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Underdeveloped Breasts


Breast size do not have direct correlation with its ability to produce milk. This is a good things about gods creationSmile

Breast size is only affect body curve.

(12-07-2011, 05:13)Janice Wrote:  Breast size do not have direct correlation with its ability to produce milk. This is a good things about gods creationSmile

Breast size is only affect body curve.

okay but sometimes outside forces interfere with gods creation, and appearance is often an indicator of insufficient glandular tissue. There are things that lactation consultants look for when examing breasts of pregnant/lactating women.

This is the condition I suffer from...From the Lactation consultant I saw she said about 5% of women suffer from this, with only about 1% of women who cannot make little or any milk. I make about 40-50% of a milk supply. And yeah my breasts always looked funny and one side never grew past the stage 4, and the other is probably a 3 or 2 if i am optimistic. I am now breastfeeding my baby and supplementing with formula and only one side grew during pregnancy but still not enough for my baby to live on.

This condition is becoming more common according to the Book "A Breastfeeding Mother's Guide to Making More Milk".

I have a friend who is breast feeding as well but tend to breast feed from one of the breast more than the other breast, which resulted the breast imbalance. So it is advisable to balance the breast feed from both breast.

(29-07-2011, 00:40)em2727 Wrote:  
(12-07-2011, 05:13)Janice Wrote:  Breast size do not have direct correlation with its ability to produce milk. This is a good things about gods creationSmile

Breast size is only affect body curve.

okay but sometimes outside forces interfere with gods creation, and appearance is often an indicator of insufficient glandular tissue. There are things that lactation consultants look for when examing breasts of pregnant/lactating women.

This is the condition I suffer from...From the Lactation consultant I saw she said about 5% of women suffer from this, with only about 1% of women who cannot make little or any milk. I make about 40-50% of a milk supply. And yeah my breasts always looked funny and one side never grew past the stage 4, and the other is probably a 3 or 2 if i am optimistic. I am now breastfeeding my baby and supplementing with formula and only one side grew during pregnancy but still not enough for my baby to live on.

This condition is becoming more common according to the Book "A Breastfeeding Mother's Guide to Making More Milk".

I have the same condition that you do. My breasts always appeared small for my frame (overweight due to PCOS) and oddly shaped.

After two babies and lots of herbs, they are starting to take on a more normal shape, but they have a ways to go before I will be able to feed a baby on my own.

Yes, we need to stop the herbs for a while before start breast feeding to avoid breast milk being "contaminated".

(07-08-2011, 06:29)Janice Wrote:  Yes, we need to stop the herbs for a while before start breast feeding to avoid breast milk being "contaminated".

How long is a while? My plan has been to take herbs for a year and stop once I get pregnant. That would mean 8-9 months without those herbs before I start breastfeeding again.

I would take other herbs during pregnancy, but they're safe for breastfeeding.

Hi Bekki,

Check chapter 19 in the book I linked here:

(07-08-2011, 17:03)Isabelle Wrote:  Hi Bekki,

Check chapter 19 in the book I linked here:


I'm not too worried. The only herbs I have seen mentioned on here that are not galactagogues are wild yam and PM. Many of the others - fenugreek, fennel, goat's rue, saw palmetto, red clover, alfalfa, etc are all taken during lactation to increase milk supply, so they don't really worry me because they're safe.

I feel (personally) that as long as I stop taking the non-galactagogue herbs when I get pregnant next, I should be fine.

I'm still debating on which is better for me to take, though: PM or BO. After doing some more reading on here, many seem to feel that BO is much more beneficial for women with underdeveloped breasts. Does anyone have information on that for me?

Basically i am 15, and i have had the same breasts since i was 10. I have irregular periods, mood swings, hot flashes (sometimes), anxiety, depression, and low appetite. When i get my periods they are either heavy and last for 2 weeks, or last for a day and very light. My breasts are shaped like triangles and have a puffy aroela. I just want them round now, and normally shaped. I might have a progesterone defiency due to the fact i have most of the symptoms and have these shaped breasts. I have been taking fenugreek and saw palemetto. Also have been using boustise bust serum. So far its been 4 days ive been doing this routine. I have noticed some roundness and volume. Will continueing this routine round out my breasts so they wont look tubular anymore? Im thinking of taking bovine ovary too, will that help to shape them more?

(12-05-2010, 20:57)readytogrow Wrote:  Hey there,

So I decided my breasts were underdeveloped as well. As they are not rounded out (more of a triangular pointy shape), and just didn't seem proportionate to my body, as well as at one point resembling empty sacks! I also had some other symptoms that made me speculate a hormonal imbalance from my online research. I kept waiting for them to finish but then when I hit 22 I was like "ok...they are stuck!" I think they stopped growing when I was about 13 or they resemble that stage of development.

I have not been to a doctor and discussed this, which I suppose would  be the smarter decision, instead I went ahead and did one of your plans and started NBE. I have had a couple of unsucessful starts where I ended up quitting b/c my routine wasn't fine-tuned to my life enough or the timing wasn't ideal.

BUT  I started this March on NBE with a gooood foundation of learning beneath me, pretty basic routine with the herbs and supplements & massages and I have noticed a big change in my breasts already!! They have gotten much fuller and are starting to round out. & my man has noticed the new cleavage as well. Nothing too impressive yet, but they are growing and seem to be developing more and more! I'm on month 2 now and I am very excited to see my future results! I know the key is just sticking to it So, yes, there is potential hope for you with herbal enhancement if the doctors can't help you.

We will achieve the adults breasts we deserve! Haha...Wink Hope this gave you some hope.

Hi! I was wondering what was your daily routines and which herbs did you use. I'm 16 and have had tubular breasts since i was 11 or 12. Im using progesterone cream at the moment but i think i need a boost maybe like bovine ovary? However, it'd be great to get some info from someone who has/is going through the process of maturing their underdeveloped breasts and would like to know if bovine ovary is the right option for me.

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