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Supplements when you have very dense breasts?


Hi there I am new to this journey. I’m 38, two kids, used to have supple full breast in 20s and now they’re sad, small and very bottom heavy, deflated on top. I also have had mammogram and ultrasound and my breast are “very dense” which means very little fat tissue, but a lot of connective tissue.

I also have chronically low progesterone, am on bio identical progesterone but not helping too much so far. A little but not much.

Are there recommendations for smaller, droopy very dense breasts? 

I’m 5’1 and 116 lbs so I prefer to not just use weight gain to get the extra fat tissue.

I was hoping maybe increasing my progesterone and luteal phase (cycles are quite short), would also help my breasts. I do still ovulate and get spike in estrogen around Days 10-13.

Thank you for any recommendations you might have. Thank you!

Anyone have any advice for this? 

I have similar issue, fat does not want to go to breasts and mine are also bottom heavy, looking flat chested on top, and very dense.

Hello I have same problem , I tried everything ... I am now on fenugreek, red clover and noogleberry + massage , nothing is working for me but still early I will give it at least 6 months 

I am considering the vampire breast lift apparently you can add a cup or 2 with it.. I had implants in the past not interested in going that route anymore..

After having multiple kids and breast feeding is a beating on the breast. I tried pumping on and off for a few years now with very little progress, but again. I was not consistent. I have now been consistent for two months with supplements and I am noticing consistent swelling, tenderness and the actual look and feel of fullness. So keep high hopes. You might have to try different programs before you find one that works for you. I have 4 kids, breast fed them all. I'm 35 yo, 5 ft and 115 pounds and work out daily and on a strict meal plan so I don't gain weight, so I am always burning fat. . . My meals consists of 40% protein. 40% carbs and 20% fat. I don't eat any vegetables except carrots. And I eat mostly meat and fruit. Carbs come from fruit and oats. I did recently start a new birth control so that has added a little bit of estrogen and progesterone in my system but i have always taken BC so it's not a change for me.

1st month

500mg pueraria mirifica once daily

425mg wild yam once daily

10mg zinc once daily

20 drops Trace Mineral drops twice daily

1 serving Primal Harvest collagen once daily

2nd month

500mg pueraria mirifica twice daily

425mg wild yam twice daily

10mg zinc once daily

20 drops Trace Mineral drops twice daily

1 serving Primal Harvest collagen once daily

I use a heating pad for 30 minutes before I pump. Pump for 30 minutes and than heating pad for 10 minutes and pump for another 30 minutes. I do this twice a day. I have had swelling that doe not seem to go away even if I skip a day pumping. . . Like I said. You might have to try different programs before you find one that works for you. This one is mine aftwr a few trials and errors. 

Fenugreek and saw palmetto did not work for me


(16-11-2023, 01:57)MissMel Wrote:  Hello I have same problem , I tried everything ... I am now on fenugreek, red clover and noogleberry + massage , nothing is working for me but still early I will give it at least 6 months 

I am considering the vampire breast lift apparently you can add a cup or 2 with it.. I had implants in the past not interested in going that route anymore..

Hey I have actually tried the vampire breast lift and while it did give me maybe a cup extra, the results were very temporary. My swelling disappeared literally within 2 days. The surgeon told me that you need a couple sessions of it to maintain the results throughout the year, and I wasn’t trying to do that since one session alone cost me like $2000 Sad. So I don’t want to discourage you but that was my experience. It seems like one of those things that’s useful for a special event or something

Oh wow i am so happy to get actual reviews from a real person thank you so much you just saved me 2000$ haha 

I guess I will keep noogling and taking herbs until they get better 
I will post a picture as well in a few days to monitor the changes Smile

(16-11-2023, 15:39)MissMel Wrote:  Oh wow i am so happy to get actual reviews from a real person thank you so much you just saved me 2000$ haha 

I guess I will keep noogling and taking herbs until they get better 
I will post a picture as well in a few days to monitor the changes Smile

haha np! I’m in the US on the east coast so I don’t know if that makes a difference on prices 

good luck! I hope you see results!

Yes I am in Canada I checked the prices and they were the same ... do you have any side effects from mirifica? It's the only thing that I did not try yet

(16-11-2023, 16:00)MissMel Wrote:  Yes I am in Canada I checked the prices and they were the same ... do you have any side effects from mirifica? It's the only thing that I did not try yet

The only thing I ever noticed when I have tried PM was skipped periods sometimes, but I never noticed anything else or growth even

(16-11-2023, 16:00)MissMel Wrote:  Yes I am in Canada I checked the prices and they were the same ... do you have any side effects from mirifica? It's the only thing that I did not try yet
You use Noogleberry, many have expressed disappointment but have found out it works with many more hours pumping, like going from 1hr to 3 or 4hrs per day, also best if pumping is split on the day, like morning and evening sessions. I know most don't have than kind of time available. Also breaks are necessary, Could pump for 4 days, then break for 3. You already massage, and this is important, are you massaging with an oil like Almond oil? Also drink water before and during pumping. Hope this helps.

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