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Belly's Bigger Boobie Quest


Mar 24, 2007#1
Well, here goes! I'm soo excited to begin the journey that so many of you have undertaken. First, I'm 5'4. 120 lbs. athletic build (very broad ribcage, broad shoulders, slim waist and hips). I'm 28, have two daughters and breast fed both for a year each. Since then they have had that empty saggy look that I absolutely HATE!! Sad They look kinda like this V V The goal is this (.)(.)!!!!!!

In high school I was a 36C. Lost weight and went to a 34 almost C. When I was pregnant I was a very full D. And after breast feeding my girls they are a very deflated B. My goal is the boobies I had when pregnant/nursing.

Beginning stats
32 underbust
36 breasts
27 waist
36 hips
size: 34B with room at the top cause they sag Sad


My Program:

1 Fenugreek cap 575mg
1 Wild Yam cap 575mg
1 Saw Palmetto 575mg

Same as morning except I have a cup of Breasttea which has fennel, fenugreek as the main herbs. with honey and cinnamon it's pretty good.

Same as afternoon.
Also a 10 min massage with boobie batter I make from a shea butter lotion, fennel powder and EPO. I do use heat before and after massage using a heating pad on low for 10 min before and about 15 min after.

Total mgs: 1725 a day for all three, FG SP & WY.

Here's to Bigger Boobies for us ALL!!!
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Unread postMar 24, 2007#2
Started slow only taking 1 FG 3x a day. After 2 days added SP til I incorporated everything. By 3/14 I was up to the program that's stated above. Measured after a week after starting. as of 3/15 I am measuring 37 across the boobies. We'll see if it lasts. I'm excited but not holding my breath.

Unread postMar 24, 2007#3
Quote:Well, here goes! I'm soo excited to begin the journey that so many of you have undertaken. First, I'm 5'4. 120 lbs. athletic build (very broad ribcage, broad shoulders, slim waist and hips). I'm 28, have two daughters and breast fed both for a year each. Since then they have had that empty saggy look that I absolutely HATE!! Sad They look kinda like this V V The goal is this (.)(.)!!!!!!

In high school I was a 36C. Lost weight and went to a 34 almost C. When I was pregnant I was a very full D. And after breast feeding my girls they are a very deflated B. My goal is the boobies I had when pregnant/nursing.

Beginning stats
32 underbust
36 breasts
27 waist
36 hips
size: 34B with room at the top cause they sag Sad


My Program:

1 Fenugreek cap 575mg
1 Wild Yam cap 575mg
1 Saw Palmetto 575mg

Same as morning except I have a cup of Breasttea which has fennel, fenugreek as the main herbs. with honey and cinnamon it's pretty good.

Same as afternoon.
Also a 10 min massage with boobie batter I make from a shea butter lotion, fennel powder and EPO. I do use heat before and after massage using a heating pad on low for 10 min before and about 15 min after.

Total mgs: 1725 a day for all three, FG SP & WY.

Here's to Bigger Boobies for us ALL!!!
Well, as of today, 3/24 I still have retained my one inch even after my period. Today I am measuring 37 1/2.
Note to self: stop measuring so much or you'll drive yourself nuts!!

Unread postApr 02, 2007#4
Quote:Well, here goes! I'm soo excited to begin the journey that so many of you have undertaken. First, I'm 5'4. 120 lbs. athletic build (very broad ribcage, broad shoulders, slim waist and hips). I'm 28, have two daughters and breast fed both for a year each. Since then they have had that empty saggy look that I absolutely HATE!! Sad They look kinda like this V V The goal is this (.)(.)!!!!!!

In high school I was a 36C. Lost weight and went to a 34 almost C. When I was pregnant I was a very full D. And after breast feeding my girls they are a very deflated B. My goal is the boobies I had when pregnant/nursing.

Beginning stats
32 underbust
36 breasts
27 waist
36 hips
size: 34B with room at the top cause they sag Sad


My Program:

1 Fenugreek cap 575mg
1 Wild Yam cap 575mg
1 Saw Palmetto 575mg

Same as morning except I have a cup of Breasttea which has fennel, fenugreek as the main herbs. with honey and cinnamon it's pretty good.

Same as afternoon.
Also a 10 min massage with boobie batter I make from a shea butter lotion, fennel powder and EPO. I do use heat before and after massage using a heating pad on low for 10 min before and about 15 min after.

Total mgs: 1725 a day for all three, FG SP & WY.

Here's to Bigger Boobies for us ALL!!!
Well, not much to report today, however I tried something new last night. I was reading some testimonials on the Greenbush website. (the place I got my herbs) One woman got some good results from massaging with her "batter" high up on her chest (bout 3 inches below her collar bone) in order to fill out some on top. Last night I massaged for 5-8 min doing my regular chi massage and went up my chest as well. Then I spread a thick layer on my chest/breasts, wrapped myself in plastic wrap and put heat on for 25 min. I slept with the batter on and this morning can tell a difference! I've been tingling and pulsing all morning and they look fuller today!! Definately gonna work this into the program!

Current measurements:
Upper chest: 35
Breast: 37
Under bust:32
Waist: 27 1/2

Unread postApr 02, 2007#5
Quote:Well, here goes! I'm soo excited to begin the journey that so many of you have undertaken. First, I'm 5'4. 120 lbs. athletic build (very broad ribcage, broad shoulders, slim waist and hips). I'm 28, have two daughters and breast fed both for a year each. Since then they have had that empty saggy look that I absolutely HATE!! Sad They look kinda like this V V The goal is this (.)(.)!!!!!!

In high school I was a 36C. Lost weight and went to a 34 almost C. When I was pregnant I was a very full D. And after breast feeding my girls they are a very deflated B. My goal is the boobies I had when pregnant/nursing.

Beginning stats
32 underbust
36 breasts
27 waist
36 hips
size: 34B with room at the top cause they sag Sad


My Program:

1 Fenugreek cap 575mg
1 Wild Yam cap 575mg
1 Saw Palmetto 575mg

Same as morning except I have a cup of Breasttea which has fennel, fenugreek as the main herbs. with honey and cinnamon it's pretty good.

Same as afternoon.
Also a 10 min massage with boobie batter I make from a shea butter lotion, fennel powder and EPO. I do use heat before and after massage using a heating pad on low for 10 min before and about 15 min after.

Total mgs: 1725 a day for all three, FG SP & WY.

Here's to Bigger Boobies for us ALL!!!
Started feeling really tired and bloated so I decreased my SP to one cap at bedtime. That was about a week or so ago. Since then I've felt MUCH better, no more bloating or that "drained" feeling. Still have retained my fullness, so I'm staying at my program. Am very tempted to try progesterone (or wild yam) cream and the PM soap alternately. (2 weeks one and 2 weeks the other) but am a lil paranoid as I've heard pretty much everyone say once you're feeling results, don't change anything for awhile, and for less than one month in and gaining an inch, maybe it's better if I just keep my cool and hang with what I'm doing for awhile. Don't wanna overload myself and stall! lol. Anyway, bye for now!
bigger boobies, bigger boobies, bigger boobies!!!!!

One month in. No change to report. Still feeling my pains, here and there. Started working out regularly again and feel much better. I'm on day 13 of my cycle, so I think I'm gonna try massage with a batter made with Wild Yam. Will try this til period comes. We'll see. Incedentally, I've been inconsistent with my herbs. I'm still taking them every day, but some days I take twice a day instead of three times. I don't double up on the doses when I do this. I don't know if this will hurt or help, but am gonna try to be more consistent.

Unread postApr 12, 2007#7
Quote:Well, here goes! I'm soo excited to begin the journey that so many of you have undertaken. First, I'm 5'4. 120 lbs. athletic build (very broad ribcage, broad shoulders, slim waist and hips). I'm 28, have two daughters and breast fed both for a year each. Since then they have had that empty saggy look that I absolutely HATE!! Sad They look kinda like this V V The goal is this (.)(.)!!!!!!

In high school I was a 36C. Lost weight and went to a 34 almost C. When I was pregnant I was a very full D. And after breast feeding my girls they are a very deflated B. My goal is the boobies I had when pregnant/nursing.

Beginning stats
32 underbust
36 breasts
27 waist
36 hips
size: 34B with room at the top cause they sag Sad


My Program:

1 Fenugreek cap 575mg
1 Wild Yam cap 575mg
1 Saw Palmetto 575mg

Same as morning except I have a cup of Breasttea which has fennel, fenugreek as the main herbs. with honey and cinnamon it's pretty good.

Same as afternoon.
Also a 10 min massage with boobie batter I make from a shea butter lotion, fennel powder and EPO. I do use heat before and after massage using a heating pad on low for 10 min before and about 15 min after.

Total mgs: 1725 a day for all three, FG SP & WY.

Here's to Bigger Boobies for us ALL!!!
Decided to take a 2 day break. No herbs internally til Friday the (gulp) 13th! lol. I am massaging with Wild Yam batter through the luteal phase. First day off herbs and I've felt some pains on and off. Got home from work and took off my evil bra and wow!! Tingles and pains and swelling like crazy! Couldn't resist measuring cause they look a lil bigger. HOLY COW!! I measure 38 inches over bust! I love luteal swelling! We'll see if any of it stays. Still have to figure something out for the sag. Massage helps a bit, but not as much as I'd like. Considering one of those massage machine thingys. Still lookin and mulling it over.

Unread postApr 13, 2007#8
Quote:Well, here goes! I'm soo excited to begin the journey that so many of you have undertaken. First, I'm 5'4. 120 lbs. athletic build (very broad ribcage, broad shoulders, slim waist and hips). I'm 28, have two daughters and breast fed both for a year each. Since then they have had that empty saggy look that I absolutely HATE!! Sad They look kinda like this V V The goal is this (.)(.)!!!!!!

In high school I was a 36C. Lost weight and went to a 34 almost C. When I was pregnant I was a very full D. And after breast feeding my girls they are a very deflated B. My goal is the boobies I had when pregnant/nursing.

Beginning stats
32 underbust
36 breasts
27 waist
36 hips
size: 34B with room at the top cause they sag Sad


My Program:

1 Fenugreek cap 575mg
1 Wild Yam cap 575mg
1 Saw Palmetto 575mg

Same as morning except I have a cup of Breasttea which has fennel, fenugreek as the main herbs. with honey and cinnamon it's pretty good.

Same as afternoon.
Also a 10 min massage with boobie batter I make from a shea butter lotion, fennel powder and EPO. I do use heat before and after massage using a heating pad on low for 10 min before and about 15 min after.

Total mgs: 1725 a day for all three, FG SP & WY.

Here's to Bigger Boobies for us ALL!!!
Well now I'm all confused! Was reading through some posts and Snowflake got some really good info about the wild yam. Apparently it does not work like progesterone as I thought. Most companies tell you that to make you buy it I guess. Made sense to me as it contains diosgenin which is a precurser to progersterone, but the evidence shows the body can't make the hormone out of it. There is some enzyme business that the body just doesn't have. The article also said that wy is "synergistic" (or works well) with progesterone creams because it has "estrogenic effects". Well, this isn't what I wanted at all. Time to rethink this. Oh wait, already did. Been tossing around the idea of using an estrogenic topical for the follicular phase (when estrogen is at a low) and progesterone cream for the luteal phase (when progesterone is lowest). So today I ordered the blossom-s soap from Deberah and progesterone cream from, that was really cheap. Only 11 US dollars with shipping. Will be starting this "routine" at the start of my next cycle. (bout 2 weeks) I'm not too concerned with overloading myself because I take a minimum dosage internally, and topicals won't interact with anything I'm taking internally. Or will they? Dunno. This is all pure conjecture and I'm my own guinnea pig. Wish me luck!

Unread postApr 29, 2007#9
Quote:Well, here goes! I'm soo excited to begin the journey that so many of you have undertaken. First, I'm 5'4. 120 lbs. athletic build (very broad ribcage, broad shoulders, slim waist and hips). I'm 28, have two daughters and breast fed both for a year each. Since then they have had that empty saggy look that I absolutely HATE!! Sad They look kinda like this V V The goal is this (.)(.)!!!!!!

In high school I was a 36C. Lost weight and went to a 34 almost C. When I was pregnant I was a very full D. And after breast feeding my girls they are a very deflated B. My goal is the boobies I had when pregnant/nursing.

Beginning stats
32 underbust
36 breasts
27 waist
36 hips
size: 34B with room at the top cause they sag Sad


My Program:

1 Fenugreek cap 575mg
1 Wild Yam cap 575mg
1 Saw Palmetto 575mg

Same as morning except I have a cup of Breasttea which has fennel, fenugreek as the main herbs. with honey and cinnamon it's pretty good.

Same as afternoon.
Also a 10 min massage with boobie batter I make from a shea butter lotion, fennel powder and EPO. I do use heat before and after massage using a heating pad on low for 10 min before and about 15 min after.

Total mgs: 1725 a day for all three, FG SP & WY.

Here's to Bigger Boobies for us ALL!!!
Haven't been here in awhile, ao I'll update. Finally got my stuff. One of the lil voices in my head tells me not to try the progesterone cream, so I'm listening. Did use the Blossom soap for the first time today though. Feels nice, we'll see what happens. Nothing dramatic to report. Tomorrow will be day 5 of cycle, so we'll see if I kept the luteal swelling from this month. The "girls" are looking pretty nice, and I'm happy. Trying to be patient. Want more NOW!! But.....slow and steady wins the race, right? Yep.

Note to self....Cycle day 1 was Wednsday, 4/25 (trying to keep track)

Ok, it's day 8 and I'm measuring 38 1/4. VERY EXCITED! Only used the soap 3 times so far, but I do feel it's helping. So far I've gained 2 1/4 inches in 2 months. Routine is same, no SP. 2 WY and 2 Fg 3x a day.

Well, dunno if this means anything, but it's a real confidence booster! My 34B's were getting tight and the underwire was digging into the sides of my breasts. 36's are more comfy for me. Tried on and bought a 36C and a D for future reference. To my shock, the 36C ALMOST FITS!!!! Probably just a small C (don't know what's what out there!) but still makes me feel good!! YAY ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS It's day 11 of my cycle so I know it's not luteal swelling!

Ok, the main reason I'm posting is cause it's day 1 of my cycle. If I don't log it, I forget. Kinda took a break this month to see what would happen. Haven't taken any herbs for 3 weeks. No luteal swelling or growth this month, but haven't lost anything so that's good. Went back on the herbs today and no tingles or anything yet, so we'll see. FYI my routine is still the same, thinking about ramping up next week if I don't start feeling something happening. Happy with the progress so far, but may have hit a plateau. Good things come to those who wait they say....waiting....and waiting........

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