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Underdeveloped Breasts


hey i suffered an ED when i was about 12 -13 and my breasts i felt started to develope, but then i lost weight, and my periods stopped. but i feel my boobs never developed, even tho i recovered. now i am overweight, yet still have no breasts. ( i am 25) im not sure tho if i am actually underdeveloped tho or if this is the natrual size for me ( i am 34aa), other women in my family i would say are about a b or c cup. however when my mum was my age she was an a cup. however i feel i have no proper breast whatsoever.

I'm 19, 32a and have been in stage 4 for years now, at least since age 14. I'm ready to look my age. I don't want to wait until I'm 22 or whatever.

Bexy, sounds exactly like my life story. Are you my twin?Tongue

I am 22 now, and I even though I have gained a lot of weight after ED, my breast are still not catching up. My mom says she was a A/B cup my age, now she looks more like a D.

Did your period come back on their own (without hormones)? I am still not having periods, and I REALLY hope that once my hormones balance my breasts will develop again.

Bexy, sounds exactly like my life story. Are you my twin?Tongue

I am 22 now, and I even though I have gained a lot of weight after ED, my breast are still not catching up. My mom says she was a A/B cup my age, now she looks more like a D.

Did your period come back on their own (without hormones)? I am still not having periods, and I REALLY hope that once my hormones balance my breasts will develop again.

Bexy, sounds exactly like my life story. Are you my twin?Tongue

I am 22 now, and I even though I have gained a lot of weight after ED, my breast are still not catching up. My mom says she was a A/B cup my age, now she looks more like a D.

Did your period come back on their own (without hormones)? I am still not having periods, and I REALLY hope that once my hormones balance my breasts will develop again.

Okay, after some google-fu, I'm really worried.

My breasts haven't changed one bit since I was 14 and now I'm 19. Am I going to have 14 year old boobs forever?! I've been on birth control for over a year now and they haven't changed even then! Sad

after talking to a couple of people on here from my intro post i am actually considering that my boobs actually never properly developed. I think I am going to pluck up the courage to go to the docs and ask but im worried the doc will just look at me like i am crazy. of course tho it may just be heriditary but i dont know.

see my mum and rest family are small chested, so i just thought it was that, but i feel the chest i do have now 34AA is just because i am overweight, and it looks like puppy fat or "man boobs" not proper breasts.

newbie - yes they came back by themselves when I was that young. However I continued to suffer with various EDs, at 17 -22 I was bulimic ( but still had periods ) and at 22-23 I was underweight and lost my periods again for a few years, but they came back last year but only when i had reached a certain weight. I think when you have been underweight you have to reach a REALLY healthy/a lot higher weight then you are used to in order for your periods to come back, mine came back at 133lbs(9.5 stone) and I am 5"7. So maybe you just need to gain a bit more in order for them to return. hope they come back soon!!


Hi Bexy, have you try a combination of breast massage and natural food intake. It help for. The guide can be found at after free registration.

(11-06-2011, 16:35)Janice Wrote:  Hi Bexy, have you try a combination of breast massage and natural food intake. It help for. The guide can be found at after free registration.

Hi, I am a newbie. I also using a guide found in this website. It do help.

I'm certain my breasts would be considered underdeveloped as well due to my unconscious blockages during puberty. However, I had no issue whatsoever breastfeeding my daughter. To my surprise, with my tiny breasts (34A), my milk supply always flowed very, very well. My extra small breasts nourished my daughter well from the day she was born until she was two years old. By the way, I was 30 years old when I gave birth to my daughter. I knew a female who had just given birth with huge breasts that simply would not produce any milk and her son would not latch on. I will say, my breasts served their purpose as far as providing nourishment to my child, which is the main purpose for females having breasts. So, having large breasts don't mean that the breasts will produce more milk.

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