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Help! New to nbe, tried a few things, nothing seems to work


Hello. I'm new here, but I've been trying nbe for quite some time now, and nothing seems to work. I'm 20 yo female, average weight, wide hips and chest, but barely any breasts (A, very small B cup) . I tried fenugreek and maca powder pills - didn't work at all, tried massages - nothing.  Then I decided to try soy flour and flaxseed. That's what I'm on right now but it doesn't work either. Besides, soy flour makes me so sick I can barely go on with my day. I don't know what else should I try. I can't find pueraria mirifica anywhere (none of the sites, including amazon, ships to my country). Am I doing something wrong? I am very dedicated and I am trying my best, but I don't understand why I'm not seeing any, even the slightest, changes. The only herb I would be able to get is red clover, but I'm not sure if it's worth trying since I've spent so much money on those supplements. Any advice or help is appreciated. Thank you.


What country do you live in ?

That sucks because cycling PM seems to work great. Try

Or even ebay.

You should look into Chiyomilk program. This program targets all the hormones needed.


(04-10-2021, 06:01)elusive_butterfly16 Wrote:  

What country do you live in ?

That sucks because cycling PM seems to work great. Try

Or even ebay.

You should look into Chiyomilk program. This program targets all the hormones needed.

Thank you for your reply.

I'm from Latvia.

 Also, I've looked up Chiyomilk program, and it seems to work wonders. I would love to try it, but I already looked up the supplements she used and unfortunately I couldn't find a single place that ship's to my country Sad


Try foods listed in signature thread plus:
- 15 mL fenugreek seeds, soak in water at least 4 hours to soften, drain, rinse, snack.
- 5 mL maca powder.
- 15 mL ground flax seeds.
- 1 capsule vitex (any mg)

After 4 months on the foods or growth begins, whichever comes first:
- Gradually increase fenugreek to 50 mL over 1-2 weeks.
- Same for maca to 15 mL
- Same for flax to 30 mL
- Vitex unchanged.
- Be patient for at least 4 more months (up to 8 total) before expecting growth.  While a few do, most don’t grow in a month.  Especially not those starting at A.

If you can get saw palmetto extract capsules then 1 capsule helps a little too but it has to be an extract.  Or grow fresh mint and have up to 30 grams (dried is only up to 10 grams but it’s expensive).  These aren’t necessary though.

Massage helps a little if you have the time.  Any oil is fine but flax oil is a little better.  Likewise be patient.

(03-10-2021, 21:21)upupupidy Wrote:  

Hello. I'm new here, but I've been trying nbe for quite some time now, and nothing seems to work. I'm 20 yo female, average weight, wide hips and chest, but barely any breasts (A, very small B cup) . I tried fenugreek and maca powder pills - didn't work at all, tried massages - nothing.  Then I decided to try soy flour and flaxseed. That's what I'm on right now but it doesn't work either. Besides, soy flour makes me so sick I can barely go on with my day. I don't know what else should I try. I can't find pueraria mirifica anywhere (none of the sites, including amazon, ships to my country). Am I doing something wrong? I am very dedicated and I am trying my best, but I don't understand why I'm not seeing any, even the slightest, changes. The only herb I would be able to get is red clover, but I'm not sure if it's worth trying since I've spent so much money on those supplements. Any advice or help is appreciated. Thank you.

Hey! I'm 2 years older than you, and I can relate to your situation. I haven't used herbs yet, but I've been able to achieve a lot of success with my own methods. I started implementing these changes to my lifestyle around 19 and grew from nearly nothing to around an orange's volume in each breast:

1. Make sure you are getting enough sleep! You might still be in school, or you are working, maybe stressed. Do not stay up late past 11pm. I would say 10pm if possible. Try your very best to relax before bed. You can try listening to meditation music on YouTube, or my personal favourite, breast enlargement subliminal music that is relaxing. You could make a playlist for this purpose.

2. Use a heating pad on your chest when it's cold. Before bed, place the heating pad under the blanket for 10 minutes. Then power it off and snuggle. This really helped with my circulation, which I believe helped bring ideal conditions for my breasts to thrive. If you have cold feet, use large, thick, loose socks. I attribute an entire cup size of growth to this one change.

3. Use positive affirmations daily. Whenever you think anything negative, replace that thought and tell yourself "My breasts are amazing. My breasts are beautiful. They are the exact size and shape that I like them to be" and visualize your end goal in your mind's eye. Look up on Google "Law of Attraction" and "Law of Assumption" for more info. I grew my LIPS from doing this, something I used to think was impossible. If this is too difficult, say "I know that my breasts are still growing. They are growing a bit every single day and I'm so grateful."

4. Do not obsess in the mirror. Do not look so much to the point of frustration. If you don't like what you see, visualize what you want to see on yourself and don't ever allow yourself to see what you don't want.

5. Read stories about how other people's breasts grew for seemingly no reason in adulthood. This is all about the mind-body connection and positive belief that they can grow without any work from you, and after your teens. Out of curiosity, I googled phrases "my boobs grew randomly" "sudden breast growth in 20s/30s" and read what I found to understand that for us, our breasts can so easily grow, people do not look like they did when they were teens, older women are often seen with larger breasts, and this can so easily be the case for you.

6. Stay moving. Look into yoga and exercise for increasing breast size. There are some guides on YouTube. If you're not currently getting the exercise you need, this is great for really getting the blood flow going.

7. Stay excited. Visualize and imagine your desired appearance, and allow yourself to feel as how you would if you had your goal RIGHT NOW. Make NBE something to look forward to, not 'a chore that you must do because otherwise, you will be unhappy with your breasts'. I tell myself these things: "I love massaging my breasts. Doing it before bed puts me in a nice relaxed mood." "I love eating healthy. It makes my body strong, my complexion great, and my breasts grow so much." And if you take them, try: "Herbs are so fascinating. I just need to find what works for me personally, and I can improve any area of my life this way" "I'm loving my breasts more and more with each passing day." Try to avoid anything NBE related that is painful or too uncomfortable for you. 'Trick' your mind that it's all about pampering and taking care of yourself and your needs and wants. Try looking on Google "Gratitude Journal" or simply keep a notebook and write down what you feel grateful for, and what about it makes you happy/feel good. This will make it easier to do so for breasts and NBE.

I hope this helps! These lifestyle and mindset changes really helped me over time, and they give me a positive mental space around NBE. The mind is much more powerful than we think. I know it can be really hard, but trying to work on staying positive can make this journey much more pleasant. From this I grew from size 28B to 28E by age 21 and I'm still going strong. Best of luck and happy NBE-ing <3


(05-10-2021, 06:28)AngelicBeauty Wrote:  

(03-10-2021, 21:21)upupupidy Wrote:  

Hello. I'm new here, but I've been trying nbe for quite some time now, and nothing seems to work. I'm 20 yo female, average weight, wide hips and chest, but barely any breasts (A, very small B cup) . I tried fenugreek and maca powder pills - didn't work at all, tried massages - nothing.  Then I decided to try soy flour and flaxseed. That's what I'm on right now but it doesn't work either. Besides, soy flour makes me so sick I can barely go on with my day. I don't know what else should I try. I can't find pueraria mirifica anywhere (none of the sites, including amazon, ships to my country). Am I doing something wrong? I am very dedicated and I am trying my best, but I don't understand why I'm not seeing any, even the slightest, changes. The only herb I would be able to get is red clover, but I'm not sure if it's worth trying since I've spent so much money on those supplements. Any advice or help is appreciated. Thank you.

Hey! I'm 2 years older than you, and I can relate to your situation. I haven't used herbs yet, but I've been able to achieve a lot of success with my own methods. I started implementing these changes to my lifestyle around 19 and grew from nearly nothing to around an orange's volume in each breast:

1. Make sure you are getting enough sleep! You might still be in school, or you are working, maybe stressed. Do not stay up late past 11pm. I would say 10pm if possible. Try your very best to relax before bed. You can try listening to meditation music on YouTube, or my personal favourite, breast enlargement subliminal music that is relaxing. You could make a playlist for this purpose.

2. Use a heating pad on your chest when it's cold. Before bed, place the heating pad under the blanket for 10 minutes. Then power it off and snuggle. This really helped with my circulation, which I believe helped bring ideal conditions for my breasts to thrive. If you have cold feet, use large, thick, loose socks. I attribute an entire cup size of growth to this one change.

3. Use positive affirmations daily. Whenever you think anything negative, replace that thought and tell yourself "My breasts are amazing. My breasts are beautiful. They are the exact size and shape that I like them to be" and visualize your end goal in your mind's eye. Look up on Google "Law of Attraction" and "Law of Assumption" for more info. I grew my LIPS from doing this, something I used to think was impossible. If this is too difficult, say "I know that my breasts are still growing. They are growing a bit every single day and I'm so grateful."

4. Do not obsess in the mirror. Do not look so much to the point of frustration. If you don't like what you see, visualize what you want to see on yourself and don't ever allow yourself to see what you don't want.

5. Read stories about how other people's breasts grew for seemingly no reason in adulthood. This is all about the mind-body connection and positive belief that they can grow without any work from you, and after your teens. Out of curiosity, I googled phrases "my boobs grew randomly" "sudden breast growth in 20s/30s" and read what I found to understand that for us, our breasts can so easily grow, people do not look like they did when they were teens, older women are often seen with larger breasts, and this can so easily be the case for you.

6. Stay moving. Look into yoga and exercise for increasing breast size. There are some guides on YouTube. If you're not currently getting the exercise you need, this is great for really getting the blood flow going.

7. Stay excited. Visualize and imagine your desired appearance, and allow yourself to feel as how you would if you had your goal RIGHT NOW. Make NBE something to look forward to, not 'a chore that you must do because otherwise, you will be unhappy with your breasts'. I tell myself these things: "I love massaging my breasts. Doing it before bed puts me in a nice relaxed mood." "I love eating healthy. It makes my body strong, my complexion great, and my breasts grow so much." And if you take them, try: "Herbs are so fascinating. I just need to find what works for me personally, and I can improve any area of my life this way" "I'm loving my breasts more and more with each passing day." Try to avoid anything NBE related that is painful or too uncomfortable for you. 'Trick' your mind that it's all about pampering and taking care of yourself and your needs and wants. Try looking on Google "Gratitude Journal" or simply keep a notebook and write down what you feel grateful for, and what about it makes you happy/feel good. This will make it easier to do so for breasts and NBE.

I hope this helps! These lifestyle and mindset changes really helped me over time, and they give me a positive mental space around NBE. The mind is much more powerful than we think. I know it can be really hard, but trying to work on staying positive can make this journey much more pleasant. From this I grew from size 28B to 28E by age 21 and I'm still going strong. Best of luck and happy NBE-ing <3

Thank you so much, I'll try my best! I'm also considering ordering pueraria mirifica, found a site which ships to my state. Does it really work?


Oops I didn't mean to post twice, clearing this one but I don't know how to delete it.


(03-10-2021, 21:21)upupupidy Wrote:  

Thank you so much, I'll try my best! I'm also considering ordering pueraria mirifica, found a site which ships to my state. Does it really work?

It has worked wonders for some people, and I think this journey is about finding what works for you personally, so it's worth checking out. You might want to look around and see how others use
pueraria mirifica with other techniques. It is often the combination of different things that make results. I haven't tried it myself.

As a final note: I really have to emphasize mindset and positive thinking. AVOID thinking/saying/writing things like "my breasts are small" "nothing works for me" "it works for other people but not for me" because breast growth really CAN and it WILL work for you. Try to stop thinking about cup sizes specifically (much of the common knowledge about bra sizing is very wrong anyway), and instead focus on your personal mental image and adjust how you see yourself and your body in your mind's eye. I know this is weird, but hear me out: on this forum, look at the usernames. I chose AngelicBeauty because that's how I'm aiming to view myself. Do not think: "that is not me" Rather, try to think "of course that is me, even if it is me in the future, it's always me and I love that!" Think about the words that you would use to describe yourself and your goal looks. Use those words to describe yourself NOW, and watch your transformation happen.

I'm sure you'll grow lots in this journey! Take it from me, I was feeling very bad about the slow progress at the beginning but don't give up. They are growing every day without you noticing. The very beginning, when all the doubt is still in your mind is hardest part I think. Imagine years from now, thinking back to this current time and how we were so worried, but it worked out for us anyway. I think of my breasts as snowballs, it all adds up over time, and with all these methods adding one cm here, one cm there, we can make a big difference. I make sure I massage and do the things I listed every single day, it's all about making sure the habits stick and directing your mind's power to do your will.


Hmm Latvia is near to Russia.. ok , you should try rakuten global market , they have everything Japanese and ship to many countries that are not well known. You will have to obtain a Japanese shipping address (proxy address) by signing up for the site. Is that something you could do ? I just found that out and once I run out of supplements I am going to buy from rakuten.


(08-10-2021, 20:20)elusive_butterfly16 Wrote:  

Hmm Latvia is near to Russia.. ok , you should try rakuten global market , they have everything Japanese and ship to many countries that are not well known. You will have to obtain a Japanese shipping address (proxy address) by signing up for the site. Is that something you could do ? I just found that out and once I run out of supplements I am going to buy from rakuten.

Tried that one, but it says "sorry we don't ship to your region yet" or something like that. Although, this site, that you suggest earlier  ( ) ships to my country, but now I'm wondering is it really worth the money? Is this PM good enough? I have zero experience with it, so I would really really appreciate it if you coul please let me know if it's natural and doesn't contain other chemicals? Im kind of scared to use it, since it can mess up my body pretty bad, but if this exact PM is all natural, then I'll feel more confident and comfortable trying it out. Also, how should I consume it? How many times a day? Any other recommendations? Thank you so much, darling!


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