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Hormone Help


Okay, so I did one of those do-it-yourself symptom check for hormones. I checked multiple times. This is what I got:
*Progesterone deficiency
*Excess estrogen
*Cortisol deficiency
*Estrogen Dominance
What should I do for these?

Hello BustLust777,

Which do it yourself hormone checker did you use?

What led you to use one?


I was reading the informational thread for newbies.
I took: John Leemd Hormone Test
I was curious to see if it would help me pinpoint what I needed for my breasts.

The answer is that it can be helpful. Keep it in mind. The only real way to know hormone levels is to have them tested.

Nothing will pinpoint what to take. There are several places to start, somewhat standardized from my point of view, and it goes from there.


So if I do have estrogen dominance, what should I do so I can get my breasts to grow? Most pills & creams are all about increasing estrogen levels, so they would make my levels worse... Is there something so I can grow my bust size without increasing the estrogen?

I can think of a few things.

If you are estrogen dominant, remember that it only means that your balance is tipped in favor of estrogen. That does not necessarily indicate that it is a problem in and of itself. There is more than one type:

Estrogen is high, Progesterone is about right or low.
Estrogen is low, Progesterone is lower.
Estrogen is about right. Progesterone is low.

Which one do you think you are? (a test would be less subjective)


This is where I'm confused...
I've found:
High Progesterone:
Breast tenderness (Sometimes)
Mood swings (Yes)
Loss of libido (No
Acne and greasy skin (Not really)
Weight gain (Not sure)
Hot flashes (I think sometimes)
Urinary infections (No)
Headaches (Yes)

Low Progersterone:
Mood swings(Yes)
Appetite changes(If like cravings, sometimes)
Weight changes(Not really)
Irritability(Sometimes{For no reason})
Lack of concentration(Sometimes)
Frequent menstruation(No)
Irregular menstruation(No)
Low sex drive(No)
PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)(No)
Vaginal dryness(No)
Painful intercourse(No)

There's more-- But now I have a different question.
Would a supplement to help balance hormone levels work? Like Maca I've heard is good for balancing hormones as well as possibly increasing breast size. And Borage Oil sounds good for hormone balancing and breast increasing. Should I use one of those?


Borage oil is good for NBE. Maca is not. It will increase testosterone.

Any more characteristics?

Do you have:
Hair loss?
Foggy thinking?
Britttle nails and/or hair?
Do you smoke or drink?
Do you have a lot of caffeine?
Do you have a lot of processed sugars or starchy carbs?
Do you get plenty of dark leafy greens?
Do you get plenty of protein in the form of chicken and beef?
Do you get plenty of sleep?
Do you have plenty of energy or do you lack energy all the time? (this is different from sleepy)
When you wake up in the morning, is it with the help of an alarm clock or do you wake up by yourself? When you wake up do you feel normal or like you've been hit by a bus?

Foggy thinking
Brittle nails-- Well, they're strong but get chipped and peel off in layers. So I'm not sure that counts as brittle.
I've cut out most sugar, caffiene, and carbs like chips, crackers, etc.
Dark leafy greens- I try, but not really. (If that's for iron though, I have high iron)
Sleep- Absolutely not. I have a really hard time sleeping.
Protein- I would think I'm good there, I don't eat protein in every meal, but at least at one.
Energy- I think I'm good there, if it's not lack of sleep, generally I have a decent amount of energy.
When I need to wake up at a certain time- Alarm, eventually though I wake up a few minutes before it. When I can sleep it- I wake up multiple times in the morning, but I make myself go back to sleep because I fell asleep really late. When I wake up, I don't feel like I've been hit by a bus, but often I feel like I didn't rest.

Okay, so I'll not do Maca. Thank you for your help by the way, I really appreciate it Smile

So about Borage Oil, what exactly will it do?
Will it just balance out my hormones, or will it increase my breast size?
And is it applied to your breasts, or taken orally for best results?

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