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Help me go from an AA to a B cup!!!

after posting last night, breasts were really achy for about 30 mins or so.

I'm feeling a bit run down at the moment with a big ulcer in my mouth, so that makes the aches a bit hard to take.

Temp is all over the place. I've gone on the Dr Rind site and he has this graph that he's made up - a template. So I've modified it a bit to allow for time of day, and have put all my temps in that. Its quite interesting to plot them as you can see how they go up and down etc.

Last few days have gone from 36.9 to 36.2 to 36.9 to 36.3 to 36.7.
I've noticed that generally (apart from a few exceptions), the earlier I wake up the lower the temperature. So the lower temperatures. I'm not sure if your temperature is meant to change that much in only a few hours anyway?!!?!

Searching - I have no idea. I don't see why not. Its just the same stuff but put together. And cheaper! Which one are you getting? I've got one called neocell and its 1 and 3.

am sorry to hear about your ulcer Sad

I ordered the neocell fish collagen with hyaluronic acid, 120 capsules.

hmmm the temperature thing really does stump me too, the only thing i can think of is maybe your body is used to sleep for a set number of hours lets say 8, then maybe your temperature follows a trend or cycle, when it dips n then comes up, so that when u take it after 6 hrs sleep it hasnt reached its proper level. not sure if that made sense Huh

Hi Dear!
I am so happy to read about your pains!!!! Smile I was on vacation for about a week and a half so I didn't read the forum.
I wanted to ask you why do you take collogen and hylauric acid??? Is it in the same pill? or is it two different pills?
and I hope you will have lots and lots of pains....Wink

yeah ulcers are horrible. I had to make a curry tonight just so I could eat it. WOAH my breasts are going crazy right now as I write this. OUCH. About a 8/10.

Today had times when breasts were aching a bit. Particularly in the morning after the collagen. And then again at night after the collagen. And now they are going a bit crazy. Say a 5/10 in average.

So I went to my naturopath today who explained more about the whole temperature thing. So apparently, what you are meant to do is obviously you take your temperature first thing as you wake up right. Now I wake up at all different times. So I take approximately an average time... say 7.30am. Then what you do is every half hour that deviates from that time, if its 30 minutes later you then deduct 0.05 off your temperature (this is for celcius). And if you wake up earlier you add that amount.

Also she told me that in the first half of your cycle it would be very odd to have a temp as high as 98.6F, and in fact, in the first half of your cycle (if you are trying to get pregnant) they recommend to be within 97.1 and 97.7. And in the latter half of your cycle, that is where you should be sitting somewhere between 97.8 and 98.5. However she said that it is better not to have too high a temperature.... so more towards the 97.8 than the 98.5..

So that is all quite interesting.

That's great you got the collagen searching.

Evas - than you. The pains are good, and bad too! lol Collagen is like a building block and helps you build new tissue (something like that). And the hylauric acid is something that they recommend you take with it... that, and apparently vitamin c is also good. I recommend taking the collagen because its good for your health anyway, and I am sure my nails have been growing even faster since I've been taking it! lol

This is a bit of guess work, but I am pretty sure that if I wait about 30 minutes after taking 2-3 capsules of the collagen (taking the collagen with a bit of vitamin c, the hylauric acid and msm), that I get pretty big pains. That might be just coincidence....

OOOO wow! 8/10 pains!!!! WOW!! I never had such pains!
About the temp....remember that I wrote you a post about it? I also know that before you ovulate your body temp must be low....I am happy that you found that out. Smile
You should take your body temp also after 3 hours...even after every 3 hours. that's when you can see if your body temp is in the norm.
but again...before I ovulate my body temp is low....all day long. around 36.5-36.6. after I ovulate my body temp is in the norm zone.
Do you take the Collagen a half an hour before you eat?
I looked it up on Swanson's site...and that's what they wrote on there site...that you need to take if at least a half an hour before eating. that it is good to take it on a empty stomach.
Maybe I will add the collagen and hylauric acid. Smile
Good Luck with the pains!!!Wink

last night after I posted, those aches went on for about 20-30minutes. Then kept aching a bit later in the evening about a 5/10 level.

This morning feel deep aches in chest.

Evas - yep some of the pains are very high. There was one time before I took BO, and I was just taking the collagen and MSM when I had crazy pains like a 9/10.

Yep, what I do with the collagen, is take it on an empty stomach. So my routine in the morning is

Wake up
Probiotic pill

30 minutes later - 2 collagen (neocell type 1 and 3), and 1 hylauronic pill

30 minutes - 3 BO pills, 1 pituitary, 1 kelp
Protein Shake

30 minutes later - to 1 hour later - breakfast

In the evening I take two collagen and 1 hylauronic about 30 minutes before eating. Then after eating about 1 hour I then take the BO. And have a protein drink.

I did some searching on this site about collagen, but I couldn't find much. I know some people take gelatin instead. I saw that some people like Superboob had collagen in their program, so that is why I decided to start taking it.

Thanks for the reminder about the temp stuff. My temp seems much higher now I am in the second half of my cycle. This morning it was 36.5. So about 36.6 when I take into consideration the average time thing. So that is just within the normal range. Also, my naturopath said because I have started on the contraceptive pill, that the pill lowers your temperature! Apparently the pill also strips your body of many B vitamins. So I am about to start taking a B vitamin supplement every day.

And yeah, all this aching of my breasts MUST be doing something right!!! lol I think I will actually be quite amazed if I keep getting pains like this and no growth...!

ooh a big thank you to your naturopath from all of us! and an even bigger thank you to you, for solving the temperature mystery Tongue

I think if you get all these pains and still no growth i will be amazed, and i might even stop NBE all together, cuz u have an awesome program right now *touch wood* Smile

i didnt know having curry made a difference, i have it everyday, but i guess my body is just used to it now

no prob. Another thing the naturopath said is that L-tyrosine is really really good for the thyroid or adrenals... (can't remember which).

haha, yeah if I don't have any growth after a couple of months I reakon it will be time to pack up and start a website about how not to waste time doing NBE because the likelihood of it working is minimal. It would be interesting to do some stats on the number of members that have posted on this forum, and which ones have hardly had any growth or no growth at all, versus those that have claimed they have grown. Would be interesting to know the ratio! I have no idea.

I'd be interested to know how many skinny people like myself have grown successfully.

The curry was just because I couldn't chew the meat normally because it was too hard, so I just boiled it for ages until it went soft so it wouldn't irritate my ulcer! lol

As for today, had some pains here and there throughout the day, only about a 2/10.

Hi Dear!
Thanks for your reply!!! Smile
I think that you are growing hun!!! Don't think for a moment that you aren't! give it time....I know that you are into the NBE thing for a long time now. but you started a new think that you are just at the 1st month with the BO...
You know what...I was thinking about the collagen all day yesterday (today I an going to order what you have - Hopefully I will get some good growing pains going around....YIPEE!!! Smile )
And I suddenly remembered that the gals who eat chicken feet - they eat it because of the collagen in it????!!! (or is it my mistake and it is Gelatin?) if I am wrong so why are they need Gelatin? what does it do?

YOOOO HOOO.... I placed my order of the Collagen pills and the hylauronic pill!!!! Just like yours!!!! Smile
I can't wait till it will be here!!!
I ordered from the - I noticed that there shipping is much more cheaper then Swanson's. (I don't live in the the international shipping for Swanson's was $25 and the shipping for Vitacost site is about $10 that's a big difference for me)
I just wanted to thank you so much for your program!!!! I love how you update your progress on a daily basis...I don't have time to do that on my page...and I don't really know what to update because I don't really have much to say....
But now I will write my new routine when I will recive my pills in the mail!!! YOOO HOOOO I can't wait to see if I will have the growing pains that you have!Wink
Good Luck!

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