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journey from a 34AA

luisa, how much swelling do you get from GR and how long does it last? I saw the bulk dried herb before but has hesitant to buy it because I read also that it's toxic. maybe I will give it a go with some tea filters. oh and how long after drinking the tea do you notice swelling?

I'm on my 7th week now and though I love the morning, I'm feeling a little discouraged. I'm still so far away from a 34a at night. a 32a bra fits nicely with some cleavage... unless I lean over then there's a little bit of a gap, so I know 32a is not too tight. my goal is 34a though, and who would have thought there would be such a big difference.


Hi lled34aa,

Yes I'm taking 2L of water daily, still not much swelling, 0.5' swelling after 13hours, or 0.75' swelling after 17hours wearing the system. Now I'm starting week 9.

I asked brava, they said because for the first few weeks, brava is new to the breast so they give very much swelling, but after that, my breast is used to brava now and the swelling will much less. So I'm worry, if with this small swelling I can grow anything after working too hard on brava?

Bytheway, I don't know if Swimming impact on brava result? I normally have swimming twice a week (after remove the dome 1 or 2 hours)...

Hi luisa, thanks for the goat's rue tea information. I don't know if I should get it because I feel nothing can work for me...Smile I got everything that worked for so many people, but not work for me...Smile I'm on NBE over a year now, still nothing grow... very disappointed.

I hope you guys will get good result will brava and keep update

Hi lled34aa,

Sorry forget to tell you, I'm pumping with smartbox only as I tried manual sucking the air before but it hurt me a lot. May be I should try without smartbox only for one last hour before remove the domes like you, I may can stand for 1 hour... it is good idea...Smile

Thanks & Goodluck


Hi Lled, the first time I tried the tea I felt strange sensations and as if my breasts were getting heavier pretty very quickly. I would say as quickly as 10 minutes after I had my tea. However, with time the sensations are not the same and I think the swelling is also not as good as it used to be. I am going to take a break from GR tea during my period to see if it helps to get the good swelling I used to get. The swelling is not really measurable, just rounder shape. I think the swelling used to last for a few hours in the beginning. Perhaps I am just used to it now or I have been taking GR for too long and need a break.

Mesusana, what size are you? I have been also doing NBE for over a year and all I get is temporary swelling, lots of different sensations but I am still the same size as I was a year ago, perhaps I have more roundness. I am an AAA and we, small girls, all seem to have very hard time growing. I have also tried many different things... Drinking hops tea seems to be giving me slight headaches and new sensations so I am currently trying to concentrate on hops to see if it is working for me. You girls must get some results with Brava though as everyone seems to grow with Brava. Anyway, good luck.

day 22 of my cycle, 7th week into brava, my breasts measured at almost 32.5" before putting the domes back on at night. so seems like I'm retaining almost half an inch after 13hrs of nonwear. I'm curious to see if they will remain this way at the beginning of my next cycle.

I found a bunch of left over greenbush bust tea so I've been drinking 2 of those a day along with spearmint tea. it's been 4 days under this new regimine and my swelling has been spectacular and lasting longer and I've been getting breast pinching feeling all day. it's too early to tell if it's the tea or my cycle thats giving me better swelling. I will continue into next cycle and judge from there. I also purchased goats rue tea on eBay and will start drinking that once it arrives. interesting luisa, how we both responded similarly with goats rue... Seems like the effect might be short lived... I will report back my experience with the tea. Thanks for the tip luisa.

mesusuanna, I don't know if swimming is having a negative effect on your brava progress. I do vigorous exercises 3-4 times a week. so I am in similar situation. I am not willing to give up working out and just lock myself at home with brava. I would get too depressed! instead, I would do my exercise in the morning after taking off brava. an hour of weights and cardio does make the swelling die down pretty fast. But I try to stay as hydrated as I can, and do a 30 mins of noogling after my work out to get some of the swelling back. I'm so used to the swelling from brava now... The swelling from noogling is so much smaller in comparison... and it covers less area of the chest. Well good luck with your journey and I hope sucking out the air manually help you in some way.


while applying aloe vera gel onto my breasts in preparation for brava, i felt semi hard long lumps right under the skin on the underside of my breasts. they do not hurt nor are they visible. could these be enlarged breast glands? I dunno if I should be alarmed. Huh

I am definitely larger at night now than I was 7 weeks ago. on average, after 12-13 hrs of brava, I swell up to around 33.5"-33.75". im happy to be making progress! Big Grin

on a side note, the breast sensations from the bust tea is gone... I'm still drinking the same amount of tea but the achiness is gone. that was short lived. Dodgy

Hi lled34aa,

I hope you are not same my situation at week 7 to week 9, at week 7 I'm also in luteal phase so it give me 0.5' retain at 12.5hours after removed the domes. But as now in week 8-9, just after my cycle and today is day 11 of my cycle, I get about 0.25' retain before puting the dome on... so sad compare to last cycle, but atleast I still got a very little growth (not sure if it will stay for long)... but I will work harder to get something more for next cycle...Smile. I hope you will grow better than me.

Hi luisa, I'm a 34AA too... I used to massage, heating pad, PC, Multivitamin, Omega3 or flaxseed oil, etc...And Japanese PM and other suppliments which are the Japanese girl Chiyomilk used to take, although I have all the same branch of her, and do all what she did, I didn't have any growth except my period was delayed for 1-2 weeks everymonth...Smile so I stoped taking all the supplements this month to get my period back to normal. The Japanese PM and other supplements are very expensive, 2 months supply = price of Brava system...Smile
So conclusion, I spent too much money on NBE for all the good branches, and still not growing...

Anyway, I hope you girls will have better result and keep growing more and more

Hi lled34aa, yeah I tried manual handpump of NB on brava for 1 hour today, and it hurt so much my skin, I got itchy, and blister...Smile but it give me a little bit more swelling...Smile Any suggestion to not getting the pain from manual pumping? Thanks a lot


mesusuana, i only do the manual suction while sitting up or walking around. if i do it while laying down, it hurts too much. if you're already in the upright position and it still hurts, then maybe don't suck the air out as hard. perhaps it has to do with the angle of the domes when you put them on? have you tried positioning them differently?

also, i've been experimenting and observing between taping nipples compared to leaving them alone. i noticed that i get more breast swelling when the nipples are taped, and the swelling stays longer. so maybe try a week of taping down the nipples and see if that helps?

i hope i wont come to the same halt next two weeks. i will measure myself 2 weeks into my next cycle and see what happens.

don't get me started on how much money i've wasted on NBE over the past 2 years. at one point, i was using st. herb nano cream that cost almost $100 for a tube that only lasts 2 weeks... and that's on top of tons of other herbs and lotions and potions. i had a spike in july-november of last year when i breasts were the largest... then they shrunk down and that was very depressing. i am feeling more optimistic now with brava. obviously i am not a fast responder, but i wasn't expecting to be since i'm in the AA cup category, asian, skinny, no kids, family of small boobs, etc... i have everything stacked up against me. so for me to feel like i'm finally responding to NBE is enough for me to break out the champagne bottle.


hey lled34aa,

I just want to say that I think it is very admirable that you are persisting in this journey despite all the factors that make it more difficult. I can 100% relate. I started in the AA cup category, I am from a family of small chested women (no one is larger than a small B), no kids, and when I gain weight it has never gone to my boobs but only my thighs. In fact, it's almost like my boobs actually repel any fat build-up. Getting past the AA cup is hard, hard, and hard. I think your progress is amazing! I wish I had time for Brava.
Good luck with your program! I can't wait to check back and see how wonderful your boobies look!


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