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kept results


I just wanted to answer one of the most common questions on here finally. I have been on a year break from bo and kept my results. I also noogled up until may and have since taken a break from noogling and still not gone down in size since stopping that either. I'm about to start my program back up again and hope to gain a bit more now.


Hi. That is great to hear!
I am on BO too, and I am wating for my noogleberry!!
How long did you take BO for?
How many times did you noogle?
How much did you grow?
Thank you!!

I was on bb for a year. I grew from an A to a C in the first 6 months on it. I was a slow responder to the noogleberry and had really only begun to figure out what my body needed for the noogleberry to work when school let out and I stopped for the summer. The details are a little better in my program thread on all the things that worked and didn't work for me. It's different for everyone.


Way to go! Glad you kept your results, just as I have experienced! And haha sounds like the booby greed monster has gotten to you as well Tongue I'm still curious if I can get to like a 32E/34D or something, though I'm happy with my 32D/34C's I'm just so curious ya know? I still have bottles of BO I haven't taken, thinking of starting it soon, I fasted last week to cleanse my body, so may start this week. I also started pumping again, here and there, not everyday though. But even during breaks I massage my breasts daily and do my chest exercises at least 2-3 times per week. So I think that helps as well, and is good for breast health in general. What size are you hoping to go for Mel?

I would like to see a D and decide from there. With my breast shape being so broad without a bra to gather it up I don't look like someone elses size C. It's crazy the diff that breast shape makes.

Yea, it's the same for me. If I'm not wearing a good bra or hold my breasts in my hands they look like a full B to me, not a D! And I'm not broad, I'm actually petite so it's weird. I think it just all has to do with breast shape and our perception. I'd like to look at myself naked and be able to say that I look like a full C at least. My hubby thinks I'm nuts and says I look fine lol but I'm determined! I wear a bra now more than I ever did due to that fact alone lol, crazy huh? My breasts are more round than they were when I first started NBE though, I think they are as round as my body will allow them to be, which I'm happy about, but still. I look at other women on here, on other sites, etc. And many of them look the size they say they are, yet I look 2 sizes smaller than what I am, in my eyes at least.

Same here yet while on vacation a gal asked if i had work done because she thought my boobs were so perfectly round and sized. Even in my pics i see the roundness but in the mirror I don't. As for the boobie greed, I've always had it but sometimes my health has gotten in the way.

I think a big well done to is in order for you Mel and you Anastasia Big Grin proof that NBE can be permanent, ive started noogling again, dont want any more size though, just need abit of shape back if possible, its kinda slow going though if im honest, not like when i first started, i get no swelling atall now, strange but ill just keep on noogling lol but well done to both of you, inspirational is the word im looking for Smile

Hugs Cheryl xxxx

Thanks though we haven't achieved anything near to what you have. It still just blows my mind how much you grew but I'm thrilled to have been on this journey with you to see your and our results from start to finish. AMAZING.

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