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Help me go from an AA to a B cup!!!

I know what you mean about telling people your breast hurt. I accidently did it and had to cover up the story with a "well you know how your boobs hurt right before your period..." type of ordeal lol

Congrats on your pains and a stable temp

Hey girlfriday29! Smile! I haven't been here in awhile so I had to update myself on your progress Smile! I love reading your updates and process. I hope you had a Great New Year. Happy growing!

I am so looking forward to seeing your progress when you come back.

2011 - the year of the breast?

Happy new year.

So day 12 - day 28 (today). From memory, around day 12-15 had lots of pains which went on and on during the day. But then after that NOTHING, until about 3 days ago when had a few sharp pains here and there.

My breasts kept getting larger and larger and were 'HUGE' until about 3 days ago and felt really really heavy. To the point where (I know this sounds insane), but I actually said to myself at one point, "grrr these breasts are getting in the way" lol. Then today and yesterday it was like they had shrunk! I just measured and only got 31"!!! Whereas the other day I didn't have a measuring tape on me but they were probably somewhere around 32". NOTICEABLY larger, and now they have disappeared!!!!

They still feel very meaty-like and dense.

My body is going a bit crazy at present and I have had spotting for the past 10+ days. About 2 days ago I felt like I was going to get my period, even though I am on the contraceptive pill and not due until tomorrow. The spotting is getting extremely annoying. A dull ache like when your period comes, but only a 1/10.

Unfortunately about day 15 I ran out of collagen pills and my order from iHerb STILL hasn't arrived even though it's more than 1 month since I ordered them, so I am super mad about that. And will probably order them off swansons as at least they track their international orders. I'm pretty sure that the collagen helps BIG TIME with growth and I was pretty sad when I ran out of it. Now I won't get it for another 2 weeks no doubt too, so that is 1 whole month without it grrrrrrr. I think the BO is useless without it.

So seems that despite what looked like a potentially good month for me on BO turned out into NIL growth!!!!!!!!! (unless they miraculously get bigger in the next 6 days when I officially take my measurement) I really thought as my breasts were getting noticeably bigger that it must be working. Still can't quite believe that they seem just as small now!!

Didn't take my pills last night or this morning in defiance lol, am a bit peeved off at present. I'll see what happens this cycle coming.....

Program is the same minus the collagen.

I reduced the BO down to 1,000mg per day because I thought maybe I was taking too much, but haven't felt any increase in sensations at all from that, so mayswell ramp it up again. I think without the collagen it's going to be useless though.

Weighing in at about 50.5kgs at the moment which is too light and need to put on weight which doesn't seem to be happening easily at all.

Periwinkle - I did that again the other day when my breasts were hurting!

Black Hippie - Happy new year to you! I wish there were more progress to speak of but it seems hard to achieve! I hope your studies are going well.

Raw - well if I had taken photos a few days ago there would have been something to show!!! Now there seems to be nothing to show! Will keep you posted.

Looks like we are in the same boat girlfriday because I skipped out on my dose last night with a "whatever UB!!" attitude haha

We just have to keep up with it and give it our all and remember that maybe everyone else was a fast responder and we will just take a little more time.

Cycle 11, Day 1

Hmmm just writing cycle 11 makes my eyes roll. And maybe it will make your eyes roll too. 11 months, not much to show for it. hmmmmm. !

Ok so today I am meant to get my period, but it didn't arrive.... I think this is because I have had soooo much spotting over the last 14 days or so that there was nothing left to have a period with! I've upped my birth control to Yazmin which is stronger and has more estrogen in it apparently.

Decided to be good and not stuff my face with marshmallows tonight.

Had a really really sharp pain in my RH breast this morning which only lasted about 5 seconds, then absolutely nothing all day.

Am going to keep taking my pills religiously and see what happens this cycle. dum de dum. Angry

Periwinkle - hehe we showed our BO alright... take that.

marshmallow is said to contain gelatin which is good for breast growth. so it won't really hurt if you stuff your face with marshmallows.

Hi Girlfriday

I read that you are taking BO and BC. I will advice a dosage of DIM to go with it. In NBE is all about getting the right dosage. BO+BC might makes your estrogen level a bit higher, let's not forget those are 2 different kind of estrogen mechanism. Regulate your estrogen level with either DIM or progesterone cream. But personally I fancy DIM better.

Good luck!

lol periwinkle and girlfriday... dont be skipping your doses, that win just make the evil BO win Tongue

try not to skip the cycles girlfriday, remember positive thinking!

i read in quite a few places that BO tends to change the period cycle and many people did see spotting, i guess it must be due to hormonal changes, even i am supposed to get my periods in a couple of days, the first one since starting BO, it will be interesting to see if it caused any changes....

So girlfriday, are you going to continue the protein shakes during AF as well?

Hi boobiegirl - that's interesting, marshmallow does contain gelatin! I just checked my unopened packet. But on the negative side, marshmallow is basically air, and sugar, so the sugar content is so high it's pretty much the same as eating pure sugar. 69.7g of sugar per every 100g!

Crystalelle - great minds think alike. I purchased DIM plus from swansons the other day! I remembered what you had said about estrogen before and thought maybe that was the culprit.

Searching - I like to be a realist, but a bit or positive thinking may help too. Will be interesting to hear if BO changes your cycle too.
Yep I always take my protein shakes, 2 per day without fail. They taste really disgusting so I put cinnammon in them.

I took 4 BO pills this morning, thought I might ramp it up to 1,750g per day and see what happens...

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