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gogirlanime..or anyone else tips for cellulite


Hey Gogirlanime and anyone else too..,

I know you are up on health and supplements (your the one that works in a health store..correct)

Any thing natural or supplement wise that would help cellulite (but that wouldnt interfere with NBE)..I have only in my upper thighs and just under the butt..been doing exercises for this and it is helping some..

Thank you

(11-08-2011, 15:54)beachbumbythesea Wrote:  Hey Gogirlanime and anyone else too..,

I know you are up on health and supplements (your the one that works in a health store..correct)

Any thing natural or supplement wise that would help cellulite (but that wouldnt interfere with NBE)..I have only in my upper thighs and just under the butt..been doing exercises for this and it is helping some..

Thank you

Cellulite is one of the hardest things to get rid of, even Jillian Michaels has cellulite and she is super fit. Unfortunately it is something you might have to deal with your whole life Sad you can try a topical fat burner, I have heard people have had good results with that, Dr. Oz says use something with aminophylline. I googled that and there is this stuff called "cutting gel" available at GNC, try that. Unfortunately cellulite is caused by estrogen and NBE might actually make it worse for a while... so I think you will have to wait till your NBE is over. Try the topical aminophylline, body brush with a boar bristle brush, and try using some sort of topical detox too... that is all I can think of. Oh! I read some books, these are the notes I took (its really long, but I am sure you will find some good answers). Do your research because I don't know if any of the ingredients suggested will interfere with NBE.

"The Cellulite Solution A Doctor's Program For Losing Lumps, Bumps, Dimples, And Stretch Marks"

Murad, Howard M.D. The Cellulite Solution A Doctor's Program For Losing Lumps, Bumps, Dimples, And Stretch Marks. New York, New York: St. Martin's Press, 2005. Print.

"Many popular theories say that cellulite is the result of excess fat in the body, and therefore dieting is the answer. Others say that cellulite is caused by an overabundance of water, and therefore dehydration of the affected areas is the answer. Well, the popular theories on cellulite and stretch marks are wrong. Have you ever gone on a successful exercise or dieting program only to find that you lost excess weight but the cellulite was still there? Have you ever attempted to parch the offending areas of your thighs and backside using topical caffeine or some other dehydrating agent only to find the area plump up again as soon as you drank some water? You are not alone." PP. 2

"The cell is immortal. It is merely the fluid in which it floats that degenerates. Renew this fluid at regular intervals, give the cells what they require for nutrition, and as far as we know, the pulsation of life can go on forever.
-Dr. Alexis Carrel,
Winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine" PP. 9

"The breakdown of collagen and elastin is the direct cause of wrinkles." PP. 13

"Subdermal fat is the fat that is trapped below the dermal layer where it cannot be burned as fuel. If the dermis and epidermis above it become damaged and weaken, this fat will push its way toward the surface and become visible cellulite.
Fascia is fibrous material that separates various body components. If you think of a steak, the fascia is the dense white material that separates the meat from the fat.
Normal fat appears when we overeat, and it is burned as fuel when we exercise. It does not contribute to cellulite." PP. 13-14

"Cellulite Normal Fat

affects women only affects women and men

concentrated primarily at the inner, outer, occurs everywhere on the body
and posterior thighs; inner knees; upper and
lower abdomen; hips; buttocks; lower back;
back of upper arms; ankles

when squeezed, appears to have ridges, when squeezed, is smooth in texture
lumps, irregularities

within the skin below the skin

cannot be used as an energy source by an energy source
the body" PP. 15

"Connective tissue contains the body's matrix (glycosaminoglycans, or GAGs). This is a semisolid matter made of materials such as hyaluronic acid, a water-loving substance that can actually attract up to 1,000 times its weight in water. There building block for hyaluronic acid is glucosamine. Collagen and elastin keep the connective tissue firm and hold its shape. The building blocks for collagen and elastin are the amino acids in the foods we eat." PP. 17-18

"To repair cellulite, we need to strengthen and hydrate the cells and connective tissue in your body by feeding them with the nutrients and water they need to stay healthy." PP. 18

"The primary factor that contributes to cellulite is interference with your blood vessels' ability to circulate nutrients. As the skin is the outermost part of your body, nutrients need to travel all the way through the blood vessels to reach it. As the blood vessels are the connective tissue of the heart, they can be damaged in much the same way as the skin's dermis-and with the same destructive results.
Damaged blood vessels do not have the reach that healthy blood vessels do. Women with cellulite frequently have damaged capillaries (spider veins) and varicose veins, and are prone to bruising and discoloration. Anything that strengthens the dermis and the skin cells above it. Repaired blood vessels one again are able to bring the necessary nutrients and water to the dermis and epidermis to further repair the cell walls and connective tissue. This reduces dimpling as well as broken capillaries and varicose veins." PP. 18-19

"This is why traditional methods such as weight loss cannot possible work. Cellulite is not a 'fat' problem-it is a 'dermal' and 'cellular' problem. Therefore, methods need to be directed toward modifying the adjacent connective tissue and skin cells rather than the fat cells." PP. 20

"…All of that water that you are trying to replenish you body with is just passing right through you. This is because as we age, our body's cells break down and lose the ability to hold onto water. A baby's body is 74 percent water. By the time we reach middle age, our body's water content can be as low as 50 percent. Anything that is no longer living has no water. A damaged cell that cannot maintain its water is like a pocket with a hole in it. You can keep putting money in it, but it doesn't do you any good because it just passed right through. But once you repair your cells, they will hold onto all of their needed water, and prevent a number of age-related ailments." PP. 32

"To increase the water-holding properties of a sponge, we would need to increase the material it is made of. It is the same with the body's connective tissue. As we increase the matrix by providing the body with its building blocks, glucosamine and amino acids, it is able to hold onto more water, making it firmer, smoother, and more resilient." PP. 35

"The same is true for your body. It knows how to heal your cells. That is one of its primary functions. The problem is that you probably don't get enough of the ingredients in your diet necessary to repair cell walls." PP. 38

"As we age, our bodies produce less and less of this amazing substance, leaving us with sore joints and dry, wrinkly skin. Adding glucosamine, the building block of hyaluronic acid, to your diet will help your body's interior and exterior to stay moist and supple." PP. 46

"The amino acids in meat have already been converted into collagen and elastin in the animal's body. Your body needs to break down the animal's collagen and elastin into amino acids before it can make use of them. More direct sources of these nutrients are in beans, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and vegetables and fruits, including my favorite superfood, goji berries. These plant foods are sources of protein that provide the body with adequate amounts of essential amino acids as long as a variety of them are consumed and your calorie needs are met. They contain amino acids that are much easier for your body to metabolize." PP. 47

"Approximately 2000 to 4000 mg-or about the amount of found in a rounded tablespoon of soy lecithin granules or one large egg-is a good dose to aim for.

Common Food Sources of Lecithin
soy foods (e.g., tofu)
soy lecithin granules
peanuts and peanut butter
potatoes" PP. 55

"Dimple-Preventing Nutrients to Add to Your Diet
amino acids
essential fatty acids
B vitamins
trace minerals
lecithin" PP. 58

"Due to its incredible antioxidant potency within the skin, ellagic acid is a vital ally in the fight against cellulite, which is unleashed by free-radical damage within the skin. For the ellagic acid benefit of this fruit, go right to the source. Pomegranates and pomegranate juice are a delicious way to protect you body. If these are in short supply in your local market, you can take a supplement containing pomegranate extract such as Murad Pomphenol Sunguard Supplement." PP. 64

"For their antioxidant benefits, they have nearly five hundred times more vitamin C per ounce than oranges and more beta-carotene than carrots. They contain eighteen types of amino acids, twenty-one trace minerals, and vitamins B1, B2, and B6. Goji berries are also rich in linoleic acid (an essential fatty acid) and beta-sisterol (an anti-inflammatory)." PP. 65

"Topical and Internal Anti-Inflammatories
aloe vera
zinc" PP. 67

"Unfortunately, as we age, our rate of cell turnover decreases. The stratum corneum becomes packed with cells that just don't hold water. By the time we reach the age of twenty, and after before, it is necessary to give our skin some assistance.

Exfoliation: Uncovering a Younger You

The best way to reinforce this crucial barrier is through exfoliation: actively removing the dead, ineffectual cells on the surface, sending our body the signal to produce new ones. This ensures that our skin's surface is replete with young, hydrated, efficient cells." PP. 68

"My favorite chemical exfoliators come from the family of hydroxy acids. These are sometimes known as fruit acids, as many of them are found naturally in fruits. For example, malice acid comes from apples, and glycol acid is found in sugarcane. Cleopatra was famous for taking baths in sour milk. It may not sound very appealing, but the lactic acid in milk gave her skin a vibrant, youthful glow." PP. 69

"Dry skin brushing is one of the most effective exfoliating treatments for skin with cellulite and stretch marks. Not only does regular use of this technique remove old dead and dying cells around your body, it also increased the blood flow to the affected areas and stimulates the lymphatic system's ability to remove built-up toxins." PP. 70

"I recommend brushing your dry skin once a day, preferably before bathing." PP. 71

"You know how important it is to keep adequate moisture in your skin. One of the primary functions of the stratum corneum is to prevent the water within you skin for escaping. [Moisturizers]" PP. 71

"A moisturizer that is used to treat cellulite ideally also includes an agent that increases blood flow, such as cayenne or capsaicin." PP. 75

"Ingredients to look for in a moisturizer

Hydrators Antioxidants Anti-Inflammatories

sodium PCA vitamin C zinc
hyaluronic acid vitamin E licorice extract
glycerine pomegranate extract aloe vera
goji berry extract goji berry extract goji berry extract" PP. 76

"The best defense against cellulite is the prevention of the forces that cause it. The more we can minimize the free-radical production, inflammation, and resulting water loss, the less chance the new cellulite will ever form on our bodies." PP. 77

"Extra ingredients to Look for in Topical Products
pomegranate extract (punica granatum extract)
vitamin C
grape-seed extract
goji berries (lycium barbarum fruit extract
cat's-claw (uncaria tomentosa extract)
cayeene (capsicum frutescens fruit extract)
centella asiatica extract
tiger's herb (centella asiatica extract)" PP. 77

"At present, there are no substantial clinical studies to prove that this technique is a cure for cellulite. [mesotherapy]" PP. 198

"The Cellulite Secret why you have it and how to lose it"

Walker, Shonagh. The Cellulite Secret why you have it and how to lose it. Naperville, Illinois: Sourcebooks, Inc., 2005. Print.

"Cellulite is the direct result of poorly functioning lymphatic and circulatory systems." PP. 10

"Among its many functions, estrogen stores and distributes fat within the female body." PP. 12

"It's also thought that estrogen increases the permeability of the blood and lymphatic vessels in cellulite-prone areas, allowing fluids to leak into the surrounding tissues." PP. 12

"Vigorous massage such as deep tissue techniques can actually intensify the condition, especially if they are not performed correctly. The harsh pummeling and crunching involved can weaken the underlying support structures, increase the flow of wastes to the area, and making the swelling of the tissues worse." PP. 19

"Ashtanga is especially useful for conditions such as cellulite, as it works directly on improving the cardiovascular and circulatory systems." PP. 28

"Dry Body Brushing
Your skin is your body's largest excretory organ, and many toxins are released through it via sweat. If dead cells are allowed to accumulate on the surface of the skin, it becomes difficult for these toxins to be released, leading to dull, dry skin and often blemishes. A minimum of twice a week dry body brushing helps to maintain healthy skin by sloughing away the buildup of dead cells." PP. 31

The Cellulite Cure™ By: Dr. Lionel Bissoon

ISBN 0-9764821-0-X

Published by Meso Press
8400 Menaul NE - Suite 162 - Albuquerque, NM 87112

Text and Illustrations Copyright © 2005, Meso Press
Cover and Page Design Copyright © 2005, Meso Press

Creative Director Leslie Fischer
Cover Design by Leslie Fischer
Cover Photograph by Steve Ladner

Illustrations and charts by Zane Fix, Brent Hartman, M. Hurley and Thomas Penna.
Cartoons by Zane Fix.
Design, Art Direction by Teknigrammation Graphics, Inc.
773-973-1614 - -
7312 N. Hamilton - Chicago, Illinois 60645

Color Correction by Sebastian Pineda -
917-939-5907 - 108-25 72 Ave., Ste. 3e - Forest Hills, NY 11375

Photography by Dr. Lionel Bissoon, Graciela Cattarossi and Steve Ladner.
Printed in Seoul, Korea by Samhwa Printing co., Ltd.

For Referencing

Bissoon, Lionel. "The Cellulite Cure™" Albuquerque, NM: Meso Press, 2005. Print.


"The only creams and lotions that provide some relief are those containing liposomes, which allow medications to penetrate the skin." PP. 11

"Although medicine does not yet fully understand how the various factors work together to produce cellulite, it is known that the hormone estrogen-in combination with certain diets, clothing and lack of exercise-contributes to the problem." PP. 12

"Mesotherapy improves lymphatic drainage from the cellulite tissues. Lymph is the fluid that normally drains from all bodily tissues, returning to large vessels that eventually make their way to the heart for recirculation and re-oxygenation." PP. 16

"In addition to skin cells, the dermis contains nerves, blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, glands, and hair follicles." PP. 27

"As you probably know, the epidermis is extremely thin (ranging from .02 to .04 millimeters, or an average of 1/1000th of an inch), and continuously renews itself by shedding surface cells in a process called 'desquamation' or 'exfoliation.'" PP. 27

"Prior to age 30, the skin is shed every 30 days, but shedding becomes less frequent after this, occurring every 45-50 days." PP. 27

"Crepe-like skin is not cellulite. It's caused by layers of dead skin that have accumulated instead of being shed." PP.29

"Collagen makes up 70% of the dermis, and gives the skin structural support for the cells and blood vessels. Collagen also allows the skin to stretch and contract, which aids in the healing of wounds. Elastin occupies the spaces between collagen fibers, and provides elasticity and resiliency to the skin. Elastin degrades slowly, but steadily, and must be replaced by new elastin." PP. 32

"The dermis also contains large molecules called glycosaminoglycans and proteoglycans… that retain and release water, and are responsible for regulating the skin's turgor…" PP. 32

"Damage to connective tissue makes it weaker and less elastic, and is a major factor in cellulite formation." PP. 32

"When fibroblasts are staved of oxygen and vital nutrients, and veins and lymph vessels are unable to drain the tissues effectively, fluid builds up between cells and protein within the fluid settles out to form thick and inelastic fibers between fat cells. As they become unhealthy, the fibroblasts fail to remove abnormal protein fibers, and to rebuild collagen and elastin fibers. Pressure builds up within the tissue, causing it to feel hard, tender and lumpy. Blood cannot pass through the rigid, dense tissue freely. Instead the flow is decreased, causing the situation to worsen." PP 32

"The subcutaneous fat layer is responsible for the appearance of cellulite in women. Worse: the fat layer is mainly regulated by hormones, and does not readily respond to diet and exercise." PP. 33

"When liposuction is performed in this area, it actually makes the appearance of the cellulite worse." PP. 38

"In other words, for every seven pounds you gain, six will gravitate to your thighs and buttocks; just one pound will find another home. For every seven pounds you lose, only one will be shed from the problem areas, while six will melt from other regions." PP. 38

"If you've ever wondered why women tend to acquire excess fat on their thighs, hips and abdomen, now you know. Women have more fat layers than men, and these layers are resistant to diet and exercise. In addition, fat layers such as the subcutaneous one cannot be treated with liposuction." PP. 39

"Poor blood circulation and lymphatic drainage can lead to fluid retention and damage connective tissues in the subcutaneous fat layer, causing them to become "sclerotic" (hardened). In turn, this negatively impacts the ability of connective tissues to hold the skin and fat cells inter normal positions." PP. 39-41

"Fat cells from the waist down have a greater ratio of alpha receptors (fat storing) to beta receptors (fat burning). The ratio is approximately one beta receptor for every five alpha receptors." PP 41

"I observed that women who live in the small 'jungle towns' of South America eat much more organic food than their U.S. counterparts. In particular, they consume large quantities of plants in the yam/yucca family, which contain plenty of phyto-estrogens. These plant estrogens mimic the effects of naturally occurring estrogens in the body. So older women i n these areas are, in effect, taking naturally occurring estrogen supplements that replace the decreasing hormone levels in their bodies." PP. 69

"The observations of decreased cellulite among native peoples tends to support my argument that declining estrogen level is the main culprit in cellulite formation. The decrease in circulating estrogens causes a cascade of effects. In addition to promoting cellulite, decreased estrogen also plays a role in skin aging." PP 70

"In addition to eating organic foods, women in 'developing' countries often walk a great deal, work in the fields, and-in general-lead a less sedentary lifestyle than American women." PP 70

"Yes, diet and exercise may play a role. But they seem to play a role in preventing cellulite, not reducing or eliminating it once it occurs." PP. 70

"Of course, every 'Third-World' country has its large metropolitan areas, and in the big cities, you will find women who recently migrated from smaller, rural communities. Invariably, many of these women develop cellulite." PP. 70

"they ['Third-World' women] also tend to wear less restrictive clothing and undergarments." PP. 70

"Not every pregnant women develops cellulite, thus proving that increased estrogen is not always the causative factor. If increased estrogen was truly the culprit, every woman taking birth control pills would have cellulite." PP. 73

"Liposuction may cause cellulite to look worse, but it hasn't actually caused the underlying condition to worsen." PP. 74

"Taking estrogen will not cure cellulite, because damage to the connective tissue, decreased circulation and herniated fat cells have already occurred. Taking estrogen will retard cellulite development, but won't erase your existing dimpling." PP. 76

"Dr. Michel Pistor summarized Mesotherapy in this way:
1. Inject into the skin;
2. Inject at the site of the problem;
3. Inject small doses." PP. 97

"'a little, not very often, in the right spot,' was the mantra Dr. Pistor used to summarize the philosophy of Mesotherapy. Tiny medicinal 'bullets' are delivered directly to specific targets in the body, eliminating side effects and the contraindications associated with many medications. B ecause the target area is reached immediately with undiluted medicine, the total amount of drugs needed is greatly reduced, and the benefits are realized more quickly." PP. 97

"By contrast, medication administered orally must pass through the gastrointestinal tract before reaching the bloodstream and the target organ. If, for example, a medicine is intended to treat in an inflammation in the knee, only a small portion of the original drug actually arrives at the knee." PP. 97

"When treating cellulite, multiple injections are given in rows approximately one inch apart over the affected tissues. Medications are injected into the skin because of its redundant circulation." PP. 97

"Target: Cellulite
Mesotherapy injections target the three out of four treatable aspects of cellulite:
- Decreased circulation
- Damaged connective tissues
- The hypertrophied (enlarged) fat cells" PP. 98

"Mesotheraphy to treat cellulite include hyaluronidase, procaine, silica, melilotus (homeopathic sweet clover), cynara scolomus (homeopathic artichoke), aminophylline, caffeine, isoproterenol, yohimbine, vitamin C, L-carnitine, and multi-vitamins, among many others." PP 100

"Approximately 106,000 people die from adverse drug reactions while in hospitals. Accidents claim 90,523 people per year." PP. 104

"The following restrictions apply to Mesotherapy patients for 48 hours following cellulite treatments:
- No hot baths, hot tubs or Jacuzzis.
- No massages.
- No exercise or other vigorous activities." PP. 105

"General Rules for Underwear
1. No elastic over the buttocks.
2. No elastic over the inguinal (groin) area.
3. Elastic is okay at the waist.
4. Use underwear with lace instead of elastic.
5. Preferable to wear thongs/G-strings.
6. Not wearing underwear is an option.
7. Stockings/pantyhose is beneficial.
8. Sleep in the nude or a pull-over nighty.
9. Don't wear underwear and pantyhose together." PP. 168

"Tight clothing has many other effects on the body. A study by Yuki Mori and his colleagues demonstrated that tight clothing produces multiple physiological changes. They documented an increase in heart rate, adrenaline, noradrenalin and a significant increase in nocturnal melatonin." PP. 169

"But a 2000 study by Lee Ya showed that wearing tight garments at night suppresses melatonin production-another reason to sleep naked or in loose undergarments!" PP. 170

"…Mullers's article featured pictures of tissue samples with normal estrogen, lower-than-normal estrogen and an estrogen deficiency. The photos depicting estrogen-deficient tissue show clear evidence of cellulite." PP. 180

"By lymphatic stasis, I'm referring to a lack of fluid movement or drainage from tissues due to chronic compression across the buttocks and inguinal (inner thigh) areas. The compression is caused by:
A. Elastic underwear
B. Prolonged sitting
C. Sitting with legs crossed" PP. 185

"Three flavors of glycosaminoglycans-dermatan dextran sulfate, chondroitin sulfate and hyaluronic acid-were found. These molecules are responsible for the water retained in cellulite." PP.185

Goodmorning Gogirlanime,

Wow thank you for all that info..sorry it took so long to reply..I actually missed your post.. and it took a while to readBig Grin plus having period pain was making not want to even come on the site.. anyway..I was reading alot about castor oil again and it says it is detoxes the body and skin plus it heals scars..I started using it again on my face..I know just the change in diet and using PM and maca made a big I started using HA again and my face is still going through changes again..haha my skin that is like I am like a snake my skin is always shedding skin..everday or other day I have to exfoliate but it is looking more for the castor oil I also been putting on my cellulite and doing exfoliating in the shower..I put castor oil on in the shower and use my exfoliating cloth and then I put more on after I put lotion on ..I have been putting coconut oil on my whole soft feeling..but I am wondering how the castor oil will work on the cellulite..experimentingBig Grin Oh plus I do weight lifting for the butt to to tone and build muscle to lift the skin..cause when I lift my skin there it looks soo smooth..Big Grin IMO in think my cellulite isnt that bad..but it is there..maybe I will come up with something this will get ride of never know..RolleyesBig Grin

What is your thoughs on soy lecithin..thinking of taking it or maybe appling on the cellulite..suppose to be good for the skin but the only think is it suppose to do help you lose weight so I dont know if I should take it internally..I have soft gel pills.


Just looking at cellulite on wikipedia:
"herniation of subcutaneous fat within fibrous connective tissue"
"lymphatic and circulatory insufficiency"

The most important nutrients for those would be choline, omega 3s and vitamin E to dissolve, move, preserve and circulate fat (lymphatic system), omega 3s + MSM + copper for proper connective tissue, and vitamins C & "P " (P is in any natural vitamin C source) for good circulation from capillary permeability & capillary leak prevention. The post above seems to use similar logic.

You need to eat at least 300mg of choline per day. The only 2 good sources of choline I know are eggs and lecithin. Meat, beans and nuts have it too but I mean you can have either a steak, a bowl of chili, 2000mg lecithin or a single egg yolk for 100 mg choline. A small handful of sunflower seeds or almonds should have enough vitamin E & copper (among other nutrients). Omega 3s are in fish, flax and their oils. These are essential for heart and brain health too.

Hello again,

Wow you have alot of good info.. so I was on the right for eggs I eat them everyday about 4-6 always have and my cholesterol sp? is excellent..just for others to comment on that..Big Grin thank you for the food resources too...I do take msm as for omega's and cooper and E I use olive oil and just started using sunflower oil too for cooking and putting in veggies.. I take borgage oil caps..I take vit c with I take other going to add my soy lecithin caps too.. thank you..again I will keep an I have been doing a brushing technique with a exfoliating cloth with green tea and sea salt and then castor oil afterwards and then put lotion on..

Olive oil, borage oil and most vegetable oils supply omega 6. You need fish or flax for omega 3. Olive oil is better than most because it's 10% omega 3, and walnut oil is 25% omega 3, but more omega 3 than that is better. Wahaika claims fish oil is anti-NBE, which leaves flax or maybe walnut. I could be wrong but IIRC eggs have a balance of HDL (good) and LDL (bad) cholesterol and don't actually hurt, that's outdated science, plus the lecithin in eggs helps the heart. I don't think there's much point past 500-600 mg of choline so a lecithin supplement may not add anything if you eat a lot of eggs. Check the vitamin C supplement to see that it's not all/mostly ascorbic acid (vitamin C) b/c only natural sources also contain "vitamin P" unless they add it, and that's the part necessary for capillaries, circulation, etc. You could always get it from acerola.


I dont remember which one it was flax or fish oil that made my acne worse.. but when I eat salom I am good or any fish ..I do affraid to take one of those 2 because my acne is doing really well..I use to struggle with acne since 21 to current.. it started when I went on bcp at age 21 for 8 months and never took them again. I did clear my acne up a few years ago doing what I do now but never new about the herbs for hormones and that is helping a lot more.

(18-08-2011, 23:36)beachbumbythesea Wrote:  Hello,

I dont remember which one it was flax or fish oil that made my acne worse.. but when I eat salom I am good or any fish ..I do affraid to take one of those 2 because my acne is doing really well..I use to struggle with acne since 21 to current.. it started when I went on bcp at age 21 for 8 months and never took them again. I did clear my acne up a few years ago doing what I do now but never new about the herbs for hormones and that is helping a lot more.

Probably fish because it helps your body use testosterone and testosterone contributes to acne. Plus it is counter-productive to NBE so I would suggest flax

OK..I may try it again flax it will def.. show the next this would help NBE or not it, if it interferes in anyway I will cancel..I am taking borage oil is that enough or am i missing other benefits not mixing them..thank you gogirl.

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