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Help me go from an AA to a B cup!!!

Yes, more protein! Smile I truly believe high levels of protein are what kicks this BO into gear. And if it helps you put on some weight too, even better!

Bummer about the hairs. But maybe it's another physical sign that the BO is doing something? That's how I view it! Wink

And congrats on your sharp shooting pains! Big Grin

Cycle 3 Day 13

thanks TM. Had a day of constant aches and then really sharp pains which lasted a long time. I had a feeling sometimes just before the sharp pains started like oh no, here they come, and it was quite painful. Breasts basically aching and kindof like a thumping feeling across my whole chest.
7 or 8/10.

Cycle 3 Day 14

Again had some very sharp and intense pains yesterday. Less general aching though than the other day. So about a 5/10.

Had an upset stomach yesterday which was annoying, I think it may be because I ate some really dark chocolate and I think because the cocoa content is so high it irritates my stomach as I've had that before. The last thing I need to do is lose weight!

I've got an appointment with a dietician this week and I am going to talk about how I can put on weight! So I am looking forward to that.

I've been taking my temp sporadically, and have found that some days I'm 36.1 and other days 36.5. So at least half of the time I seem to have a good temp.

I'm trying not to think too much about my breasts and just wait it out... take my supplements and see what happens next cycle. It's hard to be patient but I am willing to try BO for another 3 cycles after this one and if I have not tracked any growth by then then I will quit. Because it seems like most people who have reported growth have grown within 6 months of taking it.

you've been experiencing so much breast sensations. if they are not growing, then what are they doing? something MUST be happening.

sometimes after cardio exercise, my breasts seem smaller too. i wonder if it's because there was some water retention in them and the exercise forced my body to sweat it all out.

do you know if there's a difference between artificial proteins (i.e. powder and shakes and such) and proteins your body gets from food? i read that with certain vitamins, its better if you get them from food sources rather than taking pills since your body can process it better. i wonder if that's the case with proteins?

Cycle 3 Day 15

Had random aches from waking up onwards, but intermittently throughout the day and reasonably strong sensations. Less again than previous days and no really strong sharp aches. 4/10.

Lled34aa - I have been wondering that exact question myself!!! What ARE my breasts doing!!!! One theory that I thought about yesterday, is maybe my breast sensations are nothing to do with growth, maybe it is just the extra estrogen I am getting in my body that is causing them..... for example, when I started on the birth control pill, it says one of the side effects is breast tenderness and breast soreness. Maybe that is all I have...

When I touch my breasts they feel much bigger than they used to though, although this doesn't appear to be showing up on the measuring tape! For example, if I lay down before I would have absolutely nothing to grab on to, and now when I am lying down there is a little breast to grab on to! When I used to massage my breasts I would always have to lean forward so I'd have something to grab! And now I could actually lay down and I have something to massage!

It also feels like there is more to grab on top when before there was only breast tissue at the bottom of my breast.

Interesting about the sweat comment - that could be it too. I'll drink lots of water next time and see if it makes a difference.

I'm not sure about the whole protein supplement issue. I guess like you say with most things it generally seems better to consume them as whole-foods.... I haven't read anything about that issue with protein, but would be interested to know!

Hey GF, have faith in your pains! They ARE doing something! The stupid measuring tape is evil, I tell ya. I think we should only measure every two or three months. Anything more frequent than that is just too inaccurate and discouraging! Dodgy It's taken me 6 weeks of daily pains to get that half inch back that I lost last November. Our breasts ARE growing - it's just frustratingly slow for us smaller gals. Like you said, I too notice that when I lie down, they don't totally "disappear" into my rib cage like they always used to. And there is most definitely more to grab; especially at the tops. It's "beefier" up there. Smile I find myself a little discouraged when I look at myself in the mirror straight-on, and they don't look much different than before; but there's no mistaking the fact that there is a lot of fullness there that didn't used to be there. If I put my arms down at my sides and kinda "squeeze" my breasts together with my upper arms, there's this lovely cleavage that appears! That can ONLY be there because it's more dense and filled-in inside my breasts.

The past 6 weeks have taught me that permanent breast growth is totally possible for me; it's just gonna take a really long time. Like maybe a year to a year and a half to get up to a B cup. Even on BB's website they said the average rate of growth is one cup size every 3 or 4 months. So that's like .25" a month; which is just the AVERAGE growth. Some grow faster; others, like us smaller gals, seem to grow slower. And sticking religiously to your routine is a must! Since you are noticing definite fullness, whether is shows up on the measuring tape or not, that is GROWTH, girl! Big Grin I know, for me it seems like I'm in so much pain all the time, that I should be a D cup by now; but I'm still a AA. Granted, I'm a fuller AA than I was a couple months ago; but still, I was expecting to be a little bigger than this by now. I hope to fill in my A cup bra by July, maybe; that's how long I'm figuring it'll take.

Something else that seems to keep the pains going is thinking about your breasts growing, as often as you can throughout the day. Like every time you eat, say to yourself (in your head, so other people won't think you've lost your marbles, lol) "All this nutrition from this food is going straight to my breasts, and will help them grow." With each swallow, imagine there's these tiny little vitamins going into your breasts and making them expand and get larger. And also with each protein drink, and each pill you take. Same thing when you shower, or massage: imagine all the blood vessels getting warm and the blood flowing like a river through them; and again, that your breasts are expanding. When I fall asleep at night, I tell myself that my body will be concentrating on growing my breasts while I sleep; and again I imagine them getting larger. If you get your mind on the "Booby-Growing Train," it'll follow up with growth. Smile

You've got a great program; keep it up! I hope the dietician will have some suggestions to help you put on a little more weight.

Cycle 3 Day 16

Had weird itching type of sensation accompanied with pain sort of under my nipples... Haven't had that one for ages. Got pain in morning and then in evening before dinner. But no aches and pains lasting hours. Just those two, maybe 10 minutes max each. So 2/10

Went to the gym today and upped my weights, woo hoo. Am becoming a muscle woman! Well not really... as I upped one of them from 1 kg to 2kg!! hehehe

Thanks TM for your message. So 1 inch is a cup size, so 0.25" per month for 4 months. Well I've grown nothing so far and I've completed 2 full months and a half. So I guess the first month doesn't really count as my body was probably absorbing it then. So 1.5 months on it and zero growth so far. My breasts DO feel larger, so maybe it will start showing up on the measuring tape in a couple of months. My expectations of breast growth have diminished dramatically, and I would actually be REALLY REALLY Happy to be a solid 32"... as opposed to the 33" that I originally wanted. Ok I reakon that if I take BO for 3 more cycles, giving me a grand total of 6 months, and if there is still no difference in the measuring tape then I'll quit. 6 months is a good enough time period to see SOME growth by measuring tape surely, even if it's only 0.25". And if it does take me 6 months to see 0.25" of growth, that means it will take me two full years before I gain an inch! That is ridiculously slow, and quite frankly, I'll probably be married and pregnant and growing my own breasts by then. !!! hahahahaha

Also, I was just looking through your program page and you grew 3" during your first 3 months on BO right!, so 1" per month. So if you kept growing at that rate you would be a C in no time!

And I feel the same - re I have had so many breast pains I feel like I should be a DD!!!! hahaha Surely girls who go through puberty and end up with huge breasts don't get pains every day do they??!!

I'll give the breast thinking a go, but I'm pretty cynical about things like that. If you can really change molecular cells in your body through thought then people would be curing themselves of cancer right! But I will give it a go!!! I did try that rockmelon ringtone when I took herbs and I remember it felt like my breasts were dancing to it. But they didn't result in any growth though.

don't give up girl. keep going

I wish I was a C cup now! Sad I started out as a 34AAAAA; completely, utterly, totally flat. So every little fat cell that grew was quite visible! I think some of that may have been from doing chest exercises, which I don't do anymore; and I truly think some of it was swelling from the Maca and SBT oil that disappeared when I stopped taking those. It's like, since I've hit AA, growth has been VERY, VERY SLOW. Boo hoo! Sad I guess I must be genetically predispositioned to be really small; and taking these BB pills and protein is forcing my body to try to do something it's totally unfamiliar with: growing breasts, lol! Tongue Unfortunately, us smaller gals really have our work cut out for us, trying to grow breasts; while others seem to get their C cup in just a few months. No fair! It's definitely working, though; it's just taking forever! Stick to your program, GF; I'm sure in another month or two you will see something new on that blasted, lying, cheating measuring tape! In the meantime, be proud of your new fullness! You've worked hard for it! Big Grin

Cycle 3 Day 17

thanks boobie girl and TM. I will keep going. And I'll ignore the measuring tape's lies for now hehe

Had a bit of a weird itchy pain again. Then breasts ached in morning then pm for about 30 mins but that was it. 2/10.

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