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New here. 30 year old, any tips to start with?


Hi all. I am pretty new to the topic and not gonna lie I feel overwhelmed with all the information here. Hoping someone can help me here. 
I have come across NBE by mistake as I found fenugreek. I have started taking 2 tablets a dat ( total of 1500mg) and I have noticed my breast are much rounder and firmer (almost immediately after 2-3 days I guess). No I have been taking it for over 2 weeks. I have done a blood test after a week of starting fenugreek (I know I probably should have done it before) and the test results were: 
testosteron:  28,45 ng/dl
estradiol: 94,00 pg/ml
progesteron: 11,60 ng/ml 

How do I know if I am estrogen or progesteron dominant? Just compare this two, but change the UOM in estradiol from pg/ml to ng/ml? That would be then 9,4 ng/ml, would mean I am progesteron dominant?

The test was done on 14th or 15day after last period started so either end of follicular phase or beginning of luteal phase if this is important. 

If I am progesteron dominant, from what I have read so far I could benefit from using Pueraria Mirifica (additionally to Fenugreek 1500mg)? I have searched internet and I have only found capsules with 600mg PM per portion, but wouldn't that be too much to start with? 
I was considering to also add MSM - 3000mg. 
What else I could take an in what quantities, please?

I also have Fenugreek oil for massage but it smells strong, I think after I run out of it I would like to change it for another one - any recommendations? 
I would also consider changing Fenugreek seeds due to sweating issue and smell, would swapping it for Shavatari work as well? 

For the record, i think I am small B cup (even after my breast gotten fuller with Fenugreek, but I am definitely more than A) and very skinny. In my family all woman have boobs, so I thought I might try to get some too. I am 30.

I wanted to add that I am considering adding Wild Yam or/and Goat's Rue after further research. - would that be a good addition? What qty? Should I add both?
I also found a Wild Yam Progesterone cream - would I benefit from it?

Yes the information here often feels overwhelming to begin with. That's a common reaction. NBE is a rather big and sometimes complicated subject, so it's normal to start with the feeling of getting an information overload.

I'm not an expert on these hormone tests, but from what I can see your results don't seem out of the normal ranges. To my inexpert eye, you don't appear to be either estrogen or progesterone dominant? You say the test was done either end of follicular phase or beginning of luteal phase if this is important. Well when you enter the luteal phase your progesterone level should rise, so one thing I can tell you for sure is that the time when you take the test is very important for progesterone level.

Go ahead and add the MSM. It's good for your general nutrition anyway, so it can only help. Goat's Rue I personally think is worth adding too. I've heard a lot of mixed opinions about the Wild Yam progesterone cream, so I'm not sure about that. Maybe you could try it, but in a modest quantity. Make sure you don't overdo it.

(06-05-2024, 14:02)Jem Jee Wrote:  Yes the information here often feels overwhelming to begin with. That's a common reaction. NBE is a rather big and sometimes complicated subject, so it's normal to start with the feeling of getting an information overload.

I'm not an expert on these hormone tests, but from what I can see your results don't seem out of the normal ranges. To my inexpert eye, you don't appear to be either estrogen or progesterone dominant? You say the test was done either end of follicular phase or beginning of luteal phase if this is important. Well when you enter the luteal phase your progesterone level should rise, so one thing I can tell you for sure is that the time when you take the test is very important for progesterone level.

Go ahead and add the MSM. It's good for your general nutrition anyway, so it can only help. Goat's Rue I personally think is worth adding too. I've heard a lot of mixed opinions about the Wild Yam progesterone cream, so I'm not sure about that. Maybe you could try it, but in a modest quantity. Make sure you don't overdo it.

Hi! Thank you so much for a response. It is greatly appreciated.
I think next time I will do the test at the beginning of the cycle. 
Would you know maybe if I could benefit from PM, or wouldn't that be wise to add straightaway? 
Wouldn't you also mind sharing the opinions you have heard regarding Wild Yam Progesterone cream? Any information at this point would be really helpful for me. 

At this point I am also wondering to add a bit of Saw Palmetto.

(05-05-2024, 16:47)notme Wrote:  I also have Fenugreek oil for massage but it smells strong, I think after I run out of it I would like to change it for another one - any recommendations?

Try almond, coconut or jojoba. The first two are more popular in this forum, but my own favorite is jojoba.

Thank you! Good idea, I could actually mix them to see if this could reduce smell of fenugreek oil so i don't waste it.

(06-05-2024, 14:37)notme Wrote:  I think next time I will do the test at the beginning of the cycle. 
Would you know maybe if I could benefit from PM, or wouldn't that be wise to add straightaway? 
Wouldn't you also mind sharing the opinions you have heard regarding Wild Yam Progesterone cream? Any information at this point would be really helpful for me. 

At this point I am also wondering to add a bit of Saw Palmetto.

Yes the tests are generally done at the beginning of the cycle or alternatively around day 21.

Pueraria Mirifica is pretty strong and perhaps it's better to leave that one for now. Most women that take it aren't mixing it with Fenugreek, so perhaps see how you get on first and keep it as an option for later.

I've heard many women in the menopause say that Wild Yam progesterone cream worked wonders for their menopausal symptoms, but others say it didn't do anything at all. So it appears to have beneficial effects for some, but not others.

Yes you could add Saw Palmetto. On occasions just Fenugreek and Saw Palmetto has been enough for some women to get good growth.

(07-05-2024, 13:16)Jem Jee Wrote:  
(06-05-2024, 14:37)notme Wrote:  I think next time I will do the test at the beginning of the cycle. 
Would you know maybe if I could benefit from PM, or wouldn't that be wise to add straightaway? 
Wouldn't you also mind sharing the opinions you have heard regarding Wild Yam Progesterone cream? Any information at this point would be really helpful for me. 

At this point I am also wondering to add a bit of Saw Palmetto.

Yes the tests are generally done at the beginning of the cycle or alternatively around day 21.

Pueraria Mirifica is pretty strong and perhaps it's better to leave that one for now. Most women that take it aren't mixing it with Fenugreek, so perhaps see how you get on first and keep it as an option for later.

I've heard many women in the menopause say that Wild Yam progesterone cream worked wonders for their menopausal symptoms, but others say it didn't do anything at all. So it appears to have beneficial effects for some, but not others.

Yes you could add Saw Palmetto. On occasions just Fenugreek and Saw Palmetto has been enough for some women to get good growth.

Thank you so much. 
I am starting then with Fenugreek, Saw Palmetto, Goat's Rue and MSM  (+ Vitamin C) + I will try to do daily massages with Fenugreek oil mixed with jojoba oil! 
We will see how I get on. To be fair my goal is to only grow maybe one cup. I am skinny and I really like small boobs, I just want them slightly bigger Smile Hope this is doable goal.

(07-05-2024, 18:00)notme Wrote:  I am starting then with Fenugreek, Saw Palmetto, Goat's Rue and MSM  (+ Vitamin C) + I will try to do daily massages with Fenugreek oil mixed with jojoba oil! 
We will see how I get on. To be fair my goal is to only grow maybe one cup. I am skinny and I really like small boobs, I just want them slightly bigger Smile Hope this is doable goal.

Let's hope for your success. Perhaps you could start a program page with full details of what you're doing, including dosages - and hopefully chart your progress. If you have to tweak your program later on, it will be easier for anyone to make suggestions here if you have a complete detailed record of what you've been doing.

So I have started the Saw Palmetto, MSM and Goat's Rue in addition to Fenugreek tablets boobs went down and back to normal. After I got my period they deflated (I finished my period already) and I do not see even any swelling as I did when I started with Fenugreek only - also a month ago, after my period...At this time a month ago only with Fenugreek I have noticed them being much fuller and sensitive to touch. Has anyone experienced this? I end up eating now a lot of supplements (I have also pills to support veins as well as everyday multivitamins). 

As of breast enhancement goal what I eat is:
Fenugreek - 1500mg
MSM - 3000mg
Saw Palemetto - 540mg
Goat's Rue (Galega extract) 550mg

Any advice?

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