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"Some people have all of the luck!"


I hope you'll excuse me for making two threads today, I have a lot on my mind. I try to be rational and view things objectively, despite my self hatred and insecurities getting in the way.

Often times I feel like some women have all the luck, they were genetically blessed with natural large breasts and I was not.

And yet... I see those same women very often trying to HIDE their breasts. They say they hate them, they want a reduction, they don't like how it looks in clothes.

This baffles me and sometimes it makes me angry. I try not to become hateful about it, but how dare they get the one thing I want and then be so ungrateful about it? It really makes me curse my genetics and puberty, if I had larger breasts my confidence would surely be higher and I'd feel good about myself.

They don't understand my struggle, the struggle of feeling boyish and childish instead of a woman, feeling sexually invisible and unattractive. They don't realise how good they have it. I wonder sometimes if they really do hate it, or they're just trying to humblebrag, but I want to look at it objectively and with good will so I try to understand.

Even though I feel INCREDIBLY unlucky and I hate everything about my body, I actually get called lucky by most people I meet. When they find out about my fast metabolism, they say something like "You're so lucky! I wish I could be like you, I could eat anything I want" and it baffles me.

Thanks to my fast metabolism, I feel extremely unattractive. My body is not a curvy, womanly body. I have a rather childish, boyish, androgynous body. I hate my skinny chicken legs, the "hardness" of my body, my bony skeleton arms and wrists and obviously, my rather small chest area. I am constantly pushing to gain weight because I feel hideous, it's the one thing I'm trying most to change about myself and yet most people I meet will tell me I'm "lucky".

I wonder if I am to those people what they are to me. It's hard to look at it objectively, but maybe it's a case of "the grass is greener on the other side"?

Trying to be objective doesn't change the way that I hate myself and want to change but it does provide an interesting perspective.

If I could trade away my "luck" to a curvy big breasted girl who wants to be skinny and small, I'd do it in a heartbeat. It's a shame that the world doesn't work that way.

I think that the one and only plus that this provides to me for NBE at least is that since I'm trying to gain weight aswell as breast size, I can try to make some natural growth all over my body at once. I know that some users ONLY want to grow their breast size which I think would definitely make it harder, since growing fat on your body in one spot only is harder.

Personally I would be very happy as a chubby curvy girl with large breasts, it would make me feel feminine and womanly. I want to be soft, mostly in the breast area, but all over too.

Has anyone else ever thought about the topic of luck? Do you resent the lucky ones?


I think most people, especially women relate to the grass is greener thing... I find it interesting what thing we end up being "obsessed" with and what it tells about us. Myself I was a nerdy girl and I think that combined with me always being skinny and underweight resulted in me wanting boobs, because I wanted to be sexually attractive. I was so skinny during high school I was called to the school nurse because someone had alarmed her I have anorexia... Lol, it was just fast metabolism combined with crappy diet. Like you I've also find the curvy body type to be the most attractive, I would happily add a muffin top on my belly in exchange for boobs! My ideal body is Marilyn Monroe and Nigella Lawson.

A couple of years ago I started weight lifting and that combined with a calorie rich diet helped me gain 10kg /22lbs. Sadly I only grew from A to B cup but I now have curves in form of ass, thighs and small waist so I consider myself half way there. I highly recommend weightlifting, not only for your physiqe, but also for the endorphines and the respect you gain for your body and mental strength. It is also absolutely possible for you to gain weight but it requires effort, you can't grow on junk food and you need dicipline to eat several times a day even when your not hungry. Weight lifting helps the appetite a lot! Also all the protein you consume for muscle building is amazing for hair nails, etc, it is really the best thing I ever done!

My best friend is a curvy girl with a D cup and she doesnt appreciate it at all. She is all for elegance and think big boobs look makes her look like a cow lolol. She idolizes skinny women and is obsessed with being petite, while I envy her boobs she would give them away in a heartbeat in exchange for my waist, collarbones (?) and flat stomach. She is short and gains weight very easly (thyroid issues) if she lets her strict diet go for one month she morhps from curvy to fat pretty quick. This has made her count her cellulites, feeling guilt every time she has dessert, and she sucks in her tummy ALL the time, even with her boyfriend. She's doneit so many years its automatic and during stressful times, it results in painful cramping. She also has a hard time accepting that her boobs has stretch marks. This girl is gorgeus, but all her complexes are just as real as you hating your skinny body. She would say that you take your flat stomach for granted lol. You might see gorgeus busty women and envy their boobs, meanwhile they are obsessing over getting a nose job, vagina-plasty, or getting thicker hair, bleaching aerolas and what ever crazy beauty standard that is their personal obsession. I think it's more common to have one than not having one, but I try to keep that in mind and count my blessings so to speak, I did luck out genetically in some areas even though my boobs did not, and I'm sure so did you.

also beauty and femininty is not just tied to your looks, it is the way you speak, how you carry yourself, the look in your eyes, your movements and gestures... Don't hate your body!

I am by no means a personal trainer but let me know if you would like some tips about weight gain, I know the struggle! Lastly I want to share what my bestie said to me when we spoke about NBE which was "I hope one day your boobs are so huge you'll have to use deoderant under them on a hot summers day and then you will understand my pain" Big Grin" alt="Big Grin" title="Big Grin">


(07-09-2020, 11:32)Nefertity Wrote:  

I think most people, especially women relate to the grass is greener thing... I find it interesting what thing we end up being "obsessed" with and what it tells about us. Myself I was a nerdy girl and I think that combined with me always being skinny and underweight resulted in me wanting boobs, because I wanted to be sexually attractive. I was so skinny during high school I was called to the school nurse because someone had alarmed her I have anorexia... Lol, it was just fast metabolism combined with crappy diet. Like you I've also find the curvy body type to be the most attractive, I would happily add a muffin top on my belly in exchange for boobs! My ideal body is Marilyn Monroe and Nigella Lawson.

A couple of years ago I started weight lifting and that combined with a calorie rich diet helped me gain 10kg /22lbs. Sadly I only grew from A to B cup but I now have curves in form of ass, thighs and small waist so I consider myself half way there. I highly recommend weightlifting, not only for your physiqe, but also for the endorphines and the respect you gain for your body and mental strength. It is also absolutely possible for you to gain weight but it requires effort, you can't grow on junk food and you need dicipline to eat several times a day even when your not hungry. Weight lifting helps the appetite a lot! Also all the protein you consume for muscle building is amazing for hair nails, etc, it is really the best thing I ever done!

My best friend is a curvy girl with a D cup and she doesnt appreciate it at all. She is all for elegance and think big boobs look makes her look like a cow lolol. She idolizes skinny women and is obsessed with being petite, while I envy her boobs she would give them away in a heartbeat in exchange for my waist, collarbones (?) and flat stomach. She is short and gains weight very easly (thyroid issues) if she lets her strict diet go for one month she morhps from curvy to fat pretty quick. This has made her count her cellulites, feeling guilt every time she has dessert, and she sucks in her tummy ALL the time, even with her boyfriend. She's doneit so many years its automatic and during stressful times, it results in painful cramping. She also has a hard time accepting that her boobs has stretch marks. This girl is gorgeus, but all her complexes are just as real as you hating your skinny body. She would say that you take your flat stomach for granted lol. You might see gorgeus busty women and envy their boobs, meanwhile they are obsessing over getting a nose job, vagina-plasty, or getting thicker hair, bleaching aerolas and what ever crazy beauty standard that is their personal obsession. I think it's more common to have one than not having one, but I try to keep that in mind and count my blessings so to speak, I did luck out genetically in some areas even though my boobs did not, and I'm sure so did you.

also beauty and femininty is not just tied to your looks, it is the way you speak, how you carry yourself, the look in your eyes, your movements and gestures... Don't hate your body!

I am by no means a personal trainer but let me know if you would like some tips about weight gain, I know the struggle! Lastly I want to share what my bestie said to me when we spoke about NBE which was "I hope one day your boobs are so huge you'll have to use deoderant under them on a hot summers day and then you will understand my pain" Big Grin" alt="Big Grin" title="Big Grin">

Wow, I could relate so much in your first paragraph. I was also a nerdy, skinny girl growing up who just wanted to be sexually attractive and thought that puberty would give it to me... I was wrong, obviously, now I'm here working on NBE to get there. I also was called in for being "anorexic" due to my high metabolism, and I idolise the same kind of body type that you do.

It provides a really interesting perspective, especially when it comes to women like you said, everybody has their own ideal of beauty and fixation on something. Although we all (mostly) strive to be conventionally attractive - but there is not really just ONE conventionally attractive, there are so many mixed messages in the media. The things that I fixate on that make me feel lesser (curvy, "thicc" models and the whole Kim K look trend) are probably different to whatever other people with those features fixate on that make them feel lesser. It makes me a little frustrated I can't just appreciate what I have, but I know it's not that simple and it's not going to change so I have to change.

It's interesting that your friend wants an elegant look. I will admit that I can probably pass for "elegant" (like a ballerina type elegant) or "cute". But what I want is sexy bombshell! I want to ooze sex appeal and femininity even when I'm not trying to. Curvy girls can put on a t-shirt and look sexier than I can look in lingerie, it's not fair. I feel like I might aswell be invisible and genderless with my current body.

Thanks so much for the kind offer. I'm still working on finding what works for me, I've been making some progress on my current plan but I'm open to new ideas. I do go for weight gain as part of my plan but I also stimulate my breasts a lot and it seems to encourage the small bit of fat I can grow to go there.


I agree that the grass is greener on the other side and it sounds like you have (had?) bdd.  It’s fine to want something but do appreciate what you already have and remember many things are more important than looks.

Try the foods in my sig links.  If you can’t find them then there are alternatives.  I don’t remember if I included them but I believe the UK has coriander leaf and watercress, and either is just as good as the other greens.

Here are some herbs that tend to be easy to find:
1-3 tbsp fenugreek seeds, soaked in water for at least 4 hours.  Try health food stores or Indian shops.
1 capsule saw palmetto extract or up to 10g mint (made into 2 cups tea) or 30g fresh mint (easy to grow)
1 capsule vitex
600-1,800 mg hops

(10-09-2020, 10:48)surferjoe2007 Wrote:  I agree that the grass is greener on the other side and it sounds like you have (had?) bdd.  It’s fine to want something but do appreciate what you already have and remember many things are more important than looks.

Try the foods in my sig links.  If you can’t find them then there are alternatives.  I don’t remember if I included them but I believe the UK has coriander leaf and watercress, and either is just as good as the other greens.

Here are some herbs that tend to be easy to find:
1-3 tbsp fenugreek seeds, soaked in water for at least 4 hours.  Try health food stores or Indian shops.
1 capsule saw palmetto extract or up to 10g mint (made into 2 cups tea) or 30g fresh mint (easy to grow)
1 capsule vitex
600-1,800 mg hops

To be honest after I look into the symptoms of BDD it seems kind of likely.

Thank you for the advice, I'll try and look into stores I wouldn't usually visit to see if I can find it!


(07-09-2020, 15:45)dreamergirl Wrote:  

(07-09-2020, 11:32)Nefertity Wrote:  

I think most people, especially women relate to the grass is greener thing... I find it interesting what thing we end up being "obsessed" with and what it tells about us. Myself I was a nerdy girl and I think that combined with me always being skinny and underweight resulted in me wanting boobs, because I wanted to be sexually attractive. I was so skinny during high school I was called to the school nurse because someone had alarmed her I have anorexia... Lol, it was just fast metabolism combined with crappy diet. Like you I've also find the curvy body type to be the most attractive, I would happily add a muffin top on my belly in exchange for boobs! My ideal body is Marilyn Monroe and Nigella Lawson.

A couple of years ago I started weight lifting and that combined with a calorie rich diet helped me gain 10kg /22lbs. Sadly I only grew from A to B cup but I now have curves in form of ass, thighs and small waist so I consider myself half way there. I highly recommend weightlifting, not only for your physiqe, but also for the endorphines and the respect you gain for your body and mental strength. It is also absolutely possible for you to gain weight but it requires effort, you can't grow on junk food and you need dicipline to eat several times a day even when your not hungry. Weight lifting helps the appetite a lot! Also all the protein you consume for muscle building is amazing for hair nails, etc, it is really the best thing I ever done!

My best friend is a curvy girl with a D cup and she doesnt appreciate it at all. She is all for elegance and think big boobs look makes her look like a cow lolol. She idolizes skinny women and is obsessed with being petite, while I envy her boobs she would give them away in a heartbeat in exchange for my waist, collarbones (?) and flat stomach. She is short and gains weight very easly (thyroid issues) if she lets her strict diet go for one month she morhps from curvy to fat pretty quick. This has made her count her cellulites, feeling guilt every time she has dessert, and she sucks in her tummy ALL the time, even with her boyfriend. She's doneit so many years its automatic and during stressful times, it results in painful cramping. She also has a hard time accepting that her boobs has stretch marks. This girl is gorgeus, but all her complexes are just as real as you hating your skinny body. She would say that you take your flat stomach for granted lol. You might see gorgeus busty women and envy their boobs, meanwhile they are obsessing over getting a nose job, vagina-plasty, or getting thicker hair, bleaching aerolas and what ever crazy beauty standard that is their personal obsession. I think it's more common to have one than not having one, but I try to keep that in mind and count my blessings so to speak, I did luck out genetically in some areas even though my boobs did not, and I'm sure so did you.

also beauty and femininty is not just tied to your looks, it is the way you speak, how you carry yourself, the look in your eyes, your movements and gestures... Don't hate your body!

I am by no means a personal trainer but let me know if you would like some tips about weight gain, I know the struggle! Lastly I want to share what my bestie said to me when we spoke about NBE which was "I hope one day your boobs are so huge you'll have to use deoderant under them on a hot summers day and then you will understand my pain" Big Grin" alt="Big Grin" title="Big Grin">

Wow, I could relate so much in your first paragraph. I was also a nerdy, skinny girl growing up who just wanted to be sexually attractive and thought that puberty would give it to me... I was wrong, obviously, now I'm here working on NBE to get there. I also was called in for being "anorexic" due to my high metabolism, and I idolise the same kind of body type that you do.

It provides a really interesting perspective, especially when it comes to women like you said, everybody has their own ideal of beauty and fixation on something. Although we all (mostly) strive to be conventionally attractive - but there is not really just ONE conventionally attractive, there are so many mixed messages in the media. The things that I fixate on that make me feel lesser (curvy, "thicc" models and the whole Kim K look trend) are probably different to whatever other people with those features fixate on that make them feel lesser. It makes me a little frustrated I can't just appreciate what I have, but I know it's not that simple and it's not going to change so I have to change.

It's interesting that your friend wants an elegant look. I will admit that I can probably pass for "elegant" (like a ballerina type elegant) or "cute". But what I want is sexy bombshell! I want to ooze sex appeal and femininity even when I'm not trying to. Curvy girls can put on a t-shirt and look sexier than I can look in lingerie, it's not fair. I feel like I might aswell be invisible and genderless with my current body.

Thanks so much for the kind offer. I'm still working on finding what works for me, I've been making some progress on my current plan but I'm open to new ideas. I do go for weight gain as part of my plan but I also stimulate my breasts a lot and it seems to encourage the small bit of fat I can grow to go there.

I have this gain-smoothie recipe that helped me a lot, and it can be tasty too, you will need a blender:

3-4 table spoons of organic no added sugar peanut butter

0,5 dl mixed seeds - sunflower, pumpkin & sesame are NBE friendly

1 dl protein powder - chocolate flavour mixes well with it (wheys banana & chocolate especially)

1 dl oats

water or milk, enough to mix it

frosen berries - as much as you like, the more the tastier. I prefer mixed berries

This recipe is 1122 kcal and actually the light version of it Tongue" alt="Tongue" title="Tongue">  I used to pack it with even more seeds, peanutbutter and oats to get it up to 1800 kcal. I started to put in the berries and seeds with water (enough to cover it) in the blender and leave for about 10 minutes, this was to soften the frosen berries enough to not break my blender. Then I mixed the seeds, water and berries only, this is because it is important to break the seeds so that your body can properly digest it and get all the fatty healthy nutrients. When all the seeds have been properly destroyed (2 minutes or something) I add the peanut butter because this also can get clumpy. Then the other ingredients in what ever order. Use as much water or milk until you get the consistency you like.

It is easier to drink your calories than eat them, and if you cant drink it all at once you can just store it in the fridge for later. (note that in the fridge it can get really thick amost like pudding, and kind of a "seedy" taste!) My boyfriend found this smoothie so delicious he actually wanted it for dessert sometimes, especially when I used the WHEY banana & chocolate flavour. It is a great complement to your diet and if you have a busy day where you did not have time to eat you can pack the smoothie with even more as I mentioned above. If anything your hair and nails will love it!


(14-09-2020, 13:02)Nefertity Wrote:  

(07-09-2020, 15:45)dreamergirl Wrote:  

(07-09-2020, 11:32)Nefertity Wrote:  

I think most people, especially women relate to the grass is greener thing... I find it interesting what thing we end up being "obsessed" with and what it tells about us. Myself I was a nerdy girl and I think that combined with me always being skinny and underweight resulted in me wanting boobs, because I wanted to be sexually attractive. I was so skinny during high school I was called to the school nurse because someone had alarmed her I have anorexia... Lol, it was just fast metabolism combined with crappy diet. Like you I've also find the curvy body type to be the most attractive, I would happily add a muffin top on my belly in exchange for boobs! My ideal body is Marilyn Monroe and Nigella Lawson.

A couple of years ago I started weight lifting and that combined with a calorie rich diet helped me gain 10kg /22lbs. Sadly I only grew from A to B cup but I now have curves in form of ass, thighs and small waist so I consider myself half way there. I highly recommend weightlifting, not only for your physiqe, but also for the endorphines and the respect you gain for your body and mental strength. It is also absolutely possible for you to gain weight but it requires effort, you can't grow on junk food and you need dicipline to eat several times a day even when your not hungry. Weight lifting helps the appetite a lot! Also all the protein you consume for muscle building is amazing for hair nails, etc, it is really the best thing I ever done!

My best friend is a curvy girl with a D cup and she doesnt appreciate it at all. She is all for elegance and think big boobs look makes her look like a cow lolol. She idolizes skinny women and is obsessed with being petite, while I envy her boobs she would give them away in a heartbeat in exchange for my waist, collarbones (?) and flat stomach. She is short and gains weight very easly (thyroid issues) if she lets her strict diet go for one month she morhps from curvy to fat pretty quick. This has made her count her cellulites, feeling guilt every time she has dessert, and she sucks in her tummy ALL the time, even with her boyfriend. She's doneit so many years its automatic and during stressful times, it results in painful cramping. She also has a hard time accepting that her boobs has stretch marks. This girl is gorgeus, but all her complexes are just as real as you hating your skinny body. She would say that you take your flat stomach for granted lol. You might see gorgeus busty women and envy their boobs, meanwhile they are obsessing over getting a nose job, vagina-plasty, or getting thicker hair, bleaching aerolas and what ever crazy beauty standard that is their personal obsession. I think it's more common to have one than not having one, but I try to keep that in mind and count my blessings so to speak, I did luck out genetically in some areas even though my boobs did not, and I'm sure so did you.

also beauty and femininty is not just tied to your looks, it is the way you speak, how you carry yourself, the look in your eyes, your movements and gestures... Don't hate your body!

I am by no means a personal trainer but let me know if you would like some tips about weight gain, I know the struggle! Lastly I want to share what my bestie said to me when we spoke about NBE which was "I hope one day your boobs are so huge you'll have to use deoderant under them on a hot summers day and then you will understand my pain" Big Grin" alt="Big Grin" title="Big Grin">

Wow, I could relate so much in your first paragraph. I was also a nerdy, skinny girl growing up who just wanted to be sexually attractive and thought that puberty would give it to me... I was wrong, obviously, now I'm here working on NBE to get there. I also was called in for being "anorexic" due to my high metabolism, and I idolise the same kind of body type that you do.

It provides a really interesting perspective, especially when it comes to women like you said, everybody has their own ideal of beauty and fixation on something. Although we all (mostly) strive to be conventionally attractive - but there is not really just ONE conventionally attractive, there are so many mixed messages in the media. The things that I fixate on that make me feel lesser (curvy, "thicc" models and the whole Kim K look trend) are probably different to whatever other people with those features fixate on that make them feel lesser. It makes me a little frustrated I can't just appreciate what I have, but I know it's not that simple and it's not going to change so I have to change.

It's interesting that your friend wants an elegant look. I will admit that I can probably pass for "elegant" (like a ballerina type elegant) or "cute". But what I want is sexy bombshell! I want to ooze sex appeal and femininity even when I'm not trying to. Curvy girls can put on a t-shirt and look sexier than I can look in lingerie, it's not fair. I feel like I might aswell be invisible and genderless with my current body.

Thanks so much for the kind offer. I'm still working on finding what works for me, I've been making some progress on my current plan but I'm open to new ideas. I do go for weight gain as part of my plan but I also stimulate my breasts a lot and it seems to encourage the small bit of fat I can grow to go there.

I have this gain-smoothie recipe that helped me a lot, and it can be tasty too, you will need a blender:

3-4 table spoons of organic no added sugar peanut butter

0,5 dl mixed seeds - sunflower, pumpkin & sesame are NBE friendly

1 dl protein powder - chocolate flavour mixes well with it (wheys banana & chocolate especially)

1 dl oats

water or milk, enough to mix it

frosen berries - as much as you like, the more the tastier. I prefer mixed berries

This recipe is 1122 kcal and actually the light version of it  Tongue" alt="Tongue" title="Tongue">  I used to pack it with even more seeds, peanutbutter and oats to get it up to 1800 kcal. I started to put in the berries and seeds with water (enough to cover it) in the blender and leave for about 10 minutes, this was to soften the frosen berries enough to not break my blender. Then I mixed the seeds, water and berries only, this is because it is important to break the seeds so that your body can properly digest it and get all the fatty healthy nutrients. When all the seeds have been properly destroyed (2 minutes or something) I add the peanut butter because this also can get clumpy. Then the other ingredients in what ever order. Use as much water or milk until you get the consistency you like.

It is easier to drink your calories than eat them, and if you cant drink it all at once you can just store it in the fridge for later. (note that in the fridge it can get really thick amost like pudding, and kind of a "seedy" taste!) My boyfriend found this smoothie so delicious he actually wanted it for dessert sometimes, especially when I used the WHEY banana & chocolate flavour. It is a great complement to your diet and if you have a busy day where you did not have time to eat you can pack the smoothie with even more as I mentioned above. If anything your hair and nails will love it!

I like the seeds, oats and berries in that smoothie.  You may want 6,000 mg fish oil for health in general and especially to balance out the plant oils.

(14-09-2020, 13:02)Nefertity Wrote:  

(07-09-2020, 15:45)dreamergirl Wrote:  

(07-09-2020, 11:32)Nefertity Wrote:  

I think most people, especially women relate to the grass is greener thing... I find it interesting what thing we end up being "obsessed" with and what it tells about us. Myself I was a nerdy girl and I think that combined with me always being skinny and underweight resulted in me wanting boobs, because I wanted to be sexually attractive. I was so skinny during high school I was called to the school nurse because someone had alarmed her I have anorexia... Lol, it was just fast metabolism combined with crappy diet. Like you I've also find the curvy body type to be the most attractive, I would happily add a muffin top on my belly in exchange for boobs! My ideal body is Marilyn Monroe and Nigella Lawson.

A couple of years ago I started weight lifting and that combined with a calorie rich diet helped me gain 10kg /22lbs. Sadly I only grew from A to B cup but I now have curves in form of ass, thighs and small waist so I consider myself half way there. I highly recommend weightlifting, not only for your physiqe, but also for the endorphines and the respect you gain for your body and mental strength. It is also absolutely possible for you to gain weight but it requires effort, you can't grow on junk food and you need dicipline to eat several times a day even when your not hungry. Weight lifting helps the appetite a lot! Also all the protein you consume for muscle building is amazing for hair nails, etc, it is really the best thing I ever done!

My best friend is a curvy girl with a D cup and she doesnt appreciate it at all. She is all for elegance and think big boobs look makes her look like a cow lolol. She idolizes skinny women and is obsessed with being petite, while I envy her boobs she would give them away in a heartbeat in exchange for my waist, collarbones (?) and flat stomach. She is short and gains weight very easly (thyroid issues) if she lets her strict diet go for one month she morhps from curvy to fat pretty quick. This has made her count her cellulites, feeling guilt every time she has dessert, and she sucks in her tummy ALL the time, even with her boyfriend. She's doneit so many years its automatic and during stressful times, it results in painful cramping. She also has a hard time accepting that her boobs has stretch marks. This girl is gorgeus, but all her complexes are just as real as you hating your skinny body. She would say that you take your flat stomach for granted lol. You might see gorgeus busty women and envy their boobs, meanwhile they are obsessing over getting a nose job, vagina-plasty, or getting thicker hair, bleaching aerolas and what ever crazy beauty standard that is their personal obsession. I think it's more common to have one than not having one, but I try to keep that in mind and count my blessings so to speak, I did luck out genetically in some areas even though my boobs did not, and I'm sure so did you.

also beauty and femininty is not just tied to your looks, it is the way you speak, how you carry yourself, the look in your eyes, your movements and gestures... Don't hate your body!

I am by no means a personal trainer but let me know if you would like some tips about weight gain, I know the struggle! Lastly I want to share what my bestie said to me when we spoke about NBE which was "I hope one day your boobs are so huge you'll have to use deoderant under them on a hot summers day and then you will understand my pain" Big Grin" alt="Big Grin" title="Big Grin">

Wow, I could relate so much in your first paragraph. I was also a nerdy, skinny girl growing up who just wanted to be sexually attractive and thought that puberty would give it to me... I was wrong, obviously, now I'm here working on NBE to get there. I also was called in for being "anorexic" due to my high metabolism, and I idolise the same kind of body type that you do.

It provides a really interesting perspective, especially when it comes to women like you said, everybody has their own ideal of beauty and fixation on something. Although we all (mostly) strive to be conventionally attractive - but there is not really just ONE conventionally attractive, there are so many mixed messages in the media. The things that I fixate on that make me feel lesser (curvy, "thicc" models and the whole Kim K look trend) are probably different to whatever other people with those features fixate on that make them feel lesser. It makes me a little frustrated I can't just appreciate what I have, but I know it's not that simple and it's not going to change so I have to change.

It's interesting that your friend wants an elegant look. I will admit that I can probably pass for "elegant" (like a ballerina type elegant) or "cute". But what I want is sexy bombshell! I want to ooze sex appeal and femininity even when I'm not trying to. Curvy girls can put on a t-shirt and look sexier than I can look in lingerie, it's not fair. I feel like I might aswell be invisible and genderless with my current body.

Thanks so much for the kind offer. I'm still working on finding what works for me, I've been making some progress on my current plan but I'm open to new ideas. I do go for weight gain as part of my plan but I also stimulate my breasts a lot and it seems to encourage the small bit of fat I can grow to go there.

I have this gain-smoothie recipe that helped me a lot, and it can be tasty too, you will need a blender:

3-4 table spoons of organic no added sugar peanut butter

0,5 dl mixed seeds - sunflower, pumpkin & sesame are NBE friendly

1 dl protein powder - chocolate flavour mixes well with it (wheys banana & chocolate especially)

1 dl oats

water or milk, enough to mix it

frosen berries - as much as you like, the more the tastier. I prefer mixed berries

This recipe is 1122 kcal and actually the light version of it Tongue" alt="Tongue" title="Tongue">  I used to pack it with even more seeds, peanutbutter and oats to get it up to 1800 kcal. I started to put in the berries and seeds with water (enough to cover it) in the blender and leave for about 10 minutes, this was to soften the frosen berries enough to not break my blender. Then I mixed the seeds, water and berries only, this is because it is important to break the seeds so that your body can properly digest it and get all the fatty healthy nutrients. When all the seeds have been properly destroyed (2 minutes or something) I add the peanut butter because this also can get clumpy. Then the other ingredients in what ever order. Use as much water or milk until you get the consistency you like.

It is easier to drink your calories than eat them, and if you cant drink it all at once you can just store it in the fridge for later. (note that in the fridge it can get really thick amost like pudding, and kind of a "seedy" taste!) My boyfriend found this smoothie so delicious he actually wanted it for dessert sometimes, especially when I used the WHEY banana & chocolate flavour. It is a great complement to your diet and if you have a busy day where you did not have time to eat you can pack the smoothie with even more as I mentioned above. If anything your hair and nails will love it!

This is an awesome recipe, definitely going to try it, thanks!

It's pretty similar to the high calorie smoothie I make already but I don't use any seeds and oats, that's an amazing idea. Thanks so much.


I feel that way about every woman. I have lopsided tubular breasts and I feel inferior to every woman because of it. I feel like Quasimodo and can't for the life of me understand how any woman could not appreciate the fact that she has normal breasts. No one does, of course, since having normal breasts comes with being a woman. Well, not for me.

I am obsessed with boobs, I always look at other women's chests.

I wish I could wear nice tops. I am even afraid of looking good, wearing make up and sexy clothes, because I would only be fooling people and I'd be getting to know men who care about looks and then they'd get THIS underneath. 
I feel like every other woman has what I want because it is so damn normal and they just don't care.

When women with normal boobs complain about them I feel even uglier in comparison. 

No offense to anyone here, if I had small normal boobs, I'd be over the moon, but I'd probably still do NBE. But I'd love and appreciate them nevertheless. But I also understand what it's like to either hate a body part of yours or to hate yourself entirely. I feel deformed as an entity and I believe that this has a lot to do with my mental issues. 
I take other's problems seriously as long as they are being sincere about them (not a skinny mini going around complaining to overweight people how fat she is because she is trying to fish for compliments). So even while it is beyond my comprehension how any woman with normal breasts could not be happy about having them, I can relate to the feeling of disliking or even despising your own body.


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