decide to give it a try,... I found I cant take it too close to bed time and make sure you are getting the Kinko (Toasted/Roasted) Soy Flour, and FRESH flax. I get the whole seed (because I also use it in my overnight oats with a little hemp hearts & chia seed). and grind it myself (I have a Magic Bullet-works great!)

I MAY try it again in the summer when my weight naturally goes back down and I'm more active outdoors, just because I can testify it DOES WORK, it's just not ideal for everyone's gut (MINE!). The outward growth is a great motivator, but I really want VOLUME,... the fullness, the roundness, to fill in on the topside!

I'm back up to 140 (5-8# heavier than normal/+10# over my goal weight of 130#) and it all started with the Flax & Soy Program. Usually I can loose the few extra pounds without much extra work/eating adjustments, but it was like that program reset something in my system and now it's just stuck bouncing between 138 & 143 and just goes higher with everything I put in my mouth, or every day I'm not as active as the day before (almost like it's hormonal it that makes sense?).

Ella, So sorry your holidays had to be burdened with injury and illness, I'm so glad to see your feeling better! (I looked at the Plift & Oclear,... that's some pretty pricey stuff, glad it's working for you!)

I was on Depo Prevera back in the 90's and can relate to the fear you speak of, bled for over a year straight, and another year of bloody/watery discharge. When I was going through some issues with ovarian cysts in the spring of 2017 (Interestingly, it was shortly after my BO experiment!) they gave me progesterone (to STOP the bleeding) but that only made it worse - brought on REALLY heavy bleeding & MORE clots too. Then they put me back on my BC (NuvaRing which is both prog & estro), I stopped bleeding and had regular cycles within a few weeks - Weird!

I still have pretty heavy cycles (with some clotting) but at least their regular now and I know I need to wear extra protection (A pad/liner) on days 2-4 if I wont be able to empty the cup every hour or so. 
I started using a menstrual cup a year or so ago and love it (best investment I ever made - wish I had done it years ago!)! I can judge better when I need to empty it and can see how heavy my flow actually is rather than guessing if I just 'leaked' past a tampon or my flow is really that heavy,... which it is, but I rarely have issues with 'leaking' anymore.

Again, so glad your feeling better Ella!

(04-02-2020, 02:59)EllaC Wrote:  Between 16-19 there’s a huge jump in size isn’t there and yes you def grew outwards with the flax/soy milk. 
Too scared to try it personally but would love my hair to grow ! Your Looking great

Although there is clear progress, I want to point out that the 19 series photos were taken with the camera much closer than the 16 photos. This makes the breasts appear much larger.

(04-02-2020, 18:27)James98 Wrote:  
(04-02-2020, 02:59)EllaC Wrote:  Between 16-19 there’s a huge jump in size isn’t there and yes you def grew outwards with the flax/soy milk. 

Although there is clear progress, I want to point out that the 19 series photos were taken with the camera much closer than the 16 photos. This makes the breasts appear much larger.

Agreed. New location/setting, trying to be consistent but it's difficult in different situations.

The only place I can see a difference is the space between the breasts is smaller, to me the actual volume appears to be less.

Although really looking at them again, in the 2016 pics the nipple/areola is inside the rib cage area, and of the recent pics the areola is outside the frame of the body in October and in January both the areola and nipple are.

Not the SHAPE I'm going for. With growth seems I only get longer/swoopier  Huh

(04-02-2020, 18:57)StormyAngel Wrote:  ... in the 2016 pics the nipple/areola is inside the rib cage area, and of the recent pics the areola is outside the frame of the body...

That is exactly why I said the camera distance was different. If you stand in front of a mirror, at least 6ft (2m) from the mirror, are your areola within your rib cage? I would expect so.

(04-02-2020, 16:34)StormyAngel Wrote:  Thanks Ella!

16-19? Yes, I notice a bit of a difference, but to me it is not real drastic.

The only thing I really did with consistency in 2016, 2018, & 2019 was taking the PM (500am/1000pm), I only started "Cycling" it in the last year though. 
I detoxed at the end of 2016 and tried BO for 6 mos but didn't feel any growth pains or any sign of success. I believe I wasn't a good candidate with the other health issues I have (circulation, body temp, thyroid, etc).

I had also been doing the noogling but after March 2016 it was VERY inconsistent, like I'd pump nearly every day for a week for 20min-1hr a day, then not touch it for a few weeks/months, then maybe 15 minutes one day, maybe 45 min in the tub another. Just whenever it was 'convenient' which was not ideal for growth. 

I have over pumped and have blister scars within my stretchmarks on the bottom side and 1 on my right areola (I can see it bc I know where it is). You can also see the much talked about 'ring marks' the indents that run from my armpits to the center. Sad

The Flax & Soy definitely works (I grew .5" in 3 months!), but for me I had too many digestive issues (gas, bloating, excessive weight gain) so I had to quit. If you do decide to give it a try,... I found I cant take it too close to bed time and make sure you are getting the Kinko (Toasted/Roasted) Soy Flour, and FRESH flax. I get the whole seed (because I also use it in my overnight oats with a little hemp hearts & chia seed). and grind it myself (I have a Magic Bullet-works great!)

I MAY try it again in the summer when my weight naturally goes back down and I'm more active outdoors, just because I can testify it DOES WORK, it's just not ideal for everyone's gut (MINE!). The outward growth is a great motivator, but I really want VOLUME,... the fullness, the roundness, to fill in on the topside!

I'm back up to 140 (5-8# heavier than normal/+10# over my goal weight of 130#) and it all started with the Flax & Soy Program. Usually I can loose the few extra pounds without much extra work/eating adjustments, but it was like that program reset something in my system and now it's just stuck bouncing between 138 & 143 and just goes higher with everything I put in my mouth, or every day I'm not as active as the day before (almost like it's hormonal it that makes sense?).

Ella, So sorry your holidays had to be burdened with injury and illness, I'm so glad to see your feeling better! (I looked at the Plift & Oclear,... that's some pretty pricey stuff, glad it's working for you!)

I was on Depo Prevera back in the 90's and can relate to the fear you speak of, bled for over a year straight, and another year of bloody/watery discharge. When I was going through some issues with ovarian cysts in the spring of 2017 (Interestingly, it was shortly after my BO experiment!) they gave me progesterone (to STOP the bleeding) but that only made it worse - brought on REALLY heavy bleeding & MORE clots too. Then they put me back on my BC (NuvaRing which is both prog & estro), I stopped bleeding and had regular cycles within a few weeks - Weird!

I still have pretty heavy cycles (with some clotting) but at least their regular now and I know I need to wear extra protection (A pad/liner) on days 2-4 if I wont be able to empty the cup every hour or so. 
I started using a menstrual cup a year or so ago and love it (best investment I ever made - wish I had done it years ago!)! I can judge better when I need to empty it and can see how heavy my flow actually is rather than guessing if I just 'leaked' past a tampon or my flow is really that heavy,... which it is, but I rarely have issues with 'leaking' anymore.

Again, so glad your feeling better Ella!
Ah yes circulation, body temp I can relate. That’s why in fact I thought noogling never worked for me but your a testament otherwise that’s great. 
Yes my thyroid is low I believe so I’d steer clear of the soy flour thing albeit been tempted to try . Goodness I’d be gassy and not tolerate it I’m certain :Smile
I still maintain I see good outward growth . On the upside with the outwards growth your cleavage will be killer wearing bras, bringing them even closer together with the outward growth. 

Yes the metagenics is pricey but what a lifesaver, my irons been seriously low in the past and these cycles is why. So need to suck up the cost but a side benefit great liver detox supp too. 

I’ve never tried a menstral cup the idea fascinates and scares me. I’ve discovered period undies though, I’ve yet to buy a pair @ $40 a pair but I will one day.

Thank you for your kind words too. Yes it was a challenging Xmas break but on the ups now  Smile

(28-01-2020, 20:16)StormyAngel Wrote:  
The Quest for Breast Never Ends!!!

1983 Age 17 - 1st Child/Breastfed 3mos
1989 Age 23 - 2nd Child/Breastfed 6mos
1993(?) - Self-Hypnosis = Minimal growth from small A to small B  - Breasts still felt ‘loose/empty’
     Did the Hypnosis whenever I could find the time, daily for a few weeks, then just every now and then I tried to do the visualizations for about a year.
     Age 27
     Height 5’7”
     Weight 125#
     Cup B
Break for Many Years
2005 (ish?) Tried a cream that was sold at Walgreens and it seemed to work REALLY good, got nice firmness and maybe a little growth. I think it contained SP, WY, and some other stuff like that. They discontinued it and I couldn’t find it anywhere. (don’t remember the name, the logo was like a breast silhouette, and it was called something like Natural Curve (but it’s NOT the one currently on the market).
2013 PM (500mg gradually working up to 2000 mg per day) for about 2 years
     Decent results (small B to a full C cup) I was NOT cycling PM at this time, but had a lot of cramping.
     Age 47
     Height 5’6”
     Weight 140#
     Cup C (small)
2013 - BC (NuvaRing) - Discontinued due to financial and relationship issues
2014 JanuaryCycle stopped (Stress/C-PTSD Trauma Trigger put me in Menopause for 11 mos)
2014 January - PM Discontinued because I was satisfied where I was at with a nice firm C.
2014 Summer - Breast deflated to a saggy C, but still ‘fell’ out of B cups, no fullness – just extra loose tissue, I also lost about 10lbs. (130#)
2014 NovemberCycle returned (due to emotional and physical stress)
2015 January - Dx Low Thyroid = Armor 60mg
     Temp 95-97.7 upon wake and 98.0-6 PM
2015 January - Back on BC (NuvaRing) Cycles were consistent and I was again sexually active (same relationship, 22 years!)
2015 FebruaryBack on PM (500>>2000mg p/day)
     This time no results, same brand, same does, same schedule, nothing, not even a tingle, but I continued as I had had results with this in the past. 
2015 May - Flow lasted for about 6 weeks, decided I needed to let my body get back into its ‘natural balance’ so I discontinued the PM as well as the NuvaRing. Continued "spotting".
2015 November – Cycle 10days, continued to spot through December
2016 January – Vacuum System started – Purchased off brand, too small.
2016 January – Vacuum System = Large Kangzhu (Loved it!) But it was too small, within 4 weeks I was pumping to the tips.
2016 February – Vacuum System = XL Noogleberry Contoured (LOVED IT!!!)
     My Pumping Routine;
     Massage with cream containing Volufiline am/pm & pre/post pump
     Pump 1-2 hr 4-5x p/wk (Snoogle for an hour early am, and again during lunch)
     Was having issues getting good suction (XL cups a bit big on the chest, 
but when I did get them in a good position then I had a problem with my airlocks leaking)

I have somewhat tubular (& very dense,... Doctors words!) glandular breast (when my weight 
is down they look like flat, soft, sad puppies, ...except when I was pregnant/breast feeding!).

Suction seemed like the best system I had used so far, I was getting pretty good swelling, between 1-1.5", and it lasted for several hours! Although the tape measure showed no increase after swelling goes down, they felt fuller, rounder, and heavier.

Unfortunately this system had it’s own flaws/defects that consumed too much time and left me frustrated (suction and airlock leaking & I ended up over pumping to compensate many times) I could not keep up with it. I did not do it long enough to achieve permanent results. I used it for a few months at the beginning of 2016, a few weeks on and off during that year and purchased a new one back in October of 2016 (because of leaking issues, and I had cracked one of them and used epoxy to repair), but still could not find a time frame to use that my schedule would allow consistency. I still use it but only for a “quick boost” for a special occasion. I found that it seems to stretch out my skin so much that I feel my skin is too thin after the swelling goes back down and in (IMO), my stretchmarks are exuberated, and I just look “older”, no matter how much lube & moisturizer I use. I do drink between 32-70oz of water per day.

2016 March - Menopause again? No cycle 5 mos.
     Age 49
     Height 5’6”
     Weight 130lb
     Cup D/DD Depending on the bra (VERY Loose/empty - but loose boobs/skin 'fell' out of a C)
2016 December – BO = I did a detox and started BO the 2nd week of December with 500 mg of BO (250am/250pm) and worked up to splitting 2000 ttl 1 week at a time.

I also started taking a quite few other sups that had been recommended by others that have had success with the BO. Unfortunately I believe my issues with poor circulation, low body temp, and low thyroid kept me from achieving any results at all with this method and I discontinued after 6 months and no growth.

2017 November – PM = I gave PM another shot at the end of 2017, again nothing in terms of boob enhancement. However I did notice it stopped me from having night sweats, hot flashes and kept me from getting the monthly acne. So I continued to take it at 1500 mg per day for the boost in hormones I felt I needed as I AM still having my periods and they ARE regular (I also still use the NuvaRing which I think helps keep me regular now that I’m older).
2019 October – Discontinue all but BC. Detox.
     Age 53
     Height 5’6”
     Weight 133lb
     Bust 35.5”
     UB 31”
     Cup D/DD Depending on the bra (Empty/Loose!)
2019 November 01 – FS & Soy = At this time I started MissMadScientist’s Flaxseed & Soy method. And I also started circular massage with FSO 2x per day.
     Mild headaches in 1st few days.
     Nov 3 - feeling something “weird” going on in my right (bigger) breast, like a sore nipple.
     The next few days I also started to feel something different in the rest of my right breast as well as my smaller left. It was a strange tingle feeling, but the best I can describe it is like when your milk starts coming in when pregnant, or when you start leaking/become engorged but not as strong. I also found what I thought was a sore nipple turned out to be a small tender spot behind the nipple (like the bud when your in puberty!). These feelings came and went and I didn’t have them every day.
2019 November 14 - I stopped having any ‘tingles’ whatsoever, and the tender ‘bud’ went away.
2019 December 05 FS & Soy 30 Day Update = I never got the 'feelings' back although they still itched a bit from time to time. There was a bit of a 'pillowy' feel to them but the tape measure indicated no change.

1 positive side effect, hair has grown 2 inches in the last 30 days! Been trying to grow my very fine hair forever and all I get is split ends that have to be cut off, but now my hair looks pretty healthy (for winter & all the static!) and when I measured it in a ponytail it grew from 13" to 15"!!! May be worth continuing the soy & flax a while longer.

Also started listening to the Sapien and Rockmelon tones.

2019 December 12 –
Weight 137
Update: Put the tape back on and to my surprise I am up .5" New measurement 36"!

2019 December 26 –
Bust 36.25 (Luteal Swelling)
Weight 142
2020 January 1st -  Discontinued FS & Soy Method.  I was having digestive issues and also gained about 15lbs.
Unfortunately getting rid of my fat ass, hips, & thighs is a higher priority to me than having larger/fuller breasts. The skin takes a toll with these ups & downs,…   
My skin is one of my biggest enemies, I have tried many things (nutrition, supplements, creams, wraps, etc) to improve without success. I have even tried more drastic options like Derma pen treatment, Endermologie (roller/suction for circulation & cellulite), Forma (a laser and heat treatment to rejuvenate cells), and M'liss niacin wraps (for circulation), all of my skin is lumpy, saggy & LOOSE   Angry 
Even in my 20's I had a belly pooch, saddlebags, and droopy boobs.

Nice tight skin and firm boobies is my ultimate goal!!!
I've been doing what I can with what I have... I eat as clean as I can and 
I workout 5 days a week, weightlifting 3x/p week, and running the other 2.
Weight Gained 15lbs
Bust Gained .5”
Hair Grew 3”
I now have to clean my fingernails daily because they have also grown for the first time in a several years!!!
On the start of my last cycle 1/1/20 
I stopped taking the soy but continue to take 30mg of flax 2x per day and drink at least 8 oz of whole milk per day, although I am adding my collagen powder to the milk instead (and I drink this after my workout in the early afternoon).

I am holding at 36" so I've kept the 1/2" of growth I did get even though I have lost not quite half of the weight I had gained with the soy.

At my age I know I need to supplement to get the estrogen I need to stay out of menopause so I've dissected SurgerJoe's posts on nutrition and the supplementing he's suggested, combining what I already do for general health, and (at least for now) I will be doing this;
Upon waking B-4 rushing off to work...
I try to get in 200-300 rotation of massage (been trying to focus more on the left than the right to even them out).

AM (empty stomach)...
3 Probiotics - American Health Chewable Acidophilus & Bifidum

In a small jar (like 6oz sized) I mix;
Ground Flax 30mg

3 Tsp Premixed Nutritional Blend (SurferJoe's)
     Equal amounts of;
        Rice Bran
        Brewers Yeast
Water - Add enough water to drink (about 4oz) 

1 Multi-Vitamin - Rainbow Light 50+ Mini-Tablet
Niacin 400mg 
Fish Oil 1290mg
CLA 1600mg

Snack on PreMixed Seed & Nut Blend (SurferJoe's) during the day, although I have a hard time consuming this so I dont eat nearly as much as I should (I'm not ususally too hungry in the mornings and once I get busy at work I dont really have time to eat/snack), one days supply ends up lasting me all week.
     1/4 Cup Sunflower Seeds
     1/4 Cup Pumpkin Seeds
     1/4 Cup Chopped Almonds
     I have since added 1/4 cup Rice & Oats Granola, & 1/8 cup dried blueberries to try to make it more appealing to my taste buds which helps. But of course I cant soak them like this, and I have a harder time getting myself to eat them it they are soaked anyway so I figure at least I must be getting some nutritional value out of it, it's better than eating many other things that are easily available and more appealing to my taste buds (like chocolate!!!).

Sometimes (not often) I'll have one of the following;
Greek Yogurt 
Protein Bar (Perfect or Adkins)

I Workout (weights 3x p/wk, run 2x p/wk) every weekday at about 1pm, then I drink;
Whole Milk 8oz - Kemps Organic Grass Fed
Collagen Protein 20g - Bulletproof Unflavored (added to milk with Hershey's Simply 5 Chocolate)

3-4 Probiotics (see above)

Shower then Apply;
     PM Oil - Wowbust with a few drops of Rice Bran Oil & Volufiline, and Circular Massage 300x
     PC 1/8tsp - Smoky Mountain Naturals 
                      (sometimes I put this on my breast, sometimes on my arms or back)

                     I’m still not sure about this I started getting more acne when I first started using this, and even more when I increased at luteal!
     Flax & Rice Bran Oil & Circular Breast Massage 300x 
                      (I add a few drops of Nerolli EO to this to mask the oily smell)

                      Thinking of switching this to a FG, Fennel, & Black Seed in Almond & Olive Oil for next cycle.
      PC 1/4tsp (working my way up to 3/4 at menes)
                     Again, still not sure about this I’m thinking of just using a very small amount until I get a handle on my acne & weight gain.

I also have a homemade body butter I often use after, just because it gives my skin a more 'plumped' feeling & appearance. I use this all over my body & I love it...
          Mix in a Magic Bullet or similar;
           3Tbsp Shea Butter
           1Tbsp Coco Butter (shaved or it's too hard)
           3Tbsp Emu Oil
           1Tbsp Kigelia (Kigeline) Extract 

          1Tsp Volufiline
              I get my Kigeline & Volufiline from

Dinner I eat a normal 600-900 calorie meal trying to stay healthy with my choices,... grass fed beef, chicken, salmon. paired with a steamed vegetable, or brown rice, sometimes I'll have a gluten free pizza (oh yeah, I don't eat gluten), a salad from Culver's, Wendy's, etc, sometimes it's just something out of the fresh food deli at the local store. 

PM Just B-4 Bed (see AM above for details)
3-4 Probiotics 
Ground Flax 30mg
3 Tsp Premixed Nutritional Blend
1 Multi-Vitamin 
Niacin 400mg 
Fish Oil 1290mg
CLA 1600mg


     PM 500mg - Ainterol
     Shatavari 1200mg - Roar to Life
     Saw Palmento 480mg - Natures Bounty (I'm trying to find a smaller dose, but may eliminate due to acne and weight issues)

     PM 100mg - Still trying to find a good powder source, the stuff I ordered was RED!!!! So at this time I am just taking my 500mg cap and trying to fill my 100mg capsules with the powder but this is NOT IDEAL!!!
     Shatavari 1200mg
     Saw Palmento 480mg (May eliminate?...  (acne & weight/cellulite issues?)...thoughts???)

So today's stats;
Height - 5'6"
Weight - 139
Bust - 36"
UB - 31"

1993 (After Hypnosis)

2016 (Noogling Program)

2019/10 - 2019/12 (Flax Seed & Soy) & Present

Okaaaaay, this may sound cringey buuuuut I <3 YOUR PROGRAM AND I LOVE YOU GIRRRLLL YOU GAVE ME LOTS OF IDEAS!!!

(04-02-2020, 23:41)James98 Wrote:  
(04-02-2020, 18:57)StormyAngel Wrote:  ... in the 2016 pics the nipple/areola is inside the rib cage area, and of the recent pics the areola is outside the frame of the body...

That is exactly why I said the camera distance was different. If you stand in front of a mirror, at least 6ft (2m) from the mirror, are your areola within your rib cage? I would expect so.

Weird, all were taken at arms distance. 
The 16 series were taken in a IR sauna with me holding the camera (arms out), and for the 2019 series I found something to hold/set the camera on in the bathroom in the building I work in now. I did crop the 19 pictures but the angle & distance is still relatively the same. 
The next update I do I will try holding the camera again, probably with my arms at my sides they sit different. I can see they sit higher if I put my hands on my waist (2nd pic in the 19 series) than if I have them at my sides.

(05-02-2020, 04:10)EllaC Wrote:  I’ve never tried a menstral cup the idea fascinates and scares me. I’ve discovered period undies though, I’ve yet to buy a pair @ $40 a pair but I will one day.

Whaaaaaaat?!!! This is new to me!!! 
Sorry, this made me giggle,... I wonder how you wash them?!!!  The 1st sight I found has a pretty good price, not sure on the conversion for you but here is a link you might look into, they got really good sales and start at 14.99 US$!

BTW, try the cup, after the 1st day or 2 you'll love it and wonder why you didnt try it years ago!!! 
I think this is the video I watched when I first heard about it. I love that she is just a young teen and can talk and share so openly about something so personal!
The 1st one I got was too big (I figured since I had 2 kids and I'm older I needed the bigger one, mistake! I could feel it at the opening and it was a bit uncomfortable (I do have a tipped uterus so not sure if this was why), so I would recommend maybe starting with a smaller one and if you leak to to the large).

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