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journey from a 34AA


yes i was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. i was put on a very low dosage of synthroid, which i took for about 5 months before quitting. i'm not 100% sure if i did the right thing by going off the synthroid on my own, but 5 months into it and me changing my life style around completely, i felt great going off of synthroid. all of my symptoms went away. my cycle was regular again, hair stopped falling out, acne cleared, and more energy. it seemed to me, that i was back to normal, without the help of synthroid.

it's been half a year since i've been off of synthroid. my NBE was picking up then now is going backwards it seems. i'm planning on going back to get another blood test to see if i really have reversed the hypothyroid or if it's slowly relapsing again.

i really don't like the idea of being on synthroid for the rest of my life. if in fact, i still have hypothyroidism, i will definitely read into what the heck is the whole glandular system is and its function because as of now, i have no clue! Huh

i appreciate your input and do agree with you that the underlying health issues have to be resolved, not just for NBE, but for general health.

Hey, there

So we're sort of in the same boat. Sort of. Much like you, I've been diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I was only 25 when I got my diagnosis and I hated the idea of being on synthroid for the rest of my life. I had no visible symptoms, outside of a slight hair loss that came and went. My hair is actually pretty thick, so it's weird when it suddenly thins. Anyways, for the quite a while I just assumed that this was some kind of mistake. Last year I was diagnosed with Hashimoto. Which is a hereditary thing that causes hypothyroidism. It's an auto-immune disorder that a lot of hypos suffer from. Basically your immune system attacks your thyroid, which causes your tests to come out sometimes hypo and sometimes hyper, as your immune system attacks your thyroid it reacts by over producing the hormone, and sometimes it slows down from the attack. If your thyroid continues to produce the hormone your immune system continues to attack it, the only way to prevent it is to shut down your thyroids production of the hormone. Via synthroid. If you have hashimoto (ask your doctor to test you for the anti-bodies) you absolutely under no circumstances should stop taking the pill. It will mess you up long term. The pill itself, compared to the possible consequences is relatively harmless.

(22-02-2012, 05:31 PM)lled34aa Wrote:  tibetan,

yes i was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. i was put on a very low dosage of synthroid, which i took for about 5 months before quitting. i'm not 100% sure if i did the right thing by going off the synthroid on my own, but 5 months into it and me changing my life style around completely, i felt great going off of synthroid. all of my symptoms went away. my cycle was regular again, hair stopped falling out, acne cleared, and more energy. it seemed to me, that i was back to normal, without the help of synthroid.

it's been half a year since i've been off of synthroid. my NBE was picking up then now is going backwards it seems. i'm planning on going back to get another blood test to see if i really have reversed the hypothyroid or if it's slowly relapsing again.

i really don't like the idea of being on synthroid for the rest of my life. if in fact, i still have hypothyroidism, i will definitely read into what the heck is the whole glandular system is and its function because as of now, i have no clue! Huh

i appreciate your input and do agree with you that the underlying health issues have to be resolved, not just for NBE, but for general health.


so i went to an endocrinologist for a second opinion and i wanted someone more specialized as opposed to my last, more generalized doctor.

i infact have hashimoto (my anti-bodies is off the chart), which, in the long run, can lead to hypothyroidism and a complete shut down of your thyroid function. after a long talk with this new doctor, and much debate, i'm back on synthroid.

so malina, i guess we're in the same exact boat! thank you for the link and encouraging me to look more into it.

my breasts have been constantly full the past week or so. i've been noogling a lot more lately... averaging 3hrs a day weekdays and 5-6hrs weekends. i'm doing this in preparation for the brava that will arrive next week.

an interesting thing i want to note is that whereas before, i used to swell up to 33" then back down to nothing by nighttime. now, i can only swell up to 32.5", but i'm able to retain some fullness to nighttime when my next NG session begins. this doesn't make that much sense to me. i would think that my swelling should be getting larger and larger. Huh

few changes in my program:

- i ran out of greenbush herbs and am no longer ordering more
- i'm taking a tiny bit of maca every 3 -4 days or so
- started using aumenti lotion 26 days ago.
- ran out of l-argimine, not taking anymore
- drinking less green tea and more spearmint tea
- only taking goats rue when i'm not taking PM. (i take PM for 20 days, then i take goat's rue and progesterone cream until my period arrives)
- i try to have 5 spoonfuls of coconut oil a week.

for the past cycle, the largest i measured was:
27" underbust,
32" bust

the smallest i measured was :
27.25" underbust,
31.5" bust


Yey! Go you. I think you will feel much better, and I bet your battle with NBE will start get easier. Your body will have something else to focus on rather than killing your thyroid. I'm definitely seeing results 12 weeks in Smile In measurements I'm keeping about an inch through the evening. But that's not the whole story. I think my breasts grew in in all directions, they are a lot fuller. So while the measurement only shows an inch, my 34B is almost full (it's full full in the morning, and almost full in the evening, my right breast is ruining my stats a bit, haha)... Though my actual size is probably 32C. I started out at a full 34A/32B, so about a cup size.

I am so sorry to hear that!

It seems hashimoto's is more common than I thought.

I read it is imperative to have efa's in our diets and high amounts of vit D - if we are not sufficient in ("Why the heck do I still have hypothyroid symptoms" book).

I learned we are so different on a cellular functioning level compared to the average healthy person, its no freaking wonder we fail in nbe attempts.

I am doing a full body cleanse and diet rehab as a result of this. Our bodies are attacking itself for a reason. Time to find the exact culprit- could be wheat gluten, gmo's, corn,soy, sugars, nuts, my God the list goes on!

By the way, anyone here with Hashi's type O blood? Just curious or negative rhesus antigen?


I'm type B negative (I'm very special, y'all Tongue )

It's funny my reaction to being diagnosed was an overwhelming sense of relief. Most doctors tell you need a small dose of synthroid and then you can get "better," and you do, but only for a little bit and then you get worse again. Knowing that by keeping my thyroid from producing a hormone I can keep it safe and healthy was such a huge relief.

I tried gluten free, by the way. I did it for 2 months and then I introduced gluten again, just to see how my body would react and my body didn't care. I felt nothing new or different. So I keep very low gluten diet (pretty low carb) but I don't do gluten free anymore. I see it as do what you can and what will be will be. A lot of gluten free products have so much other crap to make imitation bread, pasta, cake, etc that you're better off eating gluten unless you're truly allergic.

I try to eat all organic, grass-fed meat, as little hormones as possible, lots of green. I TRY to be low on sugar, and it works, but sometimes I fall off the wagon. I'm going to have another test in a month. But from what I've gathered it's hereditary. It was first "discovered" in early 1900s, but it doesn't mean it didn't exist before. I mean testing for anti-bodies was no easy task in 1800s and before. Back than people were, fat or lethargic, or lazy, no one ascribed a medical reason for it. I was born in a different country, when I moved here it turned out I had a learning disability (there were no learning disabilities where I was from, I was just a poor reader and speller there). I think a similar analogy may apply.

(12-03-2012, 12:44 AM)tibetan113 Wrote:  I am so sorry to hear that!

It seems hashimoto's is more common than I thought.

I read it is imperative to have efa's in our diets and high amounts of vit D - if we are not sufficient in ("Why the heck do I still have hypothyroid symptoms" book).

I learned we are so different on a cellular functioning level compared to the average healthy person, its no freaking wonder we fail in nbe attempts.

I am doing a full body cleanse and diet rehab as a result of this. Our bodies are attacking itself for a reason. Time to find the exact culprit- could be wheat gluten, gmo's, corn,soy, sugars, nuts, my God the list goes on!

By the way, anyone here with Hashi's type O blood? Just curious or negative rhesus antigen?


i've been listening to and reading Chris Kresser's articles:

while he outlines how to tweak your diet, he acknowledges that in many cases, supplementing with thyroid hormones is necessary.

i take vitamin D supplement and cod liver oil every day. so between the cod liver oil and the coconut oil and the occasional avocados, i figure i have my efa's covered. i also try to cut down on carbs, sugar, and gluten (though i'm not completely 100% free of any). i also try to eat organic and grass-fed whenever possible. ANDDDD i exercise 5x a week.

before doing all of that, and before i knew i had thyroid issues, i was a mess! lethargic, depressed, acne, hair loss, migraines, bloating ect... so i've improved a lot, though i know i'm not completely healthy. it feels like a constant battle.


I so hope you girls can come up with something that works for hashi's. You deserve a break. Really.

Hi lled34aa,

Have you start brava? sorry but what is Hashitomo?

I start the brava system for more than 1 week now, it is terrible, I hardly to tell I can keep it up for 10hours a day, I'm trying hard...



finally got my brava! been wearing it for almost 2hrs now. i'm not quite sure if i put it on right but it seems to be sticking. the pain hasn't kicked in yet, and i'm not sure how i'll handle my first night with the brava on.

the skin preps i got wasn't wet for some reason. i wiped it on my skin and 2 seconds later it dried out. i tried a second packet and the same thing happened. i looked at the expiration date on the box and it saids it doesn't expire until march 2013 so i'm not sure what the problem is. Huh i proceeded to put on the brava domes anyways despite the skin preps mishap. i'm not sure if i'll regret this decision comes tomorrow morning when i take off the dome.

so far, i can't really feel much suction. the only thing i can really feel is a slight discomfort from the sticky part of the domes tugging on my skin. is this normal? did i not put the domes on right?

i did a test by disconnecting the smartbox and it started buzzing so i know it's working.

i still plan on taking PM and other supplements i've been taking... at least until i finish them and i'll decide later if i'll buy more.

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