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itsjust4fun91's Program Page


Let me know how the ab circle pro thing goes, I was considering getting one, but eh, wasn't sure if it's worth it. I'm considering getting an elliptical but not sure yet. I read some bad reviews on the ab circle pro, so wasn't sure if it works or those people are just lazy lol. Right now I just jump rope for cardio or take the dog for a run.

I read the same bad reviews so have put it off for a long time. The ones that I read said it was put together poorly and some people had to get new parts.

I waited until they put out this new 2010 version that is supposedly modified with new knee cups and better parts, but I didn't feel like waiting around another 6 months to find out if it's true or not, so I decided to take a chance. I got it for 120 with free shipping on ebay instead of the 199 everywhere else, but that will still be ugly if it's junk.

Well let me know how you get on with it, if it's worth a dang, $200 is better than what I would be paying for an elliptical. The one here at the store is about $600. Though I can put it on a card and make payments.

I think I finally got my ovulation problem solved. It took two cycles to figure out the right amount of progesterone to get it right, but this cycle was smooth sailing.

I altered the suggested time of use to accomplish this. I knew I didn't need the full dose, so I cut it in half to a dab, roughly 1/16th of a teaspoon and began using it on day 12 of my cycle instead of waiting until day 14. I plan to only use it for about a week out of each cycle around ovulation time to keep it under control.
So this month I had no cramping or mood swings with ovulation and no spotting either on the day of. ow we'll see how this effects the rest of my cycle and my NBE for this month.

I've started using the ab circle and so far love it, though I have to fight for a turn on it. My 5 year old seems to think it's an indoor jungle gym.
Is it a make you sweat type of workout? no. It gets your heartrate slightly elevated and the calorie counter is a nice feature since it feels like I'm not doing much but I do feel like I just finished a brisk walk when I'm done. The first day I used it, I thought it wasn't doing anything, BUT I woke up the next day sooooo sore from my ribs down to my hips, but only on the sides. So, I know it does do something for the abs. I also think it works really good as an option of a light workout to be doing while watching TV instead of just sitting there vegging. Since the upper body remains still, it's easy to keep up with what's happening on the shows.

Thanks for sharing how the ab circle pro works, think that's the next thing I'm going to order now!

And lol about the feeling nothing then feeling major soreness the next day... a friend of mine gave me a morning wake up type video where you do some yoga mixed with a little cardio and some other things, this guy, I'll go find the video and tell you the name of it and the instructor's name, said that you could use this for a work out warm up as well. But it's a hawaiian style workout designed to wake you up and help you feel energized, and that it does. But when I was doing it I was thinking, this is so easy I can do this daily. Then the next morning I woke up and could barely stand! My thighs were hurting SOOO much! LOL sometimes it's the muscles we barely use that these things work out then we feel it the next day!

Oh and I wanted to get the ab circle pro mainly for the ab workout. I ordered myself a weighted exercise hula hoop for cardio, and I do jump roping already. I work up a sweat with the jump roping, especially if I put on a sauna suit while doing it or a sweat outfit.

Oh and glad you figured out the progesterone for yourself. I was thinking about taking milk thistle this upcoming menstrual cycle to cleanse the liver out since then it will be 3 months that I've used UB.

I'm a huge fan of liver cleanses. Milk thistle is great stuff, but if you ever want a major liver/gallbladder/colon cleanse check out dr. clarks liver cleanse on the web some time. It's not the most pleasant 24 hours of your life, but the results can't be denied. It's the only reason I still have my gallbladder! It works great.

So it's that time again. The breast pains are here, though lighter than I have ever had before, so this may not be a big growth month for me. I think possibly the growth may be addressing a different area this time around. It never crossed my mind that different parts of the breast would grow at different times, but now I do wonder about it.

The breast tenderness I have this month is not on the outsides of my breast but in the center below the nipple and strait down through the center of the breast.
I had several bouts this month of not being good about taking my other supplements like L-tyrosine and kelp, mainly due to a horrible bought of reflux that seems to be aggrevated by all of my vitamins so I was trying to figure out which ones. I don't know if that will effect this at all or not, but we'll see what type of results I get this time around.

So my growth period for the month is over and I ended surprisingly with a 1/2 inch increase. I really didn't expect it. I began having some reflux problems so stopped all suppliments except for BB and slowly added them back in to try and find the culprit. Well, I never did, but I was without L-tyrosine and kelp for about 2 weeks. I also used my progesterone mid cycle to stop the painful ovulation, which worked, but I think it might have also lessened the growing pains, which made me think I wasn't going to grow. Well, I did, but I kind of like the growing pains so I might use less progesterone next month and see what happens.

So, here are this months pictures in the same suit. I've been tossing around the idea of posting two without a top, because they show way more of a difference than with them, but still not sure how I feel about it. I need to check to see if at any time we want to, we can delete our pictures and then maybe I will. For now here they are

in the order of first pic Sept 1st. then last months then this months.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

I figured it was time to update my program page about how noogleberry is going. I was unsure at first if the small amount of swelling I began to see last week meant it was beginning to work or if it was too little to conider working. It's beginning to increase though, so I would say it's starting.

Last week I began seeing a 1/2 inch difference after pumping. then suddenly it seemed I was staying a half inch larger, no matter when I measured, so I spent a day measuring about every 2 hours to see if it was swelling or not. 15 hours after pumping, I began measuring my old stats of 39 1/2, but as soon as I pumped, it was back up to 40 and it was still there come morning. At first pumping on top of still existing swelling wasn't only keeping the swelling I had, but starting yesterday now when I pump I see the 40 and 1/2 mark, for awhile, then it settled back down to 40, so I think it is increasing gradually.

I'm going to try and start adding a middle day pumping back in so that the swell stays constant instead of having to go down at all, but the biggest issue is finding the time to do it.

I'm also about to make a big change up to my program. It has very little to do with nbe and a lot to do with hormones and health. I had thought that I had gotten my adrenals back under control when I got worked so hard to get my hormones under control, but I'm beginning to realize that that is not the case and if I want everything else to remain balanced, then I am going to have to put a little more support into the foundation of things.

I'm going to be adding HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN and a b complex into my routine to help and besides it has so many other awesome benefits that my body needs with it's health problems I think it will be a great supplement to add. I also am looking into adding adrenal glandular, but am still trying to find mention if anyone else has combind it with BB before and how that worked out.

Once I settle on everything I'm going to add I'll come post my updated program.I'm hoping that I'll find a nice even area to not only keep growing, but help my joint health and my adrenal health.

I also saw the ab circle pro at target...i check it out pretty good and it is the same as on tv. I THINK it was $199 but not s&h. I have been serious considering it also. I currently use the Air CLimber(also at Target) and I love it! It has 5 separate workouts(on DVD) from beginner to extreme, that concentrate on just abs, or burn and firm etc. However, I have been thinking of the ab circle pro to kinda break things up a bit with my workouts. So, Mel if you feel it is working then i just might get one. please keep us posted onit.

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