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Help me go from an AA to a B cup!!!

Cycle 5 Day 7

Had low level sensations consistently through the day, mainly in LH breast. 3/10.

Breasts don't feel any bigger than usual. They almost feel smaller!

I'm getting pretty sick of having such minimal change in them, when other people report that they grew 0.5" per month on BO. Well I have at the absolute most grown 0.25" in 4 cycles.

I hope it's not going to take me another 4 cycles to grow a further 0.25".

If I grow 0.25" for every four months it will take me another year to reach 32" and more than 2.5 years to reach 33"! That's insane and ineffective.

Well I'll keep going and finish all these pills I've got for the next 2-3 cycles and see what happens. I can definitely say that if you have a body like mine (low BMI, low body fat, poor digestion, and next to no breasts), that it will take a very very long time to see even the smallest amount of growth. Perhaps that will aide some people in their decision whether to bother to do NBE or whether to go and spend their time and money on something else.

Hi hun, schemed through the pages here just read a few parts, there was just waaaayyy too much for me to take in at once lol. Now, maybe you are a slow grower and are not giving each NBE method you have tried enough time to work for you. Like some people grow within a couple months while others I've seen it takes years! Also the low BMI, not sure how low yours is, maybe try to gain weight? Also maybe your genetics are a factor here. Are all the women in your family small chested? If so not sure there is much hope, unfortunately. We can only grow as much as our bodies will let us! Sorry if you said anything about these things previously, like I said there was just too much for me to read it all. I see you been on BO, have you been sure to get in enough protein? Temp is good? Are you taking the amount of BO you should to get growth? All of these could be factors to why you aren't growing.

Also in my personal opinion, looking through these threads, it's good that you are so detailed and posting so much throughout your progress to help others know what to do and expect, but it seems to me you are obsessing. You are doing it too much. Like in my opinion obsessing over NBE is never good, it stresses you out, and stress inhibits growth! It seems to me you are too concentrated on it, measuring waaayyy too much and as a result setting yourself up for disappointment, stress and failure. My suggestion... stop obsessing!!! Make your NBE routine just that, a routine! Make it a habit, just something you do, like brushing your teeth everyday. PUT THE MEASURING TAPE AWAY!!! I don't know how many times I tell people, do NOT measure until you feel a difference! Go by how they feel in your hands and in your bra, the measuring tape is the freaking devil! Yes I measure when on a routine, but not obsessively. I do it only when I feel a difference, when someone asks if my measurement has changed, or I only do it like once a week at most, once a month is probably more of the norm for me. Just trust me on this. When I didn't grow in NBE it's because I was measuring everyday, sometimes multiple times per day, I was stressing over it NOT working, and stressing over the fact I was wasting money and my husband being right lol and being able to say "I told you so" UGH!

But when I was more calm about everything, had the attitude of "whatever happens happens" and just did it as a routine... guess what happened??? I grew! Remember the mind is a powerful thing, if you keep thinking it's not going to work, then it won't, even if you are doing it without realizing. If you are obsessing this much, I can tell in the back of your mind you don't think it will work for you. And with you doing that, it won't.

Sorry for the long post, hope this helps. I know there are others with low BMI's that have grown so you can do it too!!

Cycle 5 Day 8

Can't actually remember what happened in the day! But woke up in the middle of the night and LH breast was pinching and aching deep in side. Then by the morning time the nipple area was itching. 4/10.

Anastasia - thanks for your message. My BMI is 17.5, body fat is an average of 16%. My mother has small breasts, probably an A or small B, whereas other people in my family have larger breasts. I am currently sitting between an AAA and an AA at the point of my cycle where my breasts measure the least. My temp is generally high enough, although I still have the odd day where in the morning I measure quite low in my temp but by afternoon it rises to an adequate level.

I have made taking the pills part of my routine, and I just do it without thinking about it (as much as you can when you are swallowing about 16 pills per day!) Noogleberry however is a different story, and that I find really requires effort.

It is discouraging when you don't feel that you are progressing because that is the whole point of doing all this stuff. As for measuring, I agree, measuring is 1) pretty inaccurate at the best of times, and 2) doesn't fully capture that you can feel your breasts have changed without a change in measurement. When I do measure I do it more for interest sake, not because I am marking my progress through that. In saying that, once a month on cycle day 5 I measure "for real" and take that as a sign of whether there is any growth evident on the measuring tape.

As for the weight issue, I would LOVE to put on weight, but it just ain't a happening thing! Despite taking two protein shakes in addition to my 3 meals and two snacks per day, I am not putting on weight. On the positive side though, I am really healthy and barely get sick.

I am interested to see what happens in the upcoming 2-3 cycles on BO, bringing me to cycle 5-7. At least I've been through those first four cycles where you do get rather impatient! I have purchased BO up to around cycle 7 so that is a pretty decent trial and I do expect to see more growth in both feel and in the measuring tape by that point. I will then reassess whether to continue or not.

As far as gaining weight, I would do it in a healthy way, not by eating unhealthy foods. But I would suggest going to a doctor about the weight issue and see what they can do to get you to an average weight. At least get to a 19 BMI. I had a rare eating disorder when I was a child, it's a chemical imbalance in the brain that caused all the food I ate to make me feel sick and thus making me not want to eat. When I finally found a doctor to diagnose me (we went through many) I was severely underweight and malnourished. He said if I had not been diagnosed, I would have lived 8 months at most in the condition I was in. I was prescribed meds that fixed the imbalance, also an appetite pill, and I was given this powder stuff that was also given to my son when he was underweight as a baby, it's called polycose I believe, it can be mixed in drinks and such and it puts on healthy weight. But yea, I would suggest going to a dr to see if your weight is healthy or not and what you can do about it. I barely get sick either, that's your immune system being good, I don't think that has anything to do with weight. My BMI currently is 23.8. I'm trying to get mine down to 20 to 21. So far am losing the weight Big Grin my BMI was 25.7 just a couple months ago. So I was considered overweight.

I understand you may think the measuring is "interest sake" but it could be depressing you subconsciously. You may not feel like it's bothering you, but deep down it might. And sorry but the whole cycles thing always confuses me, never understood all that lol. So saying the amount of cycles means nothing to me. Like I've seen some people consider a cycle of NBE program to be 6 months, others say 3 months, while as some consider it to be one month, or one menstrual cycle lol. So yea... layman's terms please lol.

I believe GF's use of the word "cycle" is referring to her menstrual cycle. Cycle 5 Day 8 is the 8th day of her 5th month. Smile

Yeah, I'd definitely keep on going through at least your 7th month. Being at an AA is the worst, because the changes that occur are SO DARN SLIGHT that you almost think it's all in your head! Sad What I've been noticing very recently (as in, the past two days) is that the shape of my breasts are ever so slightly starting to change. They are getting to be a little bit more of a teardrop shape; and the area around my nipples is sticking out more, pushing my nipples out a little bit more. So they are kind of a teardrop-y pointy shape now. It's exciting! But it's taken FOREVER to get to this point. It makes me anxious to see what's next! Smile

I'm sure having a higher BMI could be helpful, to a point. But look at me, though; my BMI is 21.0 and I'm struggling too. Maybe it's genetics, or just cuz we're starting from such a small cup size; but it's obvious us smaller gals are gonna take a lot longer to reach our goal than those who started with an A or B cup. Sad But considering puberty takes an average of 7-8 years naturally, it's not terribly surprising that this is taking so long. It is SOOO hard being patient; cuz you want to know if you're wasting time and money on something that may not be working. But giving your program at least 6-7 months is mandatory before you can determine whether or not it's working for you. Judging by your recent pics, I'd definitely say it's working for you! Big Grin The going is SLOOOOOW, I know; but it's working!!!

Hang in there! It does take an excruciatingly long time for us in the AA- category; but it is SOOO worth it when you finally notice a change! Big Grin

Cycle 5 Day 9

Apologies no time to reply to posts, thank you though for your thoughtful comments. Will reply later.

Starting a new job today!

Ok so pretty much nothing at all yesterday 1/10. Noticed that breasts feel denser. I hate the part of my cycle around day 3-6 when I am at my smallest. It sucks!

Sidenote - great photos TM!

Cycle Day 10-11 and 12

So had some aches and pains on day 10 about a 4/10.

Then on day 11 had some medium level pains which went on most of the afternoon but mainly in the LH breast 5/10.

Then that night had lots of pains.

Day 12 (today) nothing today.

Have to post quickly as boyfriend has been staying and have to quickly delete the internet history! hehe

Cycle day 13

Had some very strong pain around the perimeter of the RH breast, particularly the lower part. It was a dull pain then was sharp to the point when I was lying down in bed I moved to stop it. 4/10

Now RH breast is tingling away as I write this.

Noticed yesterday that LH breast in particular felt very meaty when I woke up. Breasts still feel same size in general, however I they still appear to be increasing in circumference, particularly the RH breast.

Anyhow, crazy busy here with new job but still managing to take my pills. (I keep gagging on them nearly every time I take them!) arghhhh.

Thanks for your messages, I will reply when things less busy.

Thanks GF. Smile

You are at the same stage I am, where they feel a little meatier; even if it doesn't really look like it too much in the mirror. Cool! It's definitely doing something!

How's your new job going? I know you've been busy! Smile

Cycle 5 Day 14

Will introduce DIM from today onwards again, 1 per day.

Had a few aches and pains here and there yesterday but nothing much 1/10.

TM - job going good thank you. And I've been glued to the TV watching what is happening in Japan. It's absolutely horrendous, earthquake, tsunami, nuclear explosions.....

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