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Help me go from an AA to a B cup!!!

Cycle 4 Day 6

Thought I better quickly post because I had LOTSSSSSSSS of pains today and REALLY painful ones too! My gosh, they went on all of the morning with a break in the afternoon, then all of the evening. I was talking to one of my friends and the pain would come on and I would nearly wince!

Hahaha thanks Boobie girl. I can imagine the crowds cheering for my small breasts!! lol not!

Cycle 4 Day 7

Had very strong sharp pains again like the previous day throughout the morning. But by afternoon nothing, and nothing throughout the evening until late and then aches started again.


Haven't noogled again since still can see the red dots from before. Am applying arnica to them.

Yay! Big Grin

I just read through the last couple pages of your program and am so glad that you've grown!

More hopefor other BO girls Smile

thanks Periwinkle! I am interested to see my progress over the next month or so. It may be that I miscalculated and I have no growth... so only time will tell!

Cycle 4 Day 8

some aches here and there, nothing much 2/10.

Also, just remembered that I had these strong aches in my RH breast but not in the breast but they felt like the area at the bottom of the breast was aching.

Cycle 4 Day 9

Had some achy sensations like yesterday in the morning. But then nothing.

Had problems swallowing pills lately, keep gagging on them!

Had a weird tingly sensation in my LH ear last night for about 20 seconds then in my arm this morning which lasted about the same amount.
Felt some aches this evening for awhile in my groin area.

Tried noogling again 20 minutes each breast and got pretty much no swelling, just they turned purple!

Cycle 4 Day 10

Had a few aches and pains here and there with some sharp aches sporadically. 2/10.

Working insane hours at the moment so getting stressed out and nearly ate lots of sugary stuff before, but decided not to, instead eating a handful of almonds. Always thinking of my breast growth!

Cycle 4 Day 11

Got tonnes of aches this afternoon which were REALLY irritating. It was like someone was constantly pinching me. Also funny sensation under my nipples again. 8/10

In the afternoon I ate some really sugary stuff (couldn't resist in the end!) and my breasts started to go crazy, aching and tingling away.

Overall, 6/10.

Looked at my breasts this morning front on and they look like they are joining up more. So that is good.

Did noogling tonight for 20 minutes each breast. And have MASSIVE bruising on my RH breast. I hope it will go away, I put arnica on it straight away. I wasn't even noogling hard. grrrrrrrr. Finding it really hard to get suction as well. SOoOOOOOOOOOO irritating. Definitely more swelling with it but still only up to like the 1" mark on the medium cups!!!

Cycle 4 Day 12

Had some incredibly sore pains, really really sharp ones that would come and go. Particularly after I ate about 10 minutes later the pains would come. So sharp that when I was talking to my friend I was almost like ARHGHHHH what the ....

Breasts sore to touch from yesterday's noogling. Still got some red dots, so putting lots of arnica creme on. I'm meant to go to the beach tomorrow.... )(@(*#@@@ I forgot about that, and now I have this mark from the noogle ring around my breast. !!!!!

Wow, the pains sound really encouraging! And the boobs getting closer in the middle of your chest is exactly what I noticed too. It's like the early growth puts the fat on the tops and insides of the breasts first. I'm noticing now that the underboob area will fill in more next. Hopefully, the centers will push out further after that!

Gosh, that really sucks about your bruising! Sad The Arnica will help fade those quicker than by themselves alone. Do you massage before NB? I notice the cups stay on better (less farting off) if I massage for a good 5 minutes beforehand. I wonder if massaging every day would eventually help strengthen the blood vessels in your breasts, and maybe prevent some of the red dots and bruising? Not sure. I hope those marks fade some more before you go to the beach. It was only 10 degrees here a few days ago when my husband and I were out doing our shopping; how I would love to be able to go to the beach right now!

I had the same painful sensation right after I ate a big portion of salmon with rice. It went on for about 6 hours after. Tingling, and one particular stabbing like pain. I was out shopping and felt this needle like poking on my left breast. Strange. It actually went on for the next two days or so.

I normally don't experience the tingling after eating. I feel those sensations more after drinking a hot beverage: tea, chicken feet broth, water, soup etc.

Id like to thing that whatever it is must be a good sign.

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