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Help me go from an AA to a B cup!!!

hi eva,

yeah, I will remember to start the BO clock at just this month, not April when I first started NBE! That does make it sound very recent... although its hard not to remember the months during winter of massaging with stinky fenugreek, my room smelling like India, and freezing my breasts before I applied the hot towels and massaged them and they got warmer. So yeah, must remember - only been on BO for just over two weeks!!!

That's great you got the collagen. I'm not sure about the whole chicken feet thing and gelatin. I'll have to do some research into that. I never paid too much attention to people who wrote about chicken feet.... basically because it sounds sooooooo disgusting! hehe

Thanks for the tip about that other website. Those neocell pill boxes are pretty big and contain about 250 pills! So that should last me awhile.

When I first started taking the neocell I think I started with one, and then slowly ramped it up to two, then three. And I got these massive pains in my legs, exactly like growing pains that you get when you are a child. But then they stopped, and the breast pains kicked in.

Well, I'm a speed typist (probably why I always have so many spelling mistakes!), so it only takes me a couple of minutes to update. I want to document my 'progress', because if it works others can see what I did, and if it doesn't work, others can see what I tried and how it failed.... Also, I remember when I first joined this forum and some people had quite sparse programs and were saying they achieved amazing growth in only a few months etc.... but it didn't give you any sense of how irritating it is to be on NBE each day... how you have to remember to take your pills.... work out which kind of pills to take.... scheduling of them.... breast sensations..... and everything. So I hope that if someone is thinking about getting into NBE they will see from my program that is just goes on and on and on lol Its definitely not a quick fix. Plus I'm a real skeptic, and I like to see people who put photos up of their 'progress' so you can actually see the difference.

Good luck with your growing!

Speaking of which, this morning before I woke up, I partially woke up during the night and my breasts were aching. Then when I woke up properly this morning my breasts were aching away. About a 4/10.
My temp seems to be pretty stable the last few days - around the 36.6 mark.

Still got my ulcer, so am gargling with salt. Going to the doctor today so hopefully she can check it to make sure its getting better.

here are some links on gelatin

Andy thought that gelatin then is made into collagen by your body

And Mel says that the hyrdolysed collagen of neocell is basically the same as beef gelatin

and someone called Pix wrote

Gelatin is a good source of collagen protein.
It helps keep your skin smooth and firm as it helps your connective tissue in your skin. Eating foods rich in gelatin is good as it travels directly to your blood, and from there reaches your entire body. Apparently it is more effective to eat gelatin than it is to use collagen creams topically. Your breast skin and décolletage need all the firmness they can get!

Gelatin also strengthens the hair, making it silky smooth, and strengthens the nai

oooo WOW!!! You are really quick on your researches!!!! Wink
So I know now that the chicken feet soup contains gelatin in it....and then that probably turns into collagen in our bodies Smile!!!! Chicken feet I will never ever eat in my life! I hate chicken! so feet?! no way!!!
So the cool thing is that we don't need to eat the feet's! we will get the collagen from the pills!!!!! Yoooo Hooo...
all the gals (most of them) that I read about their program that containd chicken feet....they had great results!!!!
Like Tigerlily's program page... Smile
I hope that the Colllagen will give me a BIG push on my routine!
Good Luck to you dear!!!!

lol thank god for collagen pills, i tried the chicken feet to be honest, and it tastes alright, its not gross or anything, but i just got lazy and tired of bringing it, making it and eating it everyday, plus ur whole family sees u eating chicken feet, and smelling like tht soupAngry

i ordered collagen and hyaluronic acid this time too, so no more hard work for all that gelatin stuff hehe Tongue

on a different note, i visited my cousin today and even she had ulcers in her mouth, apparently she has a lot of body heat and whenever she is close to her periods her body heats up even more and she gets these ulcers, you could try folic acid GF, i wont recommend eating foods that cool down your temperature because i know how hard you worked to bring up your temperature, but that moght be one reason, your body is not used to being at this temperature.

cool, that's great you have both got the collagen.

lol searching - well done for cooking up chicken feet! now that is dedication right there!

Went to the doctor and apparently its not an ulcer, is an inflammation of the side of the mouth........ random. I think its an allergic reaction from mold because I found out that there are is all this mold on the carpet in my office.

Right, in terms of sensations today. About a 3/10. Didn't have ANY at all this morning, until just after lunch, then had this weird feeling that I haven't had before, it was like almost being winded... then that came back just before dinner time. Chest felt really tight.

Temp has been really stable last few days 4 days, 36.7, 36.5, 36.6, and 36.7. So hopefully that means its starting to stabilise.

Breasts felt weird today, had weird almost like I am being winded sensation in my chest. Main sensations were in the afternoon then just before dinner, and now after dinner. Felt like an annoying ache that didn't go away, as opposed to aches which a more sharp and don't last.
This was like a humming in the breasts.

When I look down on my breasts they look way bigger, especially if I lean over. But I can't see any difference otherwise.

Measuring I got 28", and 31". But then I also got 27.5" and 30.5". lol so shows how wildly inaccurate measuring is. or at least when I do it.

I'm trying to work out a way of showing growth change but not by measuring. hmmm will think about this more.

ya, in my culture people eat chicken feet. Usually in soup....Dodgyhated it. Never could eat that stuff. The chicken foot looks like a claw.

It must be quite chewy then?!

Well yesterday didn't have any sensations except for in afternoon which was noticeable pain.

Two weird things have happened.

Firstly, my temp is only 36.3 this morning which is really irritating! I thought that after the last 4 days of having a nice even high temp that I was on a roll! Apparently not.

In addition, last few days I've had spotting. I assume this is from the birth control pill I have just started up on a few weeks ago. Its really dumb because I felt like I was getting my period (but in a really minor way), even had that weird 'period is coming feeling'. So hopefully that will stop and next cycle it will get into the swing of things. I wondered whether that was affecting my breasts too, because my breasts have seriously been rather large (lol for me!), the last few days, and maybe that was because my body thought it was going to have a period?!?! no idea. Need to read more about this stupid contraceptive pill stuff. I'm a bit pissed off about the whole thing because I haven't been on the pill since last year. And since then I have finally started to have precision periods! i.e. I know exactly when I ovulate, exactly when my period will arrive. Then my new boyfriend said he wanted to have sex without using condoms, and I said, well that's fine we can use the rhythm method, but he didn't like the idea of that, it seemed 'too risky' for him. So I decided to go on the pill. Now I wish I hadn't because of these stupid side effects. GRRRRRRRRR

first day yesterday that had near to no pains at all throughout the day. just a slight tingle in the morning then that was it. It wasn't until I woke up during the night that I could feel my breasts tingling/aching when I was meant to be asleep.

My breasts really feel way bigger. Its kindof weird, and I'm skeptical watching them waiting for them to disappear..... lol But so far they are still there.

Will see what happens!

Also, my boyfriend found all my pills and he was like, oh, can I have a look what they are... I said sure... and he was looking them like WOAH what on earth is ovarian glandular.... etc... I didn't tell him what I was taking it for, just said it was for helping me put on weight... which technically is true! Weight on my breasts! lol

wow GF, congrats on them feeling bigger, i hope it sticks too Big Grin when did u last measure them? its good u arent measuring everyday, now whenever u measure next you ca see a significant change....

lol thats an awkward situation with the boyfriend, hopefully he wont probe further Tongue

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