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tibetan princess's program


So I am on day 7 on PM and noticing my cleavage is a bit closer and boobs feel lesss squishy. I think my prolactin levels are going down a bit. I am using SP and will take a little wild yam topically combined with PM. I noogled for 15 minutes each and still get red dots.

I feel like it was relatively easy getting from Cup A to B but that jump to C seems like an impossible leap! Its taking a while and I am prepared for it so I shall continue to be patient.

I am having fun with the PM journey, and I am still buying my 2 month supply of BO until I get a years worth. I cant wait to try that protocol.


You have had remarkable results t princess! Congrats!
But I too amd very confused regarding this whole luteal phase and phollicular phase... How do you know when is which ? I don't even know when a cycle starts... Is that first day of period ?! Sorry for all my retarded questions, but I have been out and about on this forum for a long time, but I haven't managed to find a description of these phases, when's which and how do you know, and is the PM only for luteal phase and why is that ?
Hope you can help, you seem like you've got this control! Smile

Hello there,

Follicular phase is the first half of the beginning of your cycle. Estrogen starts to climb. So it is recommended to take PM as it modulates estrone/estradoil levels to be balanced.
Luteal is the last half of your cycle. Progesterone starts to climb. PC is often used around this time to spark developement when one's natural levels are low to balance out hormones.
The first day you start your menses is the start of the cycle. These two hormones are at their lowest levels.
If you were to continue to take PM all month long, you would delay your menses. We don't want that.
Hope that helps Wink


Today's an interesting day.
I am a day or two before Lut phase and noticed some cramping since the day before due to me missing a PM dose on the 15th and one yesterday(16th). I noogled yesterday and for longer than usual. I did 2 hrs off and on, each breast.
I know its just swelling but it actually stuck a bit till this morning! I noogled again this AM so it will hopefully stick till this evening.

This is a size I would be happy with(3rd pic). As I stated before, that jump to a C cup is tough but hopefully, in time it will actually be. I hope PM can bring this result. Also, I believe my prolactin levels have come down as my nipple color is lighter these days. I also noticed, the mounds do not protrude as much. Something is changing here.

I still believe, I cannot have one with out the other(PC and some form of estrogen)
I may have stumbled upon something here, only time will tell. Although it was just one long and more hardcore noogle session, I think I know how my body responds. I am still getting those red dots but they are less. I will give PM another month, tweaking things here and there.

P.S. I cracked a dome 5 days ago!

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all i can say is damn that's some good swelling!

oh my gosh! Your swelling is amazing!!

Thanks you two! I hope to reach that same size and shape one day!

Gosh, that IS some awesome swelling! Crossing fingers that it will stick Smile
And thank you soooooo much for clearing this (luteal, follicular phases) up for me!! Now I'll take my PM with a little more precaution than I've done before - I just popped two pills (2x500mg) every day, for a long time. (Didn't notice any complications though, so apparently my body can handle it. Have never measured either so can't say if it did any good. Just noogling, popping various pills now and then, started with barley grass and flaxseed in my shakes - waiting on msm, maca and some more PM.) Wish I had the persistency of my fellow nbe'ers..
Anyways, thank you SO much for great information and a continual good luck on the nbe! <3



I'm a few days in luteal phase and I noticed my breasts are smaller now when this is the time I should be getting my swelling or biggest. I also noticed my stomach is flatter and my bum.
So I weighed myself after a rib and baked potato(full) and shockingly noticed I had dropped weight!
I had not been this thin in years! I think this is due to diet changes. I had to go gluten and soy free since I am allergic. I noticed that stubborn belly fat no matter how skinny I got in the past had never left. This time its goingBig Grin I know know what causes my inflamation-Gluten.

I shall stay away from all wheat products to keep my stomach flat. I am okay with a little loss boobage. I still measure 34" around a 26.5" underbust. SO it must have been that newly aquired fullness.

I have also noticed longer lashes.

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