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Help me go from an AA to a B cup!!!

Hooray for breast sensations! Smile

As far as putting on weight, when I was like 13 my doctor suggested some product called "Weight On" or something like that. It was SOOO NASTY. I only used it for a couple weeks before I couldn't stand it anymore; so I don't know if it would have worked or not. From what I've read on this forum, those who were taking LOTS of protein seemed to put on more weight; maybe adding more protein drinks or something could help? For me personally, I ended up gaining like 15-20 pounds over one year just from drinking two or three glasses of wine every evening. When I had to stop drinking alcohol because of my severe reflux (doctor's orders), I lost all that weight (thank God!). Not that I'm advocating being a lush or anything, lol ..... just that's what happened to me. Tongue

And oh, I'd go easy on the weight lifting in the beginning if I were you. When I was just starting 9th grade (I was like 14-15 years old; right in the middle of breast development), my gym teacher made us all run laps around the gym, and do strenuous weight lifting. I lost EIGHT FREAKIN' POUNDS IN ONE WEEK. No joke. And I was only 110 pounds to begin with! So there went whatever boobage I had. Sad However, easing into it, and following your workouts with a protein drink (great for muscle recovery and lean mass building) can totally work your physique, in a GOOD way. So, you go, girl! Big Grin

Day 8

Hahahahha TM! On your advice I have purchase a case of wine! hehe just kidding. Firstly, I have tried drinking a similar drink to Weight On a few years ago, but that did nothing for me. And I can't drink alcohol because it makes me get an upset stomach which then causes me to lose weight!

It's quite bizarre really, but I swear, the more I eat, the more I lose weight, not gain it. For example, over christmas I weighed myself on electronic scales and I got one weight, then I ate about 2kgs worth of ham (ok maybe not that much, but I stuffed my face with lots of ham!), and then I weighed myself and I weighed less!!!!

The only time I have ever put on weight was last year and then I got ill from it!

I'm currently drinking two protein shakes per day. I eat ALOT of protein each meal, in fact to the point where I know crystalelle would be shaking her head saying that is too much!

I'm not doing any cardio at the gym except for 5 minutes to warm up and warm down. I am doing weights which hopefully will help me tear the muscles so they will grow back larger. I will be like Arnold soon!

It was pretty funny yesterday when I went to the gym because I use the smallest weights there, these little 1 kg weights, and the guy next to me was lifting weights with one hand which looked heavier than my whole body! haha

Right, breast sensations today, nada, zilch, none.....

On the positive side, I thought to myself this morning.... my breasts feel large. And so I measured them and got 27" underbust and 31.5" overbust. I also looked at them and thought yeah from diagonal angles they are looking bigger.

Now, tonight I met my bf's friends and one of them has ENORMOUS breasts. Like breasts that were lifted right up to her face. I couldn't stop staring at them as they were literally like basketballs on her chest. Then I got home tonight and looked at my breasts and started laughing because my breasts in comparison to her's look like nothing. I guess the saying is a walk around the world starts with a single step... In my case with half an inch on the measuring tape.

Hi, i see that you had amazing results Rolleyes what did you use to help make your breasts grow?

LOL @ the weight lifting in the gym.... reminds me of the first time i went to the gym not too long ago hehe... i didnt even know how any of the machines worked and i was struggling with one of them, and the whole time i was in the gym all the other people kept staring at me hehe.... but its better to be safe and lift smaller ones than lift bigger ones and get hurt in the process... i agree with twister mama fat burning exercises tend to take away fat from the last place where you gained it and i bet it would go from your boobs if you were to loose weight... its one of the down sides for us NBE users Sad

but am glad to know that the amount of BO you are taking is fine, and i guess they did give you some sensations so maybe the increased level of BO is helping, congratulations on the growth! may you see a huge growth spurt this cycle Smile

Day 9

Hmmm well in the morning I had some aches and pains and then a little more during the day but nothing much. Maybe a 2/10.

MY Collagen powder arrived today!!! FINALLY! So glad I don't have to swallow 6 horrible big pills! Now I just take one scoop in a glass of water and it doesn't even taste that bad! Tastes better than my protein shake!! haha

Also got DIM, and Proline too.

ABL15 - thanks for your generous appraisal, but I don't think I've actually grown yet, it's all just temporary swelling. I need to wait a few months to check. I'm on BO.

Searching - funny thing is that I couldn't even adjust some of the machines because you have to use heaps of muscles just to do that!

Cycle 3 (BO) Day 10

Today had a few aches and pains that were pretty constant throughout the day. Then tonight had some really sharp aches and pains about an hour or so after taking the BO pills. All up about a 5/10

Took DIM for the first time today as well as Proline. I think something affected me because I got all this splotches on my skin after taking them. So better find out which one it was.

Measured again today just to check what it was, and am still getting 31.5" as bust measurement.

I wonder how much of my 'growth' is being caused by the birth control pill... and whether it will disappear again.

GirlFriday29 I see you posted something about gaining weight. I am also very thin. 5'2 102lbs. I used a supplement called "benecalorie" over 2 months time and gained 7lbs. You can get it on ebay way cheaper than on the website. I'm back to 102 because I had other issues but I'm goingto start benecalorie again. I'd love to be like 115!

How about we switch metabolismsTongue? I slaved away at the gym today to burn 500 calories.

Cycle 3 Day 11

So I had a few aches and pains after lunch, and then an hour or so later I got this incredibly sharp pain in my breasts, it actually jolted me as I was working, and I almost went OUCHHHHHHHH. I'm pretty sure it is the sharpest pain I have had yet, 10/10 (maybe they will get sharper and I will have to go over 10! hehe). It lasted for about 30 seconds, then it went into my RH breast but more of a 7/10. I had a few other aches around that time. Then nothing else for the day.

About a 7/10 altogether.

T89 - I will check that out. But I've taken weight gain products before and they haven't worked. Also, I am constrained now by the ingredients as I can't have milk products which many of those products contain, they usually have milk powder or whey. I know what you mean about loving to put on weight! I would love to be about 120llbs. Not because I don't like what I look like because I do (apart from the non-existant breasts!), but more because I can't stand how so many people comment all the time "oh, you are so thin" etc. It's painful!

Raw - I have no idea how long it takes to burn 500 calories, but if I go today and use the cycle with the monitor I'll see how much I burn there. Naturally, I must burn lots! I would love to switch metabolisms! Then I won't have to spend half my life visiting the toilet!

Right, any of you Generic BO users, please post your programs in the Bovine Ovary page of the forum, I've started a BO Generic Roll Call thread. It will be interesting to see all the info in one place. Might give some of us different ideas!

And as I'm typing now my breasts have started aching. It's funny, because I'm pretty sure that generally I get lots of aches around the middle of my cycle as opposed to the week before my period where most people say that is when they get the aches.

Cycle 3 Day 12

Had aches pretty consistently all day long from waking up onwards. About a 5 or 6/10.

Went to gym today and spoke with the trainer and he gave me some tips about protein. So apparently if you want to try and put on weight, you should eat 1.8-2 grams of protein per kg of body fat. This means that for someone my weight (50kgs) I should be aiming to eat 100g of protein per day. Now, that is the upper limit. After that my body won't really be able to absorb any more. He also told me that your body can't absorb much more than 30g of protein in one sitting, particularly if you are small like me. So I need to stage the protein throughout the day.
So I'm thinking of upping my protein shakes to 3 per day, one before breakfast, one in afternoon, and one before bed. My protein shakes from memory give me about 20grams of protein. So three of them is 60g, plus I generally eat salmon for lunch which is about 20grams and would easily eat 20 grams for dinner. Maybe I'll just take 2.5 protein shakes per day. Because I guess adding in breakfast and snacks I probably consume another 10-15grams.

Anyhow, I thought that was quite interesting.

So did all my weights exercises today, then I was feeling my breasts afterwards (as you do!), and they felt much wider, but much smaller too. So I measured and only got 31". So not sure if it was the exercise which made them shrink, or it could be that it is freezing today and my breasts were covered in goosebumps.

Anyhow, funny how much they fluctuate in size. I think I will only be able to say I have true-ly grown when I measure 31.5" or 32" on day 5 of my cycle. Because I have never measured anywhere near that around day 5, only 31". Actually come to think of it, if I ever measure 32" I reakon that will be cause for MAJOR celebration.

Oh, and one more thing. Over the past week I've noticed that I have grown some dark hairs around my aerola!!! Damm!

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