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Low progesterone?


Hi all,

Didnt know where to post this, chose here because I just started PM. In a nutshell I could figure out what was going on and after talking with Isabelle (sorry if I spelt it wrong) I got to thinking about this topic, below is symptoms of low progesterone, well I have all except the vag. dryness and my libido is well pretty good for 47 yrs oldBig Grin last week and just a few days before my period (I have it right now with light cramps, had to take ibpro.) my sleeping was totally wacked, I had and have always gotten migraines (mostly on the leftside, so that wasnt out of the norm., last month my period was off, no sure what they mean resemble PMS but if they mean mood swings yep, anxiety (i use to be on paxil was doing really good since starting the herbs,supps, change diet from 5/17/11 until last week) had that woke up with panick attacks,Angry as for the malaise well yes feeling like I just want to be with the only person that makes me feel content and I that wasnt in a nutshell.. so low progesterone can it effect testostrogen sp?..and is that way I have acne and chin hair too..boy what a mess..Tongue From others experience in this area should I buy the cream for the stomach and see if that helps and if so when should it been done, during period before after.

Is it possible that just the change in my life style of diet, supps, herbs, my body is adjusting..should I wait..or will it hurt to try the progesterone.

Women suffering from low progesterone levels are prone to suffering from a host of problems including severe migraine attacks, symptoms that resemble PMS, irregular periods, unexplained anxiety and feeling of malaise. The indications can also include hot flashes, poor sleep patterns and dryness of vagina. However, the most pronounced effect of lowered progesterone levels is the decrease in libido. This is why post-menopausal women are often referred to as being 'sexually inactive' though this is not applicable to all women. Further, women suffering from low progesterone are likely to age faster, developing wrinkles at a faster rate, and tend to suffer from unexplained symptoms like burning or itching along the breasts and water retention.

Thank you all

Sure looks like you found it Smile And I hope Ginie finds this thread: she really knows about low progesterone, how to confirm that this is really the problem, and how to fix it.

Hi, beachbumbythesea! How old are you? What is your program - what do you take? Only PM? What dosage of MP? Do you cycle? What did you take before starting PM? Do you exercise? What happens when you take SP?

From just reading Dr.Lee's book you won't know if you have low progesterone or not. It can be anything - low estrogen and even lower progesterone, high estrogen and low progesterone (estrogen dominance), high DHT and low estrogen and progesterone.. It really can be anything.. If I were to give an advice I would say you either need to have your hormones checked by a doctor or you can try and find out your hormonal status by yourself. Either do saliva tests or do your basal body temperature charting, you can find all the information about it in my program. I described what kind of imbalance gives certain BBT Charts with examples (estrogen dominance, luteal phase deficiency, so on). I find it most useful myself.

When I started NBE I used herbs and I knew nothing about my own hormones. Needless to say that I really messed my cycle and my hormones then. I was taking high doses of estrogenic and prolactogenic herbs throughout my cycle and that resulted in me having high estrogen and prolactin and low progesterone. I used herbs and PC to correct it. Then I learned that luteal phase of the cycle is all about progesterone, not estrogen. I still use PC, just a little and only in luteal phase of the cycle. PC also makes estrogen receptors more sensitive to estrogen because many girls' problem is NOT low estrogen (they have enough of it) but just "stupid receptors don't understand it"!

Btw, my boobs grew when I was only using PC and nothing else! I know that Wahaika says PC actually stopps all growth but it didn't happen in my case. The growth I got from PC stayed, so it wasn't a temporary swelling.

Btw, I believe that to achieve growth you need to work with all hormones, not just estrogen. In puberty both estrogen and progesterone are high, prolactin too, and tons of other very important hormones like growthhormone.

So, I would advise you do BBT charting. It is complicated in the beginning and annoying at times (you have to do it first thing in the morning after you wake up at the same time every day) but it's worth it. You will be able to see what kind of deficiency (hormonal) you have after 1-2 months.

(17-06-2011, 15:22)Ginie Wrote:  Hi, beachbumbythesea! How old are you? What is your program - what do you take? Only PM? What dosage of MP? Do you cycle? What did you take before starting PM? Do you exercise? What happens when you take SP?

From just reading Dr.Lee's book you won't know if you have low progesterone or not. It can be anything - low estrogen and even lower progesterone, high estrogen and low progesterone (estrogen dominance), high DHT and low estrogen and progesterone.. It really can be anything.. If I were to give an advice I would say you either need to have your hormones checked by a doctor or you can try and find out your hormonal status by yourself. Either do saliva tests or do your basal body temperature charting, you can find all the information about it in my program. I described what kind of imbalance gives certain BBT Charts with examples (estrogen dominance, luteal phase deficiency, so on). I find it most useful myself.

When I started NBE I used herbs and I knew nothing about my own hormones. Needless to say that I really messed my cycle and my hormones then. I was taking high doses of estrogenic and prolactogenic herbs throughout my cycle and that resulted in me having high estrogen and prolactin and low progesterone. I used herbs and PC to correct it. Then I learned that luteal phase of the cycle is all about progesterone, not estrogen. I still use PC, just a little and only in luteal phase of the cycle. PC also makes estrogen receptors more sensitive to estrogen because many girls' problem is NOT low estrogen (they have enough of it) but just "stupid receptors don't understand it"!

Btw, my boobs grew when I was only using PC and nothing else! I know that Wahaika says PC actually stopps all growth but it didn't happen in my case. The growth I got from PC stayed, so it wasn't a temporary swelling.

Btw, I believe that to achieve growth you need to work with all hormones, not just estrogen. In puberty both estrogen and progesterone are high, prolactin too, and tons of other very important hormones like growthhormone.

So, I would advise you do BBT charting. It is complicated in the beginning and annoying at times (you have to do it first thing in the morning after you wake up at the same time every day) but it's worth it. You will be able to see what kind of deficiency (hormonal) you have after 1-2 months.

Ginie if you put progesterone on the breast only what would that do help or would it mess anything up or no point in using it straight on breast.

Boy what a pain with these hormones.. Well I have been reading alot and just going by my symptoms (cause least then a year ago and before I have had a ton of dif tests done from hormones, thyroid, immune, and all are normal) but my symptoms always narrow down to high adrogens so I did alot of reading and the one that was so me was adrenal fatigue which makes sense cause from 2007 to about 6 months ago I was through 3 deaths (my mom, grandma her mom, my husband), plus my husband and I were suppose to divorce now I am widow, losing my house/job, then my ex bestfriend she took 99% of my stuff from my house, then I had an ex bf who physically and mentally abused me, also had give my cat to my sister then she past away (cat not sister), but I am doing really good now found an awesome man and looking for work to get my own place (cant wait never lived alone and sooooooooo looking forward to that, but wouldnt mind living with my new man either) anyway, I looked into natural ways to help the adrenals which when they are fatigued they lead to high androgens so they said borage oil which I am taking already helps repair/restore the adrenals and SP I decided to keep taking which helps the androgens.. as for the PM I wrote in other threads I started not sure which of why I am taking FG right ..short verison I am not home but will be this weekend.. so I will stop FG and go back to PM..FG is doing pretty good though but just me I feel PM my help other things too.. just my gut.. anyway as for the progesterone I will read more on that and try and do what you mentioned grrrrrrrrrrr not good at keeping charts.. if you read the other threads I started then you can get a better picture of what is happening how much I was taking of PM last week and why I am not..etc. OH I am 47 that is why I was thinking I may need progest. and why I believe my estrogen in low well probably bc of the androgens.. When things start looking and feeling like they are working I will update in my program and revamp my program.

Thank you for replying. Very interesting of how you got growth with adding the progest.

I am happy I found this site I have been taking PM ainterol 2pills a day for almost 90 days. Now that I made it to my last if my pills I been having extremely new symptoms. For example racing heart beat (the racing heart beat started at a month into using) , anxiety attacks, problems sleeping,hot flashes.
Now the good part was I notice growth within two weeks with the breast exercise. Even my booty started to shape more. There was weight gain happening . And didn't change anything about my diet. Since I already eat well.
I am 31 in shape I'm 130 in lbs. 5'9 in height.
Oh one more thing I notice after my period every month I notice a decrease in size and mood swings headaches umm but yes the pills work. I currently have a doctor appointment now hopefully I won't have to stop taking pm. Cause these anxiety attacks are to much. And let me state I have not had this problems till I started taking pm.
I hope someone else can benefit from my post

Beachbum, going by some of your other posts, it seems like we have similar symptoms. Growing up, I never had headaches. A few years ago, I started getting migraines on the left side temple. My doctor said that it's not unusual for women to develop migraines in their 20s, so I just went with it. Mix that with my sleeping issues, anxiety, low energy/ depressive, I'm pretty sure it's my Progesterone!! These past few nights have been horrible!! Even with my sleeping pills, I get night sweats and am not able to sleep!!!! I can't wait to enter to Luteal phase so I can start the progesterone cream!!

Also, did you get your progesterone leveled? I noticed you started PM and I'm curious to know if you feel leveled. I'm staying away from PM pills since its so strong and bc of my progesterone issue. But I can't lie, I am applying PM cream :-/. I really want NBE to work!!!!!!!!!! So let me know how you're feeling now a days!

Hi Im_a_girl,

A few months back I was taking maca but I believe I took too much at once and it messed up my hormones so I stopped (but in the being of using it I felt great)I slept great, ton of energy, felt good waking up even with not much sleep, so I am thinking not to take too much phytos the 2nd cycle and see what happens..possibly just take maca and SP but going to stop SP and take it every other day and see how that goes at this moment, then I was taking FG even at some point with maca too, then stopped FG also, I was taking these with PM..then I stopped PM for a few days before my period and then started it back up the 2nd day of my period then add maca but started out with a 1/2 dose, now taking 1 pill a day but now I am up to 3 PM (which was for 3 -4 days) but going to reduce, was suppose to reduce to 1 through the 2nd cycle but thinking of upping maca cause maca is suppose to balance all the hormones, I was taking 1 SP with maca but today I am going to not take SP (well so far today I am not going to see how I feel), today I am going to reduce my PM down to 2 and if today I start getting a headache (which so far so go) I will take another maca and see how that goes, I already took 1 maca, I worked out yesterday and my headache was ok until later on after taking the PM, the headache wasnt bad before the PM or after and it was more in the front of the head (a dif kind this time) not sure if it is just being on the computer too much.. but the headaches I was getting on the left side most always is durning my period and usually lately after the first day of period, meaning the first day is wick cramps but no headache and the next few days or so headache, I took 2 ibpro's both days and if helped, will the first headache day not so much but the 2nd day it worked better.. anywho.. I think it is estrogen dom. and low progest... when I had a hypothyroid problem I got similar symptons so I may start taking a supp. to support the thyroid (but maca is suppose to do that too) so I will wait and see how it goes with the maca.

Are you taking any phytos.. let me know how it is going with the progest. cream.. I am hoping maca is what I need more of.. but my gut is my progest extremely low during this cycle, cause just before my period I feel great but not lately though.. I did feel really good on maca I think I dont need that much either.. before NBE my periods were fine..I am thinking of not taking too much herbs anymore... keep the doses low and see how that works..Thank you for asking..

Hey beachbum! HEAD IS SPINNING! You know, I never tracked my headaches, and they might actually coincide with my period!!! I get REALLY bad cramps, and possibly have endometriosis, so any other pain I have don't really pay attention. But I will start tracking my headaches. I haven't tried Maca and I'm actually holding off. I want to see how the other herbs are working first. I'm currently taking 3 FG (days 1-12, then 2 FG during Luteal), 1 SP daily, Ainterol PM Cream 1-2 times a day, and then a multi vitamin, and echinecea. I had a lot of swelling last week, but I think it's cause it was right before my period. Now, no swelling, no growth Sad. I really think my estrogen is either normal or dominant so I don't want to mess with oral PM. But I'm so teeempted! Everyone seems to be getting great results on it!!!! Maybe if I cycle it with the PC it'll be enough I'll be leveled? I'm still learning about herbs so I don't want to start introducing too many herbs into my body at once before researching it. But it's so much info!!

Since you suspect low Pro, have you tried PC? I know some people believe it stunts growth, but Ginie (I think) grew from it, and she posted a link about PC being used for growth. It might help. I'm still indecisive about PM pill!! Ahhh! I hear about how its so strong and that kinda scared me! Keep me posted on your PM and symptoms and I'll let you know about the PC!

Hi Iam_a_girl,

I posted sort of an up date on my program which is what felt was my problem:

Now my headaches durning my period I believe was from estrogen dom. I feel maca is balancing my hormones and putting progest. in balance, if it happens again next month then I will consider progest cream..right now I just want to focus on how I am feeling cause if I feel like crap then I will not be able to do my workouts and everyday things and these symptoms were keeping from doing that and it was making me feel frustrated not to have energy.. I want to workout to have a better shape that would make me feel better hence maybe the titas will benefit from that..stress is not good for the the link of what I did to help my symptoms cause I am to lazy to rewrite it..Blush sorry..oh another thing with me personally when I was taking FG I always got a headache so not sure if I want to use that in the 2nd cycle, really dont want to deal with more headaches and for some reason FG I cant tolerate well, I get dizzy from too..and craving but I may try it..unsure at this time and I am going into my 2nd cycle, my progest. should be going up in about a week if it hasnt already..

So, my headaches don't appear to be hormonal but just your good ol fashion migraine headaches. I've been taking progesterone for about 5 days and had a migraine for the past 2 days. So scratch that one!

Since Sunday I've been applying PC directly on the girls. I was applying it at morning and before bed for the first 3 days, and OMG was I sleepy! I didn't know sleepiness was a side effect of PC, but it all makes sense now! LOL. So now I'm using it before bed and I'm sleeping better. Still on sleep aids, but I'm hoping to phase that out at least during luteal while I'm taking the PC. We'll see.

So far, I haven't been reacting negatively to the PC as far as growth. I have some growth, so it's not stalling growth. Is it causing growth directly? Not too sure. But they do look fuller in my bra. And its helped my mood tremendously. I tend to get into a bad mood pretty easily. I just have low tolerance and very little patience, lol. And when something gets under my skin, it really effects me for a long time. And this week, I've been nice Big Grin. My foggy thinking seems to be clearer. So the PC will stay for a bit.

If you think you ARE low on progesterone, and often feel cranky or anxious, you should look into PC (even if its a tiny bit) just for a week.

Aside from the energy, do you notice an over all better mood and decrease in anxiety (if applicable) with the Maca?

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