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HELP!!! ASAP, PLEASE!!! Bleeding and shrinking on day 16!!!


I would just do a typical 14 days on after your period to see if that runs normal. Hopefully your doctor will know something about it. Because frankly people expect their doctors to know everything about everything and they just don't.

Also I think reducing the dosage is unnecessary if you weren't getting negative side effects whilst on it.


Your name says speak jiberish!

Tell miss einstein...what is estrogen domiance? I rest my case!

Girl get out of the "GOOFY ZONE"

Oh it is miss I think I know everything and clearly I don't need to read what someone is saying because I already know everything. You continue making irrelevant statements and not looking at the research.

I've been to, what I believe was, "ED Hell", and clearly I'm no expert on any of this. That's the main reason I'm here. But on this thread, I think Cat86 and jiberish have the best ideas, you don't know what will happen til you try. We're all different, even if you are estrogen deficient, you might have different results that someone else who is also deficient and also to a different degree. Sharing our experiences only gives each other a heads up as to what might occur. Portia74 may be one of chosen few who don't need to cycle pm, but later on, after a few months, she may experience ED symptoms that are cause to change her program. I took pm for 4 months straight, I had no problems until that 4th month, I am now taking that, much needed, one month break, wasn't something I'd like to do again! It didn't really mess up my cycle but I got wicked migraines and a whole lot of other crappy stuff. This stuff is strong, I bought it because it had great reviews, and thought, "What the heck, I'll try it." Boy, was I in for a wild ride! I had no idea what I was messing with.
This forum has taught me alot and I'm grateful to all who share experiences and ideas. My plan for my next cycle is to resume pm on day 1, then maybe cycle during luteal, and after that listen carefully to my body!

[abusive rant removed by forum moderator]

Jennifer, I think there is a consensus among breastnexus users that you should just fuck off already.
You seem informed on a number of topics, which is fantastic, and definitely needed here, but you do not deal criticism constructively, so any merit in your ideas is lost in how you present them.
Furthermore, your flagrant abuse of the capslock key to show that you're REALLY FUCKING SERIOUS is a joke. If your words are true, then they are enough to communicate your ideas and opinions effectively without having to resort to THIS.
It's like everyone is sitting in a room chatting nicely and you come in and START YELLING BECAUSE WHOEVER IS LOUDEST IS WINNING THE ARGUEMENT.

I can tell from the effort you put into your keyboard warrior douchebaggery that life is clearly not your forte.

Now, can you play nicely in the sandbox?

(01-05-2012, 04:16 AM)Quest4boobs Wrote:  Jennifer, I think there is a consensus among breastnexus users that you should just fuck off already.
Big Grin

It is pointless arguing with her. Because if you make an argument about something her typical response is to reply about things do not relate to your original statement and then jump on her high horse and rain criticism down on everyone else.

Also you say that I made up an explanation for estro dom. Yet I quoted it, not stated it. So I find it hard to believe you graduated from the 8th grade.


Is it just me, or is she exhibiting symptoms of the very condition she is ranting about? Tongue

OMG... what's going on here...

Jennifer, please, be a doll and leave my thread.
I made it because I have a problem and need advice.
And I prefer getting advice from people who can behave and use the right words for talking/writing with me.
Go, please.

And now back to the topic.

Some of you told me that it's important to listen to your body and try to find what works or doesn't work for you.
And that's what my TCM-doctor told me too.
He put an acupuncture needle in my forehead and said that he wants me to find myself, to find the connection between my mind and my body and to find out what my body wants and which way my body wants to choose to be healed (healed in my case means: to reach a normal hormonal level, to get my curves back, to gain weight, to make my breasts grow...).
So, what I'll do is to stay without PM till the end of the cycle (till day 30) and see what happens and then start taking PM (the high dosage - 1000mg - because I didn't have any side effects from this) without cycling. And then see what happens. When I get side effects, I'll reduce the dosage in the next month and continue again without cycling or make a short break of 4 or 5 days only. My body tells me that it doesn't want 15/15 (or 14/14) cycling and that it needs a longer estrogen boost.
I'll try different ways till I find out what works for me.

And acupuncture helps with NBE too Smile

If you want to learn more about it. Look into deoxymiroestrol and miroestrol which are the main components that make PM work as their structure is similar to estrodiol. Estrodiol is an estrogen which is linked to breast development as your body produces the most of it during puberty.

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