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marks are aggrevating me


okay, this is just a little venting. I'm trying everything possible to find a way to prevent the white marks which I keep getting. I get them if I pump for a long time even on light pressure. I get them if I pump a short time on strong pressure. I get them with the tape I get them without. I can't keep the rings on so I get them with them also. I feel like I should throw in a "I will not eat green eggs and ham." at this point after ranting about all the different ways I get the dang marks. I want to be able to enjoy my growth not have to hide it because of white circles around my breast. So far I don't have any indents just a line that seems to be loosing pigment.

today I put the camper tape on one dome and another tape I found on the other to test between the two and see if there is a difference. But all this work to solve the problem sure has me wondering exactly what the problem is? I read that some gals have trouble tanning when the rims are also. I"m trying to wrap my mind around how the dome edges can effect skin color even to the point of tanning. weird weird weird.

okay off to research some more.


Yeah, that is kinda wierd that you get it no matter what and it affects tanning. Are you using enough lotion when you pump? What about doubling up on the mounting tape, have you tried that yet? I hope this doesn't happen to me once I start using NB lol. I wish I could help you more, but as you can see, I'm not an actual user just yet. Just going by what I read on NB forum.

Hope you figure it out!

yeah, I've doubled it. I've resituated it. I've even put a bit of glue wondering if it's slipping out of place from suction. I'm hoping that since my XL are on the way, they will lay in a different spot and give these marks a break and maybe I will have figured it out by then.

Hey Itsjust4fun91!
What kind of skintone do you have? Are you tanned at all?

The reason I ask is because while I was wearing Brava I got those white marks. The silicone on the Brava domes makes them very comfortable to wear so it wasn't because of the rims going in to deep, which would explain why the tape etc didn't matter in your case.

I didn't get the marks before I went to the tanning booth (yeah I know it is unhealthy) and got some tan and noticed that circles around my breasts didn't tan.

Now to the reason I ask for your skintone and tanning. I am naturally very very pale (am Icelandic) and my skin is [/i]now almost as white as my hair. Those ring marks where the same colour as my natural skintone so those mark are either: like your natural skintone without any tanning or by some coincidence the same natural skintone as mine.

My marks didn't tan or dissappear untill I had stopped wearing Brava for a few weeks.

Okay a few questions, maybe I can help... are you using sunless tanners? Spray tan, lotions, anything related to a fake bake? Any kind of bronzer? If so what could be happening is the friction of the domes is rubbing the top layer of skin cells thus rubbing off the "tanned" or "stained" skin, leaving behind skin that is lighter in color in this area. Now I do use sunless tanners when I cant lay out. And I noticed this little lighter area as well...if I don't exfoliate (sp?) my skin everyday. I mainly concentrate on the other areas the rings aren't while in the shower with a loafa.

Now if you are not tanning and using bronzers, not using a sunless tanning method, then really I'm not sure what could be the problem, and you probably should email Lucy.

Also are you using the large domes or the XXL's? I remember you have both. And from the difference I seen between large and XL is they do sit in different places, the ring marks will be on a wider area. I get slight indentions from the XL domes if I pump 3 or more hours in a day, but they last, at most, 10 hours and mainly only I notice them. Now today is like the 2nd day I haven't pumped in a row, been busy, and looking in the mirror, I don't have indentions, I don't have any white ring mark, but I can myself see where the domes sit because the area within the dome is puffier than the rest, but only I notice that! I asked hubby he said he didn't see anything.

Oh and the sunless method I'm using currently is a lotion by sun labs, love it cause it doesn't turn you orange. During the summer, well spring summer and fall here, I lay outside and I use tanning lotions with bronzer. I normally put on a low level waterproof SPF on first then put on my tanning lotion as needed. We don't have tanning salons here but when I was in the states I mainly laid in tanning beds 2 to 3 times a week, I'm not the type to do it everyday.

Hope this helps and hope you figure it out!

oh, PS
I don't use any type of cushioning on the domes currently, I haven't the entire 7 months I been noogling. But if the tape isn't working have you tried the poster tack with plastic cling wrap?

originally I wasn't using padding because the rings wouldn't stay on and it was annoying. I really didn't seem to have an issue without padding so it wasn't a problem until the lightness started showing up. That's when I thought it was because I had snoogled a time or two, so I switched back to 30 minute sessions and it seemed to go away, then about a week into it they came back, so then I began pulling out the different tapes and experimenting with what could be causing it. So far I haven't figured it out and I would love for this to be from sunless tanning, but I haven't used any since last spring, so it's not that. I do know this is pretty common. There are lots of post about it on the old forum and on noogleberry, but if they did find solutions they forgot to come back and post those after asking their questions. I think first off if my rings are stretched enough to fit the XL domes when they arrive, I might glue them and also give them a bit of a trim to take off the edges. I think I remember mamabear doing that on noogleberry.

could they be, basically, salt lines just under the skin? the pumping and pressure could be bringing salt to the surface if your body has more salt than normal... other indicators might be really dry skin and stuff. hydrating by drinking just straight water more often during the day may help?

just guessing here...

hope you have good solutions! best boobie wishes!

I'm increasing my water intake to see if hydrating really well could help any. I'm not sure about the salt though since I'm not a big fan of it. Sounds crazy, but I barely want any added to my foods which drives my husband crazy since he loooves salt and I cook to my pref. I figure you can always add, but you can't take away so they have to deal with it.

The hydrating thing though is a good idea. I began doing aerobics again, so have been working up a sweat each morning so that could be contributing to the the lines maybe.

Thanks, Mel

emmiedee, good idea, I forgot all about the hydration! Yea, everyone on the noogleberry forum suggests you get plenty of water per day, I drink alot of regular water and water with propel or crystal light flavoring packs in it. So that could very well be it!

itsjust4fun, even if you don't add salt alot of foods have high levels of sodium naturally, like pork. And sometimes some people are more sensitive to salt than others. And lol I'm sure you're not as picky as my hubby or my mom, my mom hates any seasonings to food besides salt and pepper, but she will eat a good amount of things as long as they aren't seasoned. My husband is extremely picky, he hates most veggies, he is meat and potatoes all the way. But he likes his food seasoned like I do, and I got him to like green beans with the way I season them Wink but if I make spaghetti the way I like it, he won't eat it, I like the veggie garden combo sauces with cooked beef mixed in. He likes just regular sauce with meat. I eat angel hair pasta, he likes regular spaghetti pasta, so I have to make two different pastas to. So now what I do is make a small pot of the sauce I like and a small pot of the one he likes. Pain in the butt to do, but at least everyone's happy. Oh and he doesn't like onions, normally won't eat anything with them, nor does he like tomatoes. Normally I make homemade burgers with chopped onion mixed in the meat with seasoning. I marinate the meat. I have to make his without onion. The only thing he will eat with onion is my salmon patties, if you don't put onion in them they turn out dry and hard as a brick. So he has no choice there lol. Also he doesn't like mushrooms, but he will eat my green bean casserole, so strange I know. Anyway lol just noticed I'm rambling again!

If you figure out your dilemma let us know! There are ladies on the noogleberry forum with the same white ring problem.

Could it be that over time, friction is causing loss of melanocytes (cells responsible for skin color; melanin) within the epidermis. Hence people with albinism have no melanin in their skin and therefore are very white and must avoid the sun. My theory on it.

Solution? bigger cups so your not continually pressing on that area, use oil to reduce friction and get some sun to increase melanocytes (melanin) back into that area.


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